15 resultados para extracorporeal shock waves
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
An accidental burst of a pressure vessel is an uncontrollable and explosion-like batch process. In this study it is called an explosion. The destructive effectof a pressure vessel explosion is relative to the amount of energy released in it. However, in the field of pressure vessel safety, a mutual understanding concerning the definition of explosion energy has not yet been achieved. In this study the definition of isentropic exergy is presented. Isentropic exergy is the greatest possible destructive energy which can be obtained from a pressure vessel explosion when its state changes in an isentropic way from the initial to the final state. Finally, after the change process, the gas has similar pressure and flow velocity as the environment. Isentropic exergy differs from common exergy inthat the process is assumed to be isentropic and the final gas temperature usually differs from the ambient temperature. The explosion process is so fast that there is no time for the significant heat exchange needed for the common exergy.Therefore an explosion is better characterized by isentropic exergy. Isentropicexergy is a characteristic of a pressure vessel and it is simple to calculate. Isentropic exergy can be defined also for any thermodynamic system, such as the shock wave system developing around an exploding pressure vessel. At the beginning of the explosion process the shock wave system has the same isentropic exergyas the pressure vessel. When the system expands to the environment, its isentropic exergy decreases because of the increase of entropy in the shock wave. The shock wave system contains the pressure vessel gas and a growing amount of ambient gas. The destructive effect of the shock wave on the ambient structures decreases when its distance from the starting point increases. This arises firstly from the fact that the shock wave system is distributed to a larger space. Secondly, the increase of entropy in the shock waves reduces the amount of isentropic exergy. Equations concerning the change of isentropic exergy in shock waves are derived. By means of isentropic exergy and the known flow theories, equations illustrating the pressure of the shock wave as a function of distance are derived. Amethod is proposed as an application of the equations. The method is applicablefor all shapes of pressure vessels in general use, such as spheres, cylinders and tubes. The results of this method are compared to measurements made by various researchers and to accident reports on pressure vessel explosions. The test measurements are found to be analogous with the proposed method and the findings in the accident reports are not controversial to it.
Nykytekniikalla kyetään tehokkaaseen ja turvalliseen työn toteuttamiseen. Suorituksen aikaansaanti edellyttää ympäristön kartoittamista niin, että urakoitsija tuntee ne seikat, jotka ovat tarpeen, jotta työ voidaan suorittaa vaurioittamatta olevia rakennuksia ja aiheuttamatta asukkaille vaaratilanteita. Riskianalyysi tuo esille ne seikat, jotka on syytä tietää työn laskenta- ja suoritustilanteessa. On tunnettava käytettävät räjähdysaineet ja mitä tapahtuu räjähdysprosessissa. Prosessin ideaalimallin (harmoninen värähtely) pohjalta on kehitetty teorioita, joiden avulla kyetään pitämään suorituksen aiheuttama tärinätaso sellaisena, ettei ympäristössä olevia entisiä rakennuksia vaurioiteta eikä teknisestä suorituksesta aiheudu vaaratilanteita ihmisille. Riskianalyysi- ja rakennuskatselmustietojen perusteella mitoitetaan käytettävä panos sellaiseksi, että asetetut turvallisuusvaateet tulevat täytetyiksi. Työn suorituksen onnistumiseksilaaditaan ohjeellinen panostussuunnitelma, jossa käytettävä panoskoko ilmoitetaan etäisyyden funktiona varottavasta kohteesta. Samassa esityksessä käy selville rakenteille sallittu tärinäaallon heilahdusnopeus mm/s:ssa. Muuttunut etäisyys ja se tosiasia, etteivät räjäytyskentät ole tärinätasoltaan identtisiä, vaikka etäisyys ja panoskoko ovat samat, tarvitsee muutostentekoa varten teoreettistasoisen esityksen tuekseen. Tuo tuki on ohjeellinen panostussuunnitelma. Muutosten perusteena ei ole mutu - menettely, vaan teoreettinen, yleisesti hyväksyttyihin menettelytapoihin perustuva malli.
