6 resultados para In-store observation

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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The birth of Internet technologies, the developments of fast fashion and multiple retailing channels have created a need for a new, more integrated way for doing retailing. Agility in fast fashion retailing could be seen as a significant way of responding to these changes and furthermore, as a way to respond to consumers’ altering demands. The purpose of this study was to explore the ways in which agile supply chains and integrated multichannel retailing influence the international fast fashion retailing. A framework for agility in retail was developed based on available theoretical considerations in distribution and communication channels. Qualitative research methods and qualitative content analysis were used. Four expert interviews were carried out to gain new perspectives to the objectives. The rest of the data was collected from an industry specific document, expert video and two expert lectures. Following the data collection, the research material was analyzed with qualitative content analysis. The empirical findings on agility in retail were presented based on a coding frame. It was found that agility in retail has multiple parts, which are overlapping and affecting one another. Furthermore, instead of viewing the agile supply chain and integrated multichannel retailing separately of each other as usual, it was found that they should be integrated, and the term “agility” was proposed to denote this approach. Also, it was found that the most common drivers and constrains of integrated multichannel retailing were the new Internet technologies and customer demand. Brick-and-mortar store, online store, mobile devices and social media were found to be the most common retailing channels. Furthermore, in-store technology, click-and-collect approach, NFC-buying, RFID-technology as well as 3D- digital simulations on fabrics and patterns will enhance agility even more in the future. In addition, environmental issues, customer experiences and communication will be important factors. This study has provided new practical insights for the future retailing. Furthermore, it has contributed to the academic research by discussing the traditional approaches of agility in fast fashion retail and bringing in new insights.


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The study approaches student travel from the perspective of postmodern consumption. The background is in the observation that the student travel market has a vast potential, but it is not necessarily capitalized upon to the extent it could. This might partly have to do with the peculiarities of postmodernity: consumption is characterized by unpredictability and abstract motives. The research questions are built around what constitutes student travel consumption and how can students be categorized according to motivation, behaviour and values. Also identity and expressiveness are present and it is evaluated, if travel services facilitate these background is the observation that the student travel market has a vast potential, but it is not necessarily capitalized upon to the extent it could be. This might partly have to do with the peculiarities of postmodernity: consumption is characterized by unpredictability and abstract motives. The research questions are built around what constitutes student travel consumption and how can students be categorized according to motivation, behaviour and values. Also identity and expressiveness are present and it is evaluated whether travel services facilitate these constructs. The topic is approached by discovering the key concepts such as self-identity. This was done in order to create survey questions that reflect the underlying theories. The survey was sent to chosen student groups of Turku School of Economics. The data was analyzed using statistical methods, mainly principal component analysis, in order to categorize students’ motives and behaviour into distinct profiles. The findings indicate that students have a high level of awareness in their travel consumption choices. Travel services seem to facilitate identity and lifestyle expressiveness, one central dimension of postmodernity. Psychographics such as motivation seem to work well as a segmentation criteria when it comes to the student traveler market. Travel offers students an opportunity for relaxation, escape, enjoyment and gaining new experiences and social contacts. Furthermore, the enjoyment of the travel experience extends to the pre- and post-trip time.


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English summary: First 72 hours in hospital : observation of five older patients on a ward


