13 resultados para Here I Come!

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Tarkastelen tutkimuksessani amerikkalaisen John Ashberyn (1927–) runoudessa lmenevää moniäänisyyttä. Runoutta pidetään yleensä yksiäänisenä puheena, kun taas omaanin ajatellaan erityisesti Mihail Bahtinin vaikutuksesta olevan luonnostaan oniääninen kirjallisuudenlaji. Ashberyn postmoderni runous haastaa tämän äsityksen. Ashbery tunnetaan vakiintuneita runouskäsityksiä vastaan kirjoittavana avantgarde-runoilijana. Pääasiallisina tutkimuskohteinani ovat Ashberyn pitkä runoelma nimeltä ”Litany” (1979) sekä lyhyiden runojen valikoima <i>Your Name Herei> (2000). Vertailukohtana tarkastelen Ashberyn yhdessä James Schuylerin kanssa kirjoittamaa romaania <i>A Nest of Ninniesi> (1969). Teoreettisena pohjana on käytetty Ashberyä käsittelevän muun tutkimuksen lisäksi muun muassa jälkistrukturalistisiin teorioihin liittyviä ajatuksia pronominien vaikutuksesta siihen miten lukija muodostaa käsityksen subjektiivisesta läsnäolosta runossa. Ashbery käyttää persoonapronomineja ilman selkeitä viittaussuhteita. Viittaussuhteiden hämärtymisen ja fragmentaarisuuden vuoksi Ashberyn runoja pidetään usein vaikeina, eikä niistä ole helppo löytää yhtä selkeää aihetta. Hajanaisuus on kuitenkin motivoitua, koska juuri se mahdollistaa moniäänisyyden ja avoimen tekstin, joka voi sisältää monia merkityksiä. Kun runossa ei ole yhden puhujan hallitsevaa ääntä, lukijan rooli merkitysten muodostajana nousee keskeiseksi. ”Litany” on selkeästi metatekstuaalinen runo, jossa fiktiivinen taso sekoittuu runouden, taiteen ja kritiikin mahdollisuuksien pohdintaan. Runo hahmottelee uudenlaista, moniäänistä teorian ja runouden rajoja purkavaa kommunikaation muotoa. Toisen persoonan pronominien voidaan runossa usein ajatella puhuttelevan lukijaa. <i>Your Name Herei> -kokoelmassa puolestaan toisen persoonan pronominipositiot määrittyvät usein tietyiksi henkilöhahmoiksi runojen maailmassa, ja pronominipositioiden kautta runoissa rakentuu moniäänisiä dialogeja määrittymättömien henkilöhahmojen välille. Näin lukijan huomio suunnataan ensisijaisesti kommunikaation ja arkiivän kielenkäytön kliseiden sävyihin ja asiayhteyksiin pikemminkin kuin yksittäisten lausumien sisältöön. <i>A Nest of Ninnies i>-romaani toimii näennäisestä dialogisuudestaan huolimatta ennen kaikkea yksiäänisesti, sillä romaanin yksiulotteisten henkilöhahmojen esittämiä ajatuksia hallitsee parodioimaan pyrkivä kertojanääni. Ashberyn runojen ja romaanin tarkasteleminen osoittaa, että käsitys runoudesta väistämättä yksiäänisenä ja romaanista moniäänisenä ei ole kaikilta osin ongelmaton. Moniääninen, monimerkityksinen runo voi tarjota toiselle itsenäisen aseman.


