25 resultados para compact dual-band antenna
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Tämä insinöörityö tehtiin SEW Industrial Gears Oy:lle, joka valmistaa hammasvaihteita teollisuuden eri sovellutuksiin. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää modulaarinen paisuntaastiasarja compact -sarjan teollisuusvaihteeseen. Työn alkuvaiheessa käytössä oli kahdenlaisia paisunta-astioita: kosteissa oloissa käytettävä suljettu astiamalli ja kuiviin olosuhteisiin soveltuva malli. Koska käytössä oleva suljettu astiamalli oli kallis ja kuivien olosuhteiden mallin käyttö oli rajoitettu, oli uudelle modulaariselle paisunta-astialle selkeä tarve. Uuden astiamallin tuli olla yhteensopiva vaihteen yleisimpien varusteiden ja asennusasentojen kanssa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli puolittaa uuden konseptin hinta vanhaan verrattuna ja paikata vanhoissa konstruktioissa olleita puutteita. Työ aloitettiin analysoimalla olemassa olevat paisunta-astiatyypit, minkä jälkeen paisuntaastialle ideoitiin uusia ominaisuuksia. Toisessa vaiheessa perehdyttiin modulaariseen järjestelmään sekä öljynpaisunnan teoriaan teollisuusvaihteessa. Viimeisessä vaiheessa tehtiin konseptin varsinainen suunnittelutyö, valittiin astian valmistustapa ja materiaali sekä optimoitiin hinta. Uudesta mallista valmistettiin myös prototyyppi, jotta suunniteltua tuotetta päästiin kokeilemaan myös käytännössä. Näin voitiin varmistaa tuotteen toimivuus. Suunnittelutyön tuloksena saatiin uuden paisunta-astiasarjan piirustukset tarvittavista osista ja kokoonpanoista sekä komponenttistandardi ja myyntiä tukevaa materiaalia. Käytännön osuus antoi tietoa laskelmien oikeellisuudesta sekä öljyn täyttöön ja paisuntaan liittyvistä asioista.
This research has been focused at the development of a tuned systematic design methodology, which gives the best performance in a computer aided environment and utilises a cross-technological approach, specially tested with and for laser processed microwave mechanics. A tuned design process scheme is also presented. Because of the currently large production volumes of microwave and radio frequency mechanics even slight improvements of design methodologies or manufacturing technologies would give reasonable possibilities for cost reduction. The typical number of required iteration cycles could be reduced to one fifth of normal. The research area dealing with the methodologies is divided firstly into a function-oriented, a performance-oriented or a manufacturability-oriented product design. Alternatively various approaches can be developed for a customer-oriented, a quality-oriented, a cost-oriented or an organisation-oriented design. However, the real need for improvements is between these two extremes. This means that the effective methodology for the designers should not be too limited (like in the performance-oriented design) or too general (like in the organisation-oriented design), but it should, include the context of the design environment. This is the area where the current research is focused. To test the developed tuned design methodology for laser processing (TDMLP) and the tuned optimising algorithm for laser processing (TOLP), seven different industrial product applications for microwave mechanics have been designed, CAD-modelled and manufactured by using laser in small production series. To verify that the performance of these products meets the required level and to ensure the objectiveness ofthe results extensive laboratory tests were used for all designed prototypes. As an example a Ku-band horn antenna can be laser processed from steel in 2 minutes at the same time obtaining a comparable electrical performance of classical aluminium units or the residual resistance of a laser joint in steel could be limited to 72 milliohmia.
