19 resultados para damping dynamic mechanical analysis DMA CFRP electrospinning tan(delta)
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Tämä diplomityö arvioi hitsauksen laadunhallintaohjelmistomarkkinoiden kilpailijoita. Kilpailukenttä on uusi ja ei ole tarkkaa tietoa siitä minkälaisia kilpailijoita on markkinoilla. Hitsauksen laadunhallintaohjelmisto auttaa yrityksiä takaamaan korkean laadun. Ohjelmisto takaa korkean laadun varmistamalla, että hitsaaja on pätevä, hän noudattaa hitsausohjeita ja annettuja parametreja. Sen lisäksi ohjelmisto kerää kaiken tiedon hitsausprosessista ja luo siitä vaadittavat dokumentit. Diplomityön teoriaosuus muodostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta ratkaisuliike-toimintaan, kilpailija-analyysin ja kilpailuvoimien teoriaan sekä hitsauksen laadunhallintaan. Työn empiriaosuus on laadullinen tutkimus, jossa tutkitaan kilpailevia hitsauksen laadunhallintaohjelmistoja ja haastatellaan ohjelmistojen käyttäjiä. Diplomityön tuloksena saadaan uusi kilpailija-analyysimalli hitsauksen laadunhallintaohjelmistoille. Mallin avulla voidaan arvostella ohjelmistot niiden tarjoamien primääri- ja sekundääriominaisuuksien perusteella. Toiseksi tässä diplomityössä analysoidaan nykyinen kilpailijatilanne hyödyntämällä juuri kehitettyä kilpailija-analyysimallia.
The objective of this study is to show that bone strains due to dynamic mechanical loading during physical activity can be analysed using the flexible multibody simulation approach. Strains within the bone tissue play a major role in bone (re)modeling. Based on previous studies, it has been shown that dynamic loading seems to be more important for bone (re)modeling than static loading. The finite element method has been used previously to assess bone strains. However, the finite element method may be limited to static analysis of bone strains due to the expensive computation required for dynamic analysis, especially for a biomechanical system consisting of several bodies. Further, in vivo implementation of strain gauges on the surfaces of bone has been used previously in order to quantify the mechanical loading environment of the skeleton. However, in vivo strain measurement requires invasive methodology, which is challenging and limited to certain regions of superficial bones only, such as the anterior surface of the tibia. In this study, an alternative numerical approach to analyzing in vivo strains, based on the flexible multibody simulation approach, is proposed. In order to investigate the reliability of the proposed approach, three 3-dimensional musculoskeletal models where the right tibia is assumed to be flexible, are used as demonstration examples. The models are employed in a forward dynamics simulation in order to predict the tibial strains during walking on a level exercise. The flexible tibial model is developed using the actual geometry of the subject’s tibia, which is obtained from 3 dimensional reconstruction of Magnetic Resonance Images. Inverse dynamics simulation based on motion capture data obtained from walking at a constant velocity is used to calculate the desired contraction trajectory for each muscle. In the forward dynamics simulation, a proportional derivative servo controller is used to calculate each muscle force required to reproduce the motion, based on the desired muscle contraction trajectory obtained from the inverse dynamics simulation. Experimental measurements are used to verify the models and check the accuracy of the models in replicating the realistic mechanical loading environment measured from the walking test. The predicted strain results by the models show consistency with literature-based in vivo strain measurements. In conclusion, the non-invasive flexible multibody simulation approach may be used as a surrogate for experimental bone strain measurement, and thus be of use in detailed strain estimation of bones in different applications. Consequently, the information obtained from the present approach might be useful in clinical applications, including optimizing implant design and devising exercises to prevent bone fragility, accelerate fracture healing and reduce osteoporotic bone loss.