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Euroopan sähkömarkkinat ovat viime vuosikymmeninä olleet suurien muutoksien kohteena näiden yhtenäistämisprojektin seurauksena. Fortum, yksi Euroopan johtavista energia-alan yrityksistä valmistautuu tähän muutokseen toteuttamalla omia yrityksen sisäisiä muutoksia, tavoitteenaan yksinkertaistaa organisaatiorakennettaan ja parantaa tehokkuuttaan. Yksi suuri muutos tähän liittyen on vesivoimavalvomojen lokalisaatioprojekti. Vesivoimavalvomojen uudelleenlokalisaation ja vesivoiman käytönvalvojien ikääntymisen myötä nähtiin tarpeelliseksi tehdä tutkimus käytönvalvojien hiljaisesta tiedosta. Näin ollen, tässä diplomityössä perehdyttiin Fortumin vesivoiman käytönvalvojien kompetensseihin ja näiden hiljaiseen tietoon. Tutkimusaiheena oli selvittää minkälaista hiljaista tietoa käytönvalvojat omaavat, ja mikä osa tästä tiedosta muodostaa sen kriittisen osaamisen, jota halutaan säilyttää ja kehittää. Tutkimustyypiksi muodostui kvalitatiivinen, jonka päämetodi oli puoli-avoin haastattelu. Tutkimus koostui seuraavista vaiheista: tarkkailu, tekstianalyysi, haastattelu, transkriptio ja data analyysi. Haastatteluja tehtiin kahdeksan, joista kerääntyi yli 24 tuntia haastattelumateriaalia. Tästä materiaalista muodostettiin analyysien avulla taulukko, jonka avulla tunnistettiin ne osa-alueet, joihin käytönvalvojan tärkeimmät kompetenssit liittyvät. Tuloksilla saatiin myös kerättyä lista korjaus- ja kehityskohteista, sekä tarkemmat määritykset jatkotutkimukselle.


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A fast changing dynamic business environment is becoming a norm today in different areas, including retailing. The aims of this study are to explore existing store formats of branded sportswear retailing and their characteristics, and to identify the trends which might shape their future. The ultimate goal, however, is to create and analyze images of the future of branded sportswear retailing in Germany 2030 by applying the methods of futures studies. As theoretical background, the cyclical theories of retail evolution have been used. Empirical material is obtained by conducting a Disaggregative Policy Delphi method based study, the aim of which is to obtain well–argued qualitative and quantitative information from experts about store format development in order to create future images based on cluster analysis. Flagship stores, Concept stores, Factory Outlets, Pop-up stores, E-commerce and M-commerce represent the diversity of store formats existing in Germany today. They have different aims, roles, and advantages which retailers try to leverage. However such trends as multichannel integration, technological enhancements, growing popularity of online channels, switching customer behaviors, customization and personalization, and economic turbulence might shape the future of sportswear retailing. Four future images constructed: “Multichannel Integration”, “Smart and Personal”, “Consumer Diversification”, and “Always Online” – describe alternative futures of German branded sportswear store formats in 2030 based on different trends, assumptions, hopes and fears. They also point out uncertainties in retailing such as cannibalization of channels, the growing power and expectations of consumers, the complexity of multichannel synergies, and the switching customer behavior. Constructed future images, thus, provide readers with an opportunity to imagine and explore alternative states of the future of branded sportswear store formats in Germany 2030. They could serve well as a tool to communicate the results to decision–makers, compare them, and to analyze to inspire and direct actions for a better future tomorrow.


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Establishing of export operations is the key to the competitiveness for all producing companies in high-tech industry. Distribution partnerships between exporting producer and local distributors of relevant foreign market are utilized by SMEs to gain cost-efficiency of operation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the Swiss market of outdoor lighting solutions and propose distribution channels for the case of company C2 SmartLight Ltd. The literature framework consists of three main parts: description of distribution channels for business products, the selection process of the distributor and management of the distributors. The empirical part of this study composed of the observation of Swiss lighting market, highlighting key customers, trends of energy efficiency and key industry players of the lighting market. The aim was to identify potential distribution channels, which reach the target customer groups and identify the market opportunity. Secondly, the data was collected through semi-structured phone interviews. The company, which operates in outdoor lighting business and has an established distributor in Switzerland, was interviewed and used as a benchmark. As a result of this research the market opportunity for distribution of C2 SmartLight products was identified based on potential customers and market need. C2 SmartLight Ltd. should establish a connection with wholesalers that distribute easy to handle and store electrical equipment. The results of this study can be used by other SME companies, operating in a similar field of economy, for selection of distributors.