268 resultados para flash welding
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Leimuhitsauksen laadunhallinnassa tärkeää on prosessimainen toiminta ja toimintojen kokonaisvaltaisuuden hahmottaminen. Leimuhitsauksen ollessa osana päättymätöntä valssausta hitsauksen laadunhallinta voidaan jakaa kolmeen päävaiheeseen: ennen hitsausta, hitsauksen aikana ja hitsauksen jälkeen vaikuttaviin laaduntuottotekijöihin. Leimuhitsauksen laaduntuottotekijöiden määritys ja jaottelu kaavioiksi on toteutettu tässä työssä. Leimuhitsin tekniseen laatuun vaikuttavat monet ilmiöt ja parametrit hitsauksen aikana. Tärkeimpiä hitsausparametreista ovat hitsausjännite, alustan liikenopeus, tyssäysmatka sekä leimutusaika. Väärät hitsausolosuhteet tai hitsausparametrit aiheuttavat erilaisia mekaanisia ja metallurgisia vikoja leimuhitsiin. Eräs metallurginen vikatyyppi ovat oksidisulkeumat hitsialueella. Nämä hapettuneet alueet voivat johtaa juurensa erilaisista syistä ja esimerkiksi leimutusajan ja epätasaisen liitospinnan yhteyttä sulkeumien syntyyn on epäilty. Pidennetyillä leimutusajoilla tehtyjen hitsauskokeiden ja hitsien rikkovien aineenkoetuskokeiden tuloksena todettiin tässä tutkittujen koehitsien oksidisulkeumien syntyvän hapettumalla leimutuksen aikana tai juuri hetkellä ennen tyssäystä, minkä lisäksi kosteat olosuhteet hitsausatmosfäärin ympärillä heikentävät lopputuloksen laatua. Leimutusajalla on tärkein osa leimutettavia pintoja tasaavana tekijänä ja mitä epätasaisempi liitettävä pinta on, sitä pidemmän leimutusajan se tarvitsee.
The oxygen cutting is a thermal cutting process, in which metal is heated locally up to its ignition temperature and burnt off by oxygen blast. Oxygen cutting can be used to remove upset metal of a hollow bar occurred due to solid-state welding process. The main goal of this research was to establish a connection between oxygen blasts and mass of metal removed and relate findings to production to suggest improvements to the current process. This master´s thesis describes the designing and building of a test rig for oxygen blowing measurements. It also contains all executed tests and test results, which were carried out. There are different cutting parameters which were studied as well as their effect on cutting process. The oxygen cutting process, used in solid-state welding process, can be improved by the test results.
High reflectivity and high thermal conductivity, high vapour pressure of alloyingelements as well as low liquid surface tension and low ionisation potential, make laser welding of aluminium and its alloys a demanding task.Problems that occur during welding are mainly process instabilities of the keyhole and the melt pool, increased plasma formation above the melt pool and loss of alloying elements. These problems lead to unwanted metallurgical defects like hot cracks and porosity in the weld bead andother problems concerning the shape and appearance of the weld bead. In order to minimise the defects and improve the weld quality, the process and beam parameters need to be carefully adjusted along with a consideration concerning the use of filler wire for the welding process. In this work the welding of 3,0 mm thick grade 5083 aluminium alloy plates using a 3,0 kW Nd:YAG laser with grade 5183 filler wire addition is investigated. The plates were welded as butt joints with air gap sizes 0,5 mm, 0,7mm and 1,0 mm. The analysis of the weld beads obtained from the weldedsamples showed that the least imperfections were produced with 0,7 mm air gaps at moderate welding speeds. The analysis also covered the calculation of the melting efficiency and the study of the shape of the weld bead. The melting efficiency was on average around 20 % for the melting process of the welded plates. The weld beads showed the characteristic V-shape of a laser weld and retained this shape during the whole series of experiments.
