11 resultados para Silver oxide thin films
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
The objective of the thesis is to study cerium oxide thin films grown by the atomic layer deposition (ALD) for soot removal. Cerium oxide is one of the most important heterogeneous catalysts and can be used in particulate filters and sensors in a diesel exhaust pipe. Its redox/oxidation properties are a key factor in soot oxidation. Thus, the cerium oxide coating can help to keep particulate filters and sensors clean permanently. The literature part of the thesis focuses on the soot removal, introducing the origin and structure of soot, reviewing emissions standards for diesel particulate matter, and presenting methods and catalysts for soot removal. In the experimental part the optimal ALD conditions for cerium oxide were found, the structural properties of cerium oxide thin films were analyzed, and the catalytic activity of the cerium oxide for soot oxidation was investigated. Studying ALD growth conditions of cerium oxide films and determining their critical thickness range are important to maximize the catalytic performance operating at comparatively low temperature. It was found that the cerium oxide film deposited at 300 °C with 2000 ALD cycles had the highest catalytic activity. Although the activity was still moderate and did not decrease the soot oxidation temperature enough for a real-life application. The cerium oxide thin film deposited at 300 °C has a different crystal structure, surface morphology and elemental composition with a higher Ce3+ concentration compared to the films deposited at lower temperatures. The different properties of the cerium oxide thin film deposited at 300 °C increase the catalytic activity most likely due to higher surface area and addition of the oxygen vacancies.
For advanced devices in the application fields of data storage, solar cell and biosensing, one of the major challenges to achieve high efficiency is the fabrication of nanopatterned metal oxide surfaces. Such surfaces often require both precise structure at the nanometer scale and controllable patterned structure at the macro scale. Nowadays, the dominating candidates to fabricate nanopatterned surfaces are the lithographic technique and block-copolymer masks, most of which are unfortunately costly and inefficient. An alternative bottom-up approach, which involves organic/inorganic self-assembly and dip-coating deposition, has been studied intensively in recent years and has proven to be an effective technique for the fabrication of nanoperforated metal oxide thin films. The overall objective of this work was to optimize the synthesis conditions of nanoperforated TiO2 (NP-TiO2) thin films, especially to be compatible with mixed metal oxide systems. Another goal was to develop fabrication and processing of NP-TiO2 thin films towards largescale production and seek new applications for solar cells and biosensing. Besides the traditional dip-coating and drop-casting methods, inkjet printing was used to prepare thin films of metal oxides, with the advantage of depositing the ink onto target areas, further enabling cost-effective fabrication of micro-patterned nanoperforated metal oxide thin films. The films were characterized by water contact angle determination, Atomic Force Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Grazing Incidence XRay Diffraction. In this study, well-ordered zinc titanate nanoperforated thin films with different Zn/Ti ratios were produced successfully with zinc precursor content up to 50 mol%, and the dominating phase was Zn2Ti3O8. NP-TiO2 structures were also obtained by a cost-efficient means, namely inkjet printing, at both ambient temperature and 60 °C. To further explore new biosensing applications of nanoperforated oxide thin films, inkjet printing was used for the fabrication of both continuous and patterned polymeric films onto NP-TiO2 and perfluorinated phosphate functionalized NP-TiO2 substrates, respectively. The NP-TiO2 films can be also functionalized with a fluoroalkylsilane, resulting in hydrophobic surfaces on both titania and silica. The surface energy contrast in the nanoperforations can be tuned by irradiating the films with UV light, which provides ideal model systems for wettability studies.
Lanthanum lutetium oxide (LaLuO3) thin films were investigated considering their perspective application for industrial microelectronics. Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques permitted to visualize the surface topography and study the electric properties. This work compared both the material properties (charge behavior for samples of 6 nm and 25 nm width) and the applied SPM modes. Particularly, Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) was applied to characterize local potential difference with high lateral resolution. Measurements showed the difference in morphology, chargeability and charge dissipation time for both samples. The polarity effect was detected for this material for the first time. Lateral spreading of the charged spots indicate the diffusive mechanism to be predominant in charge dissipation. This allowed to estimate the diffusion coefficient and mobility. Using simple electrostatic model it was found that charge is partly leaking into the interface oxide layer.
