10 resultados para Water Pollution, Chemical

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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The accumulation of aqueous pollutants is becoming a global problem. The search for suitable methods and/or combinations of water treatment processes is a task that can slow down and stop the process of water pollution. In this work, the method of wet oxidation was considered as an appropriate technique for the elimination of the impurities present in paper mill process waters. It has been shown that, when combined with traditional wastewater treatment processes, wet oxidation offers many advantages. The combination of coagulation and wet oxidation offers a new opportunity for the improvement of the quality of wastewater designated for discharge or recycling. First of all, the utilization of coagulated sludge via wet oxidation provides a conditioning process for the sludge, i.e. dewatering, which is rather difficult to carry out with untreated waste. Secondly, Fe2(SO4)3, which is employed earlier as a coagulant, transforms the conventional wet oxidation process into a catalytic one. The use of coagulation as the post-treatment for wet oxidation can offer the possibility of the brown hue that usually accompanies the partial oxidation to be reduced. As a result, the supernatant is less colored and also contains a rather low amount of Fe ions to beconsidered for recycling inside mills. The thickened part that consists of metal ions is then recycled back to the wet oxidation system. It was also observed that wet oxidation is favorable for the degradation of pitch substances (LWEs) and lignin that are present in the process waters of paper mills. Rather low operating temperatures are needed for wet oxidation in order to destruct LWEs. The oxidation in the alkaline media provides not only the faster elimination of pitch and lignin but also significantly improves the biodegradable characteristics of wastewater that contains lignin and pitch substances. During the course of the kinetic studies, a model, which can predict the enhancements of the biodegradability of wastewater, was elaborated. The model includes lumped concentrations suchas the chemical oxygen demand and biochemical oxygen demand and reflects a generalized reaction network of oxidative transformations. Later developments incorporated a new lump, the immediately available biochemical oxygen demand, which increased the fidelity of the predictions made by the model. Since changes in biodegradability occur simultaneously with the destruction of LWEs, an attempt was made to combine these two facts for modeling purposes.


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Turvetuotannon suurimpana ympäristövaikutuksena pidetään tuotantoalueiden valuma-vesistä johtuvia ympäristövaikutuksia. Tiukentunut ympäristölainsäädäntö edellyttää uusilta turvetuotantoalueilta parhaan käyttökelpoisen tekniikan käyttöä valumavesien-käsittelyssä. Parhaaksi käyttökelpoiseksi tekniikaksi luetaan pintavalutus- ja kasvilli-suuskentän sekä kemikaloinnin käyttö valumavesien puhdistuksessa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää painovoimaisen kemiallisen vesienkäsit-telymenetelmän soveltuvuutta pienille turvetuotantoalueille. Tutkimuskohteena oli Lep-pisuo Luumäen kunnassa, jonne rakennettiin 2010 painovoimaisen kemikaloinnin koe-laitteisto. Laitteiston puhdistustulosta tarkasteltiin kemikalointiin tulevan ja lähtevän veden sekä taustanäytepisteiden tarkkailutulosten avulla. Laitteiston toimivuutta arvioi-tiin kemikaalin annostelun ja toimintavarmuuden avulla. Vuoden 2010 tarkkailutuloksista saatiin keskimääräisiksi erotustehokkuuksiksi koko-naisfosforin osalta 65,2 %, kokonaistypen osalta 28,1 % ja CODMn osalta 65,5 %. Ke-mikaloinnista lähtevän veden kokonaisfosforipitoisuus oli 7,7 μg/l, kokonaistyppipitoi-suus 656 μg/l ja CODMn 5,5 mg/l O2. Ferrisulfaatin annostelu oli keskimäärin 81 mg/l, vaihteluvälillä 25–268 mg/l.