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In nature, many animals use body coloration to communicate with each other. For example, colorations can be used as signals between individuals of the same species, but also to recognise individuals of other species, and if they may comprise a threat or not. Many animals use protective coloration to avoid predation. The two most common strategies of protective coloration are camouflage and aposematism. Camouflaged animals have coloration that minimises detection, usually by matching colours or structures in the background. Aposematic animals, on the other hand, signal to predators that they are defended. The defence can be physical structures, such as spikes and hairs, or chemical compounds that make the animal distasteful or even deadly toxic. In order for the warning signal to be effective, the predator has to recognise it as such. Studies have shown that birds for example, that are important visual predators on insects, learn to recognise and avoid unpalatable prey faster if they contrast the background or have large internal contrasts. Typical examples of aposematic species have conspicuous colours like yellow, orange or red, often in combination with black. My thesis focuses on the appearance and function of aposematic colour patterns. Even though researchers have studied aposematism for over a century, there is still a lot we do not know about the phenomenon. For example, as it is crucial that the predators recognise a warning signal, aposematic colorations should assumingly evolve homogeneously and be selected for maximal conspicuousness. Instead, there is an extensive variation of colours and patterns among warning colorations, and it is not uncommon to find typical cryptic colours, such as green and brown in aposematic colour patterns. One hypothesis to this variation is that an aposematic coloration does not have to be maximally signalling in order to be effective, instead it is sufficient to have distinct features that can be easily distinguished from edible prey. To be maximally conspicuous is one way to achieve this, but not the only way. Another hypothesis is that aposematic prey that do not exhibit maximal conspicuousness can exploit both camouflage and aposematism in a distance-dependent fashion, by being signalling when seen close up but camouflaged at a distance. Many prey animals also make use of both strategies by shifting colour at different ecological conditions such as seasonal variations, fluctuations in food resources or between life stages. Yet another explanation for the variation may be that prey animals are usually exposed to several predator species that vary in visual perception and tolerance towards various toxins. The aim with this thesis is, by studying their functions, to understand why aposematic warning signals vary in appearance, specifically in the level of conspicuousness, and if warning coloration can be combined with camouflage. In paper I, I investigated if the colour pattern of the aposematic larva of the Apollo butterfly (Parnassius apollo) can switch function with viewing distance, and be signalling at close range but camouflaged at a distance, by comparing detection time between different colour variants and distances. The results show that the natural coloration has a dual distance-dependent function. Moreover, the study shows that an aposematic coloration does not have to be selected for maximal conspicuousness. A prey animal can optimise its coloration primarily by avoiding detection, but also by investing in a secondary defence, which presence can be signalled if detected. In paper II, I studied how easily detected the coloration of the firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus), a typical aposematic species, is at different distances against different natural backgrounds, by comparing detection time between different colour variants. Here, I found no distance-dependent switch in function. Instead, the results show that the coloration of the firebug is selected for maximal conspicuousness. One explanation for this is that the firebug is more mobile than the butterfly larva in study I, and movement is often incompatible with efficient camouflage. In paper III, I investigated if a seasonal related colour change in the chemically defended striated shieldbug (Graphosoma lineatum) is an adaptation to optimise a protective coloration by shifting from camouflage to aposematism between two seasons. The results confirm the hypothesis that the coloration expressed in the late summer has a camouflage function, blending in with the background. Further, I investigated if the internal pattern as such increased the effectiveness of the camouflage. Again, the results are in accordance with the hypothesis, as the patterned coloration was more difficult to detect than colorations lacking an internal pattern. This study shows how an aposematic species can optimise its defence by shifting from camouflage to aposematism, but in a different fashion than studied in paper I. The aim with study IV was to study the selection on aposematic signals by identifying characteristics that are common for colorations of aposematic species, and that distinguish them from colorations of other species. I compared contrast, pattern element size and colour proportion between a group of defended species and a group of undefended species. In contrast to my prediction, the results show no significant differences between the two groups in any of the analyses. One explanation for the non-significant results could be that there are no universal characteristics common for aposematic species. Instead, the selection pressures acting on defended species vary, and therefore affect their appearance differently. Another explanation is that all defended species may not have been selected for a conspicuous aposematic warning coloration. Taken together, my thesis shows that having a conspicuous warning coloration is not the only way to be aposematic. Also, aposematism and camouflage is not two mutually exclusive opposites, as there are prey species that exploit both strategies. It is also important to understand that prey animals are exposed to various selection pressures and trade-offs that affect their appearance, and determines what an optimal coloration is for each species or environment. In conclusion, I hold that the variation among warning colorations is larger and coloration properties that have been considered as archetypically aposematic may not be as widespread and representative as previously assumed.