Poly-L-lactide (PLLA) is a widely used sustainable and biodegradable alternative to replace synthetic non-degradable plastic materials in the packaging industry. Conversely, its processing properties are not always optimal, e.g. insufficient melt strength at higher temperatures (necessary in extrusion coating processes). This thesis reports on research to improve properties of commercial PLLA grade (3051D from NatureWorks), to satisfy and extend end-use applications, such as food packaging by blending with modified PLLA. Adjustment of the processability by chain branching of commercial poly-L-lactide initiated by peroxide was evaluated. Several well-defined branched structures with four arms (sPLLA) were synthesized using pentaerythritol as a tetra-functional initiator. Finally, several block copolymers consisting of polyethylene glycol and PLLA (i.e. PEGLA) were produced to obtain a well extruded material with improved heat sealing properties. Reactive extrusion of poly-L-lactide was carried out in the presence of 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 wt% of various peroxides [tert-butyl-peroxybenzoate (TBPB), 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-(tert-butylperoxy)-hexane (Lupersol 101; LOL1) and benzoyl peroxide (BPO)] at 190C. The peroxide-treated PLLAs showed increased complex viscosity and storage modulus at lower frequencies, indicating the formation of branched/cross linked architectures. The material property changes were dependent on the peroxide, and the used peroxide concentration. Gel fraction analysis showed that the peroxides, afforded different gel contents, and especially 0.5 wt% peroxide, produced both an extremely high molar mass, and a cross linked structure, not perhaps well suited for e.g. further use in a blending step. The thermal behavior was somewhat unexpected as the materials prepared with 0.5 wt% peroxide showed the highest ability for crystallization and cold crystallization, despite substantial cross linking. The peroxide-modified PLLA, i.e. PLLA melt extruded with 0.3 wt% of TBPB and LOL1 and 0.5 wt% BPO was added to linear PLLA in ratios of 5, 15 and 30 wt%. All blends showed increased zero shear viscosity, elastic nature (storage modulus) and shear sensitivity. All blends remained amorphous, though the ability of annealing was improved slightly. Extrusion coating on paperboard was conducted with PLLA, and peroxide-modified PLLA blends (90:10). All blends were processable, but only PLLA with 0.3 wt% of LOL1 afforded a smooth high quality surface with improved line speed. Adhesion levels between fiber and plastic, as well as heat seal performance were marginally reduced compared with pure 3051D. The water vapor transmission measurements (WVTR) of the blends containing LOL1 showed acceptable levels, only slightly lower than for comparable PLLA 3051D. A series of four-arm star-shaped poly-L-lactide (sPLLA) with different branch length was synthesized by ring opening polymerization (ROP) of L-lactide using pentaerythritol as initiator and stannous octoate as catalyst. The star-shaped polymers were further blended with its linear resin and studied for their melt flow and thermal properties. Blends containing 30 wt% of sPLLA with low molecular weight (30 wt%; Mwtotal: 2500 g mol-1 and 15000 g mol-1) showed lower zero shear viscosity and significantly increased shear thinning, while at the same time slightly increased crystallization of the blend. However, the amount of crystallization increased significantly with the higher molecular weight sPLLA, therefore the star-shaped structure may play a role as nucleating agent. PLLA-polyethylene glycol–PLLA triblock copolymers (PEGLA) with different PLLA block length were synthesized and their applicability as blends with linear PLLA (3051D NatureWorks) was investigated with the intention of improving heat-seal and adhesion properties of extrusion-coated paperboard. PLLA-PEG-PLLA was obtained by ring opening polymerization (ROP) of L-lactide using PEG (molecular weight 6000 g mol-1) as an initiator, and stannous octoate as catalyst. The structures of the PEGLAs were characterized by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-NMR). The melt flow and thermal properties of all PEGLAs and their blends were evaluated using dynamic rheology, and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). All blends containing 30 wt% of PEGLAs showed slightly higher zero shear viscosity, higher shear thinning and increased melt elasticity (based on tan delta). Nevertheless, no significant changes in thermal properties were distinguished. High molecular weight PEGLAs were used in extrusion coating line with 3051D without problems.
