7 resultados para Macieira Galaxy

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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In this dissertation, Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and their host galaxies are discussed. Together with transitional events, such as supernovae and gamma-ray bursts, AGN are the most energetic phenomena in the Universe. The dominant fraction of their luminosity originates from the center of a galaxy, where accreting gas falls into a supermassive black hole, converting gravitational energy to radiation. AGN have a wide range of observed properties: e.g. in their emission lines, radio emission, and variability. Most likely, these properties depend significantly on their orientation to our line-of-sight, and to unify AGN into physical classes it is crucial to observe their orientation-independent properties, such as the host galaxies. Furthermore, host galaxy studies are essential to understand the formation and co-evolution of galactic bulges and supermassive black holes. In this thesis, the main focus is on observationally characterizing AGN host galaxies using optical and near-infrared imaging and spectroscopy. BL Lac objects are a class of AGN characterized by rapidly variable and polarized continuum emission across the electromagnetic spectrum, and coredominated radio emission. The near-infrared properties of intermediate redshift BL Lac host galaxies are studied in Paper I. They are found to be large elliptical galaxies that are more luminous than their low redshift counterparts suggesting a strong luminosity evolution, and a contribution from a recent star formation episode. To analyze the stellar content of galaxies in more detail multicolor data, especially observations at blue wavelengths, are essential. In Paper III, optical - near-infrared colors and color gradients are derived for low redshift BL Lac host galaxies. They show bluer colors and steeper color gradients than inactive ellipticals which, most likely, are caused by a relatively young stellar population indicating a different evolutionary stage between AGN hosts and inactive ellipticals. In Paper II, near-infrared imaging of intermediate redshift radio-quiet quasar hosts is used to study their luminosity evolution. The hosts are large elliptical galaxies, but they are systematically fainter than the hosts of radio-loud quasars at similar redshifts, suggesting a link between the luminosity of the host galaxies and the radio properties of AGN. In Paper IV, the characteristics of near-infrared stellar absorption features of low redshift radio galaxies are compared with those of inactive early-type galaxies. The comparison suggests that early-type galaxies with AGN are in a different evolutionary stage than their inactive counterparts. Moreover, radio galaxies are found to contain stellar populations containing both old and intermediate age components.


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This thesis contains dynamical analysis on four different scales: the Solar system, the Sun itself, the Solar neighbourhood, and the central region of the Milky Way galaxy. All of these topics have been handled through methods of potential theory and statistics. The central topic of the thesis is the orbits of stars in the Milky Way. An introduction into the general structure of the Milky Way is presented, with an emphasis on the evolution of the observed value for the scale-length of the Milky Way disc and the observations of two separate bars in the Milky Way. The basics of potential theory are also presented, as well as a developed potential model for the Milky Way. An implementation of the backwards restricted integration method is shown, rounding off the basic principles used in the dynamical studies of this thesis. The thesis looks at the orbit of the Sun, and its impact on the Oort cloud comets (Paper IV), showing that there is a clear link between these two dynamical systems. The statistical atypicalness of the orbit of the Sun is questioned (Paper I), concluding that there is some statistical typicalness to the orbit of the Sun, although it is not very significant. This does depend slightly on whether one includes a bar, or not, as a bar has a clear effect on the dynamical features seen in the Solar neighbourhood (Paper III). This method can be used to find the possible properties of a bar. Finally, we look at the effect of a bar on a statistical system in the Milky Way, seeing that there are not only interesting effects depending on the mass and size of the bar, but also how bars can capture disc stars (Paper II).


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This dissertation presents studies on the environments of active galaxies. Paper I is a case study of a cluster of galaxies containing BL Lac object RGB 1745+398. We measured the velocity dispersion, mass, and richness of the cluster. This was one of the most thorough studies of the environments of a BL Lac object. Methods used in the paper could be used in the future for studying other clusters as well. In Paper II we studied the environments of nearby quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We found that quasars have less neighboring galaxies than luminous inactive galaxies. In the large-scale structure, quasars are usually located at the edges of superclusters or even in void regions. We concluded that these low-redshift quasars may have become active only recently because the galaxies in low-density environments evolve later to the phase where quasar activity can be triggered. In Paper III we extended the analysis of Paper II to other types of AGN besides quasars. We found that different types of AGN have different large-scale environments. Radio galaxies are more concentrated in superclusters, while quasars and Seyfert galaxies prefer low-density environments. Different environments indicate that AGN have different roles in galaxy evolution. Our results suggest that activity of galaxies may depend on their environment on the large scale. Our results in Paper III raised questions of the cause of the environment-dependency in the evolution of galaxies. Because high-density large-scale environments contain richer groups and clusters than the underdense environments, our results could reflect smaller-scale effects. In Paper IV we addressed this problem by studying the group and supercluster scale environments of galaxies together. We compared the galaxy populations in groups of different richnesses in different large-scale environments. We found that the large-scale environment affects the galaxies independently of the group richness. Galaxies in low-density environments on the large scale are more likely to be star-forming than those in superclusters even if they are in groups with the same richness. Based on these studies, the conclusion of this dissertation is that the large-scale environment affects the evolution of galaxies. This may be caused by different “speed” of galaxy evolution in low and high-density environments: galaxies in dense environments reach certain phases of evolution earlier than galaxies in underdense environments. As a result, the low-density regions at low redshifts are populated by galaxies in earlier phases of evolution than galaxies in high-density regions.


