17 resultados para Ritual of St. Florian.

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Työssä tutkitaan eri mekanismeja rajojen ylittävään innovaatioiden edistämiseen pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten näkökulmasta. Case ympäristönä on Kaakkois-Suomen ja Luoteis-Venäjän alueeli Pietarin Corridor. Tavoitteena on löytää tarkemmat määritykset ja rajauksetnäille mekanismeille. Teoriassa muodostettiin viitekehys rajojen ylittävälle innovaatioiden edistämismallille. Mallin pohjalta toteutettiinhaastattelututkimus, joka suoritettiin case-ympäristössä. Haastattelujoukko koostui yritysten edustajista, tutkimus-henkilöstÃstä sekä julkisista toimijoista. Innovaatiojärjestelmä oli avoin uusille toimintamenetelmille.Menetelmien toteuttamistapa kuitenkin jakoi mielipiteitä. Toimijoiden välille tarvitaan parempaa yhteistyötä ja tämän kautta selkeämpää kommunikointia yritysten suuntaan. Innovaatioiden edistämiseen ehdotetaan Innovation Relay Centre tyyppisen toiminnan laajentamista Corridorin alueelle sekä sen käyttämän teknologioiden välittämismallin sekä kansainvälisen verkoston hyödyntämistä. Edistämisen tukena tulisi käyttää innovaatiotietokanta-työkalua.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää tarkoituksenmukaisin etabloitumismenetelmä teräsyhtiön kansainvälistymisessä Pietarin markkinoille. Vaikka kansainvälistymistä onkin tutkittu paljon, kyseisen kontekstin erityispiirteisiin on aiemmissa tutkimuksissa kiinnitetty vain vähän huomiota. Kansainvälistymisteorioista työhön valittiin John Dunningin eklektinen paradigma sekä Uppsala-malli. Etabloitumismenetelmän valintaa puolestaan tarkastellaan eri vaihtoehtojen kautta, jotka kattavat viennin, suorat ulkomaan investoinnit, sopimusjärjestelyt sekä yhteisyrityksen. Valintaa selitetään taustalla vaikuttavien tekijöiden sekä kansainvälistymisprosessin kautta. Kohteena olevan markkina-alueen potentiaalin, ongelmien sekä yrityksen kilpailuetujen arvioinnin jälkeen ehdotetaan optimaalista ratkaisua. Omat haasteensa operaatiomuodon valintaan luovat potentiaalinen mutta haastava kohdemarkkina-alue sekä yrityksen sisäiset tekijät. Kontekstiin parhaiten sopivaksi etabloitumismenetelmäksi esitetään aloittamista välittömällä viennillä asiakkaiden etsimiseksi ja suhteiden luomiseksi. Kun asiakkuuksia alueella on riittävästi, myyntikonttorin perustaminen Pietarin lähelle nähdään tarkoituksenmukaisena paikallisen läsnäolon lisäämiseksi. Empiirinen data kattaa kahdeksan asiantuntijahaastattelua, jotka yhdessä muun lähdeaineiston kanssa rakentavat perustan empiirisille tuloksille. Tutkimuksen tulokset tarjoavat yritykselle perustellun ratkaisuehdotuksen siitä, kuinka Pietarin markkinoille tulisi etabloitua.


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Presentation of Janet Aucock, at the FinELib Consortium Seminar (Aineistopäivä), April 16, 2015 in Helsinki.


