7 resultados para Sex-determination system

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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This master’s thesis is focused on the active magnetic bearings system commissioning. The scope of the work is to test the existent procedures with old and new prototypes of an AMB system and additionally automate necessary steps instead of their hand tuning, because determination of rotor clearances and finding effective rotor-origins are time consuming and error prone. The final goal is to get a documented and mostly automated step by step methodology for end efficient system’s commissioning.


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Case-based reasoning (CBR) is a recent approach to problem solving and learning that has got a lot of attention over the last years. In this work, the CBR methodology is used to reduce the time and amount of resources spent on carry out experiments to determine the viscosity of the new slurry. The aim of this work is: to develop a CBR system to support the decision making process about the type of slurries behavior, to collect a sufficient volume of qualitative data for case base, and to calculate the viscosity of the Newtonian slurries. Firstly in this paper, the literature review about the types of fluid flow, Newtonian and non-Newtonian slurries is presented. Some physical properties of the suspensions are also considered. The second part of the literature review provides an overview of the case-based reasoning field. Different models and stages of CBR cycles, benefits and disadvantages of this methodology are considered subsequently. Brief review of the CBS tools is also given in this work. Finally, some results of work and opportunities for system modernization are presented. To develop a decision support system for slurry viscosity determination, software application MS Office Excel was used. Designed system consists of three parts: workspace, the case base, and section for calculating the viscosity of Newtonian slurries. First and second sections are supposed to work with Newtonian and Bingham fluids. In the last section, apparent viscosity can be calculated for Newtonian slurries.


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In recent years the environmental issues and the energy saving have become increasingly import in modern society where industry is the major emission factor and energy consumer. Generally, most of the total energy consumption is caused by electrical drives used in industrial applications and thus improving the performance of electrical drives give an opportunity to improve the energy efficiency. In this Master Thesis improving the energy efficiency in different electrical drives is clarified with different cases: regenerative braking in the electric grid or recovery of the braking energy into an energy storage. In addition, as an example, the energy consumption of an elevator is analyzed by measurements. From these measurement results it can be estimated how much the share of the standby energy consumption is from the total energy consumption and how much regenerative energy is available. The latter part of the thesis concentrates on determination of the properties of lithium iron phosphate battery with measurements.


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The thesis develops guidelines for the implementation of the health and safety management system according to the OHSAS 18001 standard, as well as the feasible threat analysis, project proposal schedule, future system quality improvements and organizational change evaluation. The theoretical part clarifies determination of occupational health and safety, its management system, the OHSAS 18001 standard and integrated management system compounded of triple ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001 standards. The literature includes such important aspects as human factor, organizational policies, possible benefits, threats, organizational safety culture, Deming’s quality improvement cycle, system implementation, maintenance and cost matters. The empirical part demonstrates real-life situation by using Andritz Pulp & Paper Oy as a case study. Prior the thesis proposal, Andritz Group is analysed including separate business areas, acquisition and integration strategies, current status of the health and safety management and parallel experiences of the largest business area Andritz Hydro. The proposal is aimed at improving the current health and safety system for the permanent and sub-contracted employees at Andritz Pulp & Paper both in Finland and in various projects globally.