Työssä kehitettiin suurnopeuskäyttöön soveltuva kestomagnetoitu roottori olemassa olevan induktiokoneen staattorirunkoon. Kehitystyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää roottorin mekaaniset raja-arvot, kuten maksimi kehänopeus. Samalla otettiin kantaa myös tarvittaviin analysointi- ja mitoitusmenetelmiin. Maksimi kehänopeuden, laakeroinnin ja roottorin skaalattavuuden selvittäminen edellytti myös tarkkaa materiaaliselvitystä ja optimointia. Tästä syystä työn aikana tehtiin tiivistä yhteistyötä materiaalitoimittajien kanssa. Työn tuloksena syntyi uusi menetelmä toteuttaa radiaalisen magneettivuon luova kestomagneettiroottori 200 m/s kehänopeudelle. Suunniteltua roottoriratkaisua käytetään testausroottorina, jolla selvitetään valmistuksen, kokoonpanon ja sähkötehon rajoitteet käytännössä. Suunnittelutyö edellyttikin jatkuvaa iterointia sähkösuunnittelun ja roottorin osien valmistajien kanssa, jotta löydettiin paras kompromissiratkaisu roottorin prototyyppiin. Tämän seurauksena saatiin luotua varsin tarkat suunnittelu- ja analysointiraja-arvot kestomagneettiroottorin tuotteistettavia versioita varten.
The human motion study, which relies on mathematical and computational models ingeneral, and multibody dynamic biomechanical models in particular, has become asubject of many recent researches. The human body model can be applied to different physical exercises and many important results such as muscle forces, which are difficult to be measured through practical experiments, can be obtained easily. In the work, human skeletal lower limb model consisting of three bodies in build using the flexible multibody dynamics simulation approach. The floating frame of reference formulation is used to account for the flexibility in the bones of the human lower limb model. The main reason of considering the flexibility inthe human bones is to measure the strains in the bone result from different physical exercises. It has been perceived the bone under strain will become stronger in order to cope with the exercise. On the other hand, the bone strength is considered and important factors in reducing the bone fractures. The simulation approach and model developed in this work are used to measure the bone strain results from applying raising the sole of the foot exercise. The simulation results are compared to the results available in literature. The comparison shows goof agreement. This study sheds the light on the importance of using the flexible multibody dynamic simulation approach to build human biomechanical models, which can be used in developing some exercises to achieve the optimalbone strength.
The active magnetic bearings have recently been intensively developed because of noncontact support having several advantages compared to conventional bearings. Due to improved materials, strategies of control, and electrical components, the performance and reliability of the active magnetic bearings are improving. However, additional bearings, retainer bearings, still have a vital role in the applications of the active magnetic bearings. The most crucial moment when the retainer bearings are needed is when the rotor drops from the active magnetic bearings on the retainer bearings due to component or power failure. Without appropriate knowledge of the retainer bearings, there is a chance that an active magnetic bearing supported rotor system will be fatal in a drop-down situation. This study introduces a detailed simulation model of a rotor system in order to describe a rotor drop-down situation on the retainer bearings. The introduced simulation model couples a finite element model with component mode synthesis and detailed bearing models. In this study, electrical components and electromechanical forces are not in the focus. The research looks at the theoretical background of the finite element method with component mode synthesis that can be used in the dynamic analysis of flexible rotors. The retainer bearings are described by using two ball bearing models, which include damping and stiffness properties, oil film, inertia of rolling elements and friction between races and rolling elements. Thefirst bearing model assumes that the cage of the bearing is ideal and that the cage holds the balls in their predefined positions precisely. The second bearing model is an extension of the first model and describes the behavior of the cageless bearing. In the bearing model, each ball is described by using two degrees of freedom. The models introduced in this study are verified with a corresponding actual structure. By using verified bearing models, the effects of the parameters of the rotor system onits dynamics during emergency stops are examined. As shown in this study, the misalignment of the retainer bearings has a significant influence on the behavior of the rotor system in a drop-down situation. In this study, a stability map of the rotor system as a function of rotational speed of the rotor and the misalignment of the retainer bearings is presented. In addition, the effects of parameters of the simulation procedure and the rotor system on the dynamics of system are studied.
