5 resultados para Preimplantation genetic screening
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Duchennen lihasdystrofia (engl. Duchenne muscular dystrophy, DMD) on lähes pelkästään pojilla ilmenevä perinnöllinen lihasrappeumatauti, joka johtaa kuolemaan noin 25 vuoden iässä. Noin yksi 3500–6000 pojasta sairastaa DMD:tä. Taudin aiheuttaa X-kromosomissa sijaitsevan dystrofiinigeenin mutaatio, jonka seurauksena toimivaa, lihaksia koossapitävää dystrofiinia ei tuotu. Kliinisissä testeissä on lupaavia hoitoja, joten DMD:n vastasyntyneiden seulonnan aloittamista harkitaan. DMD:n seulonnassa analyyttina olisi mahdollista käyttää lihasperäistä kreatiinikinaasia (engl. muscle-type creatine kinase tai creatine kinase MM isoform, CK-MM), jota päätyy vereen lihassolujen vaurioituessa. DMD:tä sairastavilla vastasyntyneillä CK-MM:n määrä veressä on moninkertainen terveisiin vastasyntyneisiin verrattuna lihasten rappeutumisesta johtuen. Perinteisesti kreatiinikinaasia on mitattu entsyymiaktiivisuusmäärityksillä, jotka mittaavat kaikkia kreatiinikinaasimuotoja eli myös sydänperäistä ja aivoperäistä kreatiinikinaasia (CK-MB ja CK-BB). Työn tarkoituksena oli kehittää kuivatuista veritäplistä tehtävä CK-MM:lle spesifinen kaksipuoleinen immunomääritys, joka olisi siirrettävissä PerkinElmerin automaattiselle GSP® Genetic Screening Processor -analysaattorille. Työ suoritettiin kolmessa vaiheessa. Ensimmäiseksi vertailtiin kaupallisesti saatavilla olevien CK-MM-vasta-aineiden affiniteetteja biosensorilla. Seuraavassa vaiheessa pystytettiin manuaalinen kaksipuoleinen immunomääritys käyttäen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa valittuja vasta-aineita ja optimoitiin immunomäärityksen parametreja. Lopuksi immunomääritys sovitettiin GSP-laitteelle. Biosensorimittausten ja manuaalisten immunomääritysten tulosten perusteella valittiin kaksi potentiaalista leimavasta-ainetta ja yksi sitojavasta-aineeksi sopiva vasta-aine. Niitä käytettäessä määritys on melko spesifinen CK-MM:lle, sillä CK-BB ei tuottanut lainkaan signaalia ja CK-MB:n ristireaktiivisuus oli noin 7 %. GSP-laitteella mitattaessa DMD:tä sairastavien (n = 10) CK-MM-pitoisuuksien mediaani (vaihteluväli) oli 7590 ng/ml (1490–13400 ng/ml) ja terveiden vastasyntyneiden (n = 8) 165 ng/ml (108–263 ng/ml). Määrityksen dynaamista mittausaluetta ei vielä selvitetty, mutta alustavien mittausten perusteella se kattaa terveiden vastasyntyneiden pitoisuudet ja sairaiden pitoisuudet ainakin 8770 ng/ml asti, mikä mahdollistaa sairaiden erottumisen. Työssä kehitetty määritys vaikuttaa siis sopivalta DMD:n seulontaan vastasyntyneiltä.