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The present study examines the repertory of liturgical chant known as St. Petersburg Court Chant which emerged within the Imperial Court of St. Petersburg, Russia, and appeared in print in a number of revisions during the course of the 19th century, eventually to spread throughout the Russian Empire and even abroad. The study seeks answers to questions on the essence and composition of Court Chant, its history and liturgical background, and most importantly, its musical relationship to other repertories of Eastern Slavic chant. The research questions emerge from previous literary accounts of Court Chant (summarized in the Introduction), which have tended to be inaccurate and generally not based on critical research. The study is divided into eight main chapters. Chapter 1 provides a survey of the history of Eastern Slavic chant and the Imperial Court Chapel of St. Petersburg until 1917, with special emphasis on the history of singing traditional chant in polyphony, the status of the Court Chapel as a government authority, and its endeavours in publishing church music. Chapter 2 deals with the liturgical background of Eastern chant, the chant genres, and main repertories of Eastern Slavic chant. Chapter 3 concentrates on chant sources: it introduces the musical notations utilised, after which a typology of chant books is presented. The discussion continues with a survey of the sources of Court Chant and their content, the specimens selected for closer analysis, the comparative materials from other repertories, and ends with a commentary on some chant sources that have been excluded. The comparative sources include a specimen from around the beginning of the 12th century, a few manuscripts from the 17th century, and printed and manuscript chant books from the early 18th to early 20th century, covering the geographical area that delimits to the western Ukraine, Astrakhan, Nizhny Novgorod, and the Solovetsky Monastery. Chapter 4 presents the approach and methods used in the subsequent analytical comparisons. After a survey of the pitch organization of Eastern Slavic chant, the customary harmonization strategy of traditional chant polyphony is examined, according to which a method for meaningful analysis of the harmony is proposed. The method is based on the observation that the harmonic framework of chant polyphony derives from the standard pitch collection of monodic chant known as the Church Gamut, specific pitches of which form eight harmonic regions that behave like the usual tonalities of major and harmonic minor. Because of the considerable quantity of comparative chant forms, computer-assisted statistical methods are applied to the analysis of chant melodies. The primary chant forms and their respective comparative forms have been pre-processed into reduced chant prototypes and divided into redactions. The analyses are carried out by measuring the formal dissimilarities of the primary chant forms of the Court Chant repertory against each comparative form, and also by measuring the reciprocal dissimilarities of all chant versions in a redaction, the results of which are subjected to agglomerative hierarchical clustering in order to find out how the chant forms relate to each other. The dissimilarities are determined by applying a metric dissimilarity function that is based on the Levenshtein Distance. Chapter 5 provides the melodic and harmonic analyses of generic chants (chants used for multiple texts of different lengths), i.e., chants for stichera samoglasny and troparia, Chapter 6 of pseudo-generic chants (chants that are used for multiple texts but with certain restrictions), i.e., chants for heirmoi, prokeimena, and three other hymns, and Chapter 7 of non-generic chants, covering nine chants that in the Court repertory are not shared by multiple texts. The results are summarized and evaluated in Chapter 8. Accordingly, it can be established that, contrary to previous conceptions, melodically, Court Chant is in effect a full part of the wider Eastern Slavic chant tradition. Even if it is somewhat detached from the chant versions of the Synodal square-note chant books and the local tradition of Moscow, it is particularly close to chant forms of East Ukraine and some vernacular repertories from Russia. Respectively, the harmonization strategies of Court Chant do not show significant individuality in comparison with those of the available polyphonic comparative sources, the main difference being the part-writing, which generally conforms to western common practice standard, whereas the deviations from this tend to be more significant in other analysed repertories of polyphonic chant. Thus, insofar as the subsequent prevalence of Court Chant is not based on its forceful dissemination by authorities (as suggested in previous literature but for which little tangible evidence could be found in Chapter 1), in the present author’s interpretation, Court Chant attained its dominance principally because musically it was considered sufficiently traditional, and as a chant body supported by the government, was conveniently available in print in serviceable harmonizations.


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Tutkimus suomalaisten yritysten liiketoimintamahdollisuuksista hiilidoksidipäästöjen vähentämisen parissa Luoteis-Venäjällä.


