16 resultados para Spin-projected calculations

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Tiivistelmä: Typpioksiduulivirrat suunnitellun Vuotoksen tekojärven alueen soilta


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This work is dedicated to investigation of the energy spectrum of one of the most anisotropic narrow-gap semiconductors, CdSb. At the beginning of the present studies even the model of its energy band structure was not clear. Measurements of galvanomagnetic effects in wide temperature range (1.6 - 300 K) and in magnetic fields up to 30 T were chosen for clarifying of the energy spectrum in the intentionally undoped CdSb single crystals and doped with shallow impurities (In, Ag). Detection of the Shubnikov - de Haas oscillations allowed estimating the fundamental energy spectrum parameters. The shapes of the Fermi surfaces of electrons (sphere) and holes (ellipsoid), the number of the equivalent extremums for valence band (2) and their positions in the Brillouin zone were determined for the first time in this work. Also anisotropy coefficients, components of the tensor of effective masses of carriers, effective masses of density of states, nonparabolicity of the conduction and valence bands, g-factor and its anisotropy for n- and p-CdSb were estimated for the first time during these studies. All the results obtained are compared with the cyclotron resonance data and the corresponding theoretical calculations for p-CdSb. This is basic information for the analyses of the complex transport properties of CdSb and for working out the energy spectrum model of the shallow energy levels of defects and impurities in this semiconductor. It was found out existence of different mechanisms of hopping conductivity in the presence of metal - insulator transition induced by magnetic field in n- and p-CdSb. Quite unusual feature opened in CdSb is that different types of hopping conductivity may take place in the same crystal depending on temperature, magnetic field or even orientation of crystal in magnetic field. Transport properties of undoped p-CdSb samples show that the anisotropy of the resistivity in weak and strong magnetic fields is determined completely by the anisotropy of the effective mass of the holes. Temperature and magnetic field dependence of the Hall coefficient and magnetoresistance is attributed to presence of two groups of holes with different concentrations and mobilities. The analysis demonstrates that below Tcr ~ 20 K and down to ~ 6 - 7 K the low-mobile carriers are itinerant holes with energy E2 ≈ 6 meV. The high-mobile carriers, at all temperatures T < Tcr, are holes activated thermally from a deeper acceptor band to itinerant states of a shallower acceptor band with energy E1 ≈ 3 meV. Analysis of temperature dependences of mobilities confirms the existence of the heavy-hole band or a non-equivalent maximum and two equivalent maxima of the light-hole valence band. Galvanomagnetic effects in n-CdSb reveal the existence of two groups of carriers. These are the electrons of a single minimum in isotropic conduction band and the itinerant electrons of the narrow impurity band, having at low temperatures the energies above the bottom of the conduction band. It is found that above this impurity band exists second impurity band of only localized states and the energy of both impurity bands depend on temperature so that they sink into the band gap when temperature is increased. The bands are splitted by the spin, and in strong magnetic fields the energy difference between them decreases and redistribution of the electrons between the two impurity bands takes place. Mobility of the conduction band carriers demonstrates that scattering in n-CdSb at low temperatures is strongly anisotropic. This is because of domination from scattering on the neutral impurity centers and increasing of the contribution to mobility from scattering by acoustic phonons when temperature increases. Metallic conductivity in zero or weak magnetic field is changed to activated conductivity with increasing of magnetic field. This exhibits a metal-insulator transition (MIT) induced by the magnetic field due to shift of the Fermi level from the interval of extended states to that of the localized states of the electron spectrum near the edge of the conduction band. The Mott variablerange hopping conductivity is observed in the low- and high-field intervals on the insulating side of the MIT. The results yield information about the density of states, the localization radius of the resonant impurity band with completely localized states and about the donor band. In high magnetic fields this band is separated from the conduction band and lies below the resonant impurity bands.


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It is generally accepted that between 70 and 80% of manufacturing costs can be attributed to design. Nevertheless, it is difficult for the designer to estimate manufacturing costs accurately, especially when alternative constructions are compared at the conceptual design phase, because of the lack of cost information and appropriate tools. In general, previous reports concerning optimisation of a welded structure have used the mass of the product as the basis for the cost comparison. However, it can easily be shown using a simple example that the use of product mass as the sole manufacturing cost estimator is unsatisfactory. This study describes a method of formulating welding time models for cost calculation, and presents the results of the models for particular sections, based on typical costs in Finland. This was achieved by collecting information concerning welded products from different companies. The data included 71 different welded assemblies taken from the mechanical engineering and construction industries. The welded assemblies contained in total 1 589 welded parts, 4 257 separate welds, and a total welded length of 3 188 metres. The data were modelled for statistical calculations, and models of welding time were derived by using linear regression analysis. Themodels were tested by using appropriate statistical methods, and were found to be accurate. General welding time models have been developed, valid for welding in Finland, as well as specific, more accurate models for particular companies. The models are presented in such a form that they can be used easily by a designer, enabling the cost calculation to be automated.


