13 resultados para kobresia humilis meadow

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Selostus: Kohotetun lämpötilan ja kohotetun CO2-pitoisuuden vaikutukset peltoon kylvetyn nurminadan kasvuun, satoon ja kuiva-aineen jakautumiseen


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Selostus: Kevätvehnän ja nurminadan fotosynteesi ja Rubisco-kinetiikka simuloidun ilmastonmuutoksen eli kohotetun hiilidioksidipitoisuuden ja kohotetun lämpötilan oloissa


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Selostus: Leikkuukorkeuden vaikutus timotein ja nurminadan jälkikasvuun generatiivisessa ja vegetatiivisessa kasvuvaiheessa


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Invocatio: I.N.J.C.


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Invocatio: I.N.J.C.


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Soitinnus: Piano.


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In the middle of the hustle and bustle of a city, you may find a city meadow. A city meadow refers to a green area situated in an urban setting, the management of which aims at maintaining meadow species and facilitating outdoor recreation for city residents. Some of these green areas situated in cities are managed in a detailed and planned manner, while others have been left untended and are now wild, overgrown and in some cases impenetrable. However, all these meadows share one similarity: they play an important role in producing ecosystem services. What, then, is meant by ecosystem services? The multitude of flowers that bloom during summer, recreational opportunities, maintaining nature’s diversity, as well as filtering urban runoff are some of the everyday “services” that city meadows provide for the urban environment and its residents. This publication covers several different points of view by numerous experts on the importance of green areas in cities. The message is clear: management of city meadows improves both natural and cultural environments in a cost-effective manner. City meadows also help improve the health and enjoyment of city residents. When a green area is well-managed, the reputation and image of the surrounding properties and neighbourhood will also improve, as will their financial value!


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Finland’s rural landscape has gone through remarkable changes from the 1950’s, due to agricultural developments. Changed farming practices have influenced especially traditional landscape management, and modifications in the arable land structure and grasslands transitions are notable. The review of the previous studies reveal the importance of the rural landscape composition and structure to species and landscape diversity, whereas including the relevance in presence of the open ditches, size of the field and meadow patches, topology of the natural and agricultural landscape. This land-change study includes applying remote sensed data from two time series and empirical geospatial analysis in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The aims of this retrospective research is to detect agricultural landscape use and land cover change (LULCC) dynamics and discuss the consequences of agricultural intensification to landscape structure covering from the aspects of landscape ecology. Measurements of LULC are derived directly from pre-processed aerial images by a variety of analytical procedures, including statistical methods and image interpretation. The methodological challenges are confronted in the process of landscape classification and combining change detection approaches with landscape indices. Particular importance is paid on detecting agricultural landscape features at a small scale, demanding comprehensive understanding of such agroecosystems. Topological properties of the classified arable land and valley are determined in order to provide insight and emphasize the aspect the field edges in the agricultural landscape as important habitat. Change detection dynamics are presented with change matrix and additional calculations of gain, loss, swap, net change, change rate and tendencies are made. Transition’s possibility is computed following Markov’s probability model and presented with matrix, as well. Thesis’s spatial aspect is revealed with illustrative maps providing knowledge of location of the classified landscape categories and location of the dynamics of the changes occurred. It was assured that in Rekijoki valley’s landscape, remarkable changes in landscape has occurred. Landscape diversity has been strongly influenced by modern agricultural landscape change, as NP of open ditches has decreased and the MPS of the arable plot has decreased. Overall change in the diversity of the landscape is determined with the decrease of SHDI. Valley landscape considered as traditional land use area has experienced major transitional changes, as meadows class has lost almost one third of the area due to afforestation. Also, remarkable transitions have occurred from forest to meadow and arable land to built area. Boundaries measurement between modern and traditional landscape has indicated noticeable proportional increase in arable land-forest edge type and decrease in arable land-meadow edge type. Probability calculations predict higher future changes for traditional landscape, but also for arable land turning into built area.