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The Gulf of Finland is said to be one of the densest operated sea areas in the world. It is a shallow and economically vulnerable sea area with dense passenger and cargo traffic of which petroleum transports have a share of over 50 %. The winter conditions add to the risks of maritime traffic in the Gulf of Finland. It is widely believed that the growth of maritime transportation will continue also in the future. The Gulf of Finland is surrounded by three very different national economies with, different maritime transportation structures. Finland is a country of high GDP/per capita with a diversified economic structure. The number of ports is large and the maritime transportation consists of many types of cargoes: raw materials, industrial products, consumer goods, coal and petroleum products, and the Russian transit traffic of e.g. new cars and consumer goods. Russia is a large country with huge growth potential; in recent years, the expansion of petroleum exports has lead to a strong economic growth, which is also apparent in the growth of maritime transports. Russia has been expanding its port activities in the Gulf of Finland and it is officially aiming to transport its own imports and exports through the Russian ports in the future; now they are being transported to great extend through the Finnish, Estonian and other Baltic ports. Russia has five ports in the Gulf of Finland. Estonia has also experienced fast economic growth, but the growth has been slowing down already during the past couples of years. The size of its economy is small compared to Russia, which means the transported tonnes cannot be very massive. However, relatively large amounts of the Russian petroleum exports have been transported through the Estonian ports. The future of the Russian transit traffic in Estonia looks nevertheless uncertain and it remains to be seen how it will develop and if Estonia is able to find replacing cargoes if the Russian transit traffic will come to an end in the Estonian ports. Estonia’s own import and export consists of forestry products, metals or other raw materials and consumer goods. Estonia has many ports on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, but the port of Tallinn dominates the cargo volumes. In 2007, 263 M tonnes of cargoes were transported in the maritime traffic in the Gulf of Finland, of which the share of petroleum products was 56 %. 23 % of the cargoes were loaded or unloaded in the Finnish ports, 60 % in the Russian ports and 17 % in the Estonian ports. The largest ports were Primorsk (74.2 M tonnes) St. Petersburg (59.5 M tonnes), Tallinn (35.9 M tonnes), Sköldvik (19.8 M tonnes), Vysotsk (16.5 M tonnes) and Helsinki (13.4 M) tonnes. Approximately 53 600 ship calls were made in the ports of the Gulf of Finland. The densest traffic was found in the ports of St. Petersburg (14 651 ship calls), Helsinki (11 727 ship calls) and Tallinn (10 614 ship calls) in 2007. The transportation scenarios are usually based on the assumption that the amount of transports follows the development of the economy, although also other factors influence the development of transportation, e.g. government policy, environmental aspects, and social and behavioural trends. The relationship between the development of transportation and the economy is usually analyzed in terms of the development of GDP and trade. When the GDP grows to a certain level, especially the international transports increase because countries of high GDP produce, consume and thus transport more. An effective transportation system is also a precondition for the economic development. In this study, the following factors were taken into consideration when formulating the future scenarios: maritime transportation in the Gulf of Finland 2007, economic development, development of key industries, development of infrastructure and environmental aspects in relation to maritime transportation. The basic starting points for the three alternative scenarios were: • the slow growth scenario: economic recession • the average growth scenario: economy will recover quickly from current instability • the strong growth scenario: the most optimistic views on development will realize According to the slow growth scenario, the total tonnes for the maritime transportation in the Gulf of Finland would be 322.4 M tonnes in 2015, which would mean a growth of 23 % compared to 2007. In the average growth scenario, the total tonnes were estimated to be 431.6 M tonnes – a growth of 64 %, and in the strong growth scenario 507.2 M tonnes – a growth of 93%. These tonnes were further divided into petroleum products and other cargoes by country, into export, import and domestic traffic by country, and between the ports. For petroleum products, the share of crude oil and oil products was estimated and the number of tanker calls in 2015 was calculated for each scenario. However, the future development of maritime transportation in the GoF is dependent on so many societal and economic variables that it is not realistic to predict one exact point estimate value for the cargo tonnes for a certain scenario. Plenty of uncertainty is related both to the degree in which the scenario will come true as well as to the cause-effect relations between the different variables. For these reasons, probability distributions for each scenario were formulated by an expert group. As a result, a range for the total tonnes of each scenario was formulated and they are as follows: the slow growth scenario: 280.8 – 363 M tonnes (expectation value 322.4 M tonnes)

