20 resultados para The ambivalent consumer : questioning consumption in East Asia and the West
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
The aim of this master´s thesis is to study which processes increase the auxiliary power consumption in carbon capture and storage processes and if it is possible to reduce the auxiliary power consumption with variable speed drives. Also the cost of carbon capture and storage is studied. Data about auxiliary power consumption in carbon capture is gathered from various studies and estimates made by various research centres. Based on these studies a view is presented how the power auxiliary power consumption is divided between different processes in carbon capture processes. In a literary study, the operation of three basic carbon capture systems is described. Also different methods to transport carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide storage options are described in this section. At the end of the thesis processes that consume most of the auxiliary power are defined and possibilities to reduce the auxiliary power consumption are evaluated. Cost of carbon capture, transport and storage are also evaluated at this point and in the case that the carbon capture and storage systems are fully deployed. According to the results, it can be estimated what are the processes are where variable speed drives can be used and what kind of cost and power consumption reduction could be achieved. Results also show how large a project carbon capture and storage is if it is fully deployed.
During the past century, an increasingly diverse world provided us with opportunities for intercultural communication; especially the growth of commerce at all levels from domestic to international has made the combination of the theories of intercultural communication and international business necessary. As one of the main beneficiaries in international business in recent years, companies in airline industries have developed their international market. For instance, Finnair has developed its Asian strategy which responds to the increasing market demand for flights from Europe to Asia in the new millennium. Therefore, the company manages marketing communication in a global environment and becomes a suitable case for studying the theories of intercultural communication in the context of international marketing. Finnair implemented a large number of international advertisements to promote its Asian routes, where Asia has been constructed as a number of exotic destinations. Meanwhile, the company itself as a provider of these destinations has also been constructed contrastively. Thus, this thesis aims at research how Finnair constructs Asia and the company itself in the new millennium, and how these constructions compare with the theories of intercultural communication. This research applied the theories of international marketing, intercultural communication and culture. In order to analyze the collected corpora as Finnair’s international advertisements and its annual reports in the new millennium, the methods of content analysis and discourse analysis have been used in this research. As a result, Finnair has purposefully applied the essentialist approach to intercultural communication and constructed Asia as an exotic “Other” due to the company’s market orientation. Meanwhile, Finnair has also constructed the company itself two identities based on the same approach: as an international airline provider between Europe and Asia, as well as a part of Finnish society. The combination of intercultural communication and international marketing theories, together with the combination of the methods of content analysis and discourse analysis ensure the originality of this paper.
Digital reproduction, The National Library of Finland, Centre for Preservation and Digitisation, Mikkeli
Digital reproduction, The National Library of Finland, Centre for Preservation and Digitisation, Mikkeli
This study examines appearance-related consumption in Finland. The theoretical portion discusses appearance-related consumption, on one hand from a consumer culture perspective, as both a possibility and responsibility for everyone; and on the other hand, from the point of view of behaviour and attitudes associated with sociodemographic and lifestyle-related factors. The empirical part of the study concentrates on the following aspects: 1) Finns’ appearance-related consumption patterns, attitudes towards appearance-related consumption and attending to one’s looks through consumption, as well as general changes in consumption patterns and attitudes; 2) gender differences in attitudes and consumption patterns, and their possible changes over time, and; 3) other differences among population groups in attitudes and consumption patterns, and their possible changes over time. The following dissertation utilises data from seven different nationally representative surveys. Data include Finnish Household Budget surveys from 1998 (N=4 359), 2001 (N=5 495) and 2006 (N=4 007), as well as, The Everyday Life and Well-being Survey (N=908) collected in 2011, and Finland 1999 (N=2 417), Finland 2004 (N=3 574) and Finland 2009 (N=1 202) surveys. The study indicates that Finns’ relationship to appearance-related consumption is, generally, somewhat inconsistent. In Finland, a significant share of a household’s total spending, around the EU average, is allocated to products and services related to appearance. In addition, at an attitudinal level, physical appearance is important to most Finnish consumers. However, in many respects, these attitudes reflect a certain reservation towards appearance-related consumption practices. The number of those consumers who see themselves as truly dedicated to attending to their looks through consumption is quite small, whereas the amount of those willing to take a reserved or even negative attitude towards appearance-related consumption is clearly higher. Attitudes towards attending to one’s looks and the importance of appearance-related consumption had not changed during the past decade. Study shows that at present, appearance-related consumption is a form of consumption that is particularly important to women, younger consumers, people with middle or higher income, and those with normal weight. Gender is in the key role when explaining appearance-related consumption and contrary to common belief, gender differences seem to have stayed quite stable. The results also indicate that, to some extent, differences between younger and older age groups might be diminishing.
