7 resultados para Striatal Lesions
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Aims: This study was carried out to investigate the role of common liver function tests, and the degree of common bile duct dilatation in the differential diagnosis of extrahepatic cholestasis, as well as the occurrence, diagnosis and treatment of iatrogenic bile duct injuries. In bile duct injuries, special attention was paid to gender and severity distribution and long-term results. Patients and methods: All consecutive patients with diagnosed common bile duct stones or malignant strictures in ERCP between August 2000 and November 2003. Common liver function tests were measured in the morning before ERCP on all of these 212 patients, and their common bile duct diameter was measured from ERCP films. Between January 1995 and April 2002, 3736 laparoscopic cholecystectomies were performed and a total of 32 bile duct injuries were diagnosed. All pre-, per-, and postoperative data were collected retrospectively; and the patients were also interviewed by phone. Results: Plasma bilirubin proved to be the best discriminator between CBD stones and malignant strictures (p≤0.001 compared to other liver function tests and degree of common bile duct dilatation). The same effect was seen in Receiver Operating Characteristics curves (AUC 0.867). With a plasma bilirubin cut-off value of 145 μmol/l, four out of five patients could be classified correctly. The degree of common bile duct dilatation proved to be worthless in differential diagnostics. After laparoscopic cholecystectomy the total risk for bile duct injury was 0.86%, including cystic duct leaks. 86% of severe injuries and 88% of injuries requiring operative treatment were diagnosed in females. All the cystic duct leakages and 87% of the strictures were treated endoscopically. Good long-term results were seen in 84% of the whole study population. Conclusions: Plasma bilirubin is the most effective liver function test in differential diagnosis between CBD stones and malignant strictures. The only value of common bile duct dilatation is its ability to verify the presence of extrahepatic cholestasis. Female gender was associated with higher number of iatrogenic bile duct injuries, and in particular, most of the major complications occur in females. Most of the cystic duct leaks and common bile duct strictures can be treated endoscopically. The long-term results in our institution are at an internationally acceptable level.
Positron emission tomography (PET) studies on healthy individuals have revealed a marked interindividual variability in striatal dopamine D2 receptor density that can be partly accounted for by genetic factors. The examination of the extrastriatal lowdensity D2 receptor populations has been impeded by the lack of suitable tracers. However, the quantification of these D2 receptor populations is now feasible with recently developed PET radioligands. The objective of this thesis was to study brain neurobiological correlates of common functional genetic variants residing in candidate genes relevant for D2 receptor functioning. For this purpose, healthy subjects were studied with PET imaging using [11C]raclopride and [11C]FLB457 as radioligands. The candidate genes examined in this work were the human D2 receptor gene (DRD2) and the catechol-Omethyltransferase gene (COMT). The region-specific genotypic influences were explored by comparing D2 receptor binding properties in the striatum, the cortex and the thalamus. As an additional study objective, the relationship between cortical D2 receptor density and a cognitive phenotype i.e. verbal memory and learning was assessed. The main finding of this study was that DRD2 C957T genotype altered markedly D2 receptor density in the cortex and the thalamus whereas in the striatum the C957T genotype affected D2 receptor affinity, but not density. Furthermore, the A1 allele of the DRD2-related TaqIA polymorphism showed increased cortical and thalamic D2 receptor density, but had the opposite effect on striatal D2 receptor density. The DRD2 –141C Ins/Del or the COMT Val158Met genotypes did not change D2 receptor binding properties. Finally, unlike previously reported, cortical D2 receptor density did not show any significant correlation with verbal memory function. The results of this study suggest that the C957T and the TaqIA genotypes have region-specific neurobiological correlates in brain dopamine D2 receptor availability in vivo. The biological mechanisms underlying these findings are unclear, but they may be related to the region-specific regulation of dopamine neurotranssion, gene/receptor expression and epigenesis. These findings contribute to the understanding of the genetic regulation of dopamine and D2 receptor-related brain functions in vivo in man. In addition, the results provide potentially useful endophenotypes for genetic research on psychiatric and neurological disorders.
The action of the neurotransmitters dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) at synapses is terminated by their rapid reuptake into presynaptic nerve endings via plasma membrane dopamine (DAT) and serotonin (SERT) transporters. Alterations in the function of these transporters have been suggested as a feature of several neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), depression, and anxiety. A suitable clinical method for studying these transporters non-invasively in vivo is positron emission tomography (PET) utilizing radiopharmaceuticals (tracers) labelled with short-lived positron-emitting radionuclides. The aim of this study was to evaluate in rats two novel radiotracers, [18F]beta -CFT-FP and 18FFMe-McN, for imaging DAT and SERT, respectively, using in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo methods. Substituting an N-methyl in [18F]beta-CFT, a well known DAT tracer, with a 18Ffluoropropyl group significantly changed the properties of the tracer. [18F]beta- CFT showed slow kinetics and metabolism, and a high specific uptake in the striatum, whereas [18F]beta-CFT-FP showed fast kinetics and metabolism, and a moderate specific uptake in the striatum. [18F]betaCFT-FP was selective for DAT; but [18F]beta-CFT also bound to the noradrenaline transporter. [18F]beta-CFT-FP may be a suitable PET tracer for imaging the striatal DAT sites, but a tracer with a higher affinity is needed for imaging extrastriatal DAT sites. In rats, 18FFMe-McN showed high target-to-non-target ratios, specificity and selectivity for SERT, but slow kinetics. However, 18FFMe-McN reveals potential for imaging SERT, at least in pre-clinical studies. In addition, the sensitivities of [18F]beta CFT and [18 F]FDOPA (a precursor of DA) for detecting mild nigrostriatal hypofunction were compared in an animal model of PD. The uptake of [18F]FDOPA was significantly affected by compensatory effects in dopaminergic cells, whereas [18F]beta-CFT was more sensitive and therefore more suitable for PET studies of mild dopaminergic symptoms. In conclusion, both novel tracers, [18F]-CFT-FP and 18FFMe-McN, have potential, but are not optimal PET tracers for DAT and SERT imaging in rats, respectively. [18F]beta-CFT is superior to [18F]FDOPA for imaging mild nigral lesions in rat brains.
