59 resultados para Japani - talouspolitiikka
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Kauppahallin ääniä, mainosmusiikkia taustalla. Hirosaki, Japani
Artikkeli esittelee teoksen: Embracing defeat : Japan in the aftermath of the World War II / John D. Dower. London, 2000.
The aim of this thesis is to examine stock returns as predictive indicators to macroeconomic variables in BRIC-countries, Japan, USA and euro area. We picked to represent macroeconomic variables interest rate, inflation, currency, gross domestic product and industrial production. For the beginning we examined previous studies and theory about the subject. Hypothesis of this thesis were derived from the previous studies. To conduct the results we used tests such augmented Dickey-Fuller, Engle-Granger co-integration, Granger causality and lagged distribution model. According to results stock returns do predictive macroeconomic variables and specifically changes of GDP and industrial production. There were few evidences of stock returns predictive power of inflation.
Shinzo Aben hallitus on pyrkinyt nostamaan Japanin valtion pitkään jatkuneesta lamasta uudella, mediassa Abenomicsiksi nimetyllä, talouspolitiikallaan. Tutkielmassa selvitetään miten uusi talouspolitiikka on vaikuttanut japanilaisten yritysten osakeindeksituottoihin.
Suomen tulevaisuus innovaatioissa? : Globaalitalous ja Suomi-kirjan näkemys maamme mahdollisuuksista