7 resultados para Ideal (model)
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Nykytekniikalla kyetään tehokkaaseen ja turvalliseen työn toteuttamiseen. Suorituksen aikaansaanti edellyttää ympäristön kartoittamista niin, että urakoitsija tuntee ne seikat, jotka ovat tarpeen, jotta työ voidaan suorittaa vaurioittamatta olevia rakennuksia ja aiheuttamatta asukkaille vaaratilanteita. Riskianalyysi tuo esille ne seikat, jotka on syytä tietää työn laskenta- ja suoritustilanteessa. On tunnettava käytettävät räjähdysaineet ja mitä tapahtuu räjähdysprosessissa. Prosessin ideaalimallin (harmoninen värähtely) pohjalta on kehitetty teorioita, joiden avulla kyetään pitämään suorituksen aiheuttama tärinätaso sellaisena, ettei ympäristössä olevia entisiä rakennuksia vaurioiteta eikä teknisestä suorituksesta aiheudu vaaratilanteita ihmisille. Riskianalyysi- ja rakennuskatselmustietojen perusteella mitoitetaan käytettävä panos sellaiseksi, että asetetut turvallisuusvaateet tulevat täytetyiksi. Työn suorituksen onnistumiseksilaaditaan ohjeellinen panostussuunnitelma, jossa käytettävä panoskoko ilmoitetaan etäisyyden funktiona varottavasta kohteesta. Samassa esityksessä käy selville rakenteille sallittu tärinäaallon heilahdusnopeus mm/s:ssa. Muuttunut etäisyys ja se tosiasia, etteivät räjäytyskentät ole tärinätasoltaan identtisiä, vaikka etäisyys ja panoskoko ovat samat, tarvitsee muutostentekoa varten teoreettistasoisen esityksen tuekseen. Tuo tuki on ohjeellinen panostussuunnitelma. Muutosten perusteena ei ole mutu - menettely, vaan teoreettinen, yleisesti hyväksyttyihin menettelytapoihin perustuva malli.
In the present dissertation, multilingual thesauri were approached as cultural products and the focus was twofold: On the empirical level the focus was placed on the translatability of certain British-English social science indexing terms into the Finnish language and culture at a concept, a term and an indexing term level. On the theoretical level the focus was placed on the aim of translation and on the concept of equivalence. In accordance with modern communicative and dynamic translation theories the interest was on the human dimension. The study is qualitative. In this study, equivalence was understood in a similar way to how dynamic, functional equivalence is commonly understood in translation studies. Translating was seen as a decision-making process, where a translator often has different kinds of possibilities to choose in order to fulfil the function of the translation. Accordingly, and as a starting point for the construction of the empirical part, the function of the source text was considered to be the same or similar to the function of the target text, that is, a functional thesaurus both in source and target context. Further, the study approached the challenges of multilingual thesaurus construction from the perspectives of semantics and pragmatics. In semantic analysis the focus was on what the words conventionally mean and in pragmatics on the ‘invisible’ meaning - or how we recognise what is meant even when it is not actually said (or written). Languages and ideas expressed by languages are created mainly in accordance with expressional needs of the surrounding culture and thesauri were considered to reflect several subcultures and consequently the discourses which represent them. The research material consisted of different kinds of potential discourses: dictionaries, database records, and thesauri, Finnish versus British social science researches, Finnish versus British indexers, simulated indexing tasks with five articles and Finnish versus British thesaurus constructors. In practice, the professional background of the two last mentioned groups was rather similar. It became even more clear that all the material types had their own characteristics, although naturally not entirely separate from each other. It is further noteworthy that the different types and origins of research material were not used to represent true comparison pairs, and that the aim of triangulation of methods and material was to gain a holistic view. The general research questions were: 1. Can differences be found between Finnish and British discourses regarding family roles as thesaurus terms, and if so, what kinds of differences and which are the implications for multilingual thesaurus construction? 2. What is the pragmatic indexing term equivalence? The first question studied how the same topic (family roles) was represented in different contexts and by different users, and further focused on how the possible differences were handled in multilingual thesaurus construction. The second question was based on findings of the previous one, and answered to the final question as to what kinds of factors should be considered when defining translation equivalence in multilingual thesaurus construction. The study used multiple cases and several data collection and analysis methods aiming at theoretical replication and complementarity. The empirical material and analysis consisted of focused interviews (with Finnish and British social scientists, thesaurus constructors and indexers), simulated indexing tasks with Finnish and British indexers, semantic component analysis of dictionary definitions and translations, coword analysis and datasets retrieved in databases, and discourse analysis of thesauri. As a terminological starting point a topic and case family roles was selected. The results were clear: 1) It was possible to identify different discourses. There also existed