Opinnäytetyö käsittelee big bandia sekä sille sovittamista. Keskityn tarkastelemaan ennen kaikkea 1930-40-lukujen musiikillista murrosta, jolloin syntyi uusi tapa käsitellä useasti suurimpien orkestereiden kokoonpanoon kuuluneita puhaltimia. Tuona ajanjaksona orkestereiden puhallinryhmistä sekä komppisoittimista alettiin yleisesti muodostaa sektioita. Tämä kokoonpano sai nimekseen ”big band”. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli syventää tietojani big bandin puhallinsektioiden toiminnasta sekä niiden yleisimmistä tehtävistä. Tehtäviä selventääkseni tein big band -sovituksen omasta kappaleestani, missä peilasin 1930-40-luvuilla yleistynyttä tyyliä sovittaa. Sovitustyön valmistuminen pohjautui kolmeen seikkaan: historian tuntemus, sovitussuunnitelman teko sekä musiikin teorian tuntemus. Historian tuntemus loi pohjan sovitussuunnitelmalle, minkä avulla loin kehykset sovitustyön tekemiselle. Sovituksen tekninen suoritus sekä valmistuminen pohjautuivat musiikin teorian ymmärtämiseen sekä kokemukseeni sovittajana. Sovitukseni analyysi-osiossa käyn sovituksen läpi osa kerrallaan, selventäen kuinka puhallinsektiot kussakin osassa toimivat. Opinnäytetyön suunnittelu sekä tiukka rajaus eivät poissulkeneet täysin aiheen moniulotteisuutta. Pelkkiin puhallinsektioihin keskittyminen aiheutti ongelmallisia tilanteita, jotka vaativat suurien kompromissien tekemistä. Muun muassa teorian ja reharmonisoinnin syvempi analysoiminen tässä jää tekemättä. Sovituksellisten sekä soinnullisien ratkaisuiden olemassaolo vaatisi yleensä rinnalleen syvempää perustelua. Näin varsinkin nyt, kun ratkaisut harmoniassa ovat aika ajoin jopa radikaaleja. Tulin kuitenkin siihen päätelmään, että kaikki tekstissä ilmenevä tieto mikä ei koskisi puhallinsektioiden käyttäytymistä olisi irrelevanttia. Lopputuloksen oli tarkoitus olla jäsennelty esittely siitä, mitä big bandin puhallinsektiot ovat ja tekevät. Käyn opinnäytteessäni lyhyesti läpi myös sovitukseni esikuvat. Tämä lyhyt historia-osuus kertoo tiivistetysti mistä ajalta mallintamani sovitustyyli on peräisin ja ketkä ovat edesauttaneet sen yleistymisessä. Historia osuus toimii mainiosti suppeana avainsanastona aiheesta enemmän kiinnostuneelle.
In this thesis I argue that the psychological study of concepts and categorisation, and the philosophical study of reference are deeply intertwined. I propose that semantic intuitions are a variety of categorisation judgements, determined by concepts, and that because of this, concepts determine reference. I defend a dual theory of natural kind concepts, according to which natural kind concepts have distinct semantic cores and non-semantic identification procedures. Drawing on psychological essentialism, I suggest that the cores consist of externalistic placeholder essence beliefs. The identification procedures, in turn, consist of prototypes, sets of exemplars, or possibly also theory-structured beliefs. I argue that the dual theory is motivated both by experimental data and theoretical considerations. The thesis consists of three interrelated articles. Article I examines philosophical causal and description theories of natural kind term reference, and argues that they involve, or need to involve, certain psychological elements. I propose a unified theory of natural kind term reference, built on the psychology of concepts. Article II presents two semantic adaptations of psychological essentialism, one of which is a strict externalistic Kripkean-Putnamian theory, while the other is a hybrid account, according to which natural kind terms are ambiguous between internalistic and externalistic senses. We present two experiments, the results of which support the strict externalistic theory. Article III examines Fodor’s influential atomistic theory of concepts, according to which no psychological capacities associated with concepts constitute them, or are necessary for reference. I argue, contra Fodor, that the psychological mechanisms are necessary for reference.
In this paper aspects of design for manufacturability and assembly (DFMA) are applied to the design of coaxially fed standard gain horn antenna for 1.70 - 2.60 GHz. Possibilities to utilize cross-technological approach method is examined. Methods of DFMA for laser processing are covered and practical design guides and methods are developed. Antenna construction for easy manufacturing and specialized performance is shown. Required dimensions and tolerances are discussed and suitable materials for laser processing are selected.