Due to font problem on the tilte field the titlte of the thesis is corrected here. The title of the thesis is: Magnetic Perovskites Sr2FeMoO6 and La(1-x)Ca(x)MnO3: Synthesis, Fabrication and Characterization of Nanosized Powders and Thin Films
In this work, superconducting YBa2 Cu3O6+x (YBCO) thin films have been studied with the experimental focus on the anisotropy of BaZrO3 (BZO) doped YBCOthin films and the theoretical focus on modelling flux pinning by numerically solving Ginzburg- Landau equations. Also, the structural properties of undoped YBCO thin films grown on NdGaO3 (NGO) and MgO substrates were investigated. The thin film samples were made by pulsed laser ablation on single crystal substrates. The structural properties of the thin films were characterized by X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscope measurements. The superconducting properties were investigated with a magnetometer and also with transport measurements in pulsed magnetic field up to 30 T. Flux pinning was modelled by restricting the value of the order parameter inside the columnar pinning sites and then solving the Ginzburg-Landau equations numerically with the restrictions in place. The computations were done with a parallel code on a supercomputer. The YBCO thin films were seen to develop microcracks when grown on NGO or MgO substrates. The microcrack formation was connected to the structure of the YBCO thin films in both cases. Additionally, the microcracks can be avoided by careful optimization of the deposition parameters and the film thickness. The BZO doping of the YBCO thin films was seen to decrease the effective electron mass anisotropy, which was seen by fitting the Blatter scaling to the angle dependence of the upper critical field. The Ginzburg-Landau simulations were able to reproduce the measured magnetic field dependence of the critical current density for BZO doped and undoped YBCO. The simulations showed that in addition to the large density also the large size of the BZO nanorods is a key factor behind the change in the power law behaviour between BZO doped and undoped YBCO. Additionally, the Ginzburg-Landau equations were solved for type I thin films where giant vortices were seen to appear depending on the film thickness. The simulations predicted that singly quantized vortices are stable in type I films up to quite large thicknesses and that the size of the vortices increases with decreasing film thickness, in a way that is similar to the behaviour of the interaction length of Pearl vortices.
In this work, Sr2FeMoO6 (SFMO) thin films were studied with the main focus on their magnetic and magneto-transport properties. The fabrication process of pulsed laser deposited SFMO films was first optimized. Then the effects of strain, film thickness and substrate were thoroughly investigated. In addition to these external factors, the effect of intrinsic defects on the magnetic properties of SFMO were also clarified. Secondly, the magnetoresistivity mechanims of SFMO films were studied and a semiempirical model of the temperature dependence of resistivity was introduced. The films were grown on single crystal substrates using a ceramic target made with sol-gel method. The structural characterization of the films were carried out with X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and high kinetic energy photoelectron spectroscopy. The magnetic properties were measured with SQUID magnetometer and the magneto-transport properties by magnetometer with a resistivity option. SFMO films with the best combination of structural and magnetic properties were grown in Ar atmosphere at 1050 °C . Their magnetic properties could not be improved by the ex situ post-annealing treatments aside from the treatments in ultra-high vacuum conditions. The optimal film thickness was found to be around 150 nm and only small improvement in the magnetic properties with decreasing strain was observed. Instead, the magnetic properties were observed to be highly dependent on the choice of the substrate due to the lattice mismatch induced defects, which are best avoided by using the SrTiO3 substrate. The large difference in the Curie temperature and the saturation magnetization between the SFMO thin film and polycrystalline bulk samples was connected to the antisite disorder and oxygen vacancies. Thus, the Curie temperature of SFMO thin films could be improved by increasing the amount of oxygen vacancies for example with ultra-high vacuum treatments or improving the B-site ordering by further optimization of the deposition parameters. The magneto-transport properties of SFMO thin films do not follow any conventional models, but the temperature dependence of resistivity was succesfully described with a model of two spin channel system. Also, evidences that the resistivity-temperature behaviour of SFMO thin films is dominated by the structural defects, which reduce the band gap in the majority spin band were found. Moreover, the magnetic field response of the resistivity in SFMO thin films were found to be superposition of different mechanisms that seems to be related to the structural changes in the film.
In this work, a colossal magnetoresistive (CMR) Pr1−xCaxMnO3 (PCMO) man- ganite thin films and polycrystalline samples were studied with the main focus on the properties of the insulator to metal Mott phase transition. The polycrystalline PCMO samples were fabricated with the solid state reaction method. The polycrystalline sam- ples were further processed into the epitaxial thin films with the pulsed laser deposition method (PLD). The structural and magnetic properties of the samples were systemat- ically investigated and the thin films samples were further investigated with magneto- transport measurement where the thin films response to illumination was also studied. After the successful synthesis of polycrystalline PCMO samples with varying x = between 0.0 - 0.5, the magnetic characterization of the samples showed rich magnetic properties having the signatures of the magnetic phase coexistence of antiferromag- netic (AFM) and ferromagnetic (FM) ordering and cluster glass behaviour. With the increased doping concentration from x = 0.3 to 0.5, the AFM charge-order (CO) phase started to form up being strongest on the sample x = 0.5. This AFM CO phase could be melted with the high external magnetic field at temperatures below Neel’s tempera- ture TN inducing an irreversible first order metamagnetic AFM to FM phase transition. The strength of the AFM CO phase decreased with decreasing Ca concentration and increasing temperature. The polycrystalline PCMO samples with Ca concentrations of 0.3 - 0.5, showing metamagnetic behaviour, were selected for the fabrication of the thin film samples. The films were grown using two different in situ oxygen treatment temperatures at 500 ◦C and 700 ◦C in the PLD system. The films with x = 0.4 and 0.5 showed weaker AFM CO phase with greatly reduced melting fields when compared to polycrystalline samples. Also, the robustness of the AFM CO phase was further decreased in thin films with the lower oxygen treatment temperature of 500 ◦C. The magneto-transport measurements made on the thin films showed that the melting of AFM CO phase was connected to CMR effect where the increasing magnetic field induced an insulator to metal phase transition, which reduces the resistivity of the film around nine orders of magnitude. The use of illumination during the magneto-transport measurements showed a vari- ety of intriguing phenomena including magnetophotoresistance. The illumination had a huge effect to the insulator to metal transition (IMT) reducing the transition magnetic field significantly. Moreover, by magnetically biasing the thin films with the constant external magnetic field, the IMT could be induced by switching on the illumination.
