10 resultados para SMA connector

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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In this research, manufacturability analysis is made for an SMA connector. Analysis and aspects of applying virtual prototyping for an SMA connector design and manufacturing are also investigated. Special questionnaires for the component and machining are made in order to enable necessary information to ensure DFM(A) –aspects of products. The aspects of easy manufacturing for machining the SMA connector are collected. Material selection is discussed, and manufacturing stages of prototype manufacturing are presented. The main focus of this research is on prototype manufacturing, but also aspects considering volume production are discussed. A special purpose SMA connector is designed for printed circuit board edge mounting.


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Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin TRL-kalibroinnin käyttämistä tasomaisten siirtojohtojen sähköisten parametrien määrittämisessä taajuusalueella 0,3 – 12 GHz. Työssä perehdyttiin TRL-kalibroinnin käyttämiseen piirianalysaattorilla toteutettujen mittauksien mittauskalibrointiin sekä kalibrointiin tarvittavien kalibrointistandardien mitoittamiseen. Kalibrointistandardit suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin sekä mikroliuska- että liuskajohdoille, joiden toiminnallisuutta tarkasteltiin sekä taajuustason että aikatason mittausten avulla. Työssä perehdyttiin myös kalibrointistandardien liityntärajapinnan suunniteluun ja toteuttamiseen. Saatujen tulosten perusteella voitiin osoittaa mikroliuskajohtokitin soveltuvan hyvin mittauskalibroinnin toteuttamiseen tarkoissa mittaussovelluksissa.


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Interconnection of loads and small size generation forms a new type of distribution systems, the Microgrid. The microgrids can be operated together with the utility grid or be operated autonomously in an island. Thesesmall grids present a new paradigm of the construction of the low voltage distribution systems. The microgrids in the distribution systems can become small, controllable units, which immediately react to the system's changes. Along with that the microgrids can realize the special properties, such as increasing the reliability, reducing losses, voltage sag correction, uninterruptible supplying. The goals of the thesis are to explain the principles of the microgrid's functioning, to clarify the main ideas and positive features of the microgrids, to find out and prove their advantages and explain why they are so popular nowadays all over the world. The practical aims of the thesis are to construct and build a test setup of a microgrid based on two inverters from SMA Technologie AG in the laboratory and to test all the main modes and parameters of the microgrid's operating. Also the purpose of the thesis is to test the main component of the microgrid - the battery inverter which controls allthe processes and energy flows inside a microgrid and communicates with the main grid. Based on received data the main contribution of the thesis consists of the estimation of the established microgrid from the reliability, economy and simplicity of operating points of view and evaluation ofthe advisability of its use in different conditions. Moreover, the thesis assumes to give the recommendations and advice for the future investigations of the built system.


