em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are modern methods using reactive hydroxyl radicals for the mineralization of organic pollutants into simple inorganic compounds, such as CO2 and H2O. Among AOPs electrochemical oxidation (EO) is a method suitable for coloured and turbid wastewaters. The degradation of pollutants occurs on electrocatalytic electrodes. The majority of electrodes contain in their structure either expensive materials (diamond and Pt-group metals) or are toxic for the environment compounds (Sb or Pb). One of the main disadvantages of electrochemical method is the polarization and contamination of electrodes due to the deposition of reaction products on their surface, which results in diminishing of the process efficiency. Ultrasound combined with the electrochemical degradation process eliminates electrode contamination because of the continuous mechanical cleaning effect produced by the formation and collapse of acoustic cavitation bubbles near to the electrode surface. Moreover, high frequency ultrasound generates hydroxyl radicals at water sonolysis. Ultrasound-assisted EO is a non-selective method for oxidation of different organic compounds with high degradation efficiencies. The aim of this research was to develop novel sustainable and cost-effective electrodes working as electrocatalysts and test their activity in electrocatalytic oxidation of organic compounds such as dyes and organic acids. Moreover, the goal of the research was to enhance the efficiency of electrocatalytic degradation processes by assisting it with ultrasound in order to eliminate the main drawbacks of a single electrochemical oxidation such as electrodes polarization and passivation. Novel Ti/Ta2O5-SnO2 electrodes were developed and found to be electrocatalytically active towards water (with 5% Ta content, 10 oxide film layers) and organic compounds oxidation (with 7.5% Ta content, 8 oxide film layers) and therefore these electrodes can be applicable in both environmental and energy fields. The synergetic effect of combined electrolysis and sonication was shown while conducting sonoelectrochemical (EO/US) degradation of methylene blue (MB) and formic acid (FA). Complete degradation of MB and FA was achieved after 45 and 120 min of EO/US process respectively in neutral media. Mineralization efficiency of FA over 95% was obtained after 2 h of degradation using high frequency ultrasound (381, 863, 1176 kHz) combined with 9.1 mA/cm2 current density. EO/US degradation of MB provided over 75% mineralization in 8 h. High degradation kinetic rates and mineralization efficiencies of model pollutants obtained in EO/US experiments provide the preconditions for further extrapolation of this treatment method to pilot scale studies with industrial wastewaters.


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Interest in water treatment by electrochemical methods has grown in recent years. Electrochemical oxidation has been applied particularly successfully to degrade different organic pollutants and disinfect drinking water. This study summarizes the effectiveness of the electrochemical oxidation technique in inactivating different primary biofilm forming paper mill bacteria as well as sulphide and organic material in pulp and paper mill wastewater in laboratory scale batch experiments. Three different electrodes, borondoped diamond (BDD), mixed metal oxide (MMO) and PbO2, were employed as anodes. The impact on inactivation efficiency of parameters such as current density and initial pH or chloride concentration of synthetic paper machine water was studied. The electrochemical behaviour of the electrodes was investigated by cyclic voltammetry with MMO, BDD and PbO2 electrodes in synthetic paper mill water as also with MMO and stainless steel electrodes with biocides. Some suggestions on the formation of different oxidants and oxidation mechanisms were also presented during the treatment. Aerobic paper mill bacteria species (Deinococcus geothermalis, Pseudoxanthomonas taiwanensis and Meiothermus silvanus) were inactivated effectively (>2 log) at MMO electrodes by current density of 50 mA/cm2 and the time taken three minutes. Increasing current density and initial chloride concentration of paper mill water increased the inactivation rate of Deinococcus geothermalis. The inactivation order of different bacteria species was Meiothermus silvanus > Pseudoxanthomonas taiwanensis > Deinococcus geothermalis. It was observed that inactivation was mainly due to the electrochemically generated chlorine/hypochlorite from chloride present in the water and also residual disinfection by chlorine/hypochlorite occurred. In real paper mill effluent treatment sulphide oxidation was effective with all the different initial concentrations (almost 100% reduction, current density 42.9 mA/cm2) and also anaerobic bacteria inactivation was observed (almost 90% reduction by chloride concentration of 164 mg/L and current density of 42.9 mA/cm2 in five minutes). Organic material removal was not as effective when comparing with other tested techniques, probably due to the relatively low treatment times. Cyclic voltammograms in synthetic paper mill water with stainless steel electrode showed that H2O2 could be degraded to radicals during the cathodic runs. This emphasises strong potential of combined electrochemical treatment with this biocide in bacteria inactivation in paper mill environments.


