17 resultados para Heavy Drinking

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Selostus: Kasvien raskasmetallien otto ilmasta ja saastuneesta maasta


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Selostus: Etelä-Savon viljelysmaan arseeni- ja raskasmetallipitoisuudet


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Tässä työssä tutkittiin Stora Enso Oyj:n Heinolan Flutingtehtaan voimalaitos- ja jätevesien seuranta-analyysimenetelmien kehittämistä. Käytössä olevia menetelmiä vertailtiin vaihtoehtoisiin uusiin menetelmiin, jotka perustuvat erotustekniikoihin ja automaatioon. Flutingtehtaalla nykyisin käytössä olevat analyysimenetelmät perustuvat suurelta osin standardimäärityksiin, joissa käytetään pääasiassa titrausta. Määritykset vievät paljon aikaa, koska titraukset toteutetaan manuaalisesti. Titrausten päätepisteet tulkitaan esim. indikaattorin värinmuutoksella ja saostamalla, joten määritysten tarkkuus vaihtelee. Kokeellisessa osassa Flutingtehtaan puhtaista voimalaitosvesistä yhdistetty sekoitenäyte analysoitiin kahdella ionikromatografilla, liekkiatomiabsorptiospektrometrillä ja kapillaarielektroforeesilla. Yksittäisiä näytteitä ei tutkittu. Lisäksi vesilaboratoriossa määritettävistä jätevesistä yhdistettiin sekoitenäyte, joka analysoitiin kapillaarielektroforeesilla. Samat sekoitenäytteet analysoitiin myös nykyisillä menetelmillä tehtaan vesilaboratoriossa. Tulokset osoittivat, että kokeellisessa osassa tutkitut menetelmät soveltuvat sekoitenäytteen perusteella hyvin vesilaboratoriossa käytössä oleviin kuukausianalyyseihin. Automaattisella näytteensyötöllä varustettuna kaikki kolme kokeellisessa osassa tutkittua menetelmää ovat yksikertaisia käyttää ja ne nopeuttavat analyysejä. Päivittäisiä titrausanalyysejä voidaan tehostaa ja nopeuttaa automaation avulla. Erotustekniikoilla esimerkiksi typpi voidaan määrittää kokonaistyppenä, mutta myös komponentteinaan eli ammoniakkina, nitraattina ja nitriittinä. Lisäksi samalla erotuksella voidaan määrittää useita alkali- ja maa-alkalimetalleja sekä raskas-metalleja toistomittauksilla. Menetelmän käyttöalue on laajempi erotustekniikoilla kuin perinteisillä liuoskemian mittauksilla. Erotustekniikoilla tunnistetaan helposti määritysten oikeellisuus detektointimahdollisuuksien monipuolisuuden vuoksi.


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The number of autonomous wireless sensor and control nodes has been increasing rapidly during the last decade. Until recently, these wireless nodes have been powered with batteries, which have lead to a short life cycle and high maintenance need. Due to these battery-related problems, new energy sources have been studied to power wireless nodes. One solution is energy harvesting, i.e. extracting energy from the ambient environment. Energy harvesting can provide a long-lasting power source for sensor nodes, with no need for maintenance. In this thesis, various energy harvesting technologies are studied whilst focusing on the theory of each technology and the state-of-the-art solutions of published studies and commercial solutions. In addition to energy harvesting, energy storage and energy management solutions are also studied as a subsystem of a whole energy source solution. Wireless nodes are also used in heavy-duty vehicles. Therefore a reliable, long-lasting and maintenance-free power source is also needed in this kind of environment. A forestry harvester has been used as a case study to study the feasibility of energy harvesting in a forestry harvester’s sliding boom. The energy harvester should be able to produce few milliwatts to power the target system, an independent limit switch.