High reflectivity to laser light, alloying element evaporation during high power laser welding makes aluminium alloys highly susceptibility to weld defects such as porosity, cracking and undercutting. The dynamic behaviour of the keyhole, due to fluctuating plasma above the keyhole and the vaporization ofthe alloying elements with in the keyhole, is the key problem to be solved for the improvement of the weld quality and stabilization of the keyhole dynamics isperhaps the single most important development that can broaden the application of laser welding of aluminium alloys. In laser welding, the shielding gas is commonly used to stabilize the welding process, to improve the welded joint features and to protect the welded seam from oxidation. The chemicalcomposition of the shielding gas is a key factor in achieving the final qualityof the welded joints. Wide range of shielding gases varying from the pure gasesto complex mixtures based on helium, argon, nitrogen and carbon dioxide are commercially available. These gas mixtures should be considered in terms of their suitability during laser welding of aluminium alloys to produce quality welds. The main objective of the present work is to study the effect of the shielding gascomposition during laser welding of aluminium alloys. Aluminium alloy A15754 was welded using 3kW Nd-YAG laser (continuous wave mode). The alloy samples were butt welded with different shielding gases (pure and mixture of gases) so that high quality welds with high joint efficiencies could be produced. It was observed that the chemical composition of the gases influenced the final weld quality and properties. In general, the mixture gases, in correct proportions, enabled better utilisation of the properties of the mixing gases, stabilized the welding process and produced better weld quality compared to the pure shielding gases.
Tässä työssä raportoidaan hybridihitsauksesta otettujen suurnopeuskuvasarjojen automaattisen analyysijärjestelmän kehittäminen.Järjestelmän tarkoitus oli tuottaa tietoa, joka avustaisi analysoijaa arvioimaan kuvatun hitsausprosessin laatua. Tutkimus keskittyi valokaaren taajuuden säännöllisyyden ja lisäainepisaroiden lentosuuntien mittaamiseen. Valokaaria havaittiin kuvasarjoista sumean c-means-klusterointimenetelmän avullaja perättäisten valokaarien välistä aikaväliä käytettiin valokaaren taajuuden säännöllisyyden mittarina. Pisaroita paikannettiin menetelmällä, jossa yhdistyi pääkomponenttianalyysi ja tukivektoriluokitin. Kalman-suodinta käytettiin tuottamaan arvioita pisaroiden lentosuunnista ja nopeuksista. Lentosuunnanmääritysmenetelmä luokitteli pisarat niiden arvioitujen lentosuuntien perusteella. Järjestelmän kehittämiseen käytettävissä olleet kuvasarjat poikkesivat merkittävästi toisistaan kuvanlaadun ja pisaroiden ulkomuodon osalta, johtuen eroista kuvaus- ja hitsausprosesseissa. Analyysijärjestelmä kehitettiin toimimaan pienellä osajoukolla kuvasarjoja, joissa oli tietynlainen kuvaus- ja hitsausprosessi ja joiden kuvanlaatu ja pisaroiden ulkomuoto olivat samankaltaisia, mutta järjestelmää testattiin myös osajoukon ulkopuolisilla kuvasarjoilla. Testitulokset osoittivat, että lentosuunnanmääritystarkkuus oli kohtuullisen suuri osajoukonsisällä ja pieni muissa kuvasarjoissa. Valokaaren taajuuden säännöllisyyden määritys oli tarkka useammassa kuvasarjassa.