subdiscourses. For example within the group of social scientists the orientation to qualitative versus quantitative research had an impact on the way they reacted to the studied words and discourses, and indexers placed more emphasis on the information seekers whereas thesaurus constructors approached the construction problems from a more material based solution. The differences between the different specialist groups i.e. the social scientists, the indexers and the thesaurus constructors were often greater than between the different geo-cultural groups i.e. Finnish versus British. The differences occurred as a result of different translation aims, diverging expectations for multilingual thesauri and variety of practices. For multilingual thesaurus construction this means severe challenges. The clearly ambiguous concept of multilingual thesaurus as well as different construction and translation strategies should be considered more precisely in order to shed light on focus and equivalence types, which are clearly not self-evident. The research also revealed the close connection between the aims of multilingual thesauri and the pragmatic indexing term equivalence. 2) The pragmatic indexing term equivalence is very much context-depended. Although thesaurus term equivalence is defined and standardised in the field of library and information science (LIS), it is not understood in one established way and the current LIS tools are inadequate to provide enough analytical tools for both constructing and studying different kinds of multilingual thesauri as well as their indexing term equivalence. The tools provided in translation science were more practical and theoretical, and especially the division of different meanings of a word provided a useful tool in analysing the pragmatic equivalence, which often differs from the ideal model represented in thesaurus construction literature. The study thus showed that the variety of different discourses should be acknowledged, there is a need for operationalisation of new types of multilingual thesauri, and the factors influencing pragmatic indexing term equivalence should be discussed more precisely than is traditionally done.
This study focuses on work commitment creation on rhetorical level, that is to say, the rhetorical and linguistic means that are used to construct or elicit worker commitment. The commitment of the worker is one of the most important objectives of all business communication. There is a strong demand for commitment, identification, or adherence to work in various walks of life, although the actual circumstances are often somewhat insecure and shortsighted. The analysis demonstrates that the actual object of commitment may vary from work itself or work organization to one’s career or professional development. The ideal pattern for commitment appears as comprehensive: it contains affective and rational as well as ideological dimensions. This thesis is a rhetorical discourse analysis, or rhetorical analysis with discourse-analytic influences. Primarily it is a rhetorical analysis in which discourses are observed mainly as tools of a rhetorician. The study also draws on various findings of sociology of work and organizational studies. Research material consists of magazines from three and web pages from six different companies. This study explores repeated discourses in commitment rhetoric, mainly through pointing core concepts and recurrent patterns of argumentation. In this analysis section, a semantic and concept-analytic approach is also employed. Companies talk about ideas, values, feelings and attitudes thus constructing a united and unanimous group and an ideal model of commitment. Probably the most important domain of commitment rhetoric is the construction of group and community. Collective identity is constructed through shared meanings, values and goals, and these rhetorical group constructs that can be used and modified in various ways. Every now and then business communication also focuses on the individual, employing different speakers, positions and discourses associated to them. Constructing and using these positions also paints the picture of an ideal worker and ideal work orientation. For example, the so called entrepreneurship model is frequently used here. Commitment talk and the rhetorical situation it constructs are full of tensions and contradictions; the presence of seemingly contradictory values, goals or identities is constant. This study demonstrates tensions like self-fulfilment and individuality versus conformity, and constant change and development versus dependable establishment, and analyses how they are used, processed and dealt with. An important dimension in commitment rhetoric is the way companies define themselves in respect of current social issues, and how they define themselves as responsible social actors, and how they, in this sense, seek to appear as attractive workplaces. This point of view gives rise to problematic questions as companies process the tensions between, for example, rhetoric and action, ethical ideals and business conditions and so on. For its part, the commitment talk also defines the meaning of waged work in human life. Changing society, changing working life, and changing business environments set new claims and standards for workers and contents of work. In this point of view this research contributes to the study of working life and takes part in current public discussion concerning the meaning, role and future of waged work.