Theultimate goal of any research in the mechanism/kinematic/design area may be called predictive design, ie the optimisation of mechanism proportions in the design stage without requiring extensive life and wear testing. This is an ambitious goal and can be realised through development and refinement of numerical (computational) technology in order to facilitate the design analysis and optimisation of complex mechanisms, mechanical components and systems. As a part of the systematic design methodology this thesis concentrates on kinematic synthesis (kinematic design and analysis) methods in the mechanism synthesis process. The main task of kinematic design is to find all possible solutions in the form of structural parameters to accomplish the desired requirements of motion. Main formulations of kinematic design can be broadly divided to exact synthesis and approximate synthesis formulations. The exact synthesis formulation is based in solving n linear or nonlinear equations in n variables and the solutions for the problem areget by adopting closed form classical or modern algebraic solution methods or using numerical solution methods based on the polynomial continuation or homotopy. The approximate synthesis formulations is based on minimising the approximation error by direct optimisation The main drawbacks of exact synthesis formulationare: (ia) limitations of number of design specifications and (iia) failure in handling design constraints- especially inequality constraints. The main drawbacks of approximate synthesis formulations are: (ib) it is difficult to choose a proper initial linkage and (iib) it is hard to find more than one solution. Recentformulations in solving the approximate synthesis problem adopts polynomial continuation providing several solutions, but it can not handle inequality const-raints. Based on the practical design needs the mixed exact-approximate position synthesis with two exact and an unlimited number of approximate positions has also been developed. The solutions space is presented as a ground pivot map but thepole between the exact positions cannot be selected as a ground pivot. In this thesis the exact synthesis problem of planar mechanism is solved by generating all possible solutions for the optimisation process ¿ including solutions in positive dimensional solution sets - within inequality constraints of structural parameters. Through the literature research it is first shown that the algebraic and numerical solution methods ¿ used in the research area of computational kinematics ¿ are capable of solving non-parametric algebraic systems of n equations inn variables and cannot handle the singularities associated with positive-dimensional solution sets. In this thesis the problem of positive-dimensional solutionsets is solved adopting the main principles from mathematical research area of algebraic geometry in solving parametric ( in the mathematical sense that all parameter values are considered ¿ including the degenerate cases ¿ for which the system is solvable ) algebraic systems of n equations and at least n+1 variables.Adopting the developed solution method in solving the dyadic equations in direct polynomial form in two- to three-precision-points it has been algebraically proved and numerically demonstrated that the map of the ground pivots is ambiguousand that the singularities associated with positive-dimensional solution sets can be solved. The positive-dimensional solution sets associated with the poles might contain physically meaningful solutions in the form of optimal defectfree mechanisms. Traditionally the mechanism optimisation of hydraulically driven boommechanisms is done at early state of the design process. This will result in optimal component design rather than optimal system level design. Modern mechanismoptimisation at system level demands integration of kinematic design methods with mechanical system simulation techniques. In this thesis a new kinematic design method for hydraulically driven boom mechanism is developed and integrated in mechanical system simulation techniques. The developed kinematic design method is based on the combinations of two-precision-point formulation and on optimisation ( with mathematical programming techniques or adopting optimisation methods based on probability and statistics ) of substructures using calculated criteria from the system level response of multidegree-of-freedom mechanisms. Eg. by adopting the mixed exact-approximate position synthesis in direct optimisation (using mathematical programming techniques) with two exact positions and an unlimitednumber of approximate positions the drawbacks of (ia)-(iib) has been cancelled.The design principles of the developed method are based on the design-tree -approach of the mechanical systems and the design method ¿ in principle ¿ is capable of capturing the interrelationship between kinematic and dynamic synthesis simultaneously when the developed kinematic design method is integrated with the mechanical system simulation techniques.