The distribution and traits of fish are of interest both ecologically and socio-economically. In this thesis, phenotypic and structural variation in fish populations and assemblages was studied on multiple spatial and temporal scales in shallow coastal areas in the archipelago of the northern Baltic Proper. In Lumparn basin in Åland Islands, the fish assemblage displayed significant seasonal variation in depth zone distribution. The results indicate that investigating both spatial and temporal variation in small scale is crucial for understanding patterns in fish distribution and community structure in large scale. The local population of Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis L displayed habitat-specific morphological and dietary variation. Perch in the pelagic zone were on average deeper in their body shape than the littoral ones and fed on fish and benthic invertebrates. The results differ from previous studies conducted in freshwater habitats, where the pelagic perch typically are streamlined in body shape and zooplanktivorous. Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen differed between perch with different stomach contents, suggesting differentiation of individual diet preferences. In the study areas Lumparn and Ivarskärsfjärden in Åland Islands and Galtfjärden in Swedish east coast, the development in fish assemblages during the 2000’s indicated a general shift towards higher abundances of small-bodied lower-order consumers, especially cyprinids. For European pikeperch Sander lucioperca L., recent declines in adult fish abundances and high mortalities (Z = 1.06–1.16) were observed, which suggests unsustainably high fishing pressure on pikeperch. Based on the results it can be hypothesized that fishing has reduced the abundances of large predatory fish, which together with bottom-up forcing by eutrophication has allowed the lower-order consumer species to increase in abundances. This thesis contributes to the scientific understanding of aquatic ecosystems with new descriptions on morphological and dietary adaptations in perch in brackish water, and on the seasonal variation in small-scale spatial fish distribution. The results also demonstrate anthropogenic effects on coastal fish communities and underline the urgency of further reducing nutrient inputs and regulating fisheries in the Baltic Sea region.
With maps and plans
In this thesis the consumers’ expected motives and barriers for engaging in collaborative consumption in Finland are studied. The phenomenon is observed through the lens of consumer theory and it is connected to the context using Hofstede’s 6-D model. The phenomenon is new and there are almost no recorded results in the background research, and when considering the limitations of this study, there are no results at all. Therefore, combining different kinds of literature, as well as taking along consumer theory and Hofstede’s model that explains cultural factors, it was possible to compile a comprehensive general view of the present state of the phenomenon. The actual study was conducted using qualitative methods and the solution was sought collecting data from six in-depth interviews with interviewees having experience from using, or offering resources, or both. According to the results, the primary motive in all modes of consumption was economic. Anti-materialism, anti-consumption, and expanding lifestyle were another a bit more general motives. Perceived barriers were, especially as a new result, the amount of trouble one has to see and in single modes, a lack of trust, the used platform and too expensive prices.
Pumppauksessa arvioidaan olevan niin teknisesti kuin taloudellisestikin huomattavia mahdollisuuksia säästää energiaa. Maailmanlaajuisesti pumppaus kuluttaa lähes 22 % sähkö-moottorien energiantarpeesta. Tietyillä teollisuudenaloilla jopa yli 50 % moottorien käyttämästä sähköenergiasta voi kulua pumppaukseen. Jäteveden pumppauksessa pumppujen toiminta perustuu tyypillisesti on-off käyntiin, jolloin pumpun ollessa päällä se käy täydellä teholla. Monissa tapauksissa pumput ovat myös ylimitoitettuja. Yhdessä nämä seikat johtavat kasvaneeseen energian kulutukseen. Työn teoriaosassa esitellään perusteet jätevesihuollosta ja jäteveden käsittelystä sekä pumppaussysteemin pääkomponentit: pumppu, putkisto, moottori ja taajuusmuuttaja. Työn empiirisessä osassa esitellään työn aikana kehitetty laskuri, jonka avulla voidaan arvioida energiansäästöpotentiaalia jäteveden pumppaussysteemeissä. Laskurilla on mandollista laskea energiansäästöpotentiaali käytettäessä pumpun tuoton ohjaustapana pyörimisnopeuden säätöä taajuusmuuttajalla on-off säädön sijasta. Laskuri ilmoittaa optimaalisimmanpumpun pyörimisnopeuden sekä ominaisenergiankulutuksen. Perustuen laskuriin, kolme kunnallista jätevedenpumppaamoa tutkittiin. Myös laboratorio-testitsuoritettiin laskurin simuloimiseksi sekä energiansäästöpotentiaalin arvioimiseksi. Tutkimukset osoittavat, että jätevedenpumppauksessa on huomattavia mandollisuuksia säästää energiaa pumpun pyörimisnopeutta pienentämällä. Geodeettisen nostokorkeuden ollessa pieni, voidaan energiaa säästää jopa 50 % ja pitkällä aikavälillä säästö voi olla merkittävä. Tulokset vahvistavat myös tarpeen jätevedenpumppaussysteemien toiminnan optimoimiseksi.