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The aim of this research was to structure a conceptual model of hope and hopelessness based on dictionary definitions, and to verify this model on the basis of the experiences of the severely depressive and non-depressive elderly. This research has produced a substantive theory of hope and hopelessness which is based on the experiences of the depressive and non-depressive elderly, and on the concept analysis of hope and hopelessness based on English dictionary definitions. The patients who participated in the research were 65 years old and older men and women (n=22) who had been admitted to a psychiatric hospital because of major depression, and another group: the non-depressive elderly (n=21), who were recruited from the pensioners’ clubs. The data were collected in interviews using the Clinical Assessment Tool, developed by Farran, Salloway and Clark (1990) and Farran, Wilken and Popovich (1992), and it produced 553 pages of written text, which were analysed using the ATLAS/ti programme. ATLAS/ti is a tool for analysing qualitative data and is based on Grounded Theory. The medical and nursing records of the depressive elderly completed source triangulation. The concept analysis of hope and hopelessness was made on the basis of the definitions of English dictionaries (n=103), using semantic analysis and the ATLAS/ti programme. The most important hope-promoting factors were human relations, health and managing in everyday living. Autonomy, self-determination and feeling of security were highly appreciated among the elderly. Hopelessness, on the other hand, was most often associated with the same factors: human relations, health and everyday living. Especially, losses of significant others were experienced as strongly hope-diminishing. Old age had brought freedom from duties concerning others, but now, when you finally had an opportunity to enjoy yourself, you could not accomplish anything; you were clasped in the arms of total inability, depression had come. The most obvious difference in the life course of the depressive and nondepressive elderly was the abundance of traumatic experiences in the childhood and youth of the depressive elderly. The continuous circulation of fearful thoughts was almost touchable, and suicidality was described in connection with these thoughts. You were afraid to be awake and also to go to sleep. Managing day by day was the goal. The research produced the Basic Social Process (BSP) of hope: achieving - maintaining - losing, which expresses a continuous balancing between Being without and Being with. The importance of the object of hope was combined with the amount of hope and disappointment. The process of approaching defined the realisation of hope and the process of withdrawal that of losing. Joy and security versus grief and insecurity defined the Being with and Being without. Two core categories were found. The first one “If only I could�? reflects lack of energy, lack of knowledge, lack of courage and lack of ability. The other one “There is always a loophole�? reflects deliberate tracing of possibilities and the belief in finding solutions, and managing.


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Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen är att bidra till en handlingsinriktad diskurs. Ambitionen är att rikta uppmärksamheten mot den pedagogiska övervägande handlingen genom att pröva konkreta exempel från en pedagogisk praktik mot en begreppsapparat inspirerad av den humanvetenskapliga handlingsteorin. Forskningsfrågorna lyder: Vad är en övervägande handling? Hur byggs den upp och vad förutsätter den? Bakgrunden till intresset att belysa den övervägande handlingen är en önskan att överbrygga klyftan mellan teori och praktik och att hitta ett sätt att samtala om ”tyst kunskap” och den konkreta pedagogiska verkligheten så att denna kan utvecklas på ett meningsfullt sätt. Förhållandet mellan intentionalitet och instrumentella handlingar är av särskilt intresse. Den aristoteliska begreppsapparaten som avser att belysa den mänskliga handlingen används i studien som både utgångspunkt och analysredskap. Retoriken ses som den vetenskap som kan beskriva och förklara hur vi skapar mening med hjälp av språket. Fyra fokussamtal med sammanlagt fem studerande på musikanimatörutbildningen genomfördes under vårterminen 2006. Referaten från samtalen bearbetades till en berättelse. I konstruktionen av berättelsen användes dels en fenomenologisk analys, dels narrativ bearbetning. De aristoteliska begreppen poíesis, praxis och theoria tillämpades och prövades på berättelsen varefter en retorisk analys genomfördes. Berättelsen visar två konkurrerande praxis. Utbildningen framstår i berättelsen dels som en horisontell ”alla kan”-utbildning, dels som en vertikal och lärarstyrd verksamhet. Berättelsen ger inte så många exempel på pedagogiska överväganden men tydliggör ändå den övervägande handlingen. Det pedagogiska övervägandet innebär ett väljande utifrån teoretiskt tänkbara och med praxis förenliga handlingsalternativ. Reflektion ingår i övervägandet men är inte detsamma som övervägande. Övervägandet är inte enbart en rationellt kalkylerande aktivitet. Holistiska och intuitiva procedurer är en viktig del i processen. Övervägande förutsätter dessutom ansvar.