Supersonic axial turbine stages typically exhibit lower efficiencies than subsonic axial turbine stages. One reason for the lower efficiency is the occurrence of shock waves. With higher pressure ratios the flow inside the turbine becomes relatively easily supersonic if there is only one turbine stage. Supersonic axial turbines can be designed in smaller physical size compared to subsonic axial turbines of same power. This makes them good candidates for turbochargers in large diesel engines, where space can be a limiting factor. Also the production costs are lower for a supersonic axial turbine stage than for two subsonic stages. Since supersonic axial turbines are typically low reaction turbines, they also create lower axial forces to be compensated with bearings compared to high reaction turbines. The effect of changing the stator-rotor axial gap in a small high (rotational) speed supersonic axial flow turbine is studied in design and off-design conditions. Also the effect of using pulsatile mass flow at the supersonic stator inlet is studied. Five axial gaps (axial space between stator and rotor) are modeled using threedimensional computational fluid dynamics at the design and three axial gaps at the off-design conditions. Numerical reliability is studied in three independent studies. An additional measurement is made with the design turbine geometry at intermediate off-design conditions and is used to increase the reliability of the modelling. All numerical modelling is made with the Navier-Stokes solver Finflo employing Chien’s k ¡ ² turbulence model. The modelling of the turbine at the design and off-design conditions shows that the total-to-static efficiency of the turbine decreases when the axial gap is increased in both design and off-design conditions. The efficiency drops almost linearily at the off-design conditions, whereas the efficiency drop accelerates with increasing axial gap at the design conditions. The modelling of the turbine stator with pulsatile inlet flow reveals that the mass flow pulsation amplitude is decreased at the stator throat. The stator efficiency and pressure ratio have sinusoidal shapes as a function of time. A hysteresis-like behaviour is detected for stator efficiency and pressure ratio as a function of inlet mass flow, over one pulse period. This behaviour arises from the pulsatile inlet flow. It is important to have the smallest possible axial gap in the studied turbine type in order to maximize the efficiency. The results for the whole turbine can also be applied to some extent in similar turbines operating for example in space rocket engines. The use of a supersonic stator in a pulsatile inlet flow is shown to be possible.
The presented thesis is devoted to investigation of wave processes in hybrid ferrite / ferroelectric structures. Spin wave devices based on ferrite films have such disadvantages, as huge size of the magnetic systems, low tuning velocity, considerable power inputs for parameters control that limits possible device applications. The considered layered structures allow to overcome the disadvantages mentioned and to promote the development of novel class of tunable microwave devices. The proposed theoretical analysis is intended to construct a model of hybrid electromagnetic-spin waves. Based on the theoretical analysis the experimental investigations were carried out. The experimental resonance characteristics of ferrite / ferroelectric resonator were obtained and their tunability by means of magnetic and electric field was demonstrated.
Systems biology is a new, emerging and rapidly developing, multidisciplinary research field that aims to study biochemical and biological systems from a holistic perspective, with the goal of providing a comprehensive, system- level understanding of cellular behaviour. In this way, it addresses one of the greatest challenges faced by contemporary biology, which is to compre- hend the function of complex biological systems. Systems biology combines various methods that originate from scientific disciplines such as molecu- lar biology, chemistry, engineering sciences, mathematics, computer science and systems theory. Systems biology, unlike “traditional” biology, focuses on high-level concepts such as: network, component, robustness, efficiency, control, regulation, hierarchical design, synchronization, concurrency, and many others. The very terminology of systems biology is “foreign” to “tra- ditional” biology, marks its drastic shift in the research paradigm and it indicates close linkage of systems biology to computer science. One of the basic tools utilized in systems biology is the mathematical modelling of life processes tightly linked to experimental practice. The stud- ies contained in this thesis revolve around a number of challenges commonly encountered in the computational modelling in systems biology. The re- search comprises of the development and application of a broad range of methods originating in the fields of computer science and mathematics for construction and analysis of computational models in systems biology. In particular, the performed research is setup in the context of two biolog- ical phenomena chosen as modelling case studies: 1) the eukaryotic heat shock response and 2) the in vitro self-assembly of intermediate filaments, one of the main constituents of the cytoskeleton. The range of presented approaches spans from heuristic, through numerical and statistical to ana- lytical methods applied in the effort to formally describe and analyse the two biological processes. We notice however, that although applied to cer- tain case studies, the presented methods are not limited to them and can be utilized in the analysis of other biological mechanisms as well as com- plex systems in general. The full range of developed and applied modelling techniques as well as model analysis methodologies constitutes a rich mod- elling framework. Moreover, the presentation of the developed methods, their application to the two case studies and the discussions concerning their potentials and limitations point to the difficulties and challenges one encounters in computational modelling of biological systems. The problems of model identifiability, model comparison, model refinement, model inte- gration and extension, choice of the proper modelling framework and level of abstraction, or the choice of the proper scope of the model run through this thesis.