Valssilangan valmistuksessa päättymättömällä valssausprosessilla voidaan parantaa tuotannon tuottavuutta ja joustavuutta. Menetelmän ansiosta myös valssilankakieppien kokoa voidaan vaihdella asiakkaan tarpeiden mukaan. Prosessin joustavuus ja tuottavuus perustuvat liikkuvaan leimuhitsauslaitteistoon, jolla austeniittialueelle kuumennetut teelmät hitsataan toisiinsa ennen valssausta. Koska leimuhitsausliitoksen hyvä laatu on valmistusprosessin kannalta erityisen tärkeää, tutkittiin tässä työssä hitsausparametrien vaikutusta liitoksen laatuun. Hitsausparametreista tärkeimpiä ovat leimutusaika ja -jännite sekä tyssäyksen voima ja määrä. Parametrien ollessa liian suuria muodostuvat liitospinnat liian plastisiksi ja sopivan tyssäysvoiman ylläpitäminen on vaikeaa. Liian pienillä parametreilla liitospintojen plastisoituminen jää kesken ja tyssäys jää puutteelliseksi. Leimuhitsauksen laatuun vaikuttaa myös liitospinta-alan koko. Kaikki nämä tekijät heikentävät liitoksia, joten parametrien optimaalisuus on liitoksen hyvän laadun kannalta välttämätön. Parametrikokeina hitsattujen koekappaleiden rakennetta ja ominaisuuksiatutkittiin ainetta rikkovilla kokeilla. Lyhyemmillä leimutusajoilla hitsatuistakoekappaleista löytyi virheitä, jotka heikensivät huomattavasti liitoksien laatua. Menetelmäkokeiden perusteella koekappaleet eivät kaikilta osin täyttäneet liitosten laatuvaatimuksia.
It is generally accepted that between 70 and 80% of manufacturing costs can be attributed to design. Nevertheless, it is difficult for the designer to estimate manufacturing costs accurately, especially when alternative constructions are compared at the conceptual design phase, because of the lack of cost information and appropriate tools. In general, previous reports concerning optimisation of a welded structure have used the mass of the product as the basis for the cost comparison. However, it can easily be shown using a simple example that the use of product mass as the sole manufacturing cost estimator is unsatisfactory. This study describes a method of formulating welding time models for cost calculation, and presents the results of the models for particular sections, based on typical costs in Finland. This was achieved by collecting information concerning welded products from different companies. The data included 71 different welded assemblies taken from the mechanical engineering and construction industries. The welded assemblies contained in total 1 589 welded parts, 4 257 separate welds, and a total welded length of 3 188 metres. The data were modelled for statistical calculations, and models of welding time were derived by using linear regression analysis. Themodels were tested by using appropriate statistical methods, and were found to be accurate. General welding time models have been developed, valid for welding in Finland, as well as specific, more accurate models for particular companies. The models are presented in such a form that they can be used easily by a designer, enabling the cost calculation to be automated.
The Tandem-GMAW method is the latest development as the consequences of improvements in the welding methods. The twin-wire and then the Tandem-method with the separate power sources has got a remarkable place in the welding of many types of materials with different joint types. The biggest advantage of Tandem welding method is the flexibility of choosing both the electrodes of different types from each other according to the type of the parent material. This is possible because of the feasibility of setting the separate welding parameters for both the wires. In this thesis work the effect of the variation in three parameters on the weld bead in Tandem-GMA welding method is studied. Theses three parameters are the wire feed rate in the slave wire, the wire feed rate in the master wire and the voltage difference in both the wires. The results are then compared to study the behaviour of the weld bead with the change in these parameters.