With caring science as its foundation and by means of the perioperative dialogue, the intended contribution and overall aim of this present thesis is to describe what play is and could be in the caring reality, an ideal model. The perioperative dialogue is the nurse anaesthetists’ pre-, intra- and post-operative dialogues with the children they care for in connection with anesthesia. The thesis is composed according to Schopenhauer’s notion that the road to science presupposes the world seen as performances, and has an all-pervading hermeneutic approach. The performances of the thesis are: the performance of all performances, the empirical performance, the transcendental performance and the universal performance. The performance of all performances originates in the theoretical perspective of the thesis and describes what play and its characteristics are. This performance is realized through the hermeneutic interpretation of the etymology and original meaning of the word play along with texts from caring science, philosophy, anthropology and the history of religion. The empirical performance originates in four empirical studies where caring is organized as a perioperative dialogue. In study I, the material was collected with the help of participating observations and semi-structured interviews, in study II, with the help of the critical incident method and in study III, with the help of conversation interviews. In study IV, play develops into a clinical caring science research method. The research participants consist of children with special needs, children with a pronounced fear of anaesthesia, parents of children with severe autism and nurse anaesthetists. The empirical performance relates in what way play manifests in a perioperative child context by interpreting the results from the empiric in the light of the characteristics of play. The transcendental performance is enacted in the playhouse of health and presents a picture of the essence of play, the playing. In the playhouse of health, the light, winged movement of play is actualized when what was previously too difficult, too heavy and pinioned instead is as easy as anything. The eye of love and compassion knows the art of deciphering the secret script where the Other’s holiness resides, even if mere glimpses of it appear. The universal performance depicts three caring acts where the entrance consists of entering play, the ideal of which is realized in the unmasked openness face to face, that which protects the playing human being against encroachment and an unwanted audience. In the second caring act, entering play plays on to the finely-tuned interplay between human beings in the winged play of beauty and dignity. In the third caring act, the world’s deepest plays are staged on the stage of caring, in the sense that the innermost being of each individual, the universal will joins in and allows individuals to live as playing human beings who are at home with themselves and the world. The captivating, graceful and friendly play works from within itself, as long as it illumined by the light of claritas can play undisturbed on the stage of caring where it – like an unclouded mirror of its own ideal watches over children’s health.
Avhandlingen syftar till att ur ett vårdvetenskapligt perspektiv beskriva och upptäcka tjänandets meningsinnehåll samt fördjupa förståelsekunskap om tjänandets ethos i förhållande till vårdledarskap med en inriktning på det vårdadministrativa. Syftet är även att skapa en idealmodell som öppnar för en ny eller annorlunda förståelsehorisont för tjänandets ethos i vårdledarskap. Kunskapssökandet sker genom följande delstudier: (1) I begreppsbestämningen genomförs begreppsanalyser av tjäna och tjänst med avsikt att öppna för en grundförståelse och tankestruktur i forskningsuppgiften. (2) I det idéhistoriska spåras tjänandets ontologiska arv och idémönster fram genom tolkning av historiska källornas texter från 1900-talets första hälft i ljuset av sjuksköterskeledarskap utgående från Sophie Mannerheims, Bertha Wellins och Bergljot Larssons idéer och tankeströmningar. (3) Sökandet fortsätter i dagens kliniska kontextbas genom kvalitativa djupintervjuer med 30 deltagare (vårdledare och vårdare) från Finland, Sverige och Norge. Förförståelsen och forskningens teoretiska perspektiv har rötter i Erikssons caring science-tradition och vårdvetenskapens ontologiska grundantaganden som utvecklats vid Åbo Akademi, Enheten för vårdvetenskap i Vasa. Forskningsansatsen är inspirerad av H-G Gadamers filosofiska hermeneutik. Designen är explorativ-deskriptiv, idiografisk och implicerar ett hypotetisk-deduktivt tillvägagångssätt. Tjänandet och vårdledarskapets ethos upptäcks och tolkas genom det metodologiska närmandet: Erikssons hermeneutiska begreppsbestämningsmodell, idéhistoriska läsakt och hermeneutiska läsakt. Materialet bildar förståelsehorisonter genom den hermeneutiska dialogens successiva och oändliga rörelse. Horisonterna reflekteras mot teorikärnan för att öppna för ny förståelse av tjänandets meningsinnehåll, vårdledarskap och vårdadministration. I slutandet sker en horisontsammansmältning och en reflektiv anslutning till vårdvetenskapens teorikärna som visar hur tjänandets ethos blir evident i vårdledarskap. Resultatet visar att vårdledarskap som är tjänande för patienten och vårdkulturen synliggörs i vårdadministrationens kontext genom huvudets skärpa, handens gärningar och hjärtats visdom. Tjänandets sanna, goda och sköna tidlösa rörelse är riktad mot hälsa och helande. I dag sammankopplas tjänande inom vårdorganisationer med hälsoekonomiska förhållanden, effektivitet, produktivitet och rationalitet, vilket strider mot tjänandets värdegrund, människans värdighet och respekt för livet. Vårdorganisationernas etiska ansvar är att fungera som samhälleliga förebilder, tillrättalägga för vårdadministrationernas tjänande och stå i patientens tjänst. Gestaltningen av tjänandets ethos i vårdledarskap öppnar för nya diskurser, riktningar, visioner och handlingar i den vårdadministrativa verkligheten. Avhandlingen ger vårdvetenskapens systematiska grundforskning ett teoritillskott av fördjupad förståelse av tjänandets och vårdledarskapets historiska och samtida ontologiska evidens och ethos med applikationen på klinisk vårdvetenskap.
