10 resultados para dural sinus thrombosis

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Julkaisussa: Het vyfde deel des Grooten Atlas, vervattende de water-weerelt. Vol. V


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Kiinnostus pienhiukkasia kohtaan on kasvanut voimakkaasti, koska niiden haitallisista terveysvaikutuksista on saatu uutta tietoa. Asiasta on julkaistu lukuisia tieteellisiä tutkimuksia ja viimeisimpien tietojan mukaan kohonneilla pienhiukkaspitoisuuksilla on vaikutusta jopa sydän- ja verisuonisairauksiin. Vakavien terveysvaikutusten ja kiristyvän lainsäädännön vuoksi uusille reaaliaikaisille hiukkasmittalaitteille on kova kysyntä. Tämä työ on osa suurempaa Dekati Oy:ssä toteutettua Autotest –projektia, jossa kehitetään hiukkasmittalaitteita autoteollisuudelle. Tavoitteena työssä oli kehittää hiukkasmittalaitteeseen varaaja, jossa olisi huomattavasti pienemmät pienhiukkashäviöt kuin sähköisen alipaineimpaktorin ELPI:n varaajassa. Lainsäädäntö pohjautuu nykyään pelkästään massapitoisuuden mittaamiseen eikä reaaliaikaisesti massapitoisuutta mittaavaa laitetta ole olemassa. Tässä työssä testattiin uutta hiukkasten tiheydenmääritysmenetelmää, jonka avulla on mahdollista mitata massapitoisuutta reaaliaikaisesti. Suunniteltu varaaja on helppokäyttöinen ja varaustehokkuudeltaan odotusten mukainen, mutta pienhiukkashäviöt ovat edelleen tavoiteltua suuremmat vaikkakin pienemmät kuin ELPI:ssä. Tämä johtuu osittain tilavaraushäviöistä ja osittain koronan sähkökentän vaikutuksesta näytekanavaan. Tiheysmittauksesta saatiin lupaavia tuloksia, mutta jatkokehitystä vaaditaan häiriöiden suodattamiseksi ja kuormituskestävyyden parantamiseksi.


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Background: Pacemaker implantation (PMI) may predispose to venous thromboembolism (VTE) and obstruction (VO). This prospective study aimed at quantifying changes in venous calibers, and at determining the incidence of symptomatic and asymptomatic VTE/VO after PMI. Further goals included an assessment of the role of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in the diagnosis of lead-related central venous thrombi (CVT), and determination of predictors for VTE/VO. Methods: 150 (mean age 67; 61% male) consecutive patients with first PMI were enrolled and followed for 6 months. Contrast venography was performed at baseline and 6 months after PMI to measure venous diameters, and to detect stenosis, total occlusions and thrombi. TEE was conducted in 66 patients. Based on clinical suspicion, work-up for pulmonary embolism (PE) or acute deep vein thrombosis (DVT) were performed as needed. A total of 50 cases underwent longer-term (mean 2.4 years) follow-up venography. All cases with VTE/VO during the initial 6 months, and their matched controls, were selected for a case-control study focused on possible predictive role of laboratory and patient-related factors for the development of VTE/VO. Results: 10 (7 %) patients were found to have baseline venous abnormalities (e.g. 8 obstructions). Mean venous diameters diminished significantly during the first 6 months, but no further reduction occurred in late follow-up. New VO was discovered in 19 patients (14 %; 14 stenosis, 5 total occlusions; all asymptomatic). Small non-obstructive thrombi were found in 20/140 (14 %) 6-month venograms. TEE at 6 months disclosed CVT in 6 (9 %) patients. One (0.7 %) patient had acute symptomatic upper-extremity DVT, and PE was discovered in 5/150 (3.3 %) patients during the first 6 months with no further cases thereafter. At 6 months, the total number of cases with VTE/VO amounted to 47 (31.3 %). Additionally, the later 2-year venograms (n=50) disclosed 4 (8 %) total occlusions and 1 (2 %) stenosis. In the case-control study, no parameter was predictive of venous end-points as a single variable, but there appeared to be significant clustering of traditional VTE risk-factors among the cases. Laboratory parameters showed a definite acute hypercoagulative state induced by PMI, but its degree did not predict subsequent development of VTE/VO. Conclusions: This study shows that VTE/VO is relatively common after PMI with an overall incidence of at least 30 %. Although the majority of the lesions are asymptomatic and clinically benign, cases of PE were also encountered, and totally occluded veins may hamper future upgrading or replacement of pacing system. Venous complications seem difficult to prognosticate as firm predictors were not identified from a wide range of parameters analyzed in this study, although clustering of classic VTE risk factors may be a predisposing factor. Parameters related to implantation procedure or pacing systems and the severity of implantation-induced trauma did not emerge as predictors.


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Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) comprise an important cause of adverse drug reactions leading to excess hospitalizations. Drug metabolism is catalyzed by 75% by cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes and thus they are often involved in pharmacokinetic DDIs. In general, DDIs are studied in randomized controlled clinical trials in selected study populations. The overall aim of the present studies was to perform observational pharmacoepidemiological surveys on CYP-mediated DDIs in diseases important at the population level. The prevalence of co-administrations of four prodrugs (losartan, codeine, tramadol, and clopidogrel), three sulphonylureas (glibenclamide, glimepiride, and glipizide), or two statins (lovastatin and simvastatin) with well established agents altering CYP activity, as well as of statins with fibrates, was studied in Finland utilizing data from a university hospital medication database (inpatients) and the National Prescription Register of the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Kela (outpatients). Clinical consequences of potential DDIs were estimated by reviewing laboratory data, and information from hospital care and cause-of-death registers. Concomitant use of study substrates with interacting medication was detected in up to one fifth of patients in both hospital and community settings. Potential CYP3A4 interactions in statin users did not manifest in clear adverse laboratory values but pharmacodynamic DDIs between statins and fibrates predisposed patients to muscular toxicity. Sulphonylurea DDIs with CYP2C9 inhibitors increased the risk of hypoglycaemia. CYP3A4 inhibitor use with clopidogrel was not associated with significant changes in mortality but non-fatal thrombosis and haemorrhage complications were seen less often in this group. Concomitant administration of atorvastatin with clopidogrel moderately attenuated the antithrombotic effect by clopidogrel. The overall mortality was increased in CYP3A4 inducer and clopidogrel co-users. Atorvastatin used concomitantly with prodrug clopidogrel seems to be beneficial in terms of total and LDL cholesterol concentrations, and overall mortality compared with clopidogrel use without interacting medication. In conclusion, CYP-mediated DDIs are a common and often unrecognized consequence of irrational drug prescribing.