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Tutkielmassani tarkastelen henkilöstöjohtamisen sekä autonomian ja stressin eli yhdessä työkuormituksen hallinnan yhteyttä organisaatiositoutumiseen. Pohdin millä tavalla palkansaajan sitoutuminen organisaatioon rakentuu; ovatko tärkeämmässä asemassa työn hallintaan liittyvät tekijät vai organisaation panostus henkilöstöönsä? Etsin optimaalista autonomia- stressi- ja henkilöstöjohtamisen onnistuneisuustasoa, jolla palkansaajan sitoutuneisuus on maksimissaan. Pohdin myös organisatorisen sitoutumisen roolia nykytyöelämässä ja niitä motiiveja, joilla palkansaajien työnkuvien painetasapainoa ja työn tuottavuutta säädellään. Olen myös kiinnostunut mahdollisista yhteisvaikutusmekanismeista, joita organisaatiositoutumisen selittäjillä saattaa olla. Tutkimusmateriaalinani käytän kansainvälisen MEADOW -konseptin mukaista poikkileikkausaineistoa Työelämän käytännöt 2012: työntekijät (N=1711). Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytän lineaarista regressiota. Tulokset osoittavat, että suomalaiset ovat suurelta osin hyvin sitoutuneita työpaikkoihinsa ja selittäjäjoukostani tärkein tekijä tässä on henkilöstöjohtaminen. Keskitasoiseen sitoutumiseen päästään jo tyydyttävälläkin henkilöstöjohtamisella, sen sijaan korkean tason sitoutuneisuus edellyttää johtamisen onnistumista – mielellään myös jonkin verran autonomiaa. Työstressiä siedetään hyvin, jos vain henkilöstöjohtaminen tai vaihtoehtoisesti autonomia-asiat ovat kunnossa. Selittäjillä on yhteisvaikutuksia, ne täydentävät ja tarvittaessa paikkaavat toisiaan. Autonomian sitoutumista nostava efekti ja stressin sitä laskeva efekti ovat suhteellisen pienehköjä verrattuna henkilöstöjohtamisen suureen merkitykseen sitoutumisen rakentumisessa. Tulosta selittää palkansaajien korkea halu sitoutua, mutta myös henkilöstöjohtamisen kokonaisvaltaisuus. Organisaatiolta tuleva tuki ja kannustus ovat työnkuvaakin tärkeämpi tekijä sitoutumisessa. Tutkimukseni vahvistaa myös oletuksen siitä, että palkansaajan sitouttaminen on mahdollista hänen väestöllisiin taustaominaisuuksiinsa katsomatta.


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ABSTRACT Fescues consist of wild and cultivated grasses that have adapted to a wide range of environmental conditions. They are an excellent model species for evolutionary ecology studies that investigate symbiosis and polyploidization and their effects on plant performance. First, they are frequently infected with symbiotic endophytic fungi known to affect a plant’s ability to cope with biotic and abiotic environmental factors. Second, fescue species have been reported to have substantial intraspecific variation in their ploidy level and morphology. In my thesis, I examined large-scale generalizations for frequency of polyploidy and endophyte infections and their effects on plant morphology. As a model species, I selected red (Festuca rubra) and viviparous sheep’s (F. vivipara) fescues. They are closely related, but they differ in terms of distribution and endophyte infection frequency. I investigated the biogeographic pattern and population biology of 29 red and 12 viviparous sheep’s fescue populations across ≈300 latitudes in Europe (400-690 N). To examine plant ploidy levels, I implemented time- and cost-efficient plate-based high throughput flow cytometric analysis. This efficient procedure enabled me to analyze over 1000 red fescue individuals. I found three ploidy levels among them: overall 84 %, 9 % and 7 % of the red fescue plants were hexaploid, tetraploid and octoploid, respectively. However, all viviparous sheep’s fescue plants were tetraploid. Ploidy level of red fescue appeared to some extent follow gradients in latitude and primary production as suggested by previous studies, but these results could be explained better by taking the sampling design and local adaptation into account. Three Spanish populations were mostly tetraploids and one high elevation population in northernmost Finland (Halti) was octoploid, while most other populations (25 sites) were dominated by hexaploids. Endophyte infection frequencies of wild fescue populations varied from 0 to 81 % in red fescue populations and from 0 to 30 % in viviparous sheep’s fescue populations. No gradients with latitude or primary production of the sites were detected. As taxonomy of red fescues is somewhat unclear, I also studied morphology, ploidy variation and endophyte status of proposed subspecies of European red fescues. Contrary to previous literature, different ploidy levels occurred in the same subspecies. In addition to wild fescues, I also used two agronomically important cultivars of meadow and tall fescue (Schedonorus phoenix and S. pratensis). As grass-legume mixtures have an agronomic advantage over monocultures in meadows, I carried out a mixture/competition experiment with fescues and red clover to find that species composition, nutrient availability and endophyte status together determined the total biomass yield that was higher in mixtures compared to monocultures. The results of this thesis demonstrate the importance of local biotic and abiotic factors such as grazing gradients and habitat types, rather than suggested general global geographical or environmental factors on grass polyploidization or its association with symbiotic endophytic fungi. I conclude that variation in endophyte infection frequencies and ploidy levels of wild fescues support the geographic mosaic theory of coevolution. Historical incidents, e.g., glaciation and present local factors, rather than ploidy or endophyte status, determine fescue morphology.