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Boiling two-phase flow and the equations governing the motion of fluid in two-phase flows are discussed in this thesis. Disposition of the governing equations in three-dimensional complex geometries is considered from the perspective of the porous medium concept. The equations governing motion in two-phase flows were formulated, discretized and implemented in a subroutine for pressure-velocity solution utilizing the SIMPLE algorithm modified for two-phase flow. The subroutine was included in PORFLO, which is a three-dimensional 5-equation porous media model developed at VTT by Jaakko Miettinen. The development of two-phase flow and the resulting void fraction distribution was predicted in a geometry resembling a section of BWR fuel bundle in a couple of test cases using PORFLO.


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Perusteluna spin-offien toteuttamisen taustalta löytyy pyrkimys omistaja-arvon kasvattamiseen. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää spin-offien vaikutusta omistaja-arvoon lyhyellä ja pitkällä aikavälillä. Aluksi tutkielmassa on tehty selkoa ulkomaisista tutkimustuloksista, joissa käsitellään spin-offien vaikutusta omistaja-arvoon. Saatuja tuloksia on verrattu lopuksi kolmeen suomalaiseen spin-offiin. Aikasempien tutkimusten tuloksiksista käy ilmi että spin-offien toteuttamisella on positiivinen vaikutus omistaja-arvoon sekä lyhyellä että pitkällä aikavälillä. Samanlainen positiivinen vaikutus voidaan todeta myös tässä tutkielmassa tutkituissa kolmessa suomalaisessa spin-off-tapauksessa. Omistaja-arvoon vaikuttavina tekijöinä otettiin huomioon yhtiöiden osakekurssien kehitys, jaetut osingot, osakkeiden jakamiset ja mahdolliset pääomanpalautukset. Tutkittavien suomalaisten yhtiöiden omistaja-arvojen kehitystä mitattiin spin-offin ilmoituspäivän läheisyydessä sekä noin yhdestä kolmeen vuotta spin-offin toteutuksen jälkeen. Saatuja tuloksia verrattiin kotimaisilta osakemarkkinoilta saatuihin keskimääräisiin tuottoihin.


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Avointen kvanttisysteemien teoria tutkii, miten vuorovaikutus laajan ympäristön kanssa muuttaa kvanttisysteemin dynamiikkaa. Kaikki kvanttisysteemit ovat pohjimmiltaan avoimia, joten tällaisten systeemien ymmärtäminen on välttämätöntä kvanttimaailman ymmärtämiseksi. Spin-bosoni -malli kuvaa avointa kaksitasosysteemiä, joka vuorovaikuttaa bosoneista koostuvan ympäristön kanssa. Useat fysikaaliset systeemit käyttäytyvät kaksitasosysteemin tavoin matalissa lämpötiloissa, jonka vuoksi spin-bosoni -mallilla on merkittävä rooli avointen kvanttisysteemien tutkimuksessa. Tutkielman ensimmäinen luku käsittelee yleistä avointen kvanttisysteemien teoriaa ja menetelmiä ei-Markovisen liikeyhtälön johtamiseksi. Ei-Markovinen liikeyhtälö kuvaa ympäristöstä systeemiin takaisin virtaavan informaation vaikutusta systeemin dynamiikkaan. Toisessa luvussa on johdettu spin-bosoni -mallille ei-Markovinen liikeyhtälö ja tarkasteltu spin-systeemin dynamiikkaa joissain erityistapauksissa. Kolmannessa luvussa on esitelty kvanttihyppymenetelmiä avointen systeemien dynamiikan ratkaisemiseksi ja sovellettu ei-Markovisten kvanttihyppyjen teoriaa spinbosoni -mallin tutkimiseksi. Ei-Markovisten kvanttihyppyjen teoriaa käyttämällä voidaan selittää spin-systeemin tiheysmatriisin populaatioissa ja koherensseissa havaittavien ei-Markovisten efektien alkuperä käännettyjen kvanttihyppyjen avulla. Tutkielman viimeisessä osassa esitellään muutamia spin-bosoni -mallin sovellutuksia fysiikan eri alueilta.


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The presented thesis is devoted to investigation of wave processes in hybrid ferrite / ferroelectric structures. Spin wave devices based on ferrite films have such disadvantages, as huge size of the magnetic systems, low tuning velocity, considerable power inputs for parameters control that limits possible device applications. The considered layered structures allow to overcome the disadvantages mentioned and to promote the development of novel class of tunable microwave devices. The proposed theoretical analysis is intended to construct a model of hybrid electromagnetic-spin waves. Based on the theoretical analysis the experimental investigations were carried out. The experimental resonance characteristics of ferrite / ferroelectric resonator were obtained and their tunability by means of magnetic and electric field was demonstrated.


