5 resultados para Hemochromatosis (HC)

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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The amount of water available is usually restricted, which leads to a situation where a complete understanding of the process, including water circulations and the influence of water components, is essential. The main aim of this thesis was to clarify the possibilities for the efficient use of residual peroxide by means of water circulation rearrangements. Rearranging water circulations and the reduction of water usage may cause new problems, such as metal induced peroxide decomposition that needs to be addressed. This thesis introduces theoretical methods of water circulations to combine two variables; effective utilization of residual peroxide and avoiding manganese in the alkaline peroxide bleaching stage. Results are mainly based on laboratory and mill site experiments concerning the utilization of residual peroxide. A simulation model (BALAS) was used to evaluate the manganese contents and residual peroxide doses. It was shown that with optimum recirculation of residual peroxide the brightness can be improved or chemical costs can be decreased. From the scientific perspective, it was also very important to discover that recycled peroxide was more effective pre-bleaching agent compared to fresh peroxide. This can be due to the organic acids i.e. per acetic acid in wash press filtrate that have been formed in alkaline bleaching stage. Even short retention time was adequate and the activation of residual peroxide using sodium hydroxide was not necessary. There are several possibilities for using residual peroxide in practice regarding bleaching. A typical modern mechanical pulping process line consist of defibering, screening, a disc filter, a bleach press, high consistency (HC) peroxide bleaching and a wash press. Furthermore there usually is not a particular medium consistency (MC) pre-bleaching stage that includes additional thickening equipment. The most advisable way to utilize residual peroxide in this kind of process is to recycle the wash press filtrate to the dilution of disc filter pulp (low MC pre-bleaching stage). An arrangement such as this would be beneficial in terms of the reduced convection of manganese to the alkaline bleaching stage. Manganese originates from wood material and will be removed to the water phase already in the early stages of the process. Recycling residual peroxide prior to the disc filter is not recommended because of low consistencies. Regarding water circulations, the novel point of view is that, it would be beneficial to divide water circulations into two sections and the critical location for the division is the disc filter. Both of these two sections have their own priority. Section one before the disc filter: manganese removal. Section two after the disc filter: brightening of pulp. This division can be carried out if the disc filter pulp is diluted only by wash press filtrate before the MC storage tower. The situation is even better if there is an additional press after the disc filter, which will improve the consistency of the pulp. This has a significant effect on the peroxide concentration in the MC pre-bleaching stage. In terms of manganese content, it is essential to avoid the use of disc filter filtrate in the bleach press and wash press showers. An additional cut-off press would also be beneficial for manganese removal. As a combination of higher initial brightness and lower manganese content, the typical brightness increase varies between approximately 0.5 and 1% ISO units after the alkaline peroxide bleaching stage. This improvement does not seem to be remarkable, but as it is generally known, the final brightness unit is the most expensive and difficult to achieve. The estimation of cost savings is not unambiguous. For example in GW/TMP mill case 0.6% ISO units higher final brightness gave 10% savings in the costs of bleaching chemicals. With an hypothetical 200 000 ton annual production, this means that the mill could save in the costs of bleaching chemicals more than 400 000 euros per year. In general, it can be said that there were no differences between the behavior of different types of processes (GW, PGW, TMP and BCTMP). The enhancement of recycling gave a similar response in all cases. However, we have to remember that the utilization of residual peroxide in older mills depends a great deal on the process equipment, the amount of water available and existing pipeline connections. In summary, it can be said that processes are individual and the same solutions cannot be applied to all cases.


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Plant-virus interactions are very complex in nature and lead to disease and symptom formation by causing various physiological, metabolic and developmental changes in the host plants. These interactions are mainly the outcomes of viral hijacking of host components to complete their infection cycles and of host defensive responses to restrict the viral infections. Viral genomes contain only a small number of genes often encoding for multifunctional proteins, and all are essential in establishing a viral infection. Thus, it is important to understand the specific roles of individual viral genes and their contribution to the viral life cycles. Among the most important viral proteins are the suppressors of RNA silencing (VSRs). These proteins function to suppress host defenses mediated by RNA silencing and can also serve in other functions, e.g. in viral movement, transactivation of host genes, virus replication and protein processing. Thus these proteins are likely to have a significant impact on host physiology and metabolism. In the present study, I have examined the plant-virus interactions and the effects of three different VSRs on host physiology and gene expression levels by microarray analysis of transgenic plants that express these VSR genes. I also studied the gene expression changes related to the expression of the whole genome of Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) in transgenic tobacco plants. Expression of the VSR genes in the transgenic tobacco plants causes significant changes in the gene expression profiles. HC-Pro gene derived from the Potyvirus Y (PVY) causes alteration of 748 and 332 transcripts, AC2 gene derived from the African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) causes alteration of 1118 and 251transcripts, and P25 gene derived from the Potyvirus X (PVX) causes alterations of 1355 and 64 transcripts in leaves and flowers, respectively. All three VSRs cause similar up-regulation in defense, hormonally regulated and different stress-related genes and down-regulation in the photosynthesis and starch metabolism related genes. They also induce alterations that are specific to each viral VSR. The phenotype and transcriptome alterations of the HC-Pro expressing transgenic plants are similar to those observed in some Potyvirus-infected plants. The plants show increased protein degradation, which may be due to the HC-Pro cysteine endopeptidase and thioredoxin activities. The AC2-expressing transgenic plants show a similar phenotype and gene expression pattern as HC-Pro-expressing plants, but also alter pathways related to jasmonic acid, ethylene and retrograde signaling. In the P25 expressing transgenic plants, high numbers of genes (total of 1355) were up-regulated in the leaves, compared to a very low number of down-regulated genes (total of 5). Despite of strong induction of the transcripts, only mild growth reduction and no other distinct phenotype was observed in these plants. As an example of whole virus interactions with its host, I also studied gene expression changes caused by Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) in tobacco host in three different conditions, i.e. in transgenic plants that are first resistant to the virus, and then become susceptible to it and in wild type plants naturally infected with this virus. The microarray analysis revealed up and down-regulation of 1362 and 1422 transcripts in the TMV resistant young transgenic plants, and up and down-regulation of a total of 1150 and 1200 transcripts, respectively, in the older plants, after the resistance break. Natural TMV infections in wild type plants caused up-regulation of 550 transcripts and down-regulation of 480 transcripts. 124 up-regulated and 29 down-regulated transcripts were commonly altered between young and old TMV transgenic plants, and only 6 up-regulated and none of the down-regulated transcripts were commonly altered in all three plants. During the resistant stage, the strong down-regulation in translation-related transcripts (total of 750 genes) was observed. Additionally, transcripts related to the hormones, protein degradation and defense pathways, cell division and stress were distinctly altered. All these alterations may contribute to the TMV resistance in the young transgenic plants, and the resistance may also be related to RNA silencing, despite of the low viral abundance and lack of viral siRNAs or TMV methylation activity in the plants.