During the latest few years the need for new motor types has grown, since both high efficiency and an accurate dynamic performance are demanded in industrial applications. For this reason, new effective control systems such as direct torque control (DTC) have been developed. Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) are well suitable for new adjustable speed AC inverter drives, because their efficiency and power factor are not depending on the pole pair number and speed to the same extent as it is the case in induction motors. Therefore, an induction motor (IM) with a mechanical gearbox can often be replaced with a direct PM motor drive. Space as well as costs will be saved, because the efficiency increases and the cost of maintenance decreases as well. This thesis deals with design criterion, analytical calculation and analysis of the permanent magnet synchronous motor for both sinusoidal air-gap flux density and rectangular air-gapflux density. It is examined how the air-gap flux, flux densities, inductances and torque can be estimated analytically for salient pole and non-salient pole motors. It has been sought by means of analytical calculations for the ultimate construction for machines rotating at relative low 300 rpm to 600 rpm speeds, which are suitable speeds e.g. in Pulp&Paper industry. The calculations are verified by using Finite Element calculations and by measuring of prototype motor. The prototype motor is a 45 kW, 600 rpm PMSM with buried V-magnets, which is a very appropriate construction for high torque motors with a high performance. With the purposebuilt prototype machine it is possible not only to verify the analytical calculations but also to show whether the 600 rpm PMSM can replace the 1500 rpm IM with a gear. It can also be tested if the outer dimensions of the PMSM may be the same as for the IM and if the PMSM in this case can produce a 2.5 fold torque, in consequence of which it may be possible to achieve the same power. The thesis also considers the question how to design a permanent magnet synchronous motor for relatively low speed applications that require a high motor torqueand efficiency as well as bearable costs of permanent magnet materials. It is shown how a selection of different parameters affects the motor properties. Key words: Permanent magnet synchronous motor, PMSM, surface magnets, buried magnets
Belt-drive systems have been and still are the most commonly used power transmission form in various applications of different scale and use. The peculiar features of the dynamics of the belt-drives include highly nonlinear deformation,large rigid body motion, a dynamical contact through a dry friction interface between the belt and pulleys with sticking and slipping zones, cyclic tension of the belt during the operation and creeping of the belt against the pulleys. The life of the belt-drive is critically related on these features, and therefore, amodel which can be used to study the correlations between the initial values and the responses of the belt-drives is a valuable source of information for the development process of the belt-drives. Traditionally, the finite element models of the belt-drives consist of a large number of elements thatmay lead to computational inefficiency. In this research, the beneficial features of the absolute nodal coordinate formulation are utilized in the modeling of the belt-drives in order to fulfill the following requirements for the successful and efficient analysis of the belt-drive systems: the exact modeling of the rigid body inertia during an arbitrary rigid body motion, the consideration of theeffect of the shear deformation, the exact description of the highly nonlinear deformations and a simple and realistic description of the contact. The use of distributed contact forces and high order beam and plate elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation are applied to the modeling of the belt-drives in two- and three-dimensional cases. According to the numerical results, a realistic behavior of the belt-drives can be obtained with a significantly smaller number of elements and degrees of freedom in comparison to the previously published finite element models of belt-drives. The results of theexamples demonstrate the functionality and suitability of the absolute nodal coordinate formulation for the computationally efficient and realistic modeling ofbelt-drives. This study also introduces an approach to avoid the problems related to the use of the continuum mechanics approach in the definition of elastic forces on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation. This approach is applied to a new computationally efficient two-dimensional shear deformable beam element based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation. The proposed beam element uses a linear displacement field neglecting higher-order terms and a reduced number of nodal coordinates, which leads to fewer degrees of freedom in a finite element.