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This study is a part of the Ecologically Friendly Port Ust-Luga (EFP) project. The purpose of this study is to examine the environmental status of the Finnish ports and, more specifically, the Port of HaminaKotka. An analysis of the environmental status is performed mainly as a literature review, because the Finnish ports must comply with Finnish and EU legislation and with the binding international regulations and conventions created by different organizations. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has done groundbreaking work in the field of maritime safety and maritime environmental protection. The MARPOL convention has a great impact on decreasing pollution from international shipping and it applies to 99% of the world’s merchant tonnage. Pollution prevention covers: Oil pollution, Chemical pollution, Air pollution and GHG Emissions, Dumping of Wasted and Other Matters, Garbage, Sewage, Port Reception Facilities, Special Areas under MARPOL and Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas. There is also Pollution Prevention for other treaties like anti-fouling systems used on ships, the transfer of alien species by ships’ ballast water and the environmentally sound recycling of ships. There are more than twenty different EU and international regulations that influence ports and port operations in Finland. In addition, there is also national legislation that has an effect on Finnish ports. For the most part, the legislation for ports is common in the EU area, but the biggest and most important difference between the legislation in Finland and other EU countries is due to the Act on Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure. The Act states that the environmental impact assessment procedure shall be applied to projects that may have significant adverse environmental impacts, due to the special features of Finland`s nature and environment. In this Act, the term environmental impact refers to the direct and indirect effects inside and outside Finnish territory of a project or operations on human health, living conditions and amenity; soil, water, air, climate, organisms, interaction between them and biodiversity; community structure, buildings, landscape, townscape and cultural heritage; utilization of natural resources. In Finland, the Environmental Permit requires that ports collect all necessary information concerning environmental effects and make required reports to the Finnish authorities, stakeholders and the public. Commonly, environmental reporting is public and environmental achievements are emphasized in reporting and in media. At the moment, the problem in environmental reporting is that it’s difficult to compare data from different ports. There is enough data concerning the environmental effects and performance, but the manner of reporting and the quality of the data varies between ports. There are differences in the units and codes used, in some cases the information is not sufficient and it can even be rather unreliable. There are also differences regarding the subjects that are emphasized in reporting.


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Työn tarkoituksena on ollut tutkia vesianalytiikan kehitystä Suomessa, arvioida rutiini-analytiikan luotettavuutta, selvittää eteläisimmän Saimaan jätevesikuormituksen kehitys ja siihen vaikuttaneet tekijät, laatia aikasarjat eräiden tutkimusalueen keskeisten veden laadun seurantapaikkojen veden laadun kehityksestä ja esittää keinoja veden laadun kehityksen kuvaa¬miseksi tiivistämällä suuri havaintomateriaali yksinkertaisiksi tunnusluvuiksi. Työssä käsiteltä¬vä aikajakso alkaa 1900-luvun alusta ja päättyy vuoteen 1998. Tutkimus on osa laajempaa ko¬konaisuutta. Tutkimusalue käsittää Vuoksen vesistön keskusjärven, Saimaan, eteläisimmät osat eli Pien-Saimaan, Suur-Saimaan, Vuoksen niskan ja Haapaveden altaat sekä vesistön purku¬-uoman, Vuoksen virran (ks. kuvat 5.1. ja 5.2.). Veden laatu alueen luonnontilaisilla alueilla on luokiteltavissa osin oligotrofiseksi, osin lievästi dysoligotrofiseksi. Sadan viimeisen vuoden aikana teollinen toiminta on muuttanut sitä voimakkaasti. Vesiensuojeluun on eteläisimmän Saimaan alueella investoitu yli 1,5 miljardia markka viimeisten noin 30 vuoden aikana. Investointien tuloksena kuormitus on laskenut oleellisesti 1960-luvun maksimikuormituksesta. Jätevesien purkuvesistön veden laatu on tänä aikana myös merkittävästi parantunut. Tämä on osoitettu veden laadun seurantatuloksista tehtyjen erilaisten tarkastelujen avulla (aikasarjadiagrammit, tilasto tarkastelut, indeksilukuluokitukset, PCA- ja PLS- ja DPLS- monimuuttujamallinnukset). Nykyisin veden laatu on lähes koko tutkimusalu¬eella vähintään tyydyttävä. Fysikaalis-kemiallisen veden laadun seurannan historia on Suomessa kansainvälisesti ja kansallisesti pitkä, ja Saimaalta voidaan veden laadun kehitystä arvioida luotettavasti 40 vuoden ajalta. Tutkimusmetodiikat vesitutkimusten pioneerimaissa ovat olleet samankaltaisia ja niiden perusteella on laadittu myös eurooppalaisen vedenlaadunseurannan suositukset. Vaikka tulevai¬suudessa vesistöä ja sen tilan kehitystä on tarkasteltava ekologisena kokonaisuutena, ei tätä voida tehdä ilman nykyisen kaltaista monitorointia. Teollisuuden jätevesikuormitus on laskenut neljännesvuosisadan aikana hyvin merkittä¬västi tavalla, joka vielä kymmenkunta vuotta sitten tuntui saavuttamattomalta. Saimaan. kuten muunkin Suomen metsäteollisuuden taso onkin kansainvälisesti korkea ja täyttää jo nyt kuormi¬tuksen suhteen lähes 2000-luvun alun BAT-tekniikan vaatimukset. Veden laatu ei kuitenkaan ole kuormitetuilla alueilla kaikkialla vielä hyvä, joten vesiensuojeluun on edelleen panostettava, kun tavoitteena on vesien hyvä ekologinen tila. Vesistöstä käsin tarkasteltuna hitaasti hajoavan orgaanisen aineen määrän vähentäminen vedestä on oltava seuraavana tavoitteena. Tätä tukee myös BAT-tekniikan tarkastelu.


