5 resultados para fructo-oligosaccharide

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Työssä tutkittiin sakkaroosin hydrolyysiä anioninvaihtohartseihin immobilisoidun entsyymin avulla tavoitteena löytää sellainen kantaja-entsyymi -yhdistelmä, jolla konversio halutuiksi lopputuotteiksi olisi mahdollisimman korkea. Työhön valittiin aikaisemmissa laboratoriokokeissa parhaita tuloksia saavuttaneet kantaja-entsyymi -parit. Entsyymeinä oli kaksi nestemäistä Saccharomyces cerevisiae -hiivasta eristettyjä entsyymivalmistetta. Kokeissa käytetyt kantajamateriaalit olivat erilaisia heikkoja anioninvaihtohartseja. Entsyymit immobilisoitiin kantajaan sekoitusreaktorissa ja niiden aktiivisuudet määritettiin sitomisen jälkeen. Hydrolyysikokeet tehtiin jatkuvatoimisessa kiintopetireaktorissa ja lisäksi panos-kokeina tutkittiin ominaisuuksiltaan erilaisten kantajien eroja hydrolyysissä. Reaktio-olosuhteet pidettiin kaikissa kokeissa samoina. Sakkaroosiliuoksen pitoisuus oli 50 p-%, reaktiolämpötila 50 oC ja pH 5. Kiintopetikolonnissa tutkittiin myös sakkaroosi-liuoksen viipymäajan vaikutusta sivutuotteiden syntyyn. Näytteet analysoitiin neste-kromatografilla. Kiintopetikolonnissa lyhimmän viipymäajan (15 min) kokeissa ainoastaan hitaimmilla kantaja-entsyymi -pareilla muodostui sivutuotteita, jotka hydrolyysireaktion edetessä kuitenkin hävisivät. Kun viipymäaikaa kasvatettiin sivutuotteiden synty väheni ja lopulta niitä ei havaittu syntyvän lainkaan. Hydrolyysin edetessä viipymäajan ollessa tarpeeksi pitkä pienet sivutuotekomponentit hävisivät sakkaroosin hajotessa kokonaan glukoosiksi ja fruktoosiksi. Verrattaessa partikkelikoon ja hartsimatriisin vaikutusta samaan entsyymiin sidottuna havaittiin, että niillä kummallakin on vaikutusta sekä sakkaroosin hydrolyysi-nopeuteen että sivutuotteiden muodostumiseen.


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Teollisessa kromatografiassa kolonnia pyritään kuormittamaan mahdollisimman paljon, jotta saataisiin maksimoitua erotetun komponentin määrä aikayksikköä kohden. Tässä työssä kuormitusta tutkittiin nostamalla syöttöliuoksen, synteettisen melassin, näyteväkevyyttä 80-125 ºC:ssa. Eluenttina oli paineistettu kuumaa vesi ja hartsina vahva Na-muotoinen PS-DVB pohjainen vahva kationinvaihtohartsi. Lämpötilaa nostamalla piikit kapenivat ja tulivat symmetrisemmiksi, erotus nopeutui sekä suola erottui usein paremmin sokereista. Syöttöliuoksen kuiva-ainetta lisättiin asteittain 55 p-% saakka, jolloin ei vielä havaittu ongelmia erotuksessa. Lämpötilassa 125 ºC havaittiin erotuksen aikana kuormituksesta riippumatonta sakkaroosin invertoitumista. Vertailtaessa eri stationäärifaaseja havaittiin Na-muotoisen PS-DVB pohjaisen kationinvaihtohartsin erottavan yleensä sokereita, sokerialkoholeja, oligosakkarideja ja betaiinia lähes poikkeuksetta paremmin alhaisilla pitoisuuksilla kuin neutraalihartsi ja Na-muotoinen zeoliitti. Erottuminen ei yleensä parantunut lämpötilaa nostamalla, mutta piikit kapenivat ja erotus nopeutui. Monosakkaridien erotus huononi 125 ºC:ssa kationinvaihtohartsilla. Tutkittaessa terveysvaikutteisten ksylo-oligosakkaridien soveltuvuutta alikriittiseen erotukseen, niiden havaittiin huomattavasti hydrolysoituvan happamissa olosuhteissa koeputkessa 100 ºC:ssa kahdessa tunnissa. Näytteessä olevien epäpuhtauksien havaittiin katalysoineen hydrolyysiä. Hydrolysoituminen oli hitaampaa neutraaleissa olosuhteissa korotetussa lämpötilassa. Tästä voitiin tehdä johtopäätös, että alikriittiset olosuhteet eivät sovi ksylo-oligosakkaridien erotukseen.