Industry's growing need for higher productivity is placing new demands on mechanisms connected with electrical motors, because these can easily lead to vibration problems due to fast dynamics. Furthermore, the nonlinear effects caused by a motor frequently reduce servo stability, which diminishes the controller's ability to predict and maintain speed. Hence, the flexibility of a mechanism and its control has become an important area of research. The basic approach in control system engineering is to assume that the mechanism connected to a motor is rigid, so that vibrations in the tool mechanism, reel, gripper or any apparatus connected to the motor are not taken into account. This might reduce the ability of the machine system to carry out its assignment and shorten the lifetime of the equipment. Nonetheless, it is usually more important to know how the mechanism, or in other words the load on the motor, behaves. A nonlinear load control method for a permanent magnet linear synchronous motor is developed and implemented in the thesis. The purpose of the controller is to track a flexible load to the desired velocity reference as fast as possible and without awkward oscillations. The control method is based on an adaptive backstepping algorithm with its stability ensured by the Lyapunov stability theorem. As a reference controller for the backstepping method, a hybrid neural controller is introduced in which the linear motor itself is controlled by a conventional PI velocity controller and the vibration of the associated flexible mechanism is suppressed from an outer control loop using a compensation signal from a multilayer perceptron network. To avoid the local minimum problem entailed in neural networks, the initial weights are searched for offline by means of a differential evolution algorithm. The states of a mechanical system for controllers are estimated using the Kalman filter. The theoretical results obtained from the control design are validated with the lumped mass model for a mechanism. Generalization of the mechanism allows the methods derived here to be widely implemented in machine automation. The control algorithms are first designed in a specially introduced nonlinear simulation model and then implemented in the physical linear motor using a DSP (Digital Signal Processor) application. The measurements prove that both controllers are capable of suppressing vibration, but that the backstepping method is superior to others due to its accuracy of response and stability properties.
COD discharges out of processes have increased in line with elevating brightness demands for mechanical pulp and papers. The share of lignin-like substances in COD discharges is on average 75%. In this thesis, a plant dynamic model was created and validated as a means to predict COD loading and discharges out of a mill. The assays were carried out in one paper mill integrate producing mechanical printing papers. The objective in the modeling of plant dynamics was to predict day averages of COD load and discharges out of mills. This means that online data, like 1) the level of large storage towers of pulp and white water 2) pulp dosages, 3) production rates and 4) internal white water flows and discharges were used to create transients into the balances of solids and white water, referred to as “plant dynamics”. A conversion coefficient was verified between TOC and COD. The conversion coefficient was used for predicting the flows from TOC to COD to the waste water treatment plant. The COD load was modeled with similar uncertainty as in reference TOC sampling. The water balance of waste water treatment was validated by the reference concentration of COD. The difference of COD predictions against references was within the same deviation of TOC-predictions. The modeled yield losses and retention values of TOC in pulping and bleaching processes and the modeled fixing of colloidal TOC to solids between the pulping plant and the aeration basin in the waste water treatment plant were similar to references presented in literature. The valid water balances of the waste water treatment plant and the reduction model of lignin-like substances produced a valid prediction of COD discharges out of the mill. A 30% increase in the release of lignin-like substances in the form of production problems was observed in pulping and bleaching processes. The same increase was observed in COD discharges out of waste water treatment. In the prediction of annual COD discharge, it was noticed that the reduction of lignin has a wide deviation from year to year and from one mill to another. This made it difficult to compare the parameters of COD discharges validated in plant dynamic simulation with another mill producing mechanical printing papers. However, a trend of moving from unbleached towards high-brightness TMP in COD discharges was valid.