Protein homeostasis is essential for cells to prosper and survive. Various forms of stress, such as elevated temperatures, oxidative stress, heavy metals or bacterial infections cause protein damage, which might lead to improper folding and formation of toxic protein aggregates. Protein aggregation is associated with serious pathological conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s disease. The heat shock response is a defense mechanism that protects the cell against protein-damaging stress. Its ancient origin and high conservation among eukaryotes suggest that the response is crucial for survival. The main regulator of the heat shock response is the transcription factor heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), which induces transcription of genes encoding protective molecular chaperones. In vertebrates, a family of four HSFs exists (HSF1-4), with versatile functions not only in coping with acute stress, but also in development, longevity and cancer. Thus, knowledge of the HSFs will aid in our understanding on how cells survive suboptimal circumstances, but will also provide insights into normal physiological processes as well as diseaseassociated conditions. In this study, the function and regulation of HSF2 have been investigated. Earlier gene inactivation experiments in mice have revealed roles for HSF2 in development, particularly in corticogenesis and spermatogenesis. Here, we demonstrate that HSF2 holds a role also in the heat shock response and influences stress-induced expression of heat shock proteins. Intriguingly, DNA-binding activity of HSF2 upon stress was dependent on the presence of intact HSF1, suggesting functional interplay between HSF1 and HSF2. The underlying mechanism for this phenomenon could be configuration of heterotrimers between the two factors, a possibility that was experimentally verified. By changing the levels of HSF2, the expression of HSF1-HSF2 heterotrimer target genes was altered, implementing HSF2 as a modulator of HSF-mediated transcription. The results further indicate that HSF2 activity is dependent on its concentration, which led us to ask the question of how accurate HSF2 levels are achieved. Using mouse spermatogenesis as a model system, HSF2 was found to be under direct control of miR-18, a miRNA belonging to the miR-17~92 cluster/Oncomir-1 and whose physiological function had remained unclear. Investigations on spermatogenesis are severely hampered by the lack of cell systems that would mimic the complex differentiation processes that constitute male germ cell development. Therefore, to verify that HSF2 is regulated by miR-18 in spermatogenesis, a novel method named T-GIST (Transfection of Germ cells in Intact Seminiferous Tubules) was developed. Employing this method, the functional consequences of miR-18-mediated regulation in vivo were demonstrated; inhibition of miR- 18 led to increased expression of HSF2 and altered the expression of HSF2 target genes Ssty2 and Speer4a. Consequently, the results link miR-18 to HSF2-mediated processes such as germ cell maturation and quality control and provide miR-18 with a physiological role in gene expression during spermatogenesis.Taken together, this study presents compelling evidence that HSF2 is a transcriptional regulator in the heat shock response and establishes the concept of physical interplay between HSF2 and HSF1 and functional consequences thereof. This is also the first study describing miRNA-mediated regulation of an HSF.