Normaalisti radiovastaanottimet on luokiteltavissa suoriin vastaanottimiin ja superheterodynevastaanottimiin. Jälkimmäistä nimitetään tavallisesti supervastaanottimeksi. Molemman vastaanottimen oleellisiin osiin kuuluu antennin virityspiiri, supervastaanottimelle lisäksi paikallisoskillaattorin virityspiiri, mikä pitää virittää antennipiirin kanssa samanaikaisesti. Pienillä taajuuksilla, taajuudet luokassa kilo-Hertzejä tai pienemmillä, on antennipiirin viritys resonanssipiirin ominaisuuksista johtuen sitä kapeammalla kaistalla ja sitä hitaampaa mitä pienemmällä taajuudella vastaanotto tapahtuu. Lisäksi virityspiiri hyvyysluku Q on vaikea saada sopivaksi, mikäli viritys on muuten käytännöllinen, säädettävä resonanssipiiri. Vaadittaessa kiinteätaajuista viritystä on käytännöllistä hyödyntää sähkömekaanisia osia, siis keraamisia tai kvartsikiteitä. Koska kiteitten ja korkean hyvyysluvun piirin värähtely jatkuu useita värähtelyjaksoja ennen saapuneitten värähtelyjen sammumista, kestää myös kauan aikaa, ennen kuin värähtely piirissä on loppu. Pienitaajuinen resonanssipiiri saavuttaa maksimivirtansa hitaasti, jos hyvyysluku on iso, kun piiri alkaa johtaa resonanssitaajuista virtaa. Tässä työssä pyritään vastaanotinjärjestelyyn ongelmallisen, pientaajuisen virityspiirin käytön välttämiseksi. Toisena tavoitteena on saada aikaan vastaanotto siten, että tietty pienitaajuinen radiotaajuusalue voidaan kokonaisuudessaan vastaanottaa jatkuva-aikaisesti, ilman antennipiirin jatkuvaa virittämistä erillisille taajuuksille. Laaditaan kytkentä, joka mitoitetaan, simuloidaan ja mitataan.
Contactless integrated circuit cards are one form of application of radio frequency identification. They are used in applications such as access control, identification, and payment in public transport. The contactless IC cards are passive which means that both the data and the energy are transferred to the card without contact using inductive coupling. Antenna design and optimization of the design for contactless IC cards defined by ISO/IEC14443 is studied. The basic operation principles of contactless system are presented and the structure of contactless IC card is illustrated. The structure was divided between the contactless chip and the antenna. The operation of the antenna was covered in depth and the parameters affecting to the performance of the antenna were presented. Also the different antenna technologies and connection technologies were provided. The antenna design process with the parameters and the design tools isillustrated and optimization of the design is studied. To make the design process more ideal a target of development was discovered, which was the implementation of test application. The optimization of the antenna design was presented based on the optimization criteria defined in this study. The solution for the implementation of these criteria and the effect of each criterion was found. For enhancing the performance of the antenna a focus for future study was proposed.
The purpose of the research project The poetics of the talking book is to contribute to the knowledge about patterns of understanding in young adults’ reception of fiction, which they listened to through audio books. The problem explored was: How do different groups of listeners receive fictive text presented as a talking book with variations regarding use of voice, engagement and sound effects? The problem formulation rendered four specific research questions: 1. What patterns can be identified in the listeners’ answers regarding story structure and cognitive content in a comparative perspective comprising different reading styles in the taped versions of the text? 2. What patterns of understanding in interpretative reading can be identified in different listeners? 3. Which thoughts do the listeners have about what the talking book should sound like? 4. What affordances for young adults with the functional disability of mild mental retardation can be made visible through guided literature conversations? The theoretical frame of reference was formed by text–reader-oriented literary theory, psychological schema theory, and research regarding voice quality and communication. The project was carried out in two steps. The first phase was to produce the audio books with two variations of reading practice of three short stories with an existential theme in each text. The second step comprised interviewing of 32 young adults (a special group with a reading handicap in form of mild mental retardation, and a reference group with no handicap). The interviews formed as literary conversation were carried out three times during one year. The phenomenological-hermeneutic approach focused on the life worlds of the participants as meaning seeking beings. The analysis was carried out using method triangulation, mainly using phenomenological meaning concentration. The double hermeneutics in use when interpreting the interpretations of the participants revealed a capacity for aesthetic reading of fiction in the special group as well as in the reference group. The aesthetic qualities were found sufficient in all variations of reading by the professional readers of the audio book they listened to. The young adults also could describe how they wanted the audio book to sound: just as if you were reading yourself. A model describing the analytical steps and concepts in use was a result that can serve as an outline of a poetics for the talking book. Unexpected research results were how important the guided literary conversation turned out to be in order to realise the affordances given by the texts regarding exploration of existential themes in the young adults’ life worlds. Thus the result of the research project can be positioned as a piece of emancipatory research stressing the importance of including this group of young adults in the society’s conversation about culture and meaning.
