3 resultados para Recycled
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Increasing pressures to reduce costs, inprove productivity, and lower the environmental impact are forcing suppliers to present evidences of the monetary and societal value they create for the customers and society around. The extant academic literature on the practical activities related to topic is still sparse and this study addresses the gap by developing sustainable customer value proposition for Valmet’s recycled fibre line solution for the Chinese market. The research is based on literature review and single case study method. Theoretically the study is connected to the emerging literature of customer value and life cycle engineering, and to the research of sustainable development in the field of marketing. For exloiting empirical evidences, in-depth supplier interviews and customer survey were conducted. The results suggest that selling of recycled fibre line solution requires tangible and credible evidence of the value and utility which is delivered for the customer. In addition to the economic benefits also societal benefits should be included in the value proposition that are the focus of attention in China. Still, the role of discovered benefits may be contradictory until they are communicated to appropriate decision makers. Managerially the study contributes to the customer value management and quantification knowledge and practices in Valmet’s organization.
Elintarviketeollisuudessa tärkeimpiä pakkausmateriaaleja ovat erilaiset kartonkipakkaukset ja erityisesti niiden kuljetuksessa käytettävät aaltopahvipakkaukset. Aaltopahvilta vaadittavia ominaisuuksia ovat muun muassa puristuslujuus ja kosteudenkestävyys. Elintarvikekäyttöön tarkoitetuilla aaltopahveilla on myös tiettyjä vaatimuksia niissä käytettävistä yhdisteistä. Erilaiset kuitumateriaalit käyttäytyvät vettyessään eri tavalla ja niistä voi liueta yhdisteitä pakattavaan elintarvikkeeseen. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää vettymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja veden vaikutus aaltopahvin rakenteeseen. Havaittiin, että ligniiniä tai uuteaineita sisältävä mekaanisesti valmistettu kartonkimateriaali ei sido vettä yhtä paljon kuin kemiallisesti valmistettu tai valkaistu kartonki. Aaltopahvissa tapahtuvan kapillaariabsorptio sai veden nousemaan pääasiassa aallotuskartonkiin. Vesi imeytyi korkeammalle puolikemiallisesti valmistetuissa aaltopahveissa kuin keräyskartonkipahveissa, jotka eivät myöskään turvonneet yhtä voimakkaasti. Työssä kartoitettiin myös elintarvikekäyttöä rajoittavia liukoisia yhdisteitä, jotka löytyivät paperiteollisuudessa yleisesti käytetyistä liimoista. Tällaisia yhdisteitä olivat märkälujaliimojen formaldehydiyhdisteet ja polyamidoamiini-epikloorihydriinihartsi. Keräyskartongin joukossa olevat raskasmetallit rajoittavat myös niiden käyttöä elintarvikepakkauksissa.
Integrins are the main cell surface receptors by which cells adhere to the surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM). Cells regulate integrin-mediated adhesions by integrin endo/exocytic trafficking or by altering the integrin activation status. Integrin binding to ECM-components induces several intracellular signalling cascades, which regulate almost every aspect of cell behaviour from cell motility to survival, and dysregulation of integrin traffic or signalling is associated with cancer progression. Upon detachment, normal cells undergo a specialised form of programmed cell death namely anoikis and the ECM-integrin -mediated activation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) signalling at the cell surface has been considered critical for anoikis suppression. Integrins are also constantly endocytosed and recycled back to the plasma membrane, and so far the role of integrin traffic in cancer has been linked to increased adhesion site turnover and cell migration. However, different growth factor receptors are known to signal also from endosomes, but the ability of integrins to signal from endosomes has not been previously studied. In this thesis, I demonstrate for the first time that integrins are signalling also from endosomes. In contrast to previous believes, integrin-induced focal adhesion kinase (FAK) signalling occurs also on endosomes, and the endosomal FAK signalling is critical for anoikis suppression and for cancer related processes such as anchorage-independent growth and metastasis. Moreover, we have set up a new integrin trafficking assay and demonstrate for the first time in a comprehensive manner that active and inactive integrins undergo distinct trafficking routes. Together these results open up new horizons in our understanding of integrins and highlight the fundamental connection between integrin traffic and signalling.