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Vi omges i vardagen av alla sorters plaster, som kemiskt kallas för polymerer. Vi anknyter dem oftast till vardagliga föremål såsom muggar, leksaker eller platskassar. Det finns dock en särklass av polymerer som fås elektriskt ledande genom en så kallad dopningsprocess. Dopning innebär i detta fall oxidation eller reduktion av konjugerade dubbelbindningar i polymerstrukturen. Detta har lett till utveckling av elektriska apparater där dyra, och i vissa fall även sällsynta, metall och halvledarmaterial ersätts genom av elektriskt ledande polymerer (plaster). Utöver elektronisk ledningsförmåga uppvisar dessa polymerer också jonisk ledningsförmåga. Denna kombination av unika egenskaper möjliggör skapandet av t.ex. nya sensormaterial som kan överföra kemisk information till en mätbar elektronisk signal. Detta öppnar i sin tur möjligheter att göra snabba, billiga och känsliga sensorer för bl.a. mediciniska analyser. I denna avhandling karakteriserades elektrokemiskt och spektroelektrokemiskt N- och ring-substituerade polyanilinfilmer. Polyanilin (PANI) hör till de mest studerade elektriskt ledande polymererna. Den är stabil och lätt att framställa. Substituerade polyaniliner har ändå studerats måttligt, mest p.g.a. att substituerade PANIs ledningsförmåga är lägre än PANIs och deras framställning kan vara svår. De nya grupperna i PANI-kedjan ger dock en möjlighet att binda ytterligare molekyler av intresse till PANI-kedjan, som t.ex. jonselektiva grupper. Kovalent bundna selektiva molekyler ger upphov till stabila, känsliga och selektiva sensormaterial. Karakteriseringen av de studerade polymerer är viktig för den fundamentala förståelsen av deras unika egenskaper och för utvecklingen av framtidens sensormaterial. -------------------------------------- Käytämme joka päivä monenlaisia muoveja, joita kutsutaan kemiassa myös polymeereiksi. Olemme tottuneet yhdistämään muovit arkisiin esineisiin kuten mukeihin, leluihin tai muovikasseihin. On kuitenkin olemassa erityisiä polymeerejä, jotka voidaan saada sähköä johtaviksi hapetus- ja pelkistysreaktioiden avulla. Tästä johtuen on kehitteillä sähköisiä laitteita, joissa kalliit ja jossain tapauksissa myös harvinaisia metalleja sisältävät osat ja puolijohteet voidaan korvata johdepolymeereillä (eli muoveilla). Sähkönjohtavuuden lisäksi johdepolymeereillä on myös ionijohtavuutta. Näiden erityislaatuisten ominaisuuksien yhdistelmä on mahdollistanut mm. sensorimateriaalin kehittämisen, sillä kemiallinen tieto voidaan kääntää mitattavaksi sähköiseksi signaaliksi. Tämä taas omalta osaltaan mahdollistaisi nopeiden, halpojen ja herkkien sensorien valmistuksen, mm. diagnostiikkaan. Tässä väitöksessä on tutkittu sähkökemiallisesti valmistettuja N- ja rengassubstituoituja polyaniliinikalvoja. Polyaniliini (PANI) on yksi eniten tutkituista johdepolymeereistä. Se on stabiili ja helppo valmistaa. Substituoidut polyaniliinit ovat herättäneet vain kohtalaista tieteellistä kiinnostusta, lähinnä, koska niiden sähköinen johdekyky on alhaisempi kuin PANIn. Myös niiden valmistus voi olla vaikeaa. Substituoidut molekyylit PANI-ketjussa mahdollistavat kuitenkin, että niihin voi liittää uusia molekyylejä, esim. ioniherkkiä ryhmiä. Kovalentisti sitoutuneilla selektiivisillä molekyyleillä saadaan tehtyä stabiileja, herkkiä ja selektiivisiä sensorimateriaaleja. Väitöksessä käytettyjen polymeerien karakterisointi on tärkeää, jotta niiden erityisominaisuuksia pystyttäisiin ymmärtämään paremmin ja myös kehittämään sopivia tulevaisuuden sensorimateriaaleja.