7 resultados para Mefloquine enantiomers
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Enantiopure intermediates are of high value in drug synthesis. Biocatalysis alone or combined with chemical synthesis provides powerful tools to access enantiopure compounds. In biocatalysis, chemo-, regio- and enantioselectivity of enzymes are combined with their inherent environmentally benign nature. Enzymes can be applied in versatile chemical reactions with non-natural substrates under synthesis conditions. Immobilization of an enzyme is a crucial part of an efficient biocatalytic synthesis method. Successful immobilization enhances the catalytic performance of an enzyme and enables its reuse in successive reactions. This thesis demonstrates the feasibility of biocatalysis in the preparation of enantiopure secondary alcohols and primary amines. Viability and synthetic usability of the studied biocatalytic methods have been addressed throughout this thesis. Candida antarctica lipase B (CAL-B) catalyzed enantioselective O-acylation of racemic secondary alcohols was successfully incorporated with in situ racemization in the dynamic kinetic resolution, affording the (R)-esters in high yields and enantiopurities. Side reactions causing decrease in yield and enantiopurity were suppressed. CAL-B was also utilized in the solvent-free kinetic resolution of racemic primary amines. This method produced the enantiomers as (R)-amides and (S)-amines under ambient conditions. An in-house sol-gel entrapment increased the reusability of CAL-B. Arthrobacter sp. omega-transaminase was entrapped in sol-gel matrices to obtain a reusable catalyst for the preparation enantiopure primary amines in an aqueous medium. The obtained heterogeneous omega-transaminase catalyst enabled the enantiomeric enrichment of the racemic amines to their (S)-enantiomers. The synthetic usability of the sol-gel catalyst was demonstrated in five successive preparative kinetic resolutions.
Enantiomeerit ovat yhdisteitä, jotka ovat toistensa peilikuvamuotoja. Enantiomeerien erotusmenetelmiä ovat neste-nesteuutto, kalvotekniikka, kiteytys, kromatografia ja kapillaarielektroforeesi. Nestekromatografinen erotus perustuu joko suoraan erotukseen tai epäsuoraan erotukseen. Kiraaliset stationaarifaasit erottavat yhdisteet kolonnissa suoralla erotuksella. Derivoimattomia aminohappojen enantiomeerejä on erotettu käyttäen ligandinvaihto-, kruunueetteri-, antibiootti- ja polysakkaridistationaarifaaseja. Epäsuora erotus vaatii erotettavan enantiomeeriparin esikäsittelyn ennen kolonnia. Markkinoilta löytyy niukasti preparatiiviseen mittakaavaan soveltuvia enantiomeerien erotusmateriaaleja. Työn kokeellisessa osassa enantiomeerien erotuksia tehtiin sekä analyyttisessä mittakaavassa että preparatiivisessa mittakaavassa. Tutkittavina pääkomponentteina aminohapoista olivat metioniinin, proliinin ja seriinin enantiomeeriparit. Analyyttisessä mittakaavassa kuparimuotoisella ligandinvaihtokolonnilla tehty erotus onnistui erittäin hyvin. Piikkien resoluutioiden arvot vaihtelivat tyypillisesti välillä 2,0-35 ja erotustekijöiden arvot välillä 1,5-30. Parhaiten onnistuttiin erottamaan metioniinin enantiomeerit toisistaan. Prepatatiivisen mittakaavan erotusmateriaalin tutkimus keskittyi materiaalin kokeiluun ja kehitykseen aminohappojen enantiomeerien erotukseen soveltuvaksi. Erotusmateriaalilla onnistuttiin erottamaan aminohappoja toisistaan, mutta aminohappojen enantiomeerien erottumista ei onnistuttu selkeästi havaitsemaan. Erotusmateriaali toimi parhaiten muunnettuna alkaalisissa olosuhteissa kuparimuotoiseksi. Kuparin pysymättömyys erotusmateriaalissa aiheutti kuitenkin ongelmia kokeiden toistettavuuteen.