The goal of this study was to find a new approach to modify chemically the properties of paper by improving fiber quality. This Master’s thesis includes the multiple polymer treatment in general and themeasurement methods with which the formation of multilayers and complexes can be noticed. The treatment by an oppositely charged dual polymer system is a good approach to increase paper strength. In this work, starch, a cationic polymer, and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), an anionic polymer, were used step-by-step to improve paper strength. The adsorption of cationic starch and CMC on cellulose fibers were analyzed via polyelectrolyte titration. The results showed that paper strength was enhanced slightly with a layer-by-layer assembly of the polymers. However, if the washing stage, which was required for layer-by-layer assembly, was eliminated, the starch/CMC complex was deposited on fibers more efficiently, and the paper strength was improved more significantly.
Most advanced tumours face periods of reduced oxygen availability i.e. hypoxia. During these periods tumour cells undergo adaptive changes enabling their survival under adverse conditions. In cancer hypoxia-induced cellular changes cause tumour progression, hinder cancer treatment and are indicative of poor prognosis. Within cells the main regulator of hypoxic responses is the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF). HIF governs the expression of over a hundred hypoxia-inducible genes that regulate a number of cellular functions such as angiogenesis, glucose metabolism and cell migration. Therefore the activity of HIF must be tightly governed. HIF is regulated by a family of prolyl hydroxylase enzymes, PHDs, which mark HIF for destruction in normoxia. Under hypoxic conditions PHDs lose much of their enzymatic activity as they need molecular oxygen as a cofactor. Out of the three PHDs (PHD1, 2 and 3) PHD2 has been considered to be the main HIF-1 regulator in normoxic conditions. PHD3 on the other hand shows the most robust induction in response to oxygen deprivation and it has been implied as the main HIF-1 regulator under prolonged hypoxia. SQSTM1/p62 (p62) is an adaptor protein that functions through its binding motifs to bring together proteins in order to regulate signal transduction. In non-stressed situations p62 levels are kept low but its expression has been reported to be upregulated in many cancers. It has a definitive role as an autophagy receptor and as such it serves a key function in cancer cell survival decisions. In my thesis work I evaluated the significance of PHD3 in cancer cell and tumour biology. My results revealed that PHD3 has a dual role in cancer cell fate. First, I demonstrated that PHD3 forms subcellular protein aggregates in oxygenated carcinoma cells and that this aggregation promotes apoptosis induction in a subset of cancer cells. In these aggregates an adaptor protein SQSTM1/p62 interacts with PHD3 and in so doing regulates PHD3 expression. SQSTM1/p62 expression is needed to keep PHD3 levels low in normoxic conditions. Its levels rapidly decrease in response to hypoxia allowing PHD3 protein levels to be upregulated and the protein to be diffusely expressed throughout the cell. The interaction between PHD3 and SQSTM1/p62 limits the ability of PHD3 to function on its hydroxylation target protein HIF-1alpha. Second, the results indicate that when PHD3 is upregulated under hypoxia it protects cancer cells by allowing cell cycle to proceed from G1 to S-phase. My data demonstrates that PHD3 may either cause cell death or protect the cells depending on its expression pattern and the oxygen availability of tumours.
In this thesis the design of bandpass filters tunable at 400 MHz – 800 MHz was under research. Microwave filters are vital components which provide frequency selectivity in wide variety of electronic systems operating at high frequencies. Due to the occurrence of multi-frequency bands communication and diverse applications of wireless devices, requirement of tunable filters exists. The one of potential implementation of frequency-agile filters is frontends and spectrum sensors in Cognitive Radio (CR). The principle of CR is to detect and operate at a particular available spectrum without interfering with the primary user’s signals. This new method allows improving the efficiency of utilizing allocated spectrum such as TV band (400 MHz – 800 MHz). The focus of this work is development of sufficiently compact, low cost tunable filters with quite narrow bandwidth using currently available lumped-element components and PCB board technology. Filter design, different topologies and methods of tuning of bandpass filters are considered in this work. As a result, three types of topologies of bandpass filter were simulated and realised. They use digitally tunable capacitors (DTCs) for adjusting central frequency at TV "white space" spectrum. Measurements revealed that schematics presented in this work have proper output response and filters are successfully tuned by DTCs.