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En del av de intressantaste fenomenen inom dagens materialfysik uppstår ur ett intrikat samspel mellan myriader av elektroner. Högtemperatursupraledare är det mest berömda exemplet. Varken klassiska teorier eller modeller där elektronerna är oberoende av varandra kan förklara de häpnadsväckande effekterna i de starkt korrelerade elektronsystemen. I vissa kopparoxider, till exempel La2CuO4, är det känt att valenselektronerna till följd av en stark ömsesidig växelverkan lokaliseras en och en till kopparatomerna i föreningens CuO2 plan. Laddningarnas inneboende magnetiska moment—spinnet—får då en avgörande roll för materialets elektriska och magnetiska egenskaper, vilka i exemplets fall kan beskrivas med Heisenbergmodellen som är den grundläggande teoretiska modellen för mikroskopisk magnetism. Men exakt varför föreningarna kan bli supraledande då de dopas med överskottsladdningar är än så länge en obesvarad fråga. Min avhandling undersöker orenheters inverkan på Heisenbergmodellens magnetiska egenskaper—ett problem av både experimentell och teoretisk relevans. En etablerad numerisk metod har använts—en kvantmekanisk Monte Carlo teknik—för att utföra omfattande datorsimuleringar av den matematiska modellen på två dedikerade Linux datorkluster. Arbetet hör till området beräkningsfysik. De teoretiska modellerna för starkt korrelerade elektronsystem, däribland Heisenbergmodellen, är ytterst invecklade matematiskt sett och de kan inte lösas exakt. Analytiska utredningar bygger för det mesta på antaganden och förenklingar vars inverkningar på slutresultatet är ofta oklara. I det avseende kan numeriska studier vara exakta, det vill säga de kan behandla modellerna som de är. Oftast behövs bägge tillvägagångssätten. Den röda tråden i arbetet har varit att numeriskt testa vissa högaktuella analytiska förutsägelser rörande effekterna av orenheter i Heisenbergmodellen. En del av dem har vi på basen av mycket noggranna data kunnat bekräfta. Men våra resultat har också påvisat felaktigheter i de analytiska prognoserna som sedermera delvis reviderats. En del av avhandlingens numeriska upptäckter har i sin tur stimulerat till helt nya teoretiska studier.


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In this thesis the dynamics of cold gaseous atoms is studied. Two different atomic species and two different experimental techniques have been used. In the first part of the thesis experiments with Bose-Einstein condensates of Rb-87 are presented. In these experiments the methods of laser cooling and magnetic trapping of atoms were utilized. An atom chip was used as the experimental technique for implementation of magnetic trapping. The atom chip is a small integrated instrument allowing accurate and detailed manipulation of the atoms. The experiments with Rb-87 probed the behaviour of a falling beam of atoms outcoupled from the Bose-Einstein condensate by electromagnetic field induced spin flips. In the experiments a correspondence between the phases of the outcoupling radio frequency field and the falling beam of atoms was found. In the second part of the thesis experiments of spin dynamics in cold atomic hydrogen gas are discussed. The experiments with atomic hydrogen are conducted in a cryostat using a dilution refrigerator as the cooling method. These experiments concentrated on explaining and quantifying modulations in the electron spin resonance spectra of doubly polarized atomic hydrogen. The modifications to the previous experimental setup are described and the observation of electron spin waves is presented. The observed spin wave modes were caused by the identical spin rotation effect. These modes have a strong dependence on the spatial profile of the polarizing magnetic field. We also demonstrated confinement of these modes in regions of strong magnetic field and manipulated their spatial distribution by changing the position of the field maximum.


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This thesis presents point-contact measurements between superconductors (Nb, Ta, Sn,Al, Zn) and ferromagnets (Co, Fe, Ni) as well as non-magnetic metals (Ag, Au, Cu, Pt).The point contacts were fabricated using the shear method. The differential resistanceof the contacts was measured either in liquid He at 4.2 K or in vacuum in a dilutionrefrigerator at varying temperature down to 0.1 K. The contact properties were investigatedas function of size and temperature. The measured Andreev-reflection spectrawere analysed in the framework of the BTK model – a three parameter model that describescurrent transport across a superconductor - normal conductor interface. Theoriginal BTK model was modified to include the effects of spin polarization or finitelifetime of the Cooper pairs. Our polarization values for the ferromagnets at 4.2 K agree with the literature data, but the analysis was ambiguous because the experimental spectra both with ferromagnets and non-magnets could be described equally well either with spin polarization or finite lifetime effects in the BTK model. With the polarization model the Z parametervaries from almost 0 to 0.8 while the lifetime model produces Z values close to 0.5. Measurements at lower temperatures partly lift this ambiguity because the magnitude of thermal broadening is small enough to separate lifetime broadening from the polarization. The reduced magnitude of the superconducting anomalies for Zn-Fe contacts required an additional modification of the BTK model which was implemented as a scaling factor. Adding this parameter led to reduced polarization values. However, reliable data is difficult to obtain because different parameter sets produce almost identical spectra.