The use of enantiopure intermediates for drug synthesis is a trend in pharmaceutical industry. Different physiological effects are associated with the enantiomers of chiral molecules. Thus, the safety profile of a drug based on an enantiopure active pharmaceutical ingredient is more reliable. Biocatalysis is an important tool to access enantiopure molecules. In biocatalysis, the advantage of selectivity (chemo-, regio- and stereoselectivity) is combined with the benefits of a green synthesis strategy. Chemoenzymatic syntheses of drug molecules, obtained by combining biocatalysis with modern chemical synthesis steps usually consists of fewer reaction steps, reduced waste production and improved overall synthetic efficiency both in yields and enantio- and/or diastereoselectivities compared with classical chemical synthesis. The experimental work together with the literature review clearly indicates that lipase catalysis is highly applicable in the synthesis of enantiopure intermediates of drug molecules as the basis to infer the correct stereochemistry. By lipase catalysis, enantiopure secondary alcohols used as intermediates in the synthesis of Dorzolamide, an antiglaucoma drug, were obtained. Enantiopure _-hydroxy nitriles as potential intermediates for the synthesis of antidepressant drugs with 1-aryl-3- methylaminopropan-1-ol structure were also obtained with lipases. Kinetic resolution of racemates was the main biocatalytic approach applied. Candida Antarctica lipase B, Burkholderia cepacia lipase and Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase were applied for the acylation of alcohols and the alcoholysis of their esters in organic solvents, such as in diisopropyl ether and tert-butyl methyl ether. Candida Antarctica lipase B was used under solvent free conditions for the acylation of ethyl 3-hydroxybutanoate.
Immobilization of Burkholderia cepacia Lipase: Kinetic Resolution in Organic Solvents, Ionic Liquids and in Their Mixtures Biocatalysis opens the door to green and sustainable processes in synthetic chemistry allowing the preparation of single enantiomers, since the enzymes are chiral and accordingly able to catalyze chemical reactions under mild conditions. Immobilization of enzymes enhances process robustness, often stabilizes and activates the enzyme, and enables reuse of the same enzyme preparation in multiple cycles. Although hundreds of variations of immobilization methods exist, there is no universal method to yield the highly active, selective and stable enzyme catalysts. Therefore, new methods need to be developed to obtain suitable catalysts for different substrates and reaction environments. Lipases are the most widely used enzymes in synthetic organic chemistry. The literature part together with the experimental part of this thesis discusses of the effects of immobilization methods mostly used to enhance lipase activity, stability and enantioselectivity. Moreover, the use of lipases in the kinetic resolution of secondary alcohols in organic solvents and in ionic liquids is discussed. The experimental work consists of the studies of immobilization of Burkholderia cepacia lipase (lipase PS) using three different methods: encapsulation in sol-gels, cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs) and supported ionic liquids enzyme catalysts (SILEs). In addition, adsorption of lipase PS on celite was studied to compare the results obtained with sol-gels, CLEAs and SILEs. The effects of immobilization on enzyme activity, enantioselectivity and hydrolysis side reactions were studied in kinetic resolution of three secondary alcohols in organic solvents, in ionic liquids (ILs), and in their mixtures. Lipase PS sol-gels were shown to be active and stable catalysts in organic solvents and solvent:IL mixtures. CLEAs and SILEs were highly active and enantioselective in organic solvents. Sol-gels and SILEs were reusable in several cycles. Hydrolysis side reaction was suppressed in the presence of sol-gels and CLEAs.
Preparation of optically active compounds is of high importance in modern medicinal chemistry. Despite recent advances in the field of asymmetric synthesis, resolution of racemates still remains the most utilized way for preparation of single enantiomers in industrial scale due to its cost-efficiency and simplicity. Enzymatic kinetic resolution (KR) of racemates is a classical method for separation of enantiomers. One of its drawbacks is the limitation of target enantiomer yield to 50%. Dynamic Kinetic Resolution (DKR) allows to reach yields up to 100% by in situ racemization of the less reactive enantiomer. In the first part of this thesis, a number of half-sandwich ruthenium complexes were prepared and evaluated as catalysts for racemization of optically active secondary alcohols. A leading catalyst, Bn5CpRu(CO)2Cl, was identified. The catalyst discovered was extensively characterized by its application for DKR of a broad range of secondary alcohols in a wide range of reaction loadings (1 mmol – 1 mol). Cost-efficient chromatography-free procedure for preparation of this catalyst was developed. Further, detailed kinetic and mechanistic studies of the racemization reactions were performed. Comparison of racemization rates in the presence of Bn5CpRu(CO)2Cl and Ph5CpRu(CO)2Cl catalysts reveals that the performance of the catalytic system can be adjusted by matching of the electronic properties of the catalysts and the substrates. Moreover, dependence of the rate-limiting step from the electronic properties of the reagents was observed. Important conclusions about reaction mechanism were made. Finally, an alternative approach to DKR of amines based on space separated vessels was addressed. This procedure allows the combination of thermolabile enzyme with racemization catalysts active only at high temperatures.