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Tutkimus tarkastelee Luoteis-Venäjän liikennelogistiikkaklusteria. Tarkoitus on selvittää klusterin nykyinen rakenne ja kilpailukyky sekä klusterin tarjoamat liiketoimintamahdollisuudet suomalaisille logistiikkayrityksille. Työssä käsitellään neljää perusliikennemuotoa: rautatie-, maantie-, meri- ja sisävesi-, sekä ilmaliikennettä. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty tutkimusta varten laadituista kyselyistä, haastatteluista sekä aiemmin julkaistusta materiaalista. Venäjä on suunnitellut kehittävänsä voimakkaasti liikenneinfrastruktuuria, mm. julkaisemalla protektionistisen liikennestrategiasuunnitelman. Ongelmana ovat olleet toteutukset, jotka ovat jääneet yleensä puutteellisiksi. Tällä hetkellä todellista kilpailukykyä löytyy ainoastaan rautatieliikenteestä, muut kolme liikennemuotoa omaavat potentiaalisen kilpailukyvyn. Venäjällä on mahdollisuus hyötyä laajasta pinta-alastaan Aasian ja Euroopan liikenteen yhdistäjänä. Yksi konkreettisimmista esimerkeistä on Trans Siperian rautatie, joka kaipaisi vielä lisäkehitystä. Suomi on toiminut Venäjän liikenteessä arvotavaran kauttakulkumaana, vuonna 2003 noin 30–40 % Venäjän tuonnin arvosta kulki Suomen kautta. Venäjälle tullaan tuomaan arvotavaraa vielä useita vuosia, mutta reittien osalta kilpailu on tiukentunut. Suomalaisten yritysten liiketoimintamahdollisuuksiin esitetään kaksi mallia: kauttakulkuliikenteen lisäarvologistiset (VAL) operaatiot Suomessa tai etabloituminen Venäjän logistisiin ketjuihin. Suomalaisten olisi syytä parantaa yhteistyötään yritysten ja yliopistojen ym. koulutuslaitosten välillä. Myös yhteistyökumppaneiden hakeminen esimerkiksi Ruotsista voisi tuoda merkittäviä etuja. Suomalaista osaamista voitaisiin hyödyntää parhaiten etabloitumalla Venäjän markkinoille, esimerkiksi keskittymällä Venäjän logististen ketjujen johtamiseen. Myös VAL palveluiden johtamiseen Venäjällä olisi erittäin hyvä tilaisuus, koska Venäjän oma tietotaito logistiikassa ei ole vielä kehittynyt kansainväliselle tasolle, mutta kustannustaso on alhaisempi kuin Suomessa.


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Large amplitude bus bar aeolian vibration may lead to post insulator damage. Different damping applications are used to decrease the risk of large amplitude aeolian vibration. In this paper the post insulator load caused by the bus bar aeolian vibration and the effect of damping methods are evaluated. The effects of three types of bus bar connectors and three types of primary structures are studied. Two actual damping devices, damping cable and their combinations are studied. The post insulator loads are studied with strain gage based custom made force sensors installed on the both ends of the post insulator and with the displacement sensor installed on the midpoint of the bus bar. The post insulator loads are calculated from the strain values and the damping properties are determined from the displacement history. The bus bar is deflected with a hanging weight. The weight is released and the bus bar is left to free damped vibration. Both actual bus bar vibration dampers RIBE and SBI were very effective against the aeolian vibration. Combining vibration damper with damping cable will increase the damping ratio but it may be unnecessary considering the extra effort. Bus bar connector type or primary structure have no effect on the vertical load. The bending moment at the post insulator with double sided bus bar connector is significantly higher than at the post insulator with single sided bus bar connector. No reliable conclusions about bus bar connector type effect can be done, but the roller bearing type or central bearing type connector may reduce the bending moment. The RHS steel frame as primary structure may increase the bending moment peak values since it is the least rigid primary structure type and it may start to vibrate as a response to the awakening force of the vibrating bus bar.


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The necessity of EC (Electronic Commerce) and enterprise systems integration is perceived from the integrated nature of enterprise systems. The proven benefits of EC to provide competitive advantages to the organizations force enterprises to adopt and integrate EC with their enterprise systems. Integration is a complex task to facilitate seamless flow of information and data between different systems within and across enterprises. Different systems have different platforms, thus to integrate systems with different platforms and infrastructures, integration technologies, such as middleware, SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture), ESB (Enterprise Service Bus), JCA (J2EE Connector Architecture), and B2B (Business-to-Business) integration standards are required. Huge software vendors, such as Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, and SAP suggest various solutions to address EC and enterprise systems integration problems. There are limited numbers of literature about the integration of EC and enterprise systems in detail. Most of the studies in this area have focused on the factors which influence the adoption of EC by enterprise or other studies provide limited information about a specific platform or integration methodology in general. Therefore, this thesis is conducted to cover the technical details of EC and enterprise systems integration and covers both the adoption factors and integration solutions. In this study, many literature was reviewed and different solutions were investigated. Different enterprise integration approaches as well as most popular integration technologies were investigated. Moreover, various methodologies of integrating EC and enterprise systems were studied in detail and different solutions were examined. In this study, the influential factors to adopt EC in enterprises were studied based on previous literature and categorized to technical, social, managerial, financial, and human resource factors. Moreover, integration technologies were categorized based on three levels of integration, which are data, application, and process. In addition, different integration approaches were identified and categorized based on their communication and platform. Also, different EC integration solutions were investigated and categorized based on the identified integration approaches. By considering different aspects of integration, this study is a great asset to the architectures, developers, and system integrators in order to integrate and adopt EC with enterprise systems.