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This work devotes to the theoretical investigations of spin-electromagnetic waves (SEW) propagating in a thin-film multiferroic structures that were composed of a slot-line and structures with several ferrite films. In contrast to earlier works, the spin-electromagnetic waves in the investigated structures are originated from two different electrodynamics coupling. The first one is coupling of the electromagnetic wave localized mainly in the slot-line with the spin wave excited mostly in the ferrite film. The second one is coupling of two spin waves in the different ferrite films separated by a thin ferroelectric film. For theoretical analysis of SEWs propagation in such kind of structures theories of their eigen-wave spectra were developed. Spectra of SEW in the investigated structures were calculated and analyzed. The range of electric and magnetic tunability of dispersion characteristic were investigated. Spectra of SEW in the investigated multiferroic structures are used for investigation of transfer function of periodic structures.


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Tässä työssä tarkastellaan Start-up & Spin-off Factory -projektissa, pääsääntöisesti Kymenlaaksossa toimiville, yrittäjille suunnattua ja toteutettua yritysvalmennusohjelmaa. Työssä selvitetään ja käsitellään Start-up & Spin-off -projektin yritysvalmennuksen onnistumisia ja kehittämiskohteita sähköisen kyselyn sekä teemahaastatteluiden pohjalta. Start-up & Spin-off Factory -projektissa tuettiin innovatiivisten yritysten (21 yritystä) kasvua kiihdytysohjelmalla, jossa kokeneet sarjayrittäjät valmensivat uutta yritystä perustavia tai jo yritystoiminnan aloittaneita yrittäjiä, joiden tuotteille/palveluille haluttiin saada kasvua. Projektin tavoitteena oli edistää erityisesti kiihdytettävien yritysten nopeaa kansainvälistymistä auttamalla yrittäjiä pilottien, asiakkaiden, partnerien ja rahoituksen hankinnassa. Valmennettavat kokivat saaneensa lisäarvoa valmennuksesta omaksumalla uusia näkökulmia. He kokivat koulutuksen tuoneen yrityksen toimintaan lisää nöyrää asennetta ja lujaa uskoa tulevaisuuteen. Vertaistuen osuutta sekä verkostojen lisääntymisen mukana tullutta uusien kontaktien määrää pidettiin myönteisenä asiana. Vastausten perusteella valmennus selkeytti valmennettavien ymmärrystä liiketoiminnan kehittämisestä. Hissipuheen teko ja harjoittelu koettiin tärkeäksi ja jännittäväksi. Valmennus vahvisti luottamusta omaan tuotteeseen ja palveluun. Valmennuksen painottuminen ICT-alan firmoihin merkitsi valmennuksessa sitä, että teoriat ja esimerkit tulivat useasti tältä alalta. Toimialojen eroavaisuus tulisi huomioida valmennuksessa opetussisältöjen ja esimerkkien osalta. Kyselyn ja haastatteluiden mukaan valmentajien asiantuntemukseen oltiin tyytyväisiä. Lisäksi onnistuneena osa-alueena koettiin valmennuksen käytännön järjestelyjä. Kehitettävää puolestaan oli opetusmateriaalien, opetusmenetelmien ja koulutuksen keston suhteen. Kysyttäessä valmennuksen hyvistä ja huonoista puolista olivat vastaajat sitä mieltä, että valmennuksessa oli hyvä ilmapiiri ja valmennus oli käytännönläheistä. Pienryhmävalmennusta pidettiin hyvänä asiana, samoin kuin henkilökohtaistamista.


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The main aim of this research was to develop cost of poor quality calculation model which will better reflect business impacts of lost productivity caused by IT incidents for the case company. This objective was pursued by reviewing literature and conducting a study in a Finnish multinational manufacturing company. Broad analysis of the scientific literature allowed to identify main theories and models of Cost of Poor Quality and provided better base for development of measurements of business impacts of lost productivity. Empirical data was gathered with semi-structured interviews and internet based survey. In total, twelve interviews with experts and 39 survey results from business stakeholders were gathered. Main results of empirical study helped to develop the measurement model of cost of poor quality and it was tied to incident priority matrix. Nevertheless, the model was created based on available data. Main conclusions of the thesis were that cost of poor quality measurements could be even further improved if additional data points could be used. New model takes into consideration different cost regions and utilizes on this notion.