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This study is made in the context of basic research within the field ofcaring science. The aim is to make a theoretical and ontological investigation of what the space is in the world of caring. The basic proposition is that the space, as a fundamental dimension, has an impact on how the appreciation of one's mental health and suffering is shaped, and vice versa. The overall purpose is to develop a theoretical model of space from the caring science point of view andalso to offer an ideal concept of space to caring science. Guided by a theoretical horizon (Eriksson 1993, Eriksson 1995, Eriksson 2001) and methodological approach grounded in Gadamer's philosophic and existential hermeneutics a three-stage analysis and interpretation is conducted. The hermeneutic spiral of this investigation starts through a procedure in accordance with Eriksson's model (1997) of concept definition. The goal is to clarify the etymology of the concept as well as semantic differences between synonymous concepts, i.e. to identify the different extents of the concept of `space` (`rum`) in order to bring these closer for an exploration. The second phase is to analyse and interpret a sample of narratives in order to explicate the ontological nature and meaning of the space. The material used here is literary texts. The goal is to clarify the characteristics of the very inside of the space when it is shaped in relation to the human being in encountering suffering. In the third phase an interview study is taken place. The focus of the study is directed towards the phenomenon of space as it is known by a patient in a landscape of psychiatric care, i.e. what the space is in a contextual meaning. Then, a gradual hermeneutic understanding of the space is attempted by using theories from the field of caring science as well as additional theories from other disciplines. Metaphors are used as they are vivid and expressive tools for generating meaning. Different metaphoric space formations depict here a variety of purports that, although not quite the same, share extensive elements. Six metaphorically summarized entities of meaning emerged. The comprehensive form of space is pointed out as the Mobile-Immobile Room. Furthermore, the Standby, the Asylum, the Wall and the Place. In the further dialogue with the texts the understanding has deepened ontologically. The theoretical model ofthe space sums up the vertical, horizontal and the inward extent of deepness inthe movement of mental health. Three entities of ontological meaning have emerged as three significant rooms: the Common Land emerges as the ideal concept of mutual creation in the freedom of doing, being and becoming health. On the interpersonal level it means freedom, which includes sovereignty, choice and dignity of the human being. The Ice World signifies, ultimately, the space as a kind of frozenness of despair which "wallpapers" the person's entire being in the world in the drama of suffering. The Spiritual Home is shaped when the human being has acquired the very core of his/her inner and outer placeness as a kind of "at-homeness" and rootedness. Time is a central element and the inward extent of deepness of this trialectic space. Each of the metaphors is then the human being's unique, although even paradoxical, way of conceiving reality, and mastering spiritual suffering. They condense characteristic structures and patterns of dynamic scenery, which take place within the movement of health. The space encloses a contradictory spatiality constituted through the dynamic field of meaningfulness and meaninglessness. Anyway, it is not through a purging of these contradictions but through bringing them together in a drama of suffering that the space is shaped as ontologically good and meaningful in the world of caring.


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The theme of this thesis is the learning process that occurs when teachers become professional voice users. The aim is to explore what it (really) means to become a professional voice user in a teaching profession; thereby developing an understanding of how future education in this field can be arranged so as to both effectively prevent vocal problems and to develop oral didactical competence among teachers. The ambition is to describe, interpret, and understand the learning process through a combination of emic and ethic research perspectives. The theoretical frame of reference reflects the cross disciplinary character of the thesis. Voice problems are common among both student teachers and inservice teachers and adversely affect professional competence, identity and quality of life. Additionally, vocal problems are proven to have a negative impact on pupils´ learning. The individual elements of learning are explored in the light of experiential learning theory and transformative learning theory. The social elements of learning are explored in relation to the theory of situated learning. In addition, theories of teacher professionalisation in terms of competence and identity are outlined. The empirical study has a longitudinal and multi method character. It is anchored in a phenomenological hermeneutical tradition, more specifically in narrative inquiry. The point of departure is the learning experiences of ten student teachers, who attended a ten week long course on voice production as part of their teacher training at Åbo Akademi University, in the autumn of 2002 and the spring of 2003. Four interviews in the form of conversations were conducted with each participant. These were crystallised with a process diary, a Swedish Voice Handicap Index, a voice observation, and a video observation. A fifth interview was conducted with each participant five years post teacher training, in the spring of 2008. Participant observation was also conducted throughout the course. The research materials have been analysed and interpreted narratively using a phenomenological hermeneutical method. The results are presented descriptively as individual narratives, which are reflected in logopedic research materials. Learning is here understood as emergent awareness. This is followed by a meta narrative concerning learning as experiences in the four dimensions body, thought, feeling, and relation. Finally, interpretation is expressed with respect to the theory of relational education. Learning is here understood as a movement in the field between the actual and the possible voice. It is also viewed as fundamentally rooted in inter-human relationships, in moments of presence and coexistence. As a tentative answer to the call for an existential space for learning in order to be a professional voice user, I suggest the concept of a learning refuge as a locus for a learning process built on trust, mutuality and openness.