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Joukkoliikenteen palvelutasomäärittely perustuu vuonna 2009 voimaan astuneeseen joukkoliikennelakiin, joka velvoitti toimivaltaisia viranomaisia määrittelemään toimivalta-alueensa joukkoliikenteelle tavoitteellisen palvelutason vuoden 2011 loppuun mennessä. Palvelutaso määriteltiin Liikenneviraston kriteeristön mukaisesti. Määrittelytyön aikana Keski-Uudellamaalla nousi esiin hiljaisen ajan liikenteen tarjonnan heikkous palvelutasotavoitteisiin nähden. Hiljaisena aikana liikenteen kysyntä on vähäistä. Liikenteen hoitaminen on kuitenkin kallista eikä se onnistu nykyisin ilman yhteiskunnan tukea. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää hiljaisen ajan merkitystä joukkoliikenteen käyttöön yleensä, kustannustehokkainta tapaa hoitaa joukkoliikenne hiljaisena aikana ja sitä miten palvelutasotavoitteita tulee miettiä tarkemmin hiljaisen ajan osalta. Työssä tarkasteltiin kolmea Keski-Uudenmaan taajamaa, ja esitettiin näille ratkaisut hiljaisen ajan liikenteen hoitamisesta. Nykyiset palvelutasokriteerit on määritetty ruuhkalähtöisesti. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan suositella, että liikenteen suunnittelussa olisi syytä siirtyä runkoajatteluun. Suunnittelun tulisi lähteä välttämättömistä vuoroista eli vuoroista, joilla taataan sujuva arki joukkoliikennettä käyttämällä. Lähtökohtana tulisi siis olla hiljaisin aika eli keskikesä. Tämän liikenteen rungon päälle voidaan rakentaa täydentävää liikennettä tarpeen eli kysynnän mukaan. Keski-Uudellamaalla hiljaisen ajan liikenteen ja myös liikenteen rungon tulisi muodostua juna-asemille ajettavasta liityntäliikenteestä. Johtopäätöksissä esitetään tarpeet palvelutasokriteerien tarkistamisesta ja lisätutkimuksista. Suurimmat tarkistustarpeet ovat määrällisissä kriteereissä, mutta hiljaisena aikana korostuvat myös laadulliset kriteerit: informaatio ja yhtenäinen lippujärjestelmä.


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This study examines information security as a process (information securing) in terms of what it does, especially beyond its obvious role of protector. It investigates concepts related to ‘ontology of becoming’, and examines what it is that information securing produces. The research is theory driven and draws upon three fields: sociology (especially actor-network theory), philosophy (especially Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s concept of ‘machine’, ‘territory’ and ‘becoming’, and Michel Serres’s concept of ‘parasite’), and information systems science (the subject of information security). Social engineering (used here in the sense of breaking into systems through non-technical means) and software cracker groups (groups which remove copy protection systems from software) are analysed as examples of breaches of information security. Firstly, the study finds that information securing is always interruptive: every entity (regardless of whether or not it is malicious) that becomes connected to information security is interrupted. Furthermore, every entity changes, becomes different, as it makes a connection with information security (ontology of becoming). Moreover, information security organizes entities into different territories. However, the territories – the insides and outsides of information systems – are ontologically similar; the only difference is in the order of the territories, not in the ontological status of entities that inhabit the territories. In other words, malicious software is ontologically similar to benign software; they both are users in terms of a system. The difference is based on the order of the system and users: who uses the system and what the system is used for. Secondly, the research shows that information security is always external (in the terms of this study it is a ‘parasite’) to the information system that it protects. Information securing creates and maintains order while simultaneously disrupting the existing order of the system that it protects. For example, in terms of software itself, the implementation of a copy protection system is an entirely external addition. In fact, this parasitic addition makes software different. Thus, information security disrupts that which it is supposed to defend from disruption. Finally, it is asserted that, in its interruption, information security is a connector that creates passages; it connects users to systems while also creating its own threats. For example, copy protection systems invite crackers and information security policies entice social engineers to use and exploit information security techniques in a novel manner.


