29 resultados para MATURE WEIGHT

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Selostus: Syys- ja talviruokinnan vaikutus yksin ja pareittain kasvatettujen minkkien lisääntymistulokseen


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Selostus: Metioniinin ja energian saannin rajoittamisen vaikutukset kananmunan painoon ja laatuun


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Selostus: Hiehojen elopainon määrittäminen mittauksin alkukasvatusvaiheessa


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Selostus: Tasaruokinnan ja vaihtoehtoisten rehujen soveltuvuus emolehmien talvikauden ruokintaan


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on markkinointisuunnitelman laatiminen teollisuustuotteelle, jota business-to-business -markkinoilla toimiva case-yritys valmistaa. Aihetta tarkastellaan ensin teoreettisesti lähdekirjallisuuden avulla ja sen jälkeen empiirisesti case-yrityksen näkökulmasta. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on normatiivinen eli soveltava case-tutkimus. Tutkimusote on kvalitatiivinen. Markkinointisuunnitelma laaditaan analysoimalla yrityksen ulkoista ja sisäistä toimintaympäristöä, asettamalla markkinoinnin tavoitteet, määrittelemällä markkinointistrategiat ja yksilöimällä toimintaohjeet. Markkinointisuunnitelman laatiminen kannattaa, sillä se tehostaa yrityksen ulkoista markkinointia. Tutkielman tuloksena voidaan todeta, että case-yrityksellä on hyvät mahdollisuudet menestyä hihnavaakamarkkinoilla uudella tuotteellaan, kunhan se saa nimeään tunnetuksi.


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Obesity has become the leading cause of many chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The prevalence of obesity is high in developed countries and it is also a major cause of the use of health services. Ectopic fat accumulation in organs may lead to metabolic disturbances, such as insulin resistance.Weight loss with very-low-energy diet is known to be safe and efficient. Weight loss improves whole body insulin sensitivity, but its effects on tissue and organ level in vivo are not well known. The aims of the studies were to investigate possible changes of weight loss in glucose and fatty acid uptake and perfusion and fat distribution at tissue and organ level using positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy in 34 healthy obese subjects. The results showed that whole-body insulin sensitivity increased after weight loss with very-low-energy diet and this is associated with improved skeletal muscle insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, but not with adipose tissue, liver or heart glucose uptake. Liver insulin resistance decreased after weight loss. Liver and heart free fatty acid uptakes decreased concomitantly with liver and heart triglyceride content. Adipose tissue and myocardial perfusion decreased. In conclusion, enhanced skeletal muscle glucose uptake leads to increase in whole-body insulin sensitivity when glucose uptake is preserved in other organs studied. These findings suggest that lipid accumulation found in the liver and the heart in obese subjects without co-morbidies is in part reversible by reduced free fatty acid uptake after weight loss. Reduced lipid accumulation in organs may improve metabolic disturbances, e.g. decrease liver insulin resistance. Keywords: Obesity, weight loss, very-low-energy diet, adipose tissue metabolism, liver metabolism, heart metabolism, positron emission tomography


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The purpose of this study was to improve PM7’s basis weight CD profile in Stora Enso’s Berghuizer mill and to search mechanical defects which affect to the formation of the basis weight CD profile. In the theoretical part PM7’s structure was presented and the formation of the basis weight and caliper CD profiles was examined as well as disturbances which are affecting to the formation. The function of the control system was scrutinised for the side of CD profiles as well as the formation of the measured CD profiles. Tuning of the control system was examined through the response model and filtering. Specification of the response model and filtering was explained and how to determine 2sigma statistical number. In the end of the theoretical part ATPA hardware and a new profile browser were introduced. In the experimental part focus was in the beginning to search and remove mechanical defects which are affecting to CD profiles. The next step was to verify the reliability of the online measurements, to study the stability of the basis weight CD profile and to find out so called fingerprint, a basis weight CD profile which is unique for each paper machine. New response model and filtering value for basis weight CD profile was determined by bump tests. After a follow up period the affect of the new response model and filtering was analysed.


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Mobiltelefonen uppfanns år 1970, den förta komerciella produkten lanserades 1983 och marknaden för mobiltelefoner tog kraftigt fart 1986. Exemplet belyser fenomenet innovation såsom ett mångårigt, ofta upptill tio år eller årtionden, vilket är forkningsansatsen i doktorsavhandlingen. Studien har betraktat fenomenet utgående från ett företagsledningsperspektiv, inte som ett innovations projekt vilket är det trditionella perspektivet. Forskningen bygger vidare på kritiken mot den allmänna uppfattningen att nystartade små och entrepreneursdrivna företag är idealomgivningen för innovation. I forskningen har studerats gamla och stora innovativa konsumentvaruföretag. De sex studerade företagen drivs inte längre av företagets grundare, hans tankar, nätverk, ledningssätt, utan är mera influerat av strukturer, system och prosesser som och iståndsatts av en annan professionell ledning. Denna ledning har i viss mån förmått att professionalisera sättet hur innovation hanteras framgångsrikt i företaget. I forskningen har den innovativa företagsledningens tankevärld och dynamiken i tänkandet definierats. Genom studien framkommer dels tre påtagliga tankemönster och dels en generell beskrivning av ledningen för ett innovativt företag. Kärnan i arbetet definierar ledningens uppmärksamhetsområde vilket är kritiskt för att det innovativa tillståndet och cykeln för innovation har fortbestått. Innovationsaktivisternas roll är avgörande, där produkten formas som en funktion av idéer som någon har och jobbar med, av beslutsfattadet i företaget, samt av tolkning och slutledningen av företagets gällande och framtida verksamhetsvilkor. Detta kritiska uppmärksamhetsområde har även testats och verifierats i avhandlingen. Ur forskningen framstår belägg och ett förslag till en teori, med vilken det är möjligt att förklarar skillnaden i ledningens tänkande vid betraktelsen av de innovativa företagen och de icke-innovativa företagen.


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Background: Eating disorders are serious psychiatric disorders, which usually have their onset in adolescence. Body dissatisfaction and dieting, both common among adolescents, are recognised risk factors for eating disorders. The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of eating disorders in the general adolescent population, assess the risk of developing eating disorders in subgroups of dieters, and analyse longitudinal concomitants of incorrect weight perception. Method: A prospective follow-up study on 595 adolescents, aged 15 at baseline, was conducted in western Finland. The study comprised questionnaires directed at the whole study population and subsequent personal interviews with adolescents found to be screen-positive for eating disorders, at both baseline and three-year follow-up. Results: The lifetime prevalence rates for 18 year old females were 2.6 % for anorexia nervosa, 0.4 for bulimia nervosa, and 9.0 % for eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS). No prevalent case of DSM-IV eating disorders was found among the male participants. Eating disorders, as well as depressive symptoms, social anxiety, and low self-esteem, was more prevalent among females who perceived themselves as being overweight, despite being normal or underweight, when compared to females with a correct weight perception. An incorrect weight perception was associated in males with social anxiety. Female adolescents dieting due to psychological distress, rather than vanity or overweight, had a fifteen-fold risk of developing an eating disorder. Conclusions: Eating disorders are common among female adolescents, and adolescents choosing to diet due to psychological distress show a markedly increased risk of developing an eating disorder. Promotion of general well-being as well as the prevention of body dissatisfaction and misdirected dieting, accompanied by early detection and proper treatment of eating disorders, is needed to reduce the incidence of and facilitate recovery in adolescents suffering from eating disorders.