There is an increasing demand for individualized, genotype-based health advice. The general population-based dietary recommendations do not always motivate people to change their life-style, and partly following this, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are a major cause of death in worldwide. Using genotype-based nutrition and health information (e.g. nutrigenetics) in health education is a relatively new approach, although genetic variation is known to cause individual differences in response to dietary factors. Response to changes in dietary fat quality varies, for example, among different APOE genotypes. Research in this field is challenging, because several non-modifiable (genetic, age, sex) and modifiable (e.g. lifestyle, dietary, physical activity) factors together and with interaction affect the risk of life-style related diseases (e.g. CVD). The other challenge is the psychological factors (e.g. anxiety, threat, stress, motivation, attitude), which also have an effect on health behavior. The genotype-based information is always a very sensitive topic, because it can also cause some negative consequences and feelings (e.g. depression, increased anxiety). The aim of this series of studies was firstly to study how individual, genotype-based health information affects an individual’s health form three aspects, and secondly whether this could be one method in the future to prevent lifestyle-related diseases, such as CVD. The first study concentrated on the psychological effects; the focus of the second study was on health behavior effects, and the third study concentrated on clinical effects. In the fourth study of this series, the focus was on all these three aspects and their associations with each other. The genetic risk and health information was the APOE gene and its effects on CVD. To study the effect of APOE genotype-based health information in prevention of CVD, a total of 151 volunteers attended the baseline assessments (T0), of which 122 healthy adults (aged 20 – 67 y) passed the inclusion criteria and started the one-year intervention. The participants (n = 122) were randomized into a control group (n = 61) and an intervention group (n = 61). There were 21 participants in the intervention Ɛ4+ group (including APOE genotypes 3/4 and 4/4) and 40 participants in the intervention Ɛ4- group (including APOE genotypes 2/3 and 3/3). The control group included 61 participants (including APOE genotypes 3/4, 4/4, 2/3, 3/3 and 2/2). The baseline (T0) and follow-up assessments (T1, T2, T3) included detailed measurements of psychological (threat and anxiety experience, stage of change), and behavioral (dietary fat quality, consumption of vegetables, - high fat/sugar foods and –alcohol, physical activity and health and taste attitudes) and clinical factors (total-, LDL- HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, blood glucose (0h and 2h), body mass index, waist circumference and body fat percentage). During the intervention six different communication sessions (lectures on healthy lifestyle and nutrigenomics, health messages by mail, and personal discussion with the doctor) were arranged. The intervention groups (Ɛ4+ and Ɛ4-) received their APOE genotype information and health message at the beginning of the intervention. The control group received their APOE genotype information after the intervention. For the analyses in this dissertation, the results for 106/107 participants were analyzed. In the intervention, there were 16 participants in the high-risk (Ɛ4+) group and 35 in the low-risk (Ɛ4-) group. The control group had 55 participants in studies III-IV and 56 participants in studies I-II. The intervention had both short-term (≤ 6 months) and long-term (12 months) effects on health behavior and clinical factors. The short-term effects were found in dietary fat quality and waist circumference. Dietary fat quality improved more in the Ɛ4+ group than the Ɛ4- and the control groups as the personal, genotype-based health information and waist circumference lowered more in the Ɛ4+ group compared with the control group. Both these changes differed significantly between the Ɛ4+ and control groups (p<0.05). A long-term effect was found in triglyceride values (p<0.05), which lowered more in Ɛ4+ compared with the control group during the intervention. Short-term effects were also found in the threat experience, which increased mostly in the Ɛ4+ group after the genetic feedback (p<0.05), but it decreased after 12 months, although remaining at a higher level compared to the baseline (T0). In addition, Study IV found that changes in the psychological factors (anxiety and threat experience, motivation), health and taste attitudes, and health behaviors (dietary, alcohol consumption, and physical activity) did not directly explain the changes in triglyceride values and waist circumference. However, change caused by a threat experience may have affected the change in triglycerides through total- and HDL cholesterol. In conclusion, this dissertation study has given some indications that individual, genotypebased health information could be one potential option in the future to prevent lifestyle-related diseases in public health care. The results of this study imply that personal genetic information, based on APOE, may have positive effects on dietary fat quality and some cardiovascular risk markers (e.g., improvement in triglyceride values and waist circumference). This study also suggests that psychological factors (e.g. anxiety and threat experience) may not be an obstacle for healthy people to use genotype-based health information to promote healthy lifestyles. However, even in the case of very personal health information, in order to achieve a permanent health behavior change, it is important to include attitudes and other psychological factors (e.g. motivation), as well as intensive repetition and a longer intervention duration. This research will serve as a basis for future studies and its information can be used to develop targeted interventions, including health information based on genotyping that would aim at preventing lifestyle diseases. People’s interest in personalized health advices has increased, while also the costs of genetic screening have decreased. Therefore, generally speaking, it can be assumed that genetic screening as a part of the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases may become more common in the future. In consequence, more research is required about how to make genetic screening a practical tool in public health care, and how to efficiently achieve long-term changes.
