5 resultados para Pituitary hormones
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are structurally and functionally similar glycoprotein hormones acting through the same luteinizing hormone chorionic gonadotropin receptor (LHCGR). The functions of LH in reproduction and hCG in pregnancy are well known. Recently, the expression of LHCGR has been found in many nongonadal tissues and cancers, and this has raised the question of whether LH/hCG could affect the function or tumorigenesis of these nongonadal tissues. We have also previously generated an hCG expressing mouse model presenting nongonadal phenotypes. Using this model it is possible to improve our understanding of nongonadal action of highly elevated LH/hCG. In the current study, we analyzed the effect of moderately and highly elevated hCG levels on male reproductive development and function. The main finding was the appearance of fetal Leydig cell (FLC) adenomas in prepubertal males. However, the development and differentiation of FLCs were not significantly affected. We also show that the function of hCG is different in FLCs and in adult Leydig cells (ALC), because in the latter cells hCG was not able to induce tumorigenesis. In FLCs, LHCGR is not desensitized or downregulated upon ligand binding. In this study, we found that the testicular expression of two G protein-coupled receptor kinases responsible for receptor desensitization or downregulation is increased in adult testis. Results suggest that the lack of LHCGR desensitization or downregulation in FLCs protect testosterone (Te) synthesis, but also predispose FLCs for LH/hCG induced adenomas. However, all the hCG induced nongonadal changes observed in male mice were possible to explain by the elevated Te level found in these males. Our findings indicate that the direct nongonadal effects of elevated LH/hCG in males are not pathophysiologically significant. In female mice, we showed that an elevated hCG level was able to induce gonadal tumorigenesis. hCG also induced the formation of pituitary adenomas (PA), but the mechanism was indirect. Furthermore, we found two new potential risk factors and a novel hormonally induced mechanism for PAs. Increased progesterone (P) levels in the presence of physiological estradiol (E2) levels induced the formation of PAs in female mice. E2 and P induced the expression and nuclear localization of a known cell-cycle regulator, cyclin D1. A calorie restricted diet was also able to prevent the formation of PAs, suggesting that obesity is able to promote the formation of PAs. Hormone replacement therapy after gonadectomy and hormone antagonist therapy showed that the nongonadal phenotypes observed in hCG expressing female mice were due to ovarian hyperstimulation. A slight adrenal phenotype was evident even after gonadectomy in hCG expressing females, but E2 and P replacement was able to induce a similar phenotype in WT females without elevated LH/hCG action. In conclusion, we showed that the direct effects of elevated hCG/LH action are limited only to the gonads of both sexes. The nongonadal phenotypes observed in hCG expressing mice were due to the indirect, gonadal hormone mediated effects of elevated hCG. Therefore, the gonads are the only physiologically significant direct targets of LHCGR signalling.
Aims: The aims were to create clinically feasible reference intervals for thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4) and to analyze associations between thyroid function and self-rated health, neuropsychiatric symptoms, depression and dementia in the elderly. The second aim was also to establish reference intervals for sex hormones and to analyze associations between sex hormone levels and self-rated health, symptoms, depression and dementia in elderly men. Subjects and methods: The study population comprised 1252 subjects aged 65 years or over, living in the municipality of Lieto, south-western Finland. Self-rated health, life satisfaction, symptoms, depression, and dementia were assessed with specific questions, clinical examination and tools such as the Zung Self-report Depression Scale and the Mini-Mental State Examination. Independent variables were dichotomized, and associations of these variables with TSH, FT4 or sex hormone levels were assessed. Levels of TSH and FT4 in thyroid disease–free women and women treated with thyroxine were also compared. Results: Elevated concentrations of thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb) or thyroglobulin antibodies (TgAb) were found to have a marked effect on the upper reference limit for TSH among women, who were thyroid antibody positive more higher than