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To create a more inclusive school, an increase in multidisciplinary cooperation is needed. One possible form of collaboration could encompass the special education teacher taking on the role of a consultant for other teachers in need of support in working with heterogeneous groups of pupils. Previous research shows that special education teachers see the role as consultant as diffuse and complex. The overarching aim of the present study involves deepening the knowledge on how consultation in a special educational context can be understood and developed based on teachers’ descriptions on this particular form of activity interpreted against various perspectives on consultation. The study is qualitative in nature and rests on a hermeneutic interpretive research tradition in combination with an abductive approach. The theoretical framework consists of two different approaches to consultation: the directive and the non-directive approach. The approaches differ regarding particular emphasis on advice and reflection during the consultation and with respect to who or what should be the focus of the consultation. The two approaches are here studied through various theories such as social learning theory, Bruner's theory of scaffolding, Roger’s humanist psychology, and constructivism. Semi-structured interviews were held with eighteen special education teachers (n=9) and class teachers (n=9) working in the compulsory school. The overall interpretation of the results shows that special education consultation can be understood as three different types of consultation. Consultation as counseling which harmonizes with the directive perspective on consultation is the most prominent type. In the consultation as counseling conversation, the special educational knowledge transfer is central and the focus is placed on the pupil. Although special education knowledge transfer emerges as a unique aspect of special education consultation, there are several inherent challenges in this type of consultation that can be addressed in that teachers also describe two other types of consultation. In the reflective consultation, there is a move away from the pupil focus and toward a focus on the class teacher and the use of reflection. The reflective consultation harmonizes with the non-directive approach to consultation. This type of consultation does not as of yet have a prominent place in the Finland-Swedish school context and at this stage it is not seen as a legitimate type of consultation according to the teachers’ descriptions. Despite this, certain aspects of the reflective conversation could be given more space in the development of consultation within special educational contexts. The co-operative consultation is characterized by the teachers acting as teammates and using professional exchange as a strategy for consultation. Both teachers' knowledge is seen as central, and rather than the special education teacher acting as the expert and moderator, the teachers control the consultation together and jointly move the work along. The co-operative consultation enables the focus to move from the pupil toward the context, which can lead to the development of inclusive practices. The results indicate that this type of consultation holds potential in the development of special educational consultation that takes place between equal colleagues. The co-operative consultation opens up for a third collaborative approach to consultation, where aspects of the directive and non-directive perspective can merge and develop. The thesis concludes with the proposal that special pedagogical consultation can be understood from an integrated perspective. The characteristics of the consultation can vary depending on the type of problem or situation, while co-operative consultation can be seen as the ideal as equal colleagues meet in consultation conversations. In order to develop the co-operative consultation, both teachers are required to have knowledge of consultation as a practice, to be part of a collaborative school climate, and that teachers are provided with enough time to take part in consultations.