The acceleration of solar energetic particles (SEPs) by flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) has been a major topic of research for the solar-terrestrial physics and geophysics communities for decades. This thesis discusses theories describing first-order Fermi acceleration of SEPs through repeated crossings at a CME-driven shock. We propose that particle trapping occurs through self-generated Alfvén waves, leading to a turbulent trapping region in front of the shock. Decelerating coronal shocks are shown to be capable of efficient SEP acceleration, provided seed particle injection is sufficient. Quasi-parallel shocks are found to inject thermal particles with good efficiency. The roles of minimum injection velocities, cross-field diffusion, downstream scattering efficiency and cross-shock potential are investigated in detail, with downstream isotropisation timescales having a major effect on injection efficiency. Accelerated spectra of heavier elements up to iron are found to exhibit significantly harder spectra than protons. Accelerated spectra cut-off energies are found to scale proportional to (Q/A)1.5, which is explained through analysis of the spectral shape of amplified Alfvénic turbulence. Acceleration times to different threshold energies are found to be non-linear, indicating that self-consistent time-dependent simulations are required in order to expose the full extent of acceleration dynamics. The well-established quasilinear theory (QLT) of particle scattering is investigated by comparing QLT scattering coefficients with those found via full-orbit simulations. QLT is found to overemphasise resonance conditions. This finding supports the simplifications implemented in the presented coronal shock acceleration (CSA) simulation software. The CSA software package is used to simulate a range of acceleration scenarios. The results are found to be in agreement with well-established particle acceleration theory. At the same time, new spatial and temporal dynamics of particle population trapping and wave evolution are revealed.
ABSTRACT Maria Peltola Electrical status epilepticus during sleep – Continuous spikes and waves during sleep Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, University of Turku Department of Clinical Neurophysiology and Department of Pediatric Neurology, Children’s Hospital, Helsinki University Central Hospital Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Medica-Odontologica, Turku, Finland, 2014 Background: Electrical status epilepticus during sleep (ESES) is an EEG phenomenon of frequent spikes and waves occurring in slow sleep. ESES relates to cognitive deterioration in heterogeneous childhood epilepsies. Validated methods to quantitate ESES are missing. The clinical syndrome, called epileptic encephalopathy with continuous spikes and waves during sleep (CSWS) is pharmacoresistant in half of the patients. Limited data exists on surgical treatment of CSWS. Aims and methods: The effects of surgical treatment were studied by investigating electroclinical outcomes in 13 operated patients (nine callosotomies, four resections) with pharmacoresistant CSWS and cognitive decline. Secondly, an objective paradigm was searched for assessing ESES by the semiautomatic quantification of spike index (SI) and measuring spike strength from EEG. Results: Postoperatively, cognitive deterioration was stopped in 12 (92%) patients. Three out of four patients became seizure-free after resective surgery. Callosotomy resulted in greater than 90% reduction of atypical absences in six out of eight patients. The preoperative propagation of ESES from one hemisphere to the other was associated with a good response. Semiautomatic quantification of SI was a robust method when the maximal interspike interval of three seconds was used to determine the “continuous” discharge in ten EEGs. SI of the first hour of sleep appeared representative of the whole night SI. Furthermore, the spikes’ root mean square was found to be a stable measure of spike strength when spatially integrated over multiple electrodes during steady NREM sleep. Conclusions: Patients with pharmacoresistant CSWS, based on structural etiology, may benefit from resective surgery or corpus callosotomy regarding both seizure outcome and cognitive prognosis. The semiautomated SI quantification, with proper userdefined settings and the new spatially integrated measure of spike strength, are robust and promising tools for quantifying ESES. Keywords: Electrical status epilepticus during sleep, ESES, continuous spikes and