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Chlorophenols have been classified as possible carcinogens for humans. Chlorophenols have been used as pesticides and wood preservatives. In Finland, during 1930 – 1980s, saw mills used KY-5 wood preservative that contained 2,4,6-TCP, 2,3,4,6-TeCP and PCP. Especially in Finland chlorophenols have entered the environment by leaking from contaminated grounds of old saw mills. Although chlorophenol concentrations found in environment do not cause acute concern, long term exposure can increase the risk of cancer. SPME is relatively cheap and simple sampling method, in which the sample extraction and concentration are performed in a single step. Solvents are not required in SPME. IMS is based on the detection of sample ion drift times. Based on the drift times, reduced mobilities are calculated, which are comparable despite the measurement conditions. SPME-IMS coupling has not been used earlier in the determination of chlorophenols from water samples. The scope of this work was to study, if SPME-IMS system is suitable for detecting chloro-phenols from water samples. The aim was to determine the most optimal extraction condi-tions, which were then applied to real water samples. Following detection limits were deter-mined: 2,4,6-TCP: 0.33 mg/l; 2,3,4,6-TeCP: 0.63 mg/l and PCP: 1.63 mg/l. Detection limits were high compared to the highest possible chlorophenol concentration that is allowed in Finnish drinking water, 10 μg/l. Detected concentrations from water sample differed from verified concentrations in the case of 2,3,4,6-TeCP by 4.6 % and in the case of 2,4,6-TCP by 48.4 %. Based on the results it can be said that SPME-IMS setup is suitable for preliminary analysis of mg/l chlorophenol concentrations from water samples.