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Avhandlingen har sitt utspring i mitt engasjement for elevers møte med kunst i grunnskolen i faget kunst og håndverk og mitt syn på ungdom som kompetente bidragsytere til forskningen om fenomener som angår deres liv. Elevene er informanter til, eller aktører i, forskning på fenomenet dialog med kunst. Dialog med kunst er her definert som en helhetlig prosess som innlemmer alt fra elevenes møte med visuelle kunstverk til deres eget skapende arbeid. At avhandlingens fagdidaktiske problemområde er elevers praktisk skapende virksomhet, knytter undersøkelsen til slöjdpedagogisk forskning. Avhandlingens overgripende hensikt er å bidra til utvikling av fagdidaktikken i kunst og håndverk med utgangspunkt i elevenes erfaringer med kunstundervisningens innhold og metode på ungdomsskoletrinnet. Studien består av kasusstudier på to ungdomsskoler. Data ble innsamlet igjennom intervjuer, deltakende observasjon, dokumenter, prosessbøker og foto av formingsprodukter. Ungdoms dialog med kunst i skolen blir analysert og fremstilt ut fra et erfart og et operasjonalisert perspektiv. Funnene speiles i ulike fagdidaktiske tendenser, det vil si ulike hovedoppfatninger i debatten om det moderne samfunn, og i et virksomhetsteoretisk perspektiv. Resultatene fra undersøkelsen utfordrer oss til en fagdidaktisk nyorientering når det gjelder ungdoms møte med kunstverk i skolen, i retning av et mer ungdomskulturelt innhold og relasjonelle kunstmøter som er narrative, tolkningsorientert, opplevelsesorientert, dialogiske og flerstemmige. Undersøkelsen viser at elevene liker det praktisk skapende arbeidet, men at undervisningen i sterkere grad bør ta i bruk digital kunnskap og handle om hvordan kunst kan brukes som utgangspunkt for skapende arbeid, og den bør legge til rette for det læringspotensialet som ligger i dialogen elevene imellom. Elevene liker en undervisning som ikke bare handler om estetiske virkemidler, materialer og teknikker, men også om kommunikasjon og ytringsfrihet. Resultatene viser at det frie skapende arbeid består av tre likeverdige aspekter: det individuelle, det kulturelle og det sosiale. Både funnene og avhandlingens virksomhetsteoretiske perspektiv kan bidra til diskursen om kreativitetsbegrepet og identitetskonstruksjon i vårt moderne samfunn. Virksomhetssystemet blir i denne avhandlingen utviklet til en teori for skapende arbeid i faget kunst og håndverk, et overgripende fagdidaktisk rammeverk for bild/bildkonst og slöjdfaget satt inn i et nordisk utdanningsperspektiv.


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In my dissertation called Speaking of the unsayable: The circular philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa in his work De coniecturis, I presuppose an internal (conceptual) relation between the personal experience of God of Nicholas of Cusa (1401-64) in 1438 and, on the other hand, his philosophy. I hence try to describe the precise character of this relation. Referring to the Norwegian scholars Egil Wyller and Viggo Rossvær, I assume that there is a circularity in Cusanus’ philosophy which appears as self-references (= a sentence refers to itself: A is explained by B and B is explained by A). Wyller finds three phases in the thought of Cusanus (1. De docta ignorantia I-III, 2. De coniecturis I-II, 3. all subsequent works). Rossvær finds it impossible to presuppose certain phases, as the philosophy of Cusanus continuously proceeds and remains open to new ideas. As Cusanus however treats his experience of God far more consciously in his second work De coniecturis than in De docta ignorantia, I find it possible to distinguish between the earlier Cusanus (De docta ignorantia including his earlier works) and the later Cusanus (De coniecturis, about 1444, as well as the following works). Cusanus creates a philosophy of language in outline expressed in De coniecturis, in which he presents two concepts of necessity, i.e. absolute necessity and logical, or reasonable, necessity. These are interrelated in the sense that the mind, or the self, logically affirms the absolute, or unsayable, necessity, which shows itself in the mind and which the mind affirms conjecturally. The endeavour conceptually to understand absolute necessity implies intuitive (or intellectual) contemplation, or vision (investigatio symbolica), in which the four mental unities (the absolute, the intellectual, the rational and the sensuous) work together according to the rules described in De coniecturis. In De coniecturis Cusanus obviously turns from a negative concept of the unsayable to a paradigmatic, which implies that he looks for principles of speaking of the unsayable and presents the idea of a divine language (divinaliter). However, he leaves this idea behind after De coniecturis, although he continues to create new concepts of the unsayable and incomprehensible. The intellectual language of absolute seeing is expressed in the subjunctive, i.e. conditionally. In order to describe the unsayable, Cusanus uses tautologies, the primary one of which is a concept of God, i.e. non aliud est non aliud quam non aliud (the non-other is non-other than the nonother). Wyller considers this the crucial point of the philosophy of Cusanus (De non aliud), described by the latter as the definition of definitions, i.e. the absolute definition. However, this definition is empty regarding its content. It demonstrates that God surpasses the coincidence of opposites (coincidentia oppositorum) and that he is “superunsayable” (superineffabilis), i.e. he is beyond what can be conceived or said. Nothing hence prevents us from speaking of him, provided that he is described as unsayable (= the paradigmatic concept of the unsayable). Here the mode of seeing is decisive. Cusanus in this context (and especially in his later literary production) uses modalities which concern possibility and necessity. His aim is to conduct any willing reader ahead on the way of life (philosophia mentalis). In De coniecturis II he describes the notion of human self-consciousness as the basis of spiritual mutuality in accordance with the humanistic tradition of his time. I mainly oppose the negatively determined concept of Christian mysticism presented by the German philosopher Kurt Flasch and prefer the presentation of Burkhard Mojsisch of the translogical and conjectural use of language in De coniecturis. In particular, I take account of the Scandinavian research, basically that of Johannes Sløk, Birgit H. Helander, Egil Wyller and Viggo Rossvær, who all consider the personal experience of God described by Cusanus a tacit precondition of his philosophy.