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Low quality mine drainage from tailings facilities persists as one of the most significant global environmental concerns related to sulphide mining. Due to the large variation in geological and environmental conditions at mine sites, universal approaches to the management of mine drainage are not always applicable. Instead, site-specific knowledge of the geochemical behaviour of waste materials is required for the design and closure of the facilities. In this thesis, tailings-derived water contamination and factors causing the pollution were investigated in two coeval active sulphide mine sites in Finland: the Hitura Ni mine and the Luikonlahti Cu-Zn-Co-Ni mine and talc processing plant. A hydrogeochemical study was performed to characterise the tailingsderived water pollution at Hitura. Geochemical changes in the Hitura tailings were evaluated with a detailed mineralogical and geochemical investigation (solid-phase speciation, acid mine drainage potential, pore water chemistry) and using a spatial assessment to identify the mechanisms of water contamination. A similar spatial investigation, applying selective extractions, was carried out in the Luikonlahti tailings area for comparative purposes (Hitura low-sulphide tailings vs. Luikonlahti sulphide-rich tailings). At both sites, hydrogeochemistry of tailings seepage waters was further characterised to examine the net results of the processes observed within the impoundments and to identify constraints for water treatment. At Luikonlahti, annual and seasonal variation in effluent quality was evaluated based on a four-year monitoring period. Observations pertinent to future assessment and mine drainage prevention from existing and future tailings facilities were presented based on the results. A combination of hydrogeochemical approaches provided a means to delineate the tailings-derived neutral mine drainage at Hitura. Tailings effluents with elevated Ni, SO4 2- and Fe content had dispersed to the surrounding aquifer through a levelled-out esker and underneath the seepage collection ditches. In future mines, this could be avoided with additional basal liners in tailings impoundments where the permeability of the underlying Quaternary deposits is inadequate, and with sufficiently deep ditches. Based on the studies, extensive sulphide oxidation with subsequent metal release may already initiate during active tailings disposal. The intensity and onset of oxidation depended on e.g. the Fe sulphide content of the tailings, water saturation level, and time of exposure of fresh sulphide grains. Continuous disposal decreased sulphide weathering in the surface of low-sulphide tailings, but oxidation initiated if they were left uncovered after disposal ceased. In the sulphide-rich tailings, delayed burial of the unsaturated tailings had resulted in thick oxidized layers, despite the continuous operation. Sulphide weathering and contaminant release occurred also in the border zones. Based on the results, the prevention of sulphide oxidation should already be considered in the planning of tailings disposal, taking into account the border zones. Moreover, even lowsulphide tailings should be covered without delay after active disposal ceases. The quality of tailings effluents showed wide variation within a single impoundment and between the two different types of tailings facilities assessed. The affecting factors included source materials, the intensity of weathering of tailings and embankment materials along the seepage flow path, inputs from the process waters, the water retention time in tailings, and climatic seasonality. In addition, modifications to the tailings impoundment may markedly change the effluent quality. The wide variation in the tailings effluent quality poses challenges for treatment design. The final decision on water management requires quantification of the spatial and seasonal fluctuation at the site, taking into account changes resulting from the eventual closure of the impoundment. Overall, comprehensive hydrogeochemical mapping was deemed essential in the identification of critical contaminants and their sources at mine sites. Mineralogical analysis, selective extractions, and pore water analysis were a good combination of methods for studying the weathering of tailings and in evaluating metal mobility from the facilities. Selective extractions with visual observations and pH measurements of tailings solids were, nevertheless, adequate in describing the spatial distribution of sulphide oxidation in tailings impoundments. Seepage water chemistry provided additional data on geochemical processes in tailings and was necessary for defining constraints for water treatment.