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Abstract This doctoral thesis concerns the active galactic nucleus (AGN) most often referred to with the catalogue number OJ287. The publications in the thesis present new discoveries of the system in the context of a supermassive binary black hole model. In addition, the introduction discusses general characteristics of the OJ287 system and the physical fundamentals behind these characteristics. The place of OJ287 in the hierarchy of known types of AGN is also discussed. The introduction presents a large selection of fundamental physics required to have a basic understanding of active galactic nuclei, binary black holes, relativistic jets and accretion disks. Particularly the general relativistic nature of the orbits of close binaries of supermassive black holes is explored with some detail. Analytic estimates of some of the general relativistic effects in such a binary are presented, as well as numerical methods to calculate the effects more precisely. It is also shown how these results can be applied to the OJ287 system. The binary orbit model forms the basis for models of the recurring optical outbursts in the OJ287 system. In the introduction, two physical outburst models are presented in some detail and compared. The radiation hydrodynamics of the outbursts are discussed and optical light curve predictions are derived. The precursor outbursts studied in Paper III are also presented, and tied into the model of OJ287. To complete the discussion of the observable features of OJ287, the nature of the relativistic jets in the system, and in active galactic nuclei in general, is discussed. Basic physics of relativistic jets are presented, with additional detail added in the form of helical jet models. The results of Papers II, IV and V concerning the jet of OJ287 are presented, and their relation to other facets of the binary black hole model is discussed. As a whole, the introduction serves as a guide, though terse, for the physics and numerical methods required to successfully understand and simulate a close binary of supermassive black holes. For this purpose, the introduction necessarily combines a large number of both fundamental and specific results from broad disciplines like general relativity and radiation hydrodynamics. With the material included in the introduction, the publications of the thesis, which present new results with a much narrower focus, can be readily understood. Of the publications, Paper I presents newly discovered optical data points for OJ287, detected on archival astronomical plates from the Harvard College Observatory. These data points show the 1900 outburst of OJ287 for the first time. In addition, new data points covering the 1913 outburst allowed the determination of the start of the outburst with more precision than was possible before. These outbursts were then successfully numerically modelled with an N-body simulation of the OJ287 binary and accretion disc. In Paper II, mechanisms for the spin-up of the secondary black hole in OJ287 via interaction with the primary accretion disc and the magnetic fields in the system are discussed. Timescales for spin-up and alignment via both processes are estimated. It is found that the secondary black hole likely has a high spin. Paper III reports a new outburst of OJ287 in March 2013. The outburst was found to be rather similar to the ones reported in 1993 and 2004. All these outbursts happened just before the main outburst season, and are called precursor outbursts. In this paper, a mechanism was proposed for the precursor outbursts, where the secondary black hole collides with a gas cloud in the primary accretion disc corona. From this, estimates of brightness and timescales for the precursor were derived, as well as a prediction of the timing of the next precursor outburst. In Paper IV, observations from the 2004–2006 OJ287 observing program are used to investigate the existence of short periodicities in OJ287. The existence of a _50 day quasiperiodic component is confirmed. In addition, statistically significant 250 day and 3.5 day periods are found. Primary black hole accretion of a spiral density wave in the accretion disc is proposed as the source of the 50 day period, with numerical simulations supporting these results. Lorentz contracted jet re-emission is then proposed as the reason for the 3.5 day timescale. Paper V fits optical observations and mm and cm radio observations of OJ287 with a helical jet model. The jet is found to have a spine–sheath structure, with the sheath having a much lower Lorentz gamma factor than the spine. The sheath opening angle and Lorentz factor, as well as the helical wavelength of the jet are reported for the first time. Tiivistelmä Tässä väitöskirjatutkimuksessa on keskitytty tutkimaan aktiivista galaksiydintä OJ287. Väitöskirjan osana olevat tieteelliset julkaisut esittelevät OJ287-systeemistä saatuja uusia tuloksia kaksoismusta-aukkomallin kontekstissa. Väitöskirjan johdannossa käsitellään OJ287:n yleisiä ominaisuuksia ja niitä fysikaalisia perusilmiöitä, jotka näiden ominaisuuksien taustalla vaikuttavat. Johdanto selvittää myös OJ287-järjestelmän sijoittumisen aktiivisten galaksiytimien hierarkiassa. Johdannossa käydään läpi joitakin perusfysiikan tuloksia, jotka ovat tarpeen aktiivisten galaksiydinten, mustien aukkojen binäärien, relativististen suihkujen ja kertymäkiekkojen ymmärtämiseksi. Kahden toisiaan kiertävän mustan aukon keskinäisen radan suhteellisuusteoreettiset perusteet käydään