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The purpose of the thesis is to study how mathematics is experienced and used in preschool children’s activities and how preschool teachers frame their teaching of mathematical content. The studies include analyses of children’s actions in different activities from a mathematical perspective and preschool teachers’ intentions with and their teaching of mathematics. Preschool teachers’ understanding of the knowledge required in this area is also scrutinised. The theoretical points of departure are variation theory and sociocultural theory. With variation theory the focus is directed towards how mathematical content is dealt with in teaching situations where preschool teachers have chosen the learning objects. The sociocultural perspective has been chosen because children’s mathematical learning in play often takes place in interactions with others and in the encounter with culturally mediated concepts. The theoretical framework also includes didactical points of departure. The study is qualitative, with videography and phenomenography as metholological research approaches. In the study, video observations and interviews with preschool teachers have been used as data collection methods. The results show that in children’s play mathematics consists of volume, geometrical shapes, gravity, quantity and positioning. The situations also include size, patterns, proportions, counting and the creation of pairs. The preschool teachers’ intentions, planning and staging of their goal-oriented work are that all children should be given the opportunity to discern a mathematical content. This also includes making learning objects visible in here-and-now-situations. Variation and a clear focus on the mathematical content are important in this context. One of the study’s knowledge contributions concerns the didactics of mathematics in the preschool. This relates to the teaching of mathematics and includes the knowledge that preschool teachers regard as essential for their teaching. This includes theoretical and practical knowledge about children and children’s learning and didactical issues and strategies. The conclusion is that preschool teachers need to have a basic knowledge of mathematics and the didactics of mathematics.


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A graduale and a sequentiarium were copied in the reformation period for use in the Diocese of Turku, possibly in Raisio. The graduale in Finnish appears to depend on Jacobus Finno's hymnbook of 1586, whereas the sequentiarium is probably somewhat older, possibly even coeval with Mathias Westh's liturgical codex (1540's). The present fragments probably come from at least two (possibly three) originally distinct books or booklets.


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Mitt övergripande forskningsintresse är grammatikdidaktik, medan det explicita syftet med denna licentiatavhandling är att erhålla ny kunskap om grammatikdidaktik så som den synliggörs i nutida läromedel för grundskolans första årskurser. Den empiriska undersökningen är gjord i tre nutida läromedelspaket avsedda för undervisning i skolämnet modersmål och litteratur i årskurs ett och två, läromedlen som undersöks är de finlandssvenska serierna Läseboken och Litteraturboken samt den sverigesvenska serien Kom och läs! Bland resultaten kan nämnas att det finns ett brett spektrum av nivåer av extern grammatik i alla de undersökta läromedelspaketen. Den fonologiska och syntaktiska medvetenheten, vilka bägge är viktiga för läs- och skrivutvecklingen i de diskuterade årskurserna, satsas på i alla tre läromedelspaket. Det jag dock också märkt i läromedlen som kan påverka läs- och skrivutvecklingen är att andelen belägg för grafonomi är större i årskurs två än i årskurs ett. Härigenom får eleverna på detta sätt småningom växa in i en skriftkultur. Det finns betydligt fler muntliga uppgifter i lärarhandledningarna till serierna Litteraturboken och Kom och läs! än i Läseboken. Det exakta ”hur” står inte alltid utskrivet i lärarhandledningarna, men de flesta gånger verkar tanken vara att det rör sig om diskussioner eller andra muntliga genrer. I många fall känns de muntliga uppgifterna mer funktionella än skriftliga uppgifter som inte verkar vara helt genomtänkta. Att mitt material innehåller fler funktionella uppgifter i lärarhandledningar och fler formalistiska eller delvis funktionella uppgifter i arbetsböcker överensstämmer med att lärarhandledningar kan vara en bättre väg för att öka elevernas kunskapssökande och minska förmedlingspedagogiken.