suggested in several recent guidelines. After age adjustment, there were no associations between TSH levels and self-rated health, life satisfaction, or most neuropsychiatric symptoms in the thyroid disease-free population. Although women with thyroxine treatment for primary hypothyroidism had far higher TSH levels than thyroid disease-free women, there were no differences between thyroid-disease free women and women with stable thyroxine treatment regarding self-rated health, life satisfaction or symptoms. Age had a significant positive association with luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle 2 practice, one range in men aged 65 years or over can be used for T, E2 and FSH measured with the AutoDelfia method, but two separate reference intervals should be used for fT, LH and SHBG. After adjustment for age, higher levels of T and fT were associated with better self-rated health (SRH) in the reference population. After adjustment for age and body mass index (BMI), there were no associations between sex hormone concentrations and self-rated health, life satisfaction or most symptoms in concentration. Conclusion: Age-specific reference intervals were derived for thyroid function and sex hormones based on comprehensive data from a community-dwelling population with a high participation rate. The results do not support the need to decrease the upper reference limit for TSH or to lower the optimal TSH target in levothyroxine treatment in older adults, as recommended in recent guidelines. Older age or being overweight symptoms among elderly men. The associations of single symptoms with T levels were inconsistent among elderly men, although the association of low T level with diagnosed depression might be clinically significant.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, and its development is intimately related to hormonal factors, but how hormones affect breast physiology and tumorigenesis is not sufficiently known. Pregnancy elicits long-term protection from breast cancer, but during the first ten years after pregnancy, breast cancer risk is increased. In previous studies, there has been conflicting data on the role of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and the functionality of its receptor in extragonadal tissues. The aim of this study was to elucidate the role of chronically elevated HCG in mouse physiology. We have created a transgenic (TG) mouse model that overexpresses HCG. HCG is similar to lutenizing hormone (LH), but is secreted almost solely by the placenta during pregnancy. HCG and LH both bind to the LH receptor (LHR). In the current study, mammary gland tumors were observed in HCG TG mice. We elucidated the role of HCG in mammary gland signalling and the effects of LHR mediated signalling in mouse mammary gland gene expression. We also studied the effects of HCG in human breast epithelial cell cultures. Several endocrine disturbances were observed in HCGβ TG female mice, resulting in precocious puberty, infertility, obesity and pituitary and mammary gland tumors. The histology of the mammary gland tumors of HCGβ TG females resembled those observed in mouse models with activated Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway. Wnts are involved in stem cell regulation and tumorigenesis, and are hormonally regulated in the mammary gland. We observed activated β-catenin signalling and elevated expression of Wnt5b and Wnt7b in TG tumors and mammary glands. Furthermore, we discovered that HCG directly regulates the expression of Wnt5b and Wnt7b in the mouse mammary gland. Pharmacological treatment with HCG also caused upregulation of several Wnt-pathway target genes in ovariectomized wild type (WT) mice in the presence of physiological concentrations of estradiol and progesterone. In addition, differential expression of several metabolic genes was observed, suggesting that HCG affects adipocyte function or glucose metabolism. When WT mice were transplanted with LHR deficient or wild type WT mammary epithelium, differential expression of several genes affecting the Wnt-signalling pathway was observed in microarray analysis. Diminished expression of several genes associated with LHR function in other tissues, such as the ovary, was observed in mammary glands deficient of epithelial LHR. In cultured human mammary epithelial cells HCG upregulated the expression of WNT5B, WNT7B similar to mouse, suggesting that the observations found are relevant in human physiology. These studies suggest that HCG/LHR signalling affects gene expression in non-gonadal tissues, and that Wnt-signalling is regulated by HCG/LH in human and mouse mammary glands.