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Useat voimalaitokset käyttävät hiiliteräksistä valmistettuja palamisilman esilämmittimiä, joissa höyrykattilan palamisilmaa lämmitetään matalapainehöyryllä. Joissakin tapauksissa esilämmittimet ovat kärsineet sisäpuolisen korroosion aiheuttamista putkirikoista. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää korroosiovaurioiden aiheuttajat ja tarkastella eri keinoja uusien korroosiovaurioiden ehkäisemiseksi. Keskeisimpänä uusien vaurioiden ehkäisykeinona tarkastellaan pinta-aktiivisia amiineja sisältäviä höyrykattilan jälkiannostelukemikaaliseoksia, joista tarkemman tarkastelun kohteena on kaupallinen Helamin 90 H Turb- kemikaaliseos. Pääasialliseksi korroosion aiheuttajaksi on usein epäilty höyryn sisältämää hiilidioksidia. Uusimpien näkemysten mukaan orgaaniset hapot, pääasiassa etikka- ja muurahaishappo ovat kuitenkin hiilidioksidia voimakkaampia korroosion aiheuttajia ilmanesilämmittimissä. Orgaaniset hapot väkevöityvät höyryn lauhtumisen alkaessa muodostuviin lauhdepisaroihin ja alentavat pH-tasoa radikaalisti. pH-tason aleneminen nopeuttaa metallipintoja suojaavan magnetiitin liukenemista ja vaikeuttaa myös sen uusiutumista. Orgaanisia happoja ja hiilidioksidia muodostuu orgaanisten aineiden osittaisessa hajoamisessa höyrykattilan vesi-höyrypiirissä. Pääasialliset orgaanisten aineiden lähteet ovat lisäveden mukana kattilaan kulkeutuva luonnon orgaaninen aines ja käytetyt orgaaniset jälkiannostelukemikaalit. Orgaanisten aineiden kuormaa voidaan pienentää parantamalla lisäveden valmistusprosessin orgaanisten aineiden erotustehokkuutta esimerkiksi käänteisosmoosilla. Mikäli lisäveden laadun parantaminen ei ole järkevästi toteutettavissa, voidaan orgaanisten jälkiannostelukemikaalien oikeanlaisella käytöllä neutraloida orgaanisten happojen vaikutus ilmanesilämmittimissä. Tehokkaimmaksi korroosion hillitsijäksi suoritettujen mittausten perusteella osoittautuivat kemikaaliseokset, jotka sisältävät alkaloivien amiinien lisäksi kalvoa muodostavaa pinta-aktiivista amiinia.


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Inorganic-organic sol-gel hybrid coatings can be used for improving and modifying properties of wood-based materials. By selecting a proper precursor, wood can be made water repellent, decay-, moisture- or UV-resistant. However, to control the barrier properties of sol-gel coatings on wood substrates against moisture uptake and weathering, an understanding of the surface morphology and chemistry of the deposited sol-gel coatings on wood substrates is needed. Mechanical pulp is used in production of wood-containing printing papers. The physical and chemical fiber surface characteristics, as created in the chosen mechanical pulp manufacturing process, play a key role in controlling the properties of the end-use product. A detailed understanding of how process parameters influence fiber surfaces can help improving cost-effectiveness of pulp and paper production. The current work focuses on physico-chemical characterization of modified wood-based materials with surface sensitive analytical tools. The overall objectives were, through advanced microscopy and chemical analysis techniques, (i) to collect versatile information about the surface structures of Norway spruce thermomechanical pulp fiber walls and understand how they are influenced by the selected chemical treatments, and (ii) to clarify the effect of various sol-gel coatings on surface structural and chemical properties of wood-based substrates. A special emphasis was on understanding the effect of sol-gel coatings on the water repellency of modified wood and paper surfaces. In the first part of the work, effects of chemical treatment on micro- and nano-scale surface structure of 1st stage TMP latewood fibers from Norway spruce were investigated. The chemicals applied were buffered sodium oxalate and hydrochloric acid. The outer and the inner fiber wall layers of the untreated and chemically treated fibers were separately analyzed by light microscopy, atomic force microscopy and field-emission scanning electron microscopy. The selected characterization methods enabled the demonstration of the effect of different treatments on the fiber surface structure, both visually and quantitatively. The outer fiber wall areas appeared as intact bands surrounding the fiber and they were clearly rougher than areas of exposed inner fiber wall. The roughness of the outer fiber wall areas increased most in the sodium oxalate treatment. The results indicated formation of more surface pores on the exposed inner fiber wall areas than on the corresponding outer fiber wall areas as a result of the chemical treatments. The hydrochloric acid treatment seemed to increase the surface porosity of the inner wall areas. In the second part of the work, three silane-based sol-gel hybrid coatings were selected in order to improve moisture resistance of wood and paper substrates. The coatings differed from each other in terms of having different alkyl (CH3–, CH3-(CH2)7–) and fluorocarbon (CF3–) chains attached to the trialkoxysilane sol-gel precursor. The sol-gel coatings were deposited by a wet coating method, i.e. spraying or spreading by brush. The effect of solgel coatings on surface structural and chemical properties of wood-based substrates was studied by using advanced surface analyzing tools: atomic force microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and time-of-flight secondary ion spectroscopy. The results show that the applied sol-gel coatings, deposited as thin films or particulate coatings, have different effects on surface characteristics of wood and wood-based materials. The coating which has a long hydrocarbon chain (CH3-(CH2)7–) attached to the silane backbone (octyltriethoxysilane) produced the highest hydrophobicity for wood and wood-based materials.