läpi yksityiskohtaisemmin. Johdannossa esitetään joitakin analyyttisiä tuloksia tällaisessa binäärissä havaittavista suhteellisuusteoreettisista ilmiöistä. Myös numeerisia menetelmiä näiden ilmiöiden tarkempaan laskemiseen esitellään. Tuloksia sovelletaan OJ287-systeemiin, ja verrataan havaintoihin. OJ287:n mustien aukkojen ratamalli muodostaa pohjan systeemin toistuvien optisten purkausten malleille. Johdannossa esitellään yksityiskohtaisemmin kaksi fysikaalista purkausmallia, ja vertaillaan niitä. Purkausten säteilyhydrodynamiikka käydään läpi, ja myös ennusteet purkausten valokäyrille johdetaan. Johdannossa esitellään myös Julkaisussa III johdettu prekursoripurkausten malli, ja osoitetaan sen sopivan yhteen OJ287:n binäärimallin kanssa. Johdanto esittelee myös relativististen suihkujen fysiikkaa sekä OJ287- systeemiin liittyen että aktiivisten galaksiydinten kontekstissa yleisesti. Relativististen suihkujen perusfysiikka esitellään, kuten myös malleja kierteisistä suihkuista. Julkaisujen II, IV ja V OJ287-systeemin suihkuja koskevat tulokset esitellään binäärimallin kontekstissa. Kokonaisuutena johdanto palvelee suppeana oppaana, joka esittelee tarvittavan fysiikan ja tarpeelliset numeeriset menetelmät mustien aukkojen binäärijärjestelmän ymmärtämiseen ja simulointiin. Tätä tarkoitusta varten johdanto yhdistää sekä perustuloksia että joitakin syvällisempiä tuloksia laajoilta fysiikan osa-alueilta kuten suhteellisuusteoriasta ja säteilyhydrodynamiikasta. Johdannon sisältämän materiaalin avulla väitöskirjan julkaisut, ja niiden esittämät tulokset, ovat hyvin ymmärrettävissä. Väitöskirjan julkaisuista ensimmäinen esittelee uusia OJ287-systeemistä saatuja havaintopisteitä, jotka on paikallistettu Harvardin yliopiston observatorion arkiston valokuvauslevyiltä. OJ287:n vuonna 1900 tapahtunut purkaus nähdään ensimmäistä kertaa näissä havaintopisteissä. Uudet havaintopisteet mahdollistivat myös vuoden 1913 purkauksen alun ajoittamisen tarkemmin kuin aiemmin oli mahdollista. Havaitut purkaukset mallinnettiin onnistuneesti simuloimalla OJ287-järjestelmän mustien aukkojen paria ja kertymäkiekkoa. Julkaisussa II käsitellään mekanismeja OJ287:n sekundäärisen mustan aukon spinin kasvamiseen vuorovaikutuksessa primäärin kertymäkiekon ja systeemin magneettikenttien kanssa. Julkaisussa arvioidaan maksimispinin saavuttamisen ja spinin suunnan vakiintumisen aikaskaalat kummallakin mekanismilla. Tutkimuksessa havaitaan sekundäärin spinin olevan todennäköisesti suuri. Julkaisu III esittelee OJ287-systeemissä maaliskuussa 2013 tapahtuneen purkauksen. Purkauksen havaittiin muistuttavan vuosina 1993 ja 2004 tapahtuneita purkauksia, joita kutsutaan yhteisnimityksellä prekursoripurkaus (precursor outburst). Julkaisussa esitellään purkauksen synnylle mekanismi, jossa OJ287-systeemin sekundäärinen musta aukko osuu primäärisen mustan aukon kertymäkiekon koronassa olevaan kaasupilveen. Mekanismin avulla johdetaan arviot prekursoripurkausten kirkkaudelle ja aikaskaalalle. Julkaisussa johdetaan myös ennuste seuraavan prekursoripurkauksen ajankohdalle. Julkaisussa IV käytetään vuosina 2004–2006 kerättyjä havaintoja OJ287- systeemistä lyhyiden jaksollisuuksien etsintään. Julkaisussa varmennetaan systeemissä esiintyvä n. 50 päivän kvasiperiodisuus. Lisäksi tilastollisesti merkittävät 250 päivän ja 3,5 päivän jaksollisuudet havaitaan. Julkaisussa esitetään malli, jossa primäärisen mustan aukon kertymäkiekossa oleva spiraalitiheysaalto aiheuttaa 50 päivän jaksollisuuden. Mallista tehty numeerinen simulaatio tukee tulosta. Systeemin relativistisen suihkun emittoima aikadilatoitunut säteily esitetään aiheuttajaksi 3,5 päivän jaksollisuusaikaskaalalle. Julkaisussa V sovitetaan kierresuihkumalli OJ287-systeemistä tehtyihin optisiin havaintoihin ja millimetri- sekä senttimetriaallonpituuden radiohavaintoihin. Suihkun rakenteen havaitaan olevan kaksijakoinen ja koostuvan ytimestä ja kuoresta. Suihkun kuorella on merkittävästi pienempi Lorentzin gamma-tekijä kuin suihkun ytimellä. Kuoren avautumiskulma ja Lorentztekijä sekä suihkun kierteen aallonpituus raportoidaan julkaisussa ensimmäistä kertaa.


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A major challenge faced by companies today is the engagement gap at the workplace and how to motivate employees to engage in less intrinsically motivating work activities that are valuable for the organization. The objective of this study is to investigate gamification as a means for employee motivation and personal engagement that result in behavioral outcomes from the gamification developers’ perspective. Theories of work motivation and engagement are viewed in relation to gamification. The empirical part conducts a qualitative multiple-case study. The data is analyzed with the CAQDAS NVivo. The empirical findings suggest that gamification can enhance employee motivation, but careful consideration of extrinsic motivators is necessary to avoid their detrimental effect on intrinsic motivation. Employee self-determination is built through internalization of gamified system’s goals reaching autonomous motivation to engage in the target behavior. Employee engagement is built by fulfilling the psychological conditions of meaningfulness, safety and availability. The results suggest that gamification can build employee motivation and engagement leading to behavior change if designed with the business objectives in mind. Moreover, the gamified system needs to be renewed to address the changes in the business environment and reflect them in the employee behavior.