Preparative liquid chromatography is one of the most selective separation techniques in the fine chemical, pharmaceutical, and food industries. Several process concepts have been developed and applied for improving the performance of classical batch chromatography. The most powerful approaches include various single-column recycling schemes, counter-current and cross-current multi-column setups, and hybrid processes where chromatography is coupled with other unit operations such as crystallization, chemical reactor, and/or solvent removal unit. To fully utilize the potential of stand-alone and integrated chromatographic processes, efficient methods for selecting the best process alternative as well as optimal operating conditions are needed. In this thesis, a unified method is developed for analysis and design of the following singlecolumn fixed bed processes and corresponding cross-current schemes: (1) batch chromatography, (2) batch chromatography with an integrated solvent removal unit, (3) mixed-recycle steady state recycling chromatography (SSR), and (4) mixed-recycle steady state recycling chromatography with solvent removal from fresh feed, recycle fraction, or column feed (SSR–SR). The method is based on the equilibrium theory of chromatography with an assumption of negligible mass transfer resistance and axial dispersion. The design criteria are given in general, dimensionless form that is formally analogous to that applied widely in the so called triangle theory of counter-current multi-column chromatography. Analytical design equations are derived for binary systems that follow competitive Langmuir adsorption isotherm model. For this purpose, the existing analytic solution of the ideal model of chromatography for binary Langmuir mixtures is completed by deriving missing explicit equations for the height and location of the pure first component shock in the case of a small feed pulse. It is thus shown that the entire chromatographic cycle at the column outlet can be expressed in closed-form. The developed design method allows predicting the feasible range of operating parameters that lead to desired product purities. It can be applied for the calculation of first estimates of optimal operating conditions, the analysis of process robustness, and the early-stage evaluation of different process alternatives. The design method is utilized to analyse the possibility to enhance the performance of conventional SSR chromatography by integrating it with a solvent removal unit. It is shown that the amount of fresh feed processed during a chromatographic cycle and thus the productivity of SSR process can be improved by removing solvent. The maximum solvent removal capacity depends on the location of the solvent removal unit and the physical solvent removal constraints, such as solubility, viscosity, and/or osmotic pressure limits. Usually, the most flexible option is to remove solvent from the column feed. Applicability of the equilibrium design for real, non-ideal separation problems is evaluated by means of numerical simulations. Due to assumption of infinite column efficiency, the developed design method is most applicable for high performance systems where thermodynamic effects are predominant, while significant deviations are observed under highly non-ideal conditions. The findings based on the equilibrium theory are applied to develop a shortcut approach for the design of chromatographic separation processes under strongly non-ideal conditions with significant dispersive effects. The method is based on a simple procedure applied to a single conventional chromatogram. Applicability of the approach for the design of batch and counter-current simulated moving bed processes is evaluated with case studies. It is shown that the shortcut approach works the better the higher the column efficiency and the lower the purity constraints are.
For advanced devices in the application fields of data storage, solar cell and biosensing, one of the major challenges to achieve high efficiency is the fabrication of nanopatterned metal oxide surfaces. Such surfaces often require both precise structure at the nanometer scale and controllable patterned structure at the macro scale. Nowadays, the dominating candidates to fabricate nanopatterned surfaces are the lithographic technique and block-copolymer masks, most of which are unfortunately costly and inefficient. An alternative bottom-up approach, which involves organic/inorganic self-assembly and dip-coating deposition, has been studied intensively in recent years and has proven to be an effective technique for the fabrication of nanoperforated metal oxide thin films. The overall objective of this work was to optimize the synthesis conditions of nanoperforated TiO2 (NP-TiO2) thin films, especially to be compatible with mixed metal oxide systems. Another goal was to develop fabrication and processing of NP-TiO2 thin films towards largescale production and seek new applications for solar cells and biosensing. Besides the traditional dip-coating and drop-casting methods, inkjet printing was used to prepare thin films of metal oxides, with the advantage of depositing the ink onto target areas, further enabling cost-effective fabrication of micro-patterned nanoperforated metal oxide thin films. The films were characterized by water contact angle determination, Atomic Force Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Grazing Incidence XRay Diffraction. In this study, well-ordered zinc titanate nanoperforated thin films with different Zn/Ti ratios were produced successfully with zinc precursor content up to 50 mol%, and the dominating phase was Zn2Ti3O8. NP-TiO2 structures were also obtained by a cost-efficient means, namely inkjet printing, at both ambient temperature and 60 °C. To further explore new biosensing applications of nanoperforated oxide thin films, inkjet printing was used for the fabrication of both continuous and patterned polymeric films onto NP-TiO2 and perfluorinated phosphate functionalized NP-TiO2 substrates, respectively. The NP-TiO2 films can be also functionalized with a fluoroalkylsilane, resulting in hydrophobic surfaces on both titania and silica. The surface energy contrast in the nanoperforations can be tuned by irradiating the films with UV light, which provides ideal model systems for wettability studies.