The increasing incidence of type 1 diabetes has led researchers on a quest to find the reason behind this phenomenon. The rate of increase is too great to be caused simply by changes in the genetic component, and many environmental factors are under investigation for their possible contribution. These studies require, however, the participation of those individuals most likely to develop the disease, and the approach chosen by many is to screen vast populations to find persons with increased genetic risk factors. The participating individuals are then followed for signs of disease development, and their exposure to suspected environmental factors is studied. The main purpose of this study was to find a suitable tool for easy and inexpensive screening of certain genetic risk markers for type 1 diabetes. The method should be applicable to using whole blood dried on sample collection cards as sample material, since the shipping and storage of samples in this format is preferred. However, the screening of vast sample libraries of extracted genomic DNA should also be possible, if such a need should arise, for example, when studying the effect of newly discovered genetic risk markers. The method developed in this study is based on homogeneous assay chemistry and an asymmetrical polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The generated singlestranded PCR product is probed by lanthanide-labelled, LNA (locked nucleic acid)-spiked, short oligonucleotides with exact complementary sequences. In the case of a perfect match, the probe is hybridised to the product. However, if even a single nucleotide difference occurs, the probe is bound instead of the PCR product to a complementary quencher-oligonucleotide labelled with a dabcyl-moiety, causing the signal of the lanthanide label to be quenched. The method was applied to the screening of the well-known type 1 diabetes risk alleles of the HLA-DQB1 gene. The method was shown to be suitable as an initial screening step including thousands of samples in the scheme used in the TEDDY (The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young) study to identify those individuals at increased genetic risk. The method was further developed into dry-reagent form to allow an even simpler approach to screening. The reagents needed in the assay were in dry format in the reaction vessel, and performing the assay required only the addition of the sample and, if necessary, water to rehydrate the reagents. This allows the assay to be successfully executed even by a person with minimal laboratory experience.
Background: Celiac disease is a lifelong, gluten-sensitive, autoimmune-mediated chronic enteropathy, tightly associated with risk alleles at the HLA class II genes. Aims: This study was carried out as a part of the population-based Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention (DIPP) Project. The first aim was to study the natural history of celiac disease-associated antibodies before the diagnosis of celiac disease was made. The second aim was to describe when and in which order celiac disease-associated and type 1 diabetes-associated antibodies appeared in children with genetic risk for both diseases. Subjects and Methods: Antibodies against tissue transglutaminase (TGA) and other celiac disease-associated antibodies were measured in serum samples collected at 3- to 12-month intervals of children at genetic risk for celiac disease who participated in the DIPP project. Celiac disease was confirmed by duodenal biopsy. Type 1 diabetes-associated antibodies were measured in all samples that had been collected. Overt disease was diagnosed according to World Health Organization criteria. Follow-up continued until a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes or until the end of a defined follow-up period. Results: TGA appeared in children at genetic risk for celiac disease only after the first year of life, but anti-gliadin antibodies often emerged significantly earlier, at age 6 months. The data show that spontaneous disappearance of celiac disease-associated antibodies, transient or persisting, is a common phenomenon, at least in prepubertal children. In children with genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes and celiac disease, celiac disease-associated antibodies usually develop earlier than the type 1 diabetes-associated antibodies. Conclusions: The transient nature of celiac disease-associated antibodies emphasizes the significance of establishing seropositivity repeatedly in screening detected celiac disease before gastroscopy and duodenal biopsy are considered and emphasized the importance of duodenal biopsy for diagnosing celiac disease.
Pluripotent cells have the potential to differentiate into all somatic cell types. As the adult human body is unable to regenerate various tissues, pluripotent cells provide an attractive source for regenerative medicine. Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) can be isolated from blastocyst stage embryos and cultured in the laboratory environment. However, their use in regenerative medicine is restricted due to problems with immunosuppression by the host and ethical legislation. Recently, a new source of pluripotent cells was established via the direct reprogramming of somatic cells. These human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) enable the production of patient specific cell types. However, numerous challenges, such as efficient reprogramming, optimal culture, directed differentiation, genetic stability and tumor risk need to be solved before the launch of therapeutic applications. The main objective of this thesis was to understand the unique properties of human pluripotent stem cells. The specific aims were to identify novel factors involved in maintaining pluripotency, characterize the effects of low oxygen culture on hESCs, and determine the high resolution changes in hESCs and hiPSCs during culture and reprogramming. As a result, the previously uncharacterized protein L1TD1 was determined to be specific for pluripotent cells and essential for the maintenance of pluripotency. The low oxygen culture supported undifferentiated growth and affected expression of stem cell associated transcripts. High resolution screening of hESCs identified a number of culture induced copy number variations and loss of heterozygosity changes. Further, screening of hiPSCs revealed that reprogramming induces high resolution alterations. The results obtained in this thesis have important implications for stem cell and cancer biology and the therapeutic potential of pluripotent cells.