Biocatalysis can be applied in organic synthetic chemistry to counter challenges posed by increased demands towards chemo-, regio- and stereoselectivity, not forgetting the need for greener chemistry. During the last 30 years, biocatalysis with the use of enzymes as chiral catalysts has become more common in chemistry laboratories and industrial processes. In this thesis, the use of lipases as versatile biocatalysts in the acylation of alcohols is examined both in the light of literature examples and four original publications. In the first part of the work presented in this thesis lipases were utilized in two examples concerning secondary alcohols. First, the kinetic resolution of heterocyclic aromatic secondary alcohols through transesterification was thoroughly examined including the studies of competing hydrolysis and esterification reactions. In another example, lipases were utilized in the formation of a dynamic systemic resolution (DSR) process which in turn was used as a developmental tool in the optimization of the dynamic kinetic resolution (DKR) of five heterocyclic aromatic cyanohydrins in one pot for the preparation of cyanohydrin esters as single enantiomers. In the second part of the work, the regio- and stereoselectivity of lipases was used to form sugar conjugates of glyceric and β-amino acids. The primary hydroxyl groups of methyl α-D-galacto-, -gluco- and -mannopyranosides were now acylated trough lipasecatalyzed transesterification and enantioselective lipase-catalyzed ring-opening of β- lactams, respectively.
Suuri osa käytössä olevista lääkeaineista on kiraalisia yhdisteitä. Lääkevalmisteet sisältävät yhdisteen enantiomeerien ominaisuuksista riippuen joko yksittäistä enantiomeeria tai näiden seosta. Antitromboottisiin eli veren hyytymistä estäviin lääkeaineisiin kuuluvat varfariini ja rivaroksabaani ovat kiraalisia yhdisteitä, joiden enantiomeerien ominaisuudet poikkeavat antitromboottisen vaikutuksen voimakkuuden suhteen. Varfariinia käytetään kliinisesti enantiomeeriensa raseemisena seoksena, kun taas rivaroksabaani on käytössä lääkevalmisteena puhtaana S-enantiomeerinaan. Lääkeaineen enantiomeerien erottaminen toisistaan on tärkeää esimerkiksi enantiomeerien puhdistamiseksi, lääkevalmisteen oikean koostumuksen varmistamiseksi tai yksittäisten enantiomeerien käyttäytymisen arvioimiseksi elimistössä. Tässä kirjallisuustyössä käsiteltiin nestekromatografian käyttöä antitromboottisiin lääkeaineisiin kuuluvien antikoagulanttien enantiomeerien fraktioinnissa. Kirjallisuudesta saadun tiedon perusteella arvioitiin, millä erotusmateriaaleilla ja millaisissa koeolosuhteissa varfariinin sekä rivaroksabaanin enantiomeerit tulisi erottaa toisistaan. Varfariinin enantiomeerien erotukseen parhaiten sopivaksi erotusmateriaaliksi todettiin kirjallisuuden perusteella kiraalinen vankomysiinipohjainen stationaarifaasi (Chirobiotic V) metanolin, etikkahapon ja veden seoksen toimiessa eluenttina. Eluentin virtausnopeudella 0,3 mL/min ja pienellä injektiotilavuudella varfariinin enantiomeerit saatiin erottumaan täydellisesti ja nopeasti toisistaan. Kirjallisuuden perusteella rivaroksabaanin enantiomeerien erotuksessa erotusmateriaalina toimii parhaiten kiraalinen selluloosapohjainen stationaarifaasi (Chiralcel OD-RH), kun eluenttina käytetään n-heksaanin ja isopropanolin seosta virtausnopeudella 1 mL/min. Varfariinin ja rivaroksabaanin enantiomeerien fraktiointiin parhaiten sopivia menetelmiä voidaan käyttää eri tilanteissa, kuten lääkevalmisteiden laadunvarmistuksessa tai enantiomeerien erotuksessa niiden synteesin jälkeen.