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The endogenous microbiota, constituting the microbes that live inside and on humans, is estimated to outnumber human cells by a factor of ten. This commensal microbial population has an important role in many physiological functions, with the densest microbiota population found in the colon. The colonic microbiota is a highly complex and diverse bacterial ecosystem, and a delicate balance exists between the gut microbiota and its host. An imbalance in the microbial ecosystem may lead to severe symptoms in and also beyond the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the important role of the gut microbiota in human health, means of its modification have been introduced in the dietary concepts of pro-, pre- and synbiotics. Prebiotics, which are usually carbohydrates, strive to selectively influence beneficial microbes resident in the colon with the aim of modifying the composition and functionality of the commensal microbial population towards a purportedly healthier one. The study of prebiotic effects on colonic micro-organisms is typically done by using human faecal material, though this provides relatively little information on bacterial populations and metabolic events in different parts of the colon. For this reason, several in vitro models have been developed to investigate the gut microbiota. The aim of this doctoral thesis was to screen through some of the promising prebiotic candidates, characterize their effects on the microbiota through the use of two in vitro methods (pure microbial cultures and a colon simulator model) and to evaluate their potential as emerging prebiotics or synbiotics when combined with the probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis . As a result of the screening work and subsequent colon simulation studies, several compounds with promising features were identified. Xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS), which have previously already shown promise as prebiotic compounds, were well fermented by several probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis strains in pure culture studies and in the following simulation studies utilizing the complex microbiota by endogenous B. lactis Another promising compound was panose, a trisaccharide belonging to isomalto-oligosaccharides (IMO) that also was also able to modify the microbiota in vitro by increasing the number of beneficial microbes investigated. Panose has not been widely studied previously and therefore, this thesis work provided the first data on panose fermentation in mixed colonic microbiota. Galacto-oligosaccharide (GOS) is an established prebiotic, and it was studied here in conjunction with another potential polygosaccharide polydextrose (PDX) and probiotic B. lactis Bi-07. In this final study, the synbiotics including GOS were more effective than the constituting pro- or prebiotics alone in modulating the microbiota composition, thus indicating a synergy resulting from the combination. The results obtained in this in vitro work can be, and have already been, utilized in product development aimed at the nutritional modification of the human colonic microbiota. Some of the compounds have entered the human clinical intervention phase to nvestigate in more detail the prebiotic and synbiotic properties seen in these in vitro studies.