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The textile industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. The amount of air and water pollution it causes puts a burden on the environment. There are companies who have taken the environmental and social aspects into account in the their production and chosen to operate in a green manner. This thesis studies how the phenomenon of green branding is seen from the perspectives of small Finnish textile companies. The theory used in this thesis has to do with green branding and identity building. The theory is used to analyze the results of the empirical findings. The main research question that the thesis aims to answer is how green branding is perceived within the Finnish textile industry. In order to answer the main research question, empirical data was collected from five relevant companies within the Finnish textile industry. The companies interviewed for the study were WST, Saana ja Olli, RCM, R-collection and Tiensivu. The study was conducted as a multiple case based study where multiple experts from green companies were interviewed. The experts were all owners or employees of companies that have a so-called green brand identity. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews, where the relevant experts from each company were interviewed either by themselves, in pairs or in groups. The data that was collected for this study was primary data, and the results of the study are mainly based on the experiences and opinions of the experts interviewed. The data collected does not cover the entire green textile industry within Finland, but study does however give a fairly comprehensive view of the phenomenon, as the textile industry in Finland is quite concise. The general findings of the study show that all experts from the companies interviewed agreed that a green brand identity does benefit their company in one way or the other. The findings also show contradictions with the older theory (eg. Charter et al. 1999, Pickett et al. 1995), and perhaps give a more modern view of the thoughts within the industry.


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The present dissertation is devoted to the systematic approach to the development of organic toxic and refractory pollutants abatement by chemical decomposition methods in aqueous and gaseous phases. The systematic approach outlines the basic scenario of chemical decomposition process applications with a step-by-step approximation to the most effective result with a predictable outcome for the full-scale application, confirmed by successful experience. The strategy includes the following steps: chemistry studies, reaction kinetic studies in interaction with the mass transfer processes under conditions of different control parameters, contact equipment design and studies, mathematical description of the process for its modelling and simulation, processes integration into treatment technology and its optimisation, and the treatment plant design. The main idea of the systematic approach for oxidation process introduction consists of a search for the most effective combination between the chemical reaction and the treatment device, in which the reaction is supposed to take place. Under this strategy,a knowledge of the reaction pathways, its products, stoichiometry and kinetics is fundamental and, unfortunately, often unavailable from the preliminary knowledge. Therefore, research made in chemistry on novel treatment methods, comprisesnowadays a substantial part of the efforts. Chemical decomposition methods in the aqueous phase include oxidation by ozonation, ozone-associated methods (O3/H2O2, O3/UV, O3/TiO2), Fenton reagent (H2O2/Fe2+/3+) and photocatalytic oxidation (PCO). In the gaseous phase, PCO and catalytic hydrolysis over zero valent ironsare developed. The experimental studies within the described methodology involve aqueous phase oxidation of natural organic matter (NOM) of potable water, phenolic and aromatic amino compounds, ethylene glycol and its derivatives as de-icing agents, and oxygenated motor fuel additives ¿ methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ¿ in leachates and polluted groundwater. Gas-phase chemical decomposition includes PCO of volatile organic compounds and dechlorination of chlorinated methane derivatives. The results of the research summarised here are presented in fifteenattachments (publications and papers submitted for publication and under preparation).


