3 resultados para desktop music production
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
For the past two decades the music digitalization has been considered the most significant phenomenon in the music industry as the physical sales have been decreasing rapidly. The advancement of the digital technology and the internet have facilitated the digitalization in the music industry and affected all stages of the music value chain, namely music creation, distribution and consumption. The newly created consumer culture has led to the establishment of novel business models such as music subscriptions and à-la-carte downloads websites and live streaming. The dynamic digital environment has presented the music industry stakeholders with the challenge to adapt to the requirements of the constantly changing modern consumers’ needs and demands. The purpose of this study was to identify how music digitalization can influence change in the Finnish music industry value chain; i.e. how digitalization affects the music industry stakeholders, their functions and inter-relatedness and how the stakeholders are able to react to the changes in the industry. The study was conducted as a qualitative research based entirely on primary data in the form of semi-structured interviews with experts from different units of the Finnish music industry value chain. Since the study offers assessment of diverse viewpoints on the value chain, it further provides an integrated picture of the Finnish music industry current situation and its competitive environment. The results suggest that the music industry is currently in a turbulent stage of experimentation with new business models and digital innovations. However, at this point it is impossible to determine which business model will be approved by the consumers in the longer run. Nevertheless, the study confirmed the claim that consumption of music in its digital form is to become dominant over the traditional physical copies sales in the nearest future. As a result the music industry is becoming more user-oriented; that is the focus is shifting from music production towards artist branding and management and visibility to the audience. Furthermore, the music industry is undergoing the process of integration with other industries such as media, social networks, internet services providers and mobile phone manufacturers in order to better fulfill the consumers’ needs. The previously underrated live music and merchandising are also increasing their significance for the revenues in the stagnant music markets. Therefore, the music industry is developing at present towards becoming an integrated entertainment industry deeply penetrating every point of modern people’s leisure activities.
This project focuses on studying and testing the benefits of the NX Remote Desktop technology in administrative use for Finnish Meteorological Institutes existing Linux Terminal Service Project environment. This was done due to the criticality of the system caused by growing number of users as the Linux Terminal Service Project system expands. Although many of the supporting tasks can be done via Secure Shell connection, testing graphical programs or desktop behaviour in such a way is impossible. At first basic technologies behind the NX Remote Desktop were studied, and after that started the testing of two possible programs, FreeNX and NoMachine NX server. Testing the functionality and bandwidth demands were first done in a closed local area network, and results were studied. The better candidate was then installed in a virtual server simulating actual Linux Terminal Service Project server at Finnish Meteorological Institute and connection from Internet was tested to see was there any problems with firewalls and security policies. The results are reported in this study. Studying and testing the two different candidates of NX Remote Desktop showed, that NoMachine NX Server provides better customer support and documentation. Security aspects of the Finnish Meteorological Institute had also to be considered, and since updates along with the new developing tools are announced in next version of the program, this version was the choice. Studies also show that even NoMachine promises a swift connection over an average of 20Kbit/s bandwidth, at least double of that is needed. This project gives an overview of available remote desktop products along their benefits. NX Remote Desktop technology is studied, and installation instructions are included. Testing is done in both, closed and the actual environment and problems and suggestions are studied and analyzed. The installation to the actual LTSP server is not yet made, but a virtual server is put up in the same place in the view of network topology. This ensures, that if the administrators are satisfied with the system, installation and setting up the system will go as described in this report.
Opinnäytetyö on kirjallinen selvitys, jossa kartoitetaan musiikkialan ammattilaisten näkemyksiä musiikkialan vientiorganisaatio Music Export Finlandin vienninedistämistyön palveluista. Työn tarkoituksena on selvittää, minkälaiseksi vientityötä jo jonkin aikaa tehneet yrittäjät kokevat ja määrittelevät yhdistyksen roolin sekä sen palveluiden tarpeellisuuden omassa käytännön vientityössään. Teoreettinen viitekehys muodostettiin vientitoiminnan käsikirjoista sekä asiantuntijaorganisaatio Finpron kansainvälistymisstrategian mallista, jonka pohjalta tehtiin myös kuuden asiantuntijan haastattelut. Musex tarjoaa palveluita lähinnä vientitoiminnan käytännön toteutusvaiheeseen. Musexin olemassaolo koetaan alalla yleisesti positiiviseksi asiaksi, vaikka vientityötä jo jonkin aikaa tehneet yrittäjät eivät välttämättä hyödykään yhdistyksen palveluista käytännön tasolla. Musex näyttäytyy heille lähinnä alan yleisen tiedottajan roolissa, musiikkialan yhteisenä äänitorvena, jonka tehtävä on ylläpitää toimivia suhteita valtiovaltaan, lisätä toimialan näkyvyyttä ja edesauttaa toimialan rakenteiden kehittämistä alan intressien mukaisesti. Heille on tärkeää, että musiikkitoimialan tunnettuus ja arvostus lisääntyvät julkisen vallan edustajien joukossa, mitä kautta tarvittavaa rakennemuutosta voidaan viedä konkreettisesti eteenpäin. Musiikkialalla menestyy se, joka hallitsee koko laajan liiketoiminnallisen paketin sekä pystyy tarjoamaan faneilleen jotain ainutlaatuista ja eksklusiivista. Musiikkialan yrityksissä harjoitetaan ammattimaista vientitoimintaa alalle ominaisilla tavoilla ja strategioilla, jotka useinkin poikkeavat monen muun alan menettelytavoista. Vientityön tekeminen edellyttää yrityksiltä halua ja kykyä ajatella liiketoiminnallisesti koko toimintaa, sekä paljon työtä. Yhteistyö koko alan kesken on kansainväliselle toiminnalle ehdotonta. Musiikkitoimialan suurin kompastuskivi yhä edelleen on yleisen arvostuksen ja uskottavuuden puute tai sen vähäisyys, sekä rahoitus. Opinnäytetyö on hankkeistettu sekä Musexin kanssa että Stadian t&k -hankkeeseen Suomalaisten musiikkialan pienyrittäjien vientivalmiuksien kehittäminen.