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The aim of this study was to clarify the clinical phenotype of late-onset spinal motor neuronopathy (LOSMoN), an adult-onset autosomal dominant lower motor neuron disorder identified first in two families in Eastern Finland, in order to clarify its genetic background. Motor neuron disorders (MNDs) are characterized by dysfunction and premature death of motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. MNDs can manifest at any age of the human lifespan, ranging from pre- or neonatal forms such as spinal muscular atrophy type I (SMA I) to those preferentially affecting the older age groups exemplified by sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). With a combination of genetic linkage analysis and genome sequencing using DNA from a total of 55 affected members of 17 families and a whole genome scan, we were able to show that LOSMoN is caused by the c.197G>T p.G66V mutation in the gene CHCHD10. This study showed that LOSMoN has very characteristic features that help to differentiate it from other more malignant forms of motor neuron disease, such as ALS, which was erroneously diagnosed in many patients in our cohort. Lack of fibrillations in the first dorsal interosseus muscle on EMG and extensive grouping of non-atrophic type IIA/2A fibers on muscle biopsy were shown to be common findings in LOSMoN, but rare or absent in ALS patients. The results of this study will help clinicians recognize the characteristic phenotype of LOSMoN disease and thus improve their diagnostic accuracy, and will also allow physicians to provide adequate genetic counseling for patients.


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This study focuses on the network embeddedness of a subsidiary of a multinational company. Academic research has identified the rising role of geographically dispersed subsidiaries as valuable sources of strategic knowledge and value to the whole multinational company. Moreover, previous research suggests that in order to gather this knowledge and transfer it across the multinational company, a subsidiary needs to be insider, i.e. embedded, in both its local external network as well as in its internal corporate network. The purpose of this study is to describe the network embeddedness of a foreign sales subsidiary from the subsidiary personnel perspective and hence increase understanding on the phenomenon and provide suggestions to enhance overall subsidiary embeddedness. The empirical study was based on a theoretical framework on subsidiary network embeddedness and comprised a qualitative single-case study in a French sales subsidiary of a Nordic multinational company. Data collection included nine semi-structured interviews and six Network Pictures drawing tasks. Altogether eight people out of subsidiary staff of eleven participated in the study providing relatively exhaustive overview of the subsidiary personnel perspective. Based on the collected data, the relationships toward the most relevant network actors, both internal and external were identified and their impact on the subsidiary embeddedness were analyzed separately. Moreover, the subsidiary’s simultaneous embeddedness in both internal and external network, that is, the subsidiary dual embeddedness, was discussed to increase understanding how subsidiary personnel perceive their role between the two networks and its impact on the subsidiary activities. The findings of the study suggest that the subsidiary personnel perceives strong external embeddedness increasing internal and dual-embeddedness since intensive external collaboration requires including and activating other corporate units as well. The role of the local sales subsidiary is to act as the interpreter and connector between the internal and external network actors. Hence, by actively promoting relationship linkages between internal and external actors, the subsidiary may adopt an active role beyond its original corporate mandate. In order to achieve this, both managers on the subsidiary and corporate level need to promote open communication and increase cultural understanding between different corporate units.