This paper is a literature review which describes the construction of state of the art of permanent magnet generators and motors constructing and discusses the current and possible application of these machines in industry. Permanent magnet machines are a well-know class of rotating and linear electric machines used for many years in industrial applications. A particular interest for permanent magnet generators is connected with wind mills, which seem to be becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Geared and direct-driven permanent magnet generators are described. A classification of direct-driven permanent magnet generators is given. Design aspects of permanent magnet generators are presented. Permanent magnet generators for wind turbines designs are highlighted. Dynamics and vibration problems of permanent magnet generators covered in literature are presented. The application of the Finite Element Method for mechanical problems solution in the field of permanent magnet generators is discussed.
Technical analysis of Low Voltage Direct Current (LVDC) distribution systems shows that in LVDC transmission the customer voltage quality is higher. One of the problems in LVDC distribution networks that converters both ends of the DC line are required. Because of the converters produce not pure DC voltage, but some fluctuations as well, the huge electrolytic capacitors are required to reduce voltage distortions in the DC-side. This thesis master’s thesis is focused on calculating required DC-link capacitance for LVDC transmission and estimation of the influence of different parameters on the voltage quality. The goal is to investigate the methods of the DC-link capacitance estimation and location in the transmission line.
This thesis concentrates on developing a practical local approach methodology based on micro mechanical models for the analysis of ductile fracture of welded joints. Two major problems involved in the local approach, namely the dilational constitutive relation reflecting the softening behaviour of material, and the failure criterion associated with the constitutive equation, have been studied in detail. Firstly, considerable efforts were made on the numerical integration and computer implementation for the non trivial dilational Gurson Tvergaard model. Considering the weaknesses of the widely used Euler forward integration algorithms, a family of generalized mid point algorithms is proposed for the Gurson Tvergaard model. Correspondingly, based on the decomposition of stresses into hydrostatic and deviatoric parts, an explicit seven parameter expression for the consistent tangent moduli of the algorithms is presented. This explicit formula avoids any matrix inversion during numerical iteration and thus greatly facilitates the computer implementation of the algorithms and increase the efficiency of the code. The accuracy of the proposed algorithms and other conventional algorithms has been assessed in a systematic manner in order to highlight the best algorithm for this study. The accurate and efficient performance of present finite element implementation of the proposed algorithms has been demonstrated by various numerical examples. It has been found that the true mid point algorithm (a = 0.5) is the most accurate one when the deviatoric strain increment is radial to the yield surface and it is very important to use the consistent tangent moduli in the Newton iteration procedure. Secondly, an assessment of the consistency of current local failure criteria for ductile fracture, the critical void growth criterion, the constant critical void volume fraction criterion and Thomason's plastic limit load failure criterion, has been made. Significant differences in the predictions of ductility by the three criteria were found. By assuming the void grows spherically and using the void volume fraction from the Gurson Tvergaard model to calculate the current void matrix geometry, Thomason's failure criterion has been modified and a new failure criterion for the Gurson Tvergaard model is presented. Comparison with Koplik and Needleman's finite element results shows that the new failure criterion is fairly accurate indeed. A novel feature of the new failure criterion is that a mechanism for void coalescence is incorporated into the constitutive model. Hence the material failure is a natural result of the development of macroscopic plastic flow and the microscopic internal necking mechanism. By the new failure criterion, the critical void volume fraction is not a material constant and the initial void volume fraction and/or void nucleation parameters essentially control the material failure. This feature is very desirable and makes the numerical calibration of void nucleation parameters(s) possible and physically sound. Thirdly, a local approach methodology based on the above two major contributions has been built up in ABAQUS via the user material subroutine UMAT and applied to welded T joints. By using the void nucleation parameters calibrated from simple smooth and notched specimens, it was found that the fracture behaviour of the welded T joints can be well predicted using present methodology. This application has shown how the damage parameters of both base material and heat affected zone (HAZ) material can be obtained in a step by step manner and how useful and capable the local approach methodology is in the analysis of fracture behaviour and crack development as well as structural integrity assessment of practical problems where non homogeneous materials are involved. Finally, a procedure for the possible engineering application of the present methodology is suggested and discussed.