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This doctoral dissertation presents studies of the formation and evolution of galaxies, through observations and simulations of galactic halos. The halo is the component of galaxies which hosts some of the oldest objects we know of in the cosmos; it is where clues to the history of galaxies are found, for example, by how the chemical structure is related to the dynamics of objects in the halo. The dynamical and chemical structure of halos, both in the Milky Way’s own halo, and in two elliptical galaxies, is the underlying theme in the research. I focus on the density falloff and chemistry of the two external halos, and on the dynamics, density falloff, and chemistry of the Milky Way halo. I first study galactic halos via computer simulations, to test the long- term stability of an anomalous feature recently found in kinematics of the Milky Way’s metal-poor stellar halo. I find that the feature is transient, making its origin unclear. I use a second set of simulations to test if an initially strong relation between the dynamics and chemistry of halo glob-ular clusters in a Milky Way-type galaxy is affected by a merging satellite galaxy, and find that the relation remains strong despite a merger in which the satellite is a third of the mass of the host galaxy. From simulations, I move to observing halos in nearby galaxies, a challenging procedure as most of the light from galaxies comes from the disk and bulge components as opposed to the halo. I use Hubble Space Tele scope observations of the halo of the galaxy M87 and, comparing to similar observations of NGC 5128, find that the chemical structure of the inner halo is similar for both of these giant elliptical galaxies. I use Very Large Telescope observations of the outer halo of NGC 5128 (Centaurus A) and, because of the difficultly in resolving dim extragalac- tic stellar halo populations, I introduce a new technique to subtract the contaminating background galaxies. A transition from a metal-rich stellar halo to a metal-poor has previously been discovered in two different types of galaxies, the disk galaxy M31 and the classic elliptical NGC 3379. Unexpectedly, I discover in this third type of galaxy, the merger remnant NGC 5128, that the density of metal-rich and metal-poor halo stars falls at the same rate within the galactocentric radii of 8 − 65 kpc, the limit of our observations. This thesis presents new results which open opportunities for future investigations.


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The power is still today an issue in wearable computing applications. The aim of the present paper is to raise awareness of the power consumption of wearable computing devices in specific scenarios to be able in the future to design energy efficient wireless sensors for context recognition in wearable computing applications. The approach is based on a hardware study. The objective of this paper is to analyze and compare the total power consumption of three representative wearable computing devices in realistic scenarios such as Display, Speaker, Camera and microphone, Transfer by Wi-Fi, Monitoring outdoor physical activity and Pedometer. A scenario based energy model is also developed. The Samsung Galaxy Nexus I9250 smartphone, the Vuzix M100 Smart Glasses and the SimValley Smartwatch AW-420.RX are the three devices representative of their form factors. The power consumption is measured using PowerTutor, an android energy profiler application with logging option and using unknown parameters so it is adjusted with the USB meter. The result shows that the screen size is the main parameter influencing the power consumption. The power consumption for an identical scenario varies depending on the wearable devices meaning that others components, parameters or processes might impact on the power consumption and further study is needed to explain these variations. This paper also shows that different inputs (touchscreen is more efficient than buttons controls) and outputs (speaker sensor is more efficient than display sensor) impact the energy consumption in different way. This paper gives recommendations to reduce the energy consumption in healthcare wearable computing application using the energy model.


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Ihmisten mitattaviin biometrisiin piirteisiin kuuluvat muun muassa sormenjälki-, kasvo-, iiris-, verkkokalvo-, DNA- ja kämmentunnistus. Näistä kolmea ensimmäistä käsitellään tutkielmassa tarkemmin. Työssä selvennetään, mitä biometriikka ja biometriset tunnistusjärjestelmät ovat ja tutkitaan, millä tavoin sormenjälkitunnistusta voidaan käyttää älypuhelimissa. Vertailukohteina käytetään Apple iPhone 5s- ja Samsung Galaxy S5 - älypuhelimia. Tutkielma koostuu asiapohjaisen lähdemateriaalin monipuolisesta käsittelystä. Ensimmäisissä luvuissa esitellään biometrisiä tunnistusjärjestelmiä lähdemateriaalien avulla. Luvuissa tutkitaan järjestelemien mahdollisia käyttökohteita, yleistä toimintaperiaatetta sekä ongelmia. Viimeisessä luvussa käsitellään ja pohditaan kattavasti älypuhelimien sormenjälkitunnistusta lähdemateriaaleihin ja tutkielman aiempiin tuloksiin nojaten. Lopputuloksina biometristen tunnistusjärjestelmien todetaan olevan tehokkaita menetelmiä yksityisyyden suojaamiseen. Älypuhelimien sormenjälkitunnistus on tällä hetkellä käytössä olevista keinoista yksi parhaista mahdollisista laitteen suojaukseen. Sillä voidaan nopeuttaa ja helpottaa laitteen käyttöä. Vertailussa huomataan Applen passiivisen lukumenetelmän olevan käyttäjäystävällisempi kuin Samsungin pyyhkäisyyn perustuva lukumenetelmä.