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Adsorbents functionalized with chelating agents are effective in removal of heavy metals from aqueous solutions. Important properties of such adsorbents are high binding affinity as well as regenerability. In this study, aminopolycarboxylic acid, EDTA and DTPA, were immobilized on the surface of silica gel, chitosan, and their hybrid materials to achieve chelating adsorbents for heavy metals such as Co(II), Ni(II), Cd(II), and Pb(II). New knowledge about the adsorption properties of EDTA- and DTPA-functionalizedadsorbents was obtained. Experimental work showed the effectiveness, regenerability, and stability of the studied adsorbents. Both advantages and disadvantages of the adsorbents were evaluated. For example, the EDTA-functionalized chitosan-silica hybrid materials combined the benefits of the silica gel and chitosan while at the same time diminishing their observed drawbacks. Modeling of adsorption kinetics and isotherms is an important step in design process. Therefore, several kinetic and isotherm models were introduced and applied in this work. Important aspects such as effect of error function, data range, initial guess values, and linearization were discussed and investigated. The selection of the most suitable model was conducted by comparing the experimental and simulated data as well as evaluating the correspondence between the theory behind the model and properties of the adsorbent. In addition, modeling of two-component data was conducted using various extended isotherms. Modeling results for both one- and twocomponent systems supported each other. Finally, application testing of EDTA- and DTPA-functionalized adsorbents was conducted. The most important result was the applicability of DTPA-functionalized silica gel and chitosan in the capturing of Co(II) from its aqueous EDTA-chelate. Moreover, these adsorbents were efficient in various solution matrices. In addition, separation of Ni(II) from Co(II) and Ni(II) and Pb(II) from Co(II) and Cd(II) was observed in two- and multimetal systems. Lastly, prior to their analysis, EDTA- and DTPA-functionalized silica gels were successfully used to preconcentrate metal ions from both pure and salty waters


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The role of genetic factors in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is not completely understood. In order to improve this understanding, the cerebral glucose metabolism of seven monozygotic and nine dizygotic twin pairs discordant for AD was compared to that of 13 unrelated controls using positron emission tomography (PET). Traditional region of interest analysis revealed no differences between the non-demented dizygotic co-twins and controls. In contrast, in voxel-level and automated region of interest analyses, the non-demented monozygotic co-twins displayed a lower metabolic rate in temporal and parietal cortices as well as in subcortical grey matter structures when compared to controls. Again, no reductions were seen in the non-demented dizygotic co-twins. The reductions seen in the non-demented monozygotic co-twins may indicate a higher genetically mediated risk of AD or genetically mediated hypometabolism possibly rendering them more vulnerable to AD pathogenesis. With no disease modifying treatment available for AD, prevention of dementia is of the utmost importance. A total of 2 165 at least 65 years old twins of the Finnish Twin Cohort with questionnaire data from 1981 participated in a validated telephone interview assessing cognitive function between 1999 and 2007. Those subjects reporting heavy alcohol drinking in 1981 had an elevated cognitive impairment risk over 20 years later compared to light drinkers. In addition, binge drinking was associated with an increased risk even when total alcohol consumption was controlled for, suggesting that binge drinking is an independent risk factor for cognitive impairment. When compared to light drinkers, also non-drinkers had an increased risk of cognitive impairment. Midlife hypertension, obesity and low leisure time physical activity but not hypercholesterolemia were significant risk factors for cognitive impairment. The accumulation of risk factors increased cognitive impairment risk in an additive manner. A previously postulated dementia risk score based on midlife demographic and cardiovascular factors was validated. The risk score was found to well predict cognitive impairment risk, and cognitive impairment risk increased significantly as the score became higher. However, the risk score is not accurate enough for use in the clinic without further testing.


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kuv., 12 x 14 cm


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kuv., 10 x 23 cm


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In this report, information is published concerning Russian water and wastewater treatment plants. The information is based on a questionnaire sent to 70 water and wastewater treatment plants in 2012-2013. The questionnaire was prepared by the International Advanced Water Technologies Centre (IAWTC) and Lahti Development Company (LADEC). The questions dealt with an assessment of the present state, the need for changes, renovation, investments, and how to improve the efficiency of the operation by training and investments. A significant need to renew the old pipelines, constructions, and processes was clearly evident. The aggregated answers can be utilized in Russia as internal benchmarking in order to arrange training and plant visits, which were requested in many of the answers. Sharing this open report with the respondents can aid networking and awareness of HELCOM requirements which relate to waste water treatment plants discharging their waste water directly or indirectly into the Baltic Sea. The aim of this report is to provide information for Finnish small and medium size companies (SMEs) as regards possible water related exportation to different parts of Russia.