The CO2-laser-MAG hybrid welding process has been shown to be a productive choice for the welding industry, being used in e.g. the shipbuilding, pipe and beam manufacturing, and automotive industries. It provides an opportunity to increase the productivity of welding of joints containing air gaps compared with autogenous laser beam welding, with associated reductions in distortion and marked increases in welding speeds and penetration in comparison with both arc and autogenous laser welding. The literature study indicated that the phenomena of laser hybrid welding are mostly being studied using bead-on-plate welding or zero air gap configurations. This study shows it very clearly that the CO2 laser-MAG hybrid welding process is completely different, when there is a groove with an air gap. As in case of industrial use it is excepted that welding is performed for non-zero grooves, this study is of great importance for industrial applications. The results of this study indicate that by using a 6 kW CO2 laser-MAG hybrid welding process, the welding speed may also be increased if an air gap is present in the joint. Experimental trials indicated that the welding speed may be increased by 30-82% when compared with bead-on-plate welding, or welding of a joint with no air gap i.e. a joint prepared as optimum for autogenous laser welding. This study demonstrates very clearly, that the separation of the different processes, as well as the relative configurations of the processes (arc leading or trailing) affect welding performance significantly. These matters influence the droplet size and therefore the metal transfer mode, which in turn determined the resulting weld quality and the ability to bridge air gaps. Welding in bead-onplate mode, or of an I butt joint containing no air gap joint is facilitated by using a leading torch. This is due to the preheating effect of the arc, which increases the absorptivity of the work piece to the laser beam, enabling greater penetration and the use of higher welding speeds. With an air gap present, air gap bridging is more effectively achieved by using a trailing torch because of the lower arc power needed, the wider arc, and the movement of droplets predominantly towards the joint edges. The experiments showed, that the mode of metal transfer has a marked effect on gap bridgeability. Transfer of a single droplet per arc pulse may not be desirable if an air gap is present, because most of the droplets are directed towards the middle of the joint where no base material is present. In such cases, undercut is observed. Pulsed globular and rotational metal transfer modes enable molten metal to also be transferred to the joint edges, and are therefore superior metal transfer modes when bridging air gaps. It was also found very obvious, that process separation is an important factor in gap bridgeability. If process separation is too large, the resulting weld often exhibits sagging, or no weld may be formed at all as a result of the reduced interaction between the component processes. In contrast, if the processes are too close to one another, the processing region contains excess molten metal that may create difficulties for the keyhole to remain open. When the distance is optimised - i.e. a separation of 0-4 mm in this study, depending on the welding speed and beam-arc configuration - the processes act together, creating beneficial synergistic effects. The optimum process separation when using a trailing torch was found to be shorter (0-2 mm) than when a leading torch is used (2-4 mm); a result of the facilitation of weld pool motion when the latter configuration is adopted. This study demonstrates, that the MAG process used has a strong effect on the CO2-laser-MAG hybrid welding process. The laser beam welding component is relatively stable and easy to manage, with only two principal processing parameters (power and welding speed) needing to be adjusted. In contrast, the MAG process has a large number of processing parameters to optimise, all of which play an important role in the interaction between the laser beam and the arc. The parameters used for traditional MAG welding are often not optimal in achieving the most appropriate mode of metal transfer, and weld quality in laser hybrid welding, and must be optimised if the full range of benefits provided by hybrid welding are to be realised.
The present work is a part of the large project with purpose to qualify the Flash memory for automotive application using a standardized test and measurement flow. High memory reliability and data retention are the most critical parameters in this application. The current work covers the functional tests and data retention test. The purpose of the data retention test is to obtain the data retention parameters of the designed memory, i.e. the maximum time of information storage at specified conditions without critical charge leakage. For this purpose the charge leakage from the cells, which results in decrease of cells threshold voltage, was measured after a long-time hightemperature treatment at several temperatures. The amount of lost charge for each temperature was used to calculate the Arrhenius constant and activation energy for the discharge process. With this data, the discharge of the cells at different temperatures during long time can be predicted and the probability of data loss after years can be calculated. The memory chips, investigated in this work, were 0.035 μm CMOS Flash memory testchips, designed for further use in the Systems-on-Chips for automotive electronics.
The objective of the master’s thesis is to define the warranty practices and costs in the welding machines manufacturing company and do a proposal for a warranty policy based on the practices and costs. The study include a disquisition of the warranty practices in the subsidiaries and distributor sales. The disquisition of the warranty practices introduces the information relates to warranty period, warranty costs, including repair, spare part and other costs, the practices with the replaced parts, the utilization rate of the eWarranty system and information relates to special arrangements in the warranties. The warranty costs are defined besides the group level also separately per regions and product families. From some product families the disquisition is done per products. In this study is also done a proposal for a warranty policy for the company. The proposal speaks out the length of warranty period, the compensation of the warranty costs, the practices with replaced parts and usage of eWarranty system.