This thesis is devoted to understanding and improving technologically important III-V compound semiconductor (e.g. GaAs, InAs, and InSb) surfaces and interfaces for devices. The surfaces and interfaces of crystalline III-V materials have a crucial role in the operation of field-effect-transistors (FET) and highefficiency solar-cells, for instance. However, the surfaces are also the most defective part of the semiconductor material and it is essential to decrease the amount of harmful surface or interface defects for the next-generation III-V semiconductor device applications. Any improvement in the crystal ordering at the semiconductor surface reduces the amount of defects and increases the material homogeneity. This is becoming more and more important when the semiconductor device structures decrease to atomic-scale dimensions. Toward that target, the effects of different adsorbates (i.e., Sn, In, and O) on the III-V surface structures and properties have been investigated in this work. Furthermore, novel thin-films have been synthesized, which show beneficial properties regarding the passivation of the reactive III-V surfaces. The work comprises ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) environment for the controlled fabrication of atomically ordered III-V(100) surfaces. The surface sensitive experimental methods [low energy electron diffraction (LEED), scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS), and synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy (SRPES)] and computational density-functionaltheory (DFT) calculations are utilized for elucidating the atomic and electronic properties of the crucial III-V surfaces. The basic research results are also transferred to actual device tests by fabricating metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors and utilizing the interface sensitive measurement techniques [capacitance voltage (CV) profiling, and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy] for the characterization. This part of the thesis includes the instrumentation of home-made UHV-compatible atomic-layer-deposition (ALD) reactor for growing good quality insulator layers. The results of this thesis elucidate the atomic structures of technologically promising Sn- and In-stabilized III-V compound semiconductor surfaces. It is shown that the Sn adsorbate induces an atomic structure with (1×2)/(1×4) surface symmetry which is characterized by Sn-group III dimers. Furthermore, the stability of peculiar ζa structure is demonstrated for the GaAs(100)-In surface. The beneficial effects of these surface structures regarding the crucial III-V oxide interface are demonstrated. Namely, it is found that it is possible to passivate the III-V surface by a careful atomic-scale engineering of the III-V surface prior to the gate-dielectric deposition. The thin (1×2)/(1×4)-Sn layer is found to catalyze the removal of harmful amorphous III-V oxides. Also, novel crystalline III-V-oxide structures are synthesized and it is shown that these structures improve the device characteristics. The finding of crystalline oxide structures is exploited by solving the atomic structure of InSb(100)(1×2) and elucidating the electronic structure of oxidized InSb(100) for the first time.
This study is a literature review on laser scribing in monolithically interconnected thin-film PV modules, focusing on efficiency of modules based on absorber materials CIGS, CdTe and a-Si. In thin-film PV module manufacturing scribing is used to interconnect individual cells monolithically by P1, P2 and P3 scribes. Laser scribing has several advantages compared to mechanical scribing for this purpose. However, laser scribing of thin-films can be a challenging process and may induce efficiency reducing defects. Some of these defects can be avoided by improving optimisation or processing methods.
Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is the technology of choice where very thin and highquality films are required. Its advantage is its ability to deposit dense and pinhole-free coatings in a controllable manner. It has already shown promising results in a range of applications, e.g. diffusion barrier coatings for OLED displays, surface passivation layers for solar panels. Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition (SALD) is a concept that allows a dramatic increase in ALD throughput. During the SALD process, the substrate moves between spatially separated zones filled with the respective precursor gases and reagents in such a manner that the exposure sequence replicates the conventional ALD cycle. The present work describes the development of a high-throughput ALD process. Preliminary process studies were made using an SALD reactor designed especially for this purpose. The basic properties of the ALD process were demonstrated using the wellstudied Al2O3 trimethyl aluminium (TMA)+H2O process. It was shown that the SALD reactor is able to deposit uniform films in true ALD mode. The ALD nature of the process was proven by demonstrating self-limiting behaviour and linear film growth. The process behaviour and properties of synthesized films were in good agreement with previous ALD studies. Issues related to anomalous deposition at low temperatures were addressed as well. The quality of the coatings was demonstrated by applying 20 nm of the Al2O3 on to polymer substrate and measuring its moisture barrier properties. The results of tests confirmed the superior properties of the coatings and their suitability for flexible electronics encapsulation. Successful results led to the development of a pilot scale roll-to-roll coating system. It was demonstrated that the system is able to deposit superior quality films with a water transmission rate of 5x10-6 g/m2day at a web speed of 0.25 m/min. That is equivalent to a production rate of 180 m2/day and can be potentially increased by using wider webs. State-of-art film quality, high production rates and repeatable results make SALD the technology of choice for manufacturing ultra-high barrier coatings for flexible electronics.