  • the average growth scenario: 404.1 – 465.1 M tonnes (expectation value 431.6 M tonnes)
  • the strong growth scenario: 445.4 – 575.4 M tonnes (expectation value 507.2 M tonnes) Three alternatives scenarios were evaluated to realize most likely with the following probability distribution:
  • the slow growth scenario: 35 %
  • the average growth scenario: 50 %
  • the strong growth scenario: 15 %. In other words, expert group evaluated the average growth scenario to be the most likely to realize, second likely was the slow growth scenario, and the strong growth scenario was evaluated to be the most unlikely to realize. In sum, it can be stated that the development of maritime transportation in the Gulf of Finland is dominated by the development of Russia, because Russia dominates the cargo volumes. Maritime transportation in Finland is expected to be more stable and, in any case, such a growth potential cannot be seen in Finland. The development of maritime transportation in Estonia is rather challenging to forecast at the moment but, on the other hand, the transported tonnes in the Estonian ports are relatively small. The shares of export and import of the maritime transportation are not expected to change radically in the reference period. Petroleum products will dominate the transports also in the future and the share of oil products will probably increase compared to the share of crude oil. In regard to the other cargoes, the transports of raw materials and bulk goods will probably be replaced to some extend by cargoes of high-value, which adds especially to the container transports. But in overall, substantial changes are not expected in the commodity groups transported by sea. The growth potential of the ports concentrates on the Russian ports, especially Primorsk and Ust-Luga, if investments will come true as planned. It is likely that the larger ports do better in the competition than the small ones due to the economies of scale and to the concentration of cargo flows. The average ship sizes will probably grow, but the growth potential is rather limited because of geographical conditions and of the maritime transportation structure in the Gulf of Finland. Climate change and other environmental aspects are becoming more central e.g. in transportation politics. These issues can affect the maritime transportation in the Gulf of Finland through, for instance, strict environmental requirements concerning the emissions from shipping, or the port investments. If environmental requirements raise costs, it can affect the demand of transportation. In the near future, the development of the maritime transportation in the Gulf of Finland is mainly dependent on the current economic instability. If it will lead to a longer lasting recession, the growth of the transported tonnes will slow down. But if the instability does not last long, it can be expected that the economic growth will continue and along with it also the growth of transported tonnes.

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    This research concerns different statistical methods that assist to increase the demand forecasting accuracy of company X’s forecasting model. Current forecasting process was analyzed in details. As a result, graphical scheme of logical algorithm was developed. Based on the analysis of the algorithm and forecasting errors, all the potential directions for model future improvements in context of its accuracy were gathered into the complete list. Three improvement directions were chosen for further practical research, on their basis, three test models were created and verified. Novelty of this work lies in the methodological approach of the original analysis of the model, which identified its critical points, as well as the uniqueness of the developed test models. Results of the study formed the basis of the grant of the Government of St. Petersburg.


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    [N. 1:4000000].


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    [N. 1:4000000].


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    Tämän tutkimuksentavoitteena on selvittää, millä tavoin teollinen yritys voi kansainvälisen markkinointitutkimuksen avulla määrittää ja analysoida uutta liiketoimintaympäristöä. Teolliset markkinat, teollinen markkinointi-tutkimus sekä yrityksien kohtaamatmikro- ja makroympäristöt ovat erityi-sen tarkastelun kohteena. Tutkimuksen keskeisin aineisto on saatu haastattelujen ja sekundaaristen lähteiden kautta. Tutkimuksen olennaisimpiin tuloksiin liittyy malli, jolla teollinen yritys voi määrittää kohtaamansa toimintaympäristön eri tekijöitä. Mallissa mikro- ja makroympäristön eri tekijät ovat keskeisessä roolissa. Tutkimuksen empiirisen osan tuloksista merkittävin on Pietarin ja Venäjän sementtimarkkinoiden ominaispiirteiden löytäminen ja analysointi. Pietarin ja Venäjän taloudellinen kasvu jatkuu lähivuosinakin voimakkaana, ja markkina-alue on suomalaisille yrityksille tulevaisuudessa tärkeässä asemassa, kuten myös esimerkkiyrityksenä olleelle sementtitehtaalle. Myös suurin osa tutkimuksessa selvinneistä alueen toimintaympäristön tekijöistä puoltaa teollisen yrityksen vientitoiminnan aloittamista alueelle.


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    The target of this thesis is to find out potential of automation maintenance services in Russian industry, especially in the region of St. Petersburg. At the beginning of this study the industrial maintainability and process efficiency are discussed from the point of view of process automation. A survey of the present technology and maintenance methods has been made during five visits to local plants. The results of the interviews are analyzed numerically to clarify the common needs and the potential of automation maintenance services. The most interesting services are evaluated by their required resources to find economically justified solutions for the needs of the industry. As results of this study, some service products that would interest interviewed companies have been introduced. These could be offered to the industry to enhance cost-efficiency and productivity of processes.


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    Soitinnus: Urut.