Many of the reproductive disorders that emerge in adulthood have their origin during fetal development. Numerous studies have demonstrated that exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals can permanently affect the reproductive health of experimental animals. In mammals, male sexual differentiation and development are androgen-dependent processes. In rat, the critical programming window for masculinization occurs between embryonic days (EDs) 15.5 and 19.5. Disorders in sex steroid balance during fetal life can disturb the development of the male reproductive tract. In addition to the fetal testis, the adrenal cortex starts to produce steroid hormones before birth. Glucocorticoids produced by the adrenal cortex are essential for preparing the fetus for birth. In the present study, the effects of exposure to endocrine disrupters on fetal male rat testicular and adrenal development were investigated. To differentiate the systemic and direct testicular effects of endocrine disrupters, both in vivo and in vitro experiments were performed. The present study also clarified the role of desert hedgehog signalling (Dhh) in the development of the testis. The results indicate that endocrine disrupters, diethylstilbestrol (DES) and flutamide, are able to induce rapid steroidogenic changes in fetal rat testis under in vitro conditions. Although in utero exposure to these chemicals did not show overt effects in fetal testis, they can induce permanent changes in the developing testis and accessory sex organs later in life. We also reported that exposure to antiandrogens can interfere with testicular Dhh signalling and result in impaired differentiation of the fetal Leydig cells and subsequently lead to abnormal testicular development and sexual differentiation. In utero exposure to tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) caused direct testicular and pituitary effects on the fetal male rat but with different dose responses. In a study in which the effects of developmental exposure to environmental antiandrogens, di-isononylphthalate and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (p,p’-DDE), on fetal male rat steroidogenesis were investigated, chemicals did not down-regulate testicular or adrenal steroid hormone synthesis or production in 19.5-day-old fetal rats. However, p,p’-DDE-treatment caused clear histological and ultrastructural changes in the prenatal testis and adrenal gland. These structural alterations can disturb the development and function of fetal testis and adrenal gland that may become evident later in life. Exposure to endocrine disrupters during fetal life can cause morphological abnormalities and alter steroid hormone production by fetal rat Leydig cells and adrenocortical cells. These changes may contribute to the maldevelopment of the testis and the adrenal gland. The present study highlights the importance of the fetal period as a sensitive window for endocrine disruption.
The melanocortin system is an important regulator of feeding, energy metabolism,and cardiovascular function and it consists of the pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) derived melanocyte stimulating hormones (α-, β- and γ-MSH) and their endogenous melanocortin receptors, MC1R to MC5R. In the hypothalamus, α-MSH reduces food intake, and increases energy expenditure and sympathetic tone by binding to MC4R. Mutations affecting the MC4R gene lead to obesity in mammals. On the other hand, the metabolic effects of MC3R stimulation using agonists such as the endogenously expressed γ-MSH have been less extensively explored. The main objective of this study was to investigate the long-term effects of increased melanocortin tone in key areas of metabolic regulation in the central nervous system (CNS) in order to investigate the sitespecific roles of both α-MSH and γ-MSH. The aim was to stereotaxically induce local overexpression of single melanocortin peptides using lentiviral vectors expressing α-MSH (LVi-α-MSH-EGFP) and γ-MSH (LVi-γ-MSH-EGFP). The lentiviral vectors were shown to produce a long-term overexpression and biologically active peptides in cell-based assays. The LVi-α-MSHEGFP was targeted to the arcuate nucleus in the hypothalamus of diet induced obese mice where it reduced weight gain and adiposity independently of food intake. When the nucleus tractus solitarus in the brainstem was targeted, the LVi-α-MSH-EGFP treatment was shown to cause a small decrease in adiposity, which did not impact weight development. However, the α-MSH treatment increased heart rate, which was attenuated by adrenergic receptor blockade indicative of increased sympathetic activity. The LVi-γ-MSH-EGFP was targeted to the hypothalamus where it decreased fat mass in mice eating the standard diet, but the effect was abated if animals consumed a high-fat Western type diet. When the diet induced obese mice were subjected again to the standard diet, the LVi-γ-MSH-EGFP treated animals displayed increased weight loss and reduced adiposity. These results indicate that the long-term central anti-obesity effects of α-MSH are independent of food intake. In addition, overexpression of α-MSH in the brain stem efficiently blocked the development of adiposity, but increased sympathetic tone. The evidence presented in this thesis also indicates that selective MC3R agonists such as γ-MSH could be potential therapeutics in combination with low fat diets.