The possibility and the usefulness of applying plasma keyhole welding to structural steels with different compositions and material thicknesses, and in various welding positions has been examinated. Single pass butt welding with I groove in flat, horizontal vertical and vertical positions and root welding with V , Y and U grooves of thick plate material in flat position have been studied and the welds with high quality has been obtained. The technological conditions for successful welding are presented. The single and interactive effects of welding parameters on weld quality, especially on surface weld defects, geometrical form errors, internal defects and mechanical properties (strength, ductility, impact toughness, hardness and bendability) of weld joint, are presented. Welding parameter combinations providing the best quality welds are also presented.
The effects of real time control of welding parameters on weld quality in plasma arc keyhole welding
Joints intended for welding frequently show variations in geometry and position, for which it is unfortunately not possible to apply a single set of operating parameters to ensure constant quality. The cause of this difficulty lies in a number of factors, including inaccurate joint preparation and joint fit up, tack welds, as well as thermal distortion of the workpiece. In plasma arc keyhole welding of butt joints, deviations in the gap width may cause weld defects such as an incomplete weld bead, excessive penetration and burn through. Manual adjustment of welding parameters to compensate for variations in the gap width is very difficult, and unsatisfactory weld quality is often obtained. In this study a control system for plasma arc keyhole welding has been developed and used to study the effects of the real time control of welding parameters on gap tolerance during welding of austenitic stainless steel AISI 304L. The welding tests demonstrated the beneficial effect of real time control on weld quality. Compared with welding using constant parameters, the maximum tolerable gap width with an acceptable weld quality was 47% higher when using the real time controlled parameters for a plate thickness of 5 mm. In addition, burn through occurred with significantly larger gap widths when parameters were controlled in real time. Increased gap tolerance enables joints to be prepared and fit up less accurately, saving time and preparation costs for welding. In addition to the control system, a novel technique for back face monitoring is described in this study. The test results showed that the technique could be successfully applied for penetration monitoring when welding non magnetic materials. The results also imply that it is possible to measure the dimensions of the plasma efflux or weld root, and use this information in a feedback control system and, thus, maintain the required weld quality.
In this research work, the results of an investigation dealing with welding of sheet metals with diverse air gap using FastROOT modified short arc welding method and short circuit MAG welding processes have been presented. Welding runs were made under different conditions and, during each run, the different process parameters were continuously monitored. It was found that maximum welding speed and less HAZ are reached under specific welding conditions with FastROOT method with the emphasis on arc stability. Welding results show that modified short arc exhibits a higher electrode melting coefficient and with virtually spatter free droplet transition. By adjusting the short circuit duration the penetration can be controlled with only a small change in electrode deposition. Furthermore, by mixing pulsed MIG welding with modified arc welding the working envelope of the process is greatly extended allowing thicker material sections to be welded with improved weld bead aesthetics. FastROOT is a modified short arc welding process using mechanized or automated welding process based on dip transfer welding, characterized by controlled material deposition during the short circuit of the wire electrode to the workpiece.
The productivity, quality and cost efficiency of welding work are critical for metal industry today. Welding processes must get more effective and this can be done by mechanization and automation. Those systems are always expensive and they have to pay the investment back. In this case it is really important to optimize the needed intelligence and this way needed automation level, so that a company will get the best profit. This intelligence and automation level was earlier classified in several different ways which are not useful for optimizing the process of automation or mechanization of welding. In this study the intelligence of a welding system is defined in a new way to enable the welding system to produce a weld good enough. In this study a new way is developed to classify and select the internal intelligence level of a welding system needed to produce the weld efficiently. This classification contains the possible need of human work and its effect to the weld and its quality but does not exclude any different welding processes or methods. In this study a totally new way is developed to calculate the best optimization for the needed intelligence level in welding. The target of this optimization is the best possible productivity and quality and still an economically optimized solution for several different cases. This new optimizing method is based on grounds of product type, economical productivity, the batch size of products, quality and criteria of usage. Intelligence classification and optimization were never earlier made by grounds of a made product. Now it is possible to find the best type of welding system needed to welddifferent types of products. This calculation process is a universal way for optimizing needed automation or mechanization level when improving productivity of welding. This study helps the industry to improve productivity, quality and cost efficiency of welding workshops.