waves during sleep, CSWS, epilepsy surgery, spike index, spike strength, RMS TIIVISTELMÄ Maria Peltola Unenaikainen sähköinen status epilepticus Kliininen neurofysiologia, Turun yliopisto Kliininen neurofysiologia ja lastenneurologia, Lasten ja nuorten sairaala, Helsingin yliopistollinen keskussairaala Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Medica-Odontologica, Turku, Suomi, 2014 Tausta: Sähköinen status epilepticus unessa (ESES) on aivosähkökäyrä (EEG)-ilmiö, jossa hidasaaltounen aikana esiintyy tiheä piikkihidasaaltopurkaus. ESES:n kvantifioimiseen ei ole olemassa validoituja menetelmiä. ESES on liitetty kognitiivisen tason laskuun ja tällöin puhutaan CSWS (continuous spikes and waves during sleep) - oireyhtymästä. CSWS ei vastaa lääkehoitoon puolella potilaista ja sen epilepsiakirurgisesta hoidosta on olemassa vain vähän tietoa. Tavoitteet ja menetelmät: Selvitimme retrospektiivisesti epilepsiakirurgian vaikusta elektrokliinisiin löydöksiin 13:lla lääkeresistenttiä CSWS-oireyhtymää sairastavalla lapsella, joilla oli rakenteellinen aivojen poikkeavuus. Toinen tavoite oli löytää objektiivinen puoliautomaattinen tapa mitata purkauksen määrää ja piikkien voimakkuutta EEG:stä. Tulokset: Kognitiivisen tason jatkuva heikentyminen loppui 12 (92 %) potilaalla leikkauksen jälkeen. Kolme neljästä resektiopotilaasta tuli kohtauksettomaksi. Kallosotomian jälkeen kuudella kahdeksasta potilaasta päivittäiset kohtaukset vähenivät yli 90 %:lla. Purkauksen leviäminen leikkausta edeltävästi vain yhdestä hemisfääristä toiseen liittyi hyvään leikkaushoitovasteeseen. Piikki-indeksi, jossa käytetään jatkuvan purkauksen määritelmänä maksimissaan kolmea sekuntia piikkien välillä, osoittautui luotettavaksi menetelmäksi ESES:n kvantifioimiseen. Useammasta elektrodista integroitu piikkien neliöllinen keskiarvo oli piikin voimakkuuden vakaa mitta häiriintymättömässä NREM-unessa. Päätelmät: Lääkehoidolle vastaamatonta CSWS:ää sairastavat potilaat, joilla on rakenteellinen aivopoikkeavuus ja yhdensuuntainen purkauksen leviämismalli, näyttävät kohtausten vähenemisen lisäksi hyötyvän epilepsiakirurgiasta kognitiivisesti. Puoliautomaattinen piikki-indeksin kvantifiointi sopivilla käyttäjäasetuksilla ja uusi spatiaalisesti integroitu piikin voimakkuuden mittari ovat stabiileja ja lupaavia ESES:n kvantitatiivisia mittareita. Avainsanat: Unenaikainen sähköinen status epilepticus, ESES, CSWS, epilepsiakirurgia, piikki-indeksi, piikin voimakkuus, neliöllinen keskiarvo
Heat shock factors (HSFs) are an evolutionarily well conserved family of transcription factors that coordinate stress-induced gene expression and direct versatile physiological processes in eukaryote organisms. The essentiality of HSFs for cellular homeostasis has been well demonstrated, mainly through HSF1-induced transcription of heat shock protein (HSP) genes. HSFs are important regulators of many fundamental processes such as gametogenesis, metabolic control and aging, and are involved in pathological conditions including cancer progression and neurodegenerative diseases. In each of the HSF-mediated processes, however, the detailed mechanisms of HSF family members and their complete set of target genes have remained unknown. Recently, rapid advances in chromatin studies have enabled genome-wide characterization of protein binding sites in a high resolution and in an unbiased manner. In this PhD thesis, these novel methods that base on chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) are utilized and the genome-wide target loci for HSF1 and HSF2 are identified in cellular stress responses and in developmental processes. The thesis and its original publications characterize the individual and shared target genes of HSF1 and HSF2, describe HSF1 as a potent transactivator, and discover HSF2 as an epigenetic regulator that coordinates gene expression throughout the cell cycle progression. In male gametogenesis, novel physiological functions for HSF1 and HSF2 are revealed and HSFs are demonstrated to control the expression of X- and Y-chromosomal multicopy genes in a silenced chromatin environment. In stressed human cells, HSF1 and HSF2 are shown to coordinate the expression of a wide variety of genes including genes for chaperone machinery, ubiquitin, regulators of cell cycle progression and signaling. These results highlight the importance of cell type and cell cycle phase in transcriptional responses, reveal the myriad of processes that are adjusted in a stressed cell and describe novel mechanisms that maintain transcriptional memory in mitotic cell division.