The number of molecular diagnostic assays has increased tremendously in recent years.Nucleic acid diagnostic assays have been developed, especially for the detection of human pathogenic microbes and genetic markers predisposing to certain diseases. Closed-tube methods are preferred because they are usually faster and easier to perform than heterogenous methods and in addition, target nucleic acids are commonly amplified leading to risk of contamination of the following reactions by the amplification product if the reactions are opened. The present study introduces a new closed-tube switchable complementation probes based PCR assay concept where two non-fluorescent probes form a fluorescent lanthanide chelate complex in the presence of the target DNA. In this dual-probe PCR assay method one oligonucleotide probe carries a non-fluorescent lanthanide chelate and another probe a light absorbing antenna ligand. The fluorescent lanthanide chelate complex is formed only when the non-fluorescent probes are hybridized to adjacent positions into the target DNA bringing the reporter moieties in close proximity. The complex is formed by self-assembled lanthanide chelate complementation where the antenna ligand is coordinated to the lanthanide ion captured in the chelate. The complementation probes based assays with time-resolved fluorescence measurement showed low background signal level and hence, relatively high nucleic acid detection sensitivity (low picomolar target concentration). Different lanthanide chelate structures were explored and a new cyclic seven dentate lanthanide chelate was found suitable for complementation probe method. It was also found to resist relatively high PCR reaction temperatures, which was essential for the PCR assay applications. A seven-dentate chelate with two unoccupied coordination sites must be used instead of a more stable eight- or nine-dentate chelate because the antenna ligand needs to be coordinated to the free coordination sites of the lanthanide ion. The previously used linear seven-dentate lanthanide chelate was found to be unstable in PCR conditions and hence, the new cyclic chelate was needed. The complementation probe PCR assay method showed high signal-to-background ratio up to 300 due to a low background fluorescence level and the results (threshold cycles) in real-time PCR were reached approximately 6 amplification cycles earlier compared to the commonly used FRET-based closed-tube PCR method. The suitability of the complementation probe method for different nucleic acid assay applications was studied. 1) A duplex complementation probe C. trachomatis PCR assay with a simple 10-minute urine sample preparation was developed to study suitability of the method for clinical diagnostics. The performance of the C. trachomatis assay was equal to the commercial C. trachomatis nucleic acid amplification assay containing more complex sample preparation based on DNA extraction. 2) A PCR assay for the detection of HLA-DQA1*05 allele, that is used to predict the risk of type 1 diabetes, was developed to study the performance of the method in genotyping. A simple blood sample preparation was used where the nucleic acids were released from dried blood sample punches using high temperature and alkaline reaction conditions. The complementation probe HLA-DQA1*05 PCR assay showed good genotyping performance correlating 100% with the routinely used heterogenous reference assay. 3) To study the suitability of the complementation probe method for direct measurement of the target organism, e.g., in the culture media, the complementation probes were applied to amplificationfree closed-tube bacteriophage quantification by measuring M13 bacteriophage ssDNA. A low picomolar bacteriophage concentration was detected in a rapid 20- minute assay. The assay provides a quick and reliable alternative to the commonly used and relatively unreliable UV-photometry and time-consuming culture based bacteriophage detection methods and indicates that the method could also be used for direct measurement of other micro-organisms. The complementation probe PCR method has a low background signal level leading to a high signal-to-background ratio and relatively sensitive nucleic acid detection. The method is compatible with simple sample preparation and it was shown to tolerate residues of urine, blood, bacteria and bacterial culture media. The common trend in nucleic acid diagnostics is to create easy-to-use assays suitable for rapid near patient analysis. The complementation probe PCR assays with a brief sample preparation should be relatively easy to automate and hence, would allow the development of highperformance nucleic acid amplification assays with a short overall assay time.