3 resultados para Random sample

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Even though online commerce has garnered vast academic interest during the recent years, theoretical grounds for consumer behavior online still remains ambiguous. Despite the globally rapid growth of online commerce, only a fraction of Internet browsers end up purchasing goods online. This is argued to be caused by the intangible and distant nature of the Internet, causing overwhelming perceived risks for consumers and negatively affecting transaction intentions. To combat perceived risks, consumers may actively or passively seek to relieve those risks to tolerable level. These risk reduction strategies refer to both institutional mechanisms as well as consumer risk reduction strategies. The objective of this thesis is to provide further understanding upon the relationships between consumer perceived risk, risk reduction strategies and transaction intentions in online marketplaces. To serve the objectives of the present thesis, a quantitative approach was chosen as the method for conducting empirical research. The data was collected with an online survey through discussion board, using a random sample approach. The proposed research model was examined with a set of hierarchical regression analyses. Results revealed several direct relationships as well as moderating interaction effects. The key finding of this thesis is that institutional risk reduction mechanisms significantly contribute to consumer perceived risks. These mechanisms have the potential to reduce perceived risks, and therefore may stimulate transaction intentions. Additionally, it was observed that risk reduction strategies moderate the relationship between intermediary provided risk relievers, consumer perceived risks and transaction intentions. Retailer related risk reduction strategies were also shown to enforce the effectiveness of payment methods; however feedback and monitoring mechanism was shown to have a diminishing effect of perceived risk only when consumers did not rely on product related risk reduction strategies. The present thesis also illustrates the importance of effective information search, as those consumers are more willing to transact as the perceived risks become less significant. For managerial purposes, the importance of well-functioning institutional mechanisms cannot be emphasized enough.


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Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tavoite on tarkastella suomalaisten pk-yritysten maksuvalmiuden ja käyttöpääoman hallinnan välistä yhteyttä. Tarkoitus on selvittää, voidaanko suomalaisten pk-yritysten maksuvalmiutta parantaa käyttöpääoman hallintaa tehostamalla ja onko siitä saatava hyöty toimialariippuvaista. Toimialavertailuun valittiin rakentaminen, koneiden ja laitteiden valmistus sekä jälleenmyynti. Aineisto tutkimukseen hankittiin Amadeus-tietokannasta. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään tilastollisia menetelmiä. Tilastolliset analyysit suoritetaan SAS Enterprise Guide -ohjelmistolla. Muuttujien välisiä suhteita tarkastellaan regressioanalyysin avulla, jotka suoritetaan jokaiselle toimialaluokalle ja kaikista toimialoista koostuvalle otokselle erikseen. Tutkimustulosten mukaan toimialasta riippumatta pk-yrityksen maksuvalmiutta voidaan parantaa käyttöpääoman hallintaa tehostamalla. Vaikutuksen suuruus riippuu kuitenkin toimialasta. Tutkimustulokset huomioiden pk-yritysten johdon tulisi resurssien niukkuudesta huolimatta kiinnittää huomiota käyttöpääoman hallintaan, erityisesti silloin kuin yrityksen maksuvalmius on uhattuna.


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Even though a large amount of evidence would suggest that PP2A serine/threonine protein phosphatase acts as a tumour suppressor the genomics data to support this claim is limited. We fit a sparse binary Markov random field with individual sample's total mutational frequency as an additional covariate to model the dependencies between the mutations occurring in the PP2A encoding genes. We utilize the data from recent large scale cancer genomics studies, where the whole genome from a human tumour biopsy has been analysed. Our results show a complex network of interactions between the occurrence of mutations in our twenty examined genes. According to our analysis the mutations occurring in the genes PPP2R1A, PPP2R3A, and PPP2R2B are identified as the key mutations. These genes form the core of the network of conditional dependency between the mutations in the investigated twenty genes. Additionally, we note that the mutations occurring in PPP2R4 seem to be more influential in samples with higher number of total mutations. The mutations occurring in the set of genes suggested by our results has been shown to contribute to the transformation of human cells. We conclude that our evidence further supports the claim that PP2A acts as a tumour suppressor and restoring PP2A activity is an appealing therapeutic strategy.