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The bioavailability of metals and their potential for environmental pollution depends not simply on total concentrations, but is to a great extent determined by their chemical form. Consequently, knowledge of aqueous metal species is essential in investigating potential metal toxicity and mobility. The overall aim of this thesis is, thus, to determine the species of major and trace elements and the size distribution among the different forms (e.g. ions, molecules and mineral particles) in selected metal-enriched Boreal river and estuarine systems by utilising filtration techniques and geochemical modelling. On the basis of the spatial physicochemical patterns found, the fractionation and complexation processes of elements (mainly related to input of humic matter and pH-change) were examined. Dissolved (<1 kDa), colloidal (1 kDa-0.45 μm) and particulate (>0.45 μm) size fractions of sulfate, organic carbon (OC) and 44 metals/metalloids were investigated in the extremely acidic Vörå River system and its estuary in W Finland, and in four river systems in SW Finland (Sirppujoki, Laajoki, Mynäjoki and Paimionjoki), largely affected by soil erosion and acid sulfate (AS) soils. In addition, geochemical modelling was used to predict the formation of free ions and complexes in these investigated waters. One of the most important findings of this study is that the very large amounts of metals known to be released from AS soils (including Al, Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Si, U and the lanthanoids) occur and can prevail mainly in toxic forms throughout acidic river systems; as free ions and/or sulfate-complexes. This has serious effects on the biota and especially dissolved Al is expected to have acute effects on fish and other organisms, but also other potentially toxic dissolved elements (e.g. Cd, Cu, Mn and Ni) can have fatal effects on the biota in these environments. In upstream areas that are generally relatively forested (higher pH and contents of OC) fewer bioavailable elements (including Al, Cu, Ni and U) may be found due to complexation with the more abundantly occurring colloidal OC. In the rivers in SW Finland total metal concentrations were relatively high, but most of the elements occurred largely in a colloidal or particulate form and even elements expected to be very soluble (Ca, K, Mg, Na and Sr) occurred to a large extent in colloidal form. According to geochemical modelling, these patterns may only to a limited extent be explained by in-stream metal complexation/adsorption. Instead there were strong indications that the high metal concentrations and dominant solid fractions were largely caused by erosion of metal bearing phyllosilicates. A strong influence of AS soils, known to exist in the catchment, could be clearly distinguished in the Sirppujoki River as it had very high concentrations of a metal sequence typical of AS soils in a dissolved form (Ba, Br, Ca, Cd, Co, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Rb and Sr). In the Paimionjoki River, metal concentrations (including Ba, Cs, Fe, Hf, Pb, Rb, Si, Th, Ti, Tl and V; not typical of AS soils in the area) were high, but it was found that the main cause of this was erosion of metal bearing phyllosilicates and thus these metals occurred dominantly in less toxic colloidal and particulate fractions. In the two nearby rivers (Laajoki and Mynäjoki) there was influence of AS soils, but it was largely masked by eroded phyllosilicates. Consequently, rivers draining clay plains sensitive to erosion, like those in SW Finland, have generally high background metal concentrations due to erosion. Thus, relying on only semi-dissolved (<0.45 μm) concentrations obtained in routine monitoring, or geochemical modelling based on such data, can lead to a great overestimation of the water toxicity in this environment. The potentially toxic elements that are of concern in AS soil areas will ultimately be precipitated in the recipient estuary or sea, where the acidic metalrich river water will gradually be diluted/neutralised with brackish seawater. Along such a rising pH gradient Al, Cu and U will precipitate first together with organic matter closest to the river mouth. Manganese is relatively persistent in solution and, thus, precipitates further down the estuary as Mn oxides together with elements such as Ba, Cd, Co, Cu and Ni. Iron oxides, on the contrary, are not important scavengers of metals in the estuary, they are predicted to be associated only with As and PO4.