Proliferatiivinen verrukoottinen leukoplakia (PVL) esiintyy yhtenä laajana tai useampana verrukoottisena, valkoisena muutoksena suun limakalvoilla. PVL on aggressiivinen limakalvomuutos, joka ei usein vastaa hoitoihin, uusii herkästi ja sillä on muita leukoplakioita suurempi pahanlaatuistumistaipumus. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on lisätä tietoa PVL:sta ja sen ilmentymisestä ja kehittymisestä sekä arvioida kriittisesti PVL:n diagnostiikkaa. Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus suoritettiin etsimällä Pubmed-tietokannan kirjallisuushaulla kaikki englannin kielellä raportoidut ja vertaisarvioidut PVL- potilastapaukset 2000 – 2013. PVL voi histologisesti esiintyä myös verrukoottisena hyperplasiana (VH), joten myös nämä tapaukset sisällytettiin aineistoon. Kaikkiaan 54 artikkelia täytti sisäänottokriteerit. Näissä oli yhteensä 388 PVL- ja 848 VH-tapausta. Lisäksi kerättiin kaikki Turun yliopiston hammaslääketieteen laitoksen suupatologian osastolla histologisesti diagnosoidut vastaavat suun VH-muutokset 2000 – 2013. Kirjallisuudesta havaittiin, että PVL esiintyi useammin naisilla (2,2 : 1), kun taas VH esiintyi useammin miehillä (1 : 3,8). Tupakointi ei näyttänyt liittyvän PVL:aan (30 %), kun taas VH:aan se näytti selkeämmin liittyvän (83 %). PVL:n yleisin sijainti oli ikenellä (59 %) ja suurin osa VH-muutoksista esiintyi posken limakalvolla (51 %). PVL-potilaista 47 %:lla ja VH-potilaista 5 %:lla todettiin seurannassa pahanlaatuinen kasvain. Turun yliopiston suupatologian osastolla diagnosoituja VH-tapauksia oli 13 vuoden aikana 29. Naisten osuus sairastuneista oli suurempi kuin miesten (1,4 : 1). Muutokset esiintyivät yleisimmin kielen limakalvolla (48 %) ja poskessa (34 %). Yhdessä tapauksessa kehittyi pahanlaatuinen kasvain (3 %). Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että PVL- ja VH-muutokset poikkeavat toisistaan sukupuolijakauman, tupakoinnin ja pahanlaatuistumisen osalta. Ongelmana katsauksessa olivat tietojen puutteellisuus ja raportoinnin heterogeenisyys kirjallisuudessa. PVL- ja VH-tutkimuksessa tulisikin panostaa yhteneviin diagnostisiin kriteereihin, jotta materiaalit olisivat vertailukelpoisia. Potilaan kannalta PVL:n ja VH:n varhainen diagnosointi ja huolellinen seuranta ovat olennaisen tärkeitä asioita.
The human striatum is a heterogeneous structure representing a major part of the dopamine (DA) system’s basal ganglia input and output. Positron emission tomography (PET) is a powerful tool for imaging DA neurotransmission. However, PET measurements suffer from bias caused by the low spatial resolution, especially when imaging small, D2/3 -rich structures such as the ventral striatum (VST). The brain dedicated high-resolution PET scanner, ECAT HRRT (Siemens Medical Solutions, Knoxville, TN, USA) has superior resolution capabilities than its predecessors. In the quantification of striatal D2/3 binding, the in vivo highly selective D2/3 antagonist [11C] raclopride is recognized as a well-validated tracer. The aim of this thesis was to use a traditional test-retest setting to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing the HRRT scanner for exploring not only small brain regions such as the VST but also low density D2/3 areas such as cortex. It was demonstrated that the measurement of striatal D2/3 binding was very reliable, even when studying small brain structures or prolonging the scanning interval. Furthermore, the cortical test-retest parameters displayed good to moderate reproducibility. For the first time in vivo, it was revealed that there are significant divergent rostrocaudal gradients of [11C]raclopride binding in striatal subregions. These results indicate that high-resolution [11C]raclopride PET is very reliable and its improved sensitivity means that it should be possible to detect the often very subtle changes occurring in DA transmission. Another major advantage is the possibility to measure simultaneously striatal and cortical areas. The divergent gradients of D2/3 binding may have functional significance and the average distribution binding could serve as the basis for a future database. Key words: dopamine, PET, HRRT, [11C]raclopride, striatum, VST, gradients, test-retest.