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Neutral alpha-mannosidase and lysosomal MAN2B1 alpha-mannosidase belong to glycoside hydrolase family 38, which contains essential enzymes required for the modification and catabolism of asparagine-linked glycans on proteins. MAN2B1 catalyses lysosomal glycan degradation, while neutral α-mannosidase is most likely involved in the catabolism of cytosolic free oligosaccharides. These mannose containing saccharides are generated during glycosylation or released from misfolded glycoproteins, which are detected by quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum. To characterise the biological function of human neutral α-mannosidase, I cloned the alpha-mannosidase cDNA and recombinantly expressed the enzyme. The purified enzyme trimmed the putative natural substrate Man9GlcNAc to Man5GlcNAc, whereas the reducing end GlcNAc2 limited trimming to Man8GlcNAc2. Neutral α-mannosidase showed highest enzyme activity at neutral pH and was activated by the cations Fe2+, Co2+ and Mn2+, Cu2+ in turn had a strong inhibitory effect on alpha-mannosidase activity. Analysis of its intracellular localisation revealed that neutral alpha-mannosidase is cytosolic and colocalises with proteasomes. Further work showed that the overexpression of neutral alpha-mannosidase affected the cytosolic free oligosaccharide content and led to enhanced endoplasmic reticulum associated degradation and underglycosylation of secreted proteins. The second part of the study focused on MAN2B1 and the inherited lysosomal storage disorder α-mannosidosis. In this disorder, deficient MAN2B1 activity is associated with mutations in the MAN2B1 gene. The thesis reports the molecular consequences of 35 alpha-mannosidosis associated mutations, including 29 novel missense mutations. According to experimental analyses, the mutations fall into four groups: Mutations, which prevent transport to lysosomes are accompanied with a lack of proteolytic processing of the enzyme (groups 1 and 3). Although the rest of the mutations (groups 2 and 4) allow transport to lysosomes, the mutated proteins are less efficiently processed to their mature form than is wild type MAN2B1. Analysis of the effect of the mutations on the model structure of human lysosomal alpha-mannosidase provides insights on their structural consequences. Mutations, which affect amino acids important for folding (prolines, glycines, cysteines) or domain interface interactions (arginines), arrest the enzyme in the endoplasmic reticulum. Surface mutations and changes, which do not drastically alter residue volume, are tolerated better. Descriptions of the mutations and clinical data are compiled in an α-mannosidosis database, which will be available for the scientific community. This thesis provides a detailed insight into two ubiquitous human alpha-mannosidases. It demonstrates that neutral alpha-mannosidase is involved in the degradation of cytosolic oligosaccharides and suggests that the regulation of this α-mannosidase is important for maintaining the cellular homeostasis of N-glycosylation and glycan degradation. The study on alpha-mannosidosis associated mutations identifies multiple mechanisms for how these mutations are detrimental for MAN2B1 activity. The α-mannosidosis database will benefit both clinicians and scientific research on lysosomal alpha‑mannosidosis.


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Carbohydrates are one of the most abundant classes of biomolecules on earth. In the initial stages of research on carbohydrates much effort was focused on investigation and determination of the structural aspects and complex nature of individual monosaccharides. Later on, development of protective group strategies and methods for oligosaccharide synthesis became the main topics of research. Today, the methodologies developed early on are being utilized in the production of carbohydrates for biological screening events. This multidisciplinary approach has generated the new discipline of glycobiology which focuses on research related to the appearance and biological significance of carbohydrates. In more detail, studies in glycobiology have revealed the essential roles of carbohydrates in cell-cell interactions, biological recognition events, protein folding, cell growth and tumor cell metastasis. As a result of these studies, carbohydrate derived diagnostic and therapeutic agents are likely to be of growing interest in the future. In this doctoral thesis, a journey through the fundamentals of carbohydrate synthesis is presented. The research conducted on this journey was neither limited to the study of any particular phenomena nor to the addressing of a single synthetic challenge. Instead, the focus was deliberately shifted from time to time in order to broaden the scope of the thesis, to continue the learning process and to explore new areas of carbohydrate research. Throughout the work, several previously reported synthetic protocols, especially procedures related to glycosylation reactions and protective group manipulations, were evaluated, modified and utilized or rejected. The synthetic molecules targeted within this thesis were either required for biological evaluations or utilized to study phenomena occuring in larger molecules. In addition, much effort was invested in the complete structural characterization of the synthesized compounds by a combination of NMR spectroscopic techniques and spectral simulations with the PERCH-software. This thesis provides the basics of working with carbohydrate chemistry. In more detail, synthetic strategies and experimental procedures for many different reactions and guidelines for the NMR-spectroscopic characterization of oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates are provided. Therefore, the thesis should prove valuable to researchers starting their own journeys in the ever expanding field of carbohydrate chemistry.