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Reactive arthritis (ReA) is an inflammatory joint disease triggered by certain bacterial infections e.g. gastroenteritis caused by Salmonella. ReA is strongly associated to HLA-B27. However, the mechanism behind this association is unknown but it is suggested that the bacteria or bacterial compartments persist in the body. In this study, it was investigated whether the intracellular signaling is altered in HLA-B27- transfected U937 monocytic macrophages. Moreover, the contribution of HLA–B27 heavy chain (HC) misfolding was of interest. The study revealed that p38 activity plays a crucial role in controlling intracellular Salmonella Enteritidis in U937 cells. The replication of intracellular bacteria was dependent on p38 kinase and the activity of p38 was dysregulated in HLA-B27- transfected cells expressing misfolding heavy chains (HCs). Also the double-stranded RNA -dependent kinase (PKR) that modifies p38 signaling was overexpressed and hypophosphorylated upon infection and lipopolysaccharide stimulation. The expression of CCAAT enhancer binding protein beta (C/EBPβ) was found to be increased after infection and stimulation. Increased amount of full length human antigen R (HuR), disturbed HuR cleavage and reduced dependence on PKR after infection were observed. All the findings were linked to HLA-B27 HCs containing misfoldingassociated glutamic acid 45 (Glu45) at the peptide binding groove. The results indicate that the expression of HLA-B27 modulates the intracellular environment of U937 monocytic macrophages by altering signaling. This phenomenon is at least partially associated to the HLA-B27 misfolding. These observations offer a novel explanation how HLA-B27 may modulate inflammatory response induced by ReA-triggering bacteria.


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Urheiluliiketoiminta on kasvanut ja kehittynyt merkittävästi 2000-luvulla, mutta samalla myös kil-pailu yleisömääristä ja katsojaluvuista on koventunut. Tämä on johtanut siihen, että vahvasta brän-dipääomasta on tullut yhä merkittävämpi asia urheilujoukkueille. Urheilujoukkueen kuluttajalähtöinen brändipääoma muodostuu bränditietoisuudesta ja brändi-imagosta, joka jakaantuu seuraaviin brändiassosiaatioihin: tuotteeseen liittyvät ja liittymättömät brändiominaisuudet, brändihyödyt ja brändiasenteet. Urheilujoukkueiden brändit ovat nousseet oikeutetusti kasvavaksi puheenaiheeksi urheiluliiketoi-minnassa, mutta sitä, mistä brändi todella rakentuu ja miten se vaikuttaa kannattajauskollisuuteen, on varsinkin Suomessa tutkittu yllättävän vähän. Tutkielman tarkoitus onkin tutkia kuluttajalähtöi-sen brändipääoman vaikutusta urheilujoukkueen kannattajauskollisuuteen ja näin tuoda uutta mer-kittävää tietoa suomalaiseen urheilumarkkinoinnin kenttään. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus jakaantuu kol-meen osaongelmaan: 1) Mitkä eri brändiassosiaatioryhmät voidaan tunnistaa kuuluvaksi suomalai-sen urheilujoukkueen brändipääomaan?, 2) Ovatko brändiassosiaatioryhmät yhteydessä toisiinsa? ja 3) Kuinka paljon brändiassosiaatiot selittävät urheilujoukkueen kannatususkollisuutta? Tutkimuskysymyksiin vastaamista varten laadittiin kyselylomake, jossa brändipääoman käsitteet ja kannattajauskollisuus operationalisoitiin Likert-asteikollisilla kysymyksillä rakenneyhtälömallia varten. Yhteensä tutkimukseen saatiin 106 vastausta HC TPS:n kausikortin omistavilta henkilöiltä ja Turun kauppakorkeakoulun opiskelijoilta. Viisi latenttia muuttujaa ja 27 indikaattoria käsittävä rakenneyhtälömalli toteutettiin PLS-SEM-menetelmällä. Tutkimus toi esiin useita merkittäviä havaintoja. Ensinnäkin suomalaisen urheilujoukkueen brän-dipääoman muodostavat tutkimuksessa esitetyn teorian mukaisesti tuotteeseen liittyvät ja liittymät-tömät brändiominaisuudet, brändihyödyt ja brändiasenteet. Toiseksi, tuotteeseen liittyvillä ja liitty-mättömillä brändiominaisuuksilla on merkittävä vaikutus brändihyötyihin ja brändihyödyillä puo-lestaan merkittävä vaikutus brändiasenteisiin. Kolmanneksi brändipääomalla on brändiasenteiden ja brändihyötyjen kautta merkittävä vaikutus urheilujoukkueen kannattajauskollisuuteen.