This work devotes to the theoretical investigations of spin-electromagnetic waves (SEW) propagating in a thin-film multiferroic structures that were composed of a slot-line and structures with several ferrite films. In contrast to earlier works, the spin-electromagnetic waves in the investigated structures are originated from two different electrodynamics coupling. The first one is coupling of the electromagnetic wave localized mainly in the slot-line with the spin wave excited mostly in the ferrite film. The second one is coupling of two spin waves in the different ferrite films separated by a thin ferroelectric film. For theoretical analysis of SEWs propagation in such kind of structures theories of their eigen-wave spectra were developed. Spectra of SEW in the investigated structures were calculated and analyzed. The range of electric and magnetic tunability of dispersion characteristic were investigated. Spectra of SEW in the investigated multiferroic structures are used for investigation of transfer function of periodic structures.
Peliteoria on usealla tieteenalalla sovellettu matemaattinen työväline, jota on käytetty myös sotatieteissä. Tutkimuksessa esitetään peliteoriaa yksinkertaisten esimerkkien avulla. Effects-based operations on varsin uusi sotataidollinen doktriini, joka verkostokeskeisen sodankäynnin ohella on suurvalta-armeijoiden kehityksen trendi. Doktriini ja siihen oleellisesti liittyvä toisessa Persianlahden sodassa popularisoitu Shock and awe (shokkilamaannutus) määritellään tutkimustyössä ja niiden vaikutusta nykyajan sotakentällä pohditaan. Työn lopussa shokkilamaannutusta tarkastellaan peliteorian avulla. Erityisesti tarkastellaan irrationaalista toimijaa peliteoriassa sekä shokkilamaannutuksen käytön hyötyä sotilaallisesti alivoimaista ydinaseetonta valtiota ja ydinasevaltiota kohtaan. Shokkilamaannutus sisältää molemmissa skenaarioissa vakavia riskejä. Yleisesti ottaen shokkilamaannutus vaatii myös kehitystä, erityisesti ei-sotilaallisten vaikutusten hallitsemisen kannalta. Konventionaalinen sodankäynti on vaihtoehtoinen ratkaisu, mutta ei välttämättä realistinen sotilaallisesti, taloudellisesti ja poliittisesti. Peliteorian hyöty sotilaallisessa analyysissä ilmenee ongelmien havainnollistamisessa ja toimintamahdollisuuksien analysoinnissa, mutta todellisuuden realistisessa mallintamisessa peliteorian rajat tulevat nopeasti vastaan.
Various researches in the field of econophysics has shown that fluid flow have analogous phenomena in financial market behavior, the typical parallelism being delivered between energy in fluids and information on markets. However, the geometry of the manifold on which market dynamics act out their dynamics (corporate space) is not yet known. In this thesis, utilizing a Seven year time series of prices of stocks used to compute S&P500 index on the New York Stock Exchange, we have created local chart to the corporate space with the goal of finding standing waves and other soliton like patterns in the behavior of stock price deviations from the S&P500 index. By first calculating the correlation matrix of normalized stock price deviations from the S&P500 index, we have performed a local singular value decomposition over a set of four different time windows as guides to the nature of patterns that may emerge. I turns out that in almost all cases, each singular vector is essentially determined by relatively small set of companies with big positive or negative weights on that singular vector. Over particular time windows, sometimes these weights are strongly correlated with at least one industrial sector and certain sectors are more prone to fast dynamics whereas others have longer standing waves.