8 resultados para Haematological malignancy
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Surgery is the cornerstone of ovarian cancer treatment and maximal cytoreduction is important. In the early 1980’s primary surgical treatment of ovarian cancer was performed in over 80 hospitals in Finland. The significance of the operative volume of the hospital, of the training of the surgeons and of centralization of surgical treatment has been widely discussed. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the outcome of surgical treatment of ovarian cancer in different hospital categories retrospectively and prospectively, and to analyze if any differences are reflected in survival. The retrospective study included 3851 ovarian cancer patients operated between 1983 and 1994 in Finland. The data was analyzed according to hospital category (university, central, and other) and by quartiles of the hospital operative volume. The results showed that patients operated in the highest operative volume hospitals had the best relative survival. When stratifying the analysis by the period of diagnosis (1983-1988 and 1989-1994), the university hospitals improved their performance the most. The prospective part of the thesis was initiated in 1999 and included 307 patients with invasive ovarian cancer and 65 patients with an ovarian borderline tumor. The baseline and 5-year surveys used a questionnaire that was filled in by the operating surgeons. For analysis of the 5-year followup data, the hospitals were divided into three categories (<10, 10-20, or >20 patients operated in 1999). The effect of the surgical volume was analyzed also as a continuous variable (1-47 operations per year). In university hospitals, pelvic lymphadenectomy was performed in 88 %, and para-aortic lymphadenectomy in 73 %, of the patients with stage I disease. The corresponding figures ranged from 11 % to 21 % in the other hospitals. For stage III ovarian cancer patients operated by gynecological oncologists, the estimated odds ratio for no macroscopic residual tumor was 3.0 times higher (95 % CI 1.2-7.5) than for those operated by general gynecologists. In the university and other hospitals 82% of the patients received platinum-based chemotherapy. Platinum + taxane combination was given to 63 % of the patients in the university and in 49 % in the other hospitals (p = 0.0763). Only a minority of the patients with tumors of borderline malignancy were staged according to recommendations, most often multiple peritoneal biopsies and omentectomy were neglected. FIGO stage, patient age, and residual tumor were independent prognostic factors of cancer-specific 5-year survival. A higher hospital operative volume was also a significant prognostic factor for better cancer-specific survival (p = 0.036) and disease-free survival (p = 0.048). In conclusion, ovarian cancer patients operated in high-volume university hospitals were more often optimally debulked and had a significantly better cancer-specific survival than patients operated in other hospitals. These results favor centralization of primary surgical treatment of ovarian cancer.
Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic inflammatory mucosal disease and is detected in between 0.5% - 2.2% of the population. WHO has defined OLP as a potentially precancerous disorder, representing a generalized state associated with a significantly increased risk of cancer. However, only 0.5 – 2.9% of OLP lesions will progress to cancer. Currently, there are no prognostic markers to identify the lesions at increased risk for malignant transformation. The main aim of these studies was to identify cellular and molecular markers in order to understand the pathogenesis of atrophic OLP and its progression towards malignancy. Selected markers for cell proliferation, adhesion, apoptosis, and lymphocytic infiltration were assessed by immunohistochemistry in addition to static cytometry analyses for DNA content. DNA quantification of epithelial cells in 82 biopsy samples derived from atrophic lichen planus showed altered DNA content in 41% of the samples. DNA content was associated with proliferation activity, topoisomerase IIalpha, desmocollin-1 and infection with human papillomavirus. CD27+ and CD38+ lymphocytes were detected in inflammatory cell infiltrate, indicating an abnormal homing of B cells from blood circulation to tissue. Physiologic cell death, apoptosis, is frequently seen in OLP, but its pathways are unknown. Here it was shown that caspases 2 and 12 were up-regulated in OLP, indicating that intracellular apoptosis, rather than an external causal factor, is triggering apoptosis. However, this thesis could not identify any singular prognostic marker of malignancy in OLP. Thus, every OLP patient should receive regular follow-up care to identify cancer risk patients at an early stage.
Salivary gland cancer (SGC) is a rare cancer. The histological classification of SGC is complex and its biological behavior highly variable: it may vary from a low-grade tumor to a high-grade and often fatal malignancy. These circumstances make this cancer a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Older age and exposure to ionizing radiation are known risk factors. The mainstay of treatment is surgery combined with adjuvant radiation therapy, when appropriate. In addition to the histological type, the only well known prognostic factor is the TNM classification, which describes the tumor size and the amount of metastases. This study was performed using a full population-based nationwide cohort of SGC patients and tumors diagnosed in Finland in 1991-1996. The annual incidence of SGC in the entire population was, on average, 47.7 per year. By histological re-evaluation of 237 specimens the most frequent histological types were the adenoid cystic carcinoma (n=65; 27%), the mucoepidermoid carcinoma (n=45; 19%) and the acinic cell carcinoma (n=41; 17%). The highest 10-year disease-specific survival rate occurred among patients with acinic cell carcinoma (90%), followed by mucoepidermoid carcinoma (81%) and adenoid cystic carcinoma (60%). A high volume-corrected index (VCI) of Ki-67 correlated with worse survival of patients with SGC. Computer-assisted morphometric analyses of CD34-positive vessels indicated an unfavorable prognosis for patients with mucoepidermoid carcinoma and an association with poor survival among patients with acinic cell carcinoma. A high level of expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) showed a trend for a poorer prognosis in salivary duct carcinoma, and a high level of MMP-13 and a low level of MMP-1 had a trend for a poorer prognosis of patients with SGC. A low level of MMP-7 was associated with a poor prognosis of patients with acinic cell and mucoepidermoid carcinoma.
Background. Multiple myeloma (MM) is the second most common hematologic malignancy after lymphomas In Finland: the annual incidence of MM is approximately 200. For three decades the median survival remained at 3 to 4 years from diagnosis until high-dose melphalan treatment supported by autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) became the standard of care for newly diagnosed MM since the mid 1990’s and the median survival increased to 5 – 6 years. This study focuses on three important aspects of ASCT, namely 1) stem cell mobilization, 2) single vs. double ASCT as initial treatment, and 3) the role of minimal residual disease (MRD) for longterm outcome. Aim. The aim of this series of studies was to evaluate the outcomes of MM patients and the ASCT procedure at the Turku University Central Hospital, Finland. First, we tried to identify which factors predict unsuccessful mobilization of autologous stem cells. Second, we compared the use of short-acting granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (GCSF) with long-acting G-CSF as mobilization agents. Third, one and two successive ASCTs were compared in 100 patients with MM. Fourth, for patients in complete response (CR) after stem cell transplantation (SCT), patient-specific probes for quantitative allele-specific oligonucleotide polymerase-chain reaction (qASO-PCR) measurements were designed to evaluate MRD and its importance for long-term outcome. Results. The quantity of previous chemotherapy and previous interferon use were significant pre-mobilization factors that predicted mobilization failure, together with some factors related to mobilization therapy itself, such as duration and degree of cytopenias and occurrence of sepsis. Short-acting and long-acting G-CSF combined with chemotherapy were comparable as stem cells mobilizers. The progression free (PFS) and overall survival (OS) tended to be longer after double ASCT than after single ASCT with a median follow-up time of 4 years, but this difference disappeared as the follow-up time increased. qASO-PCR was a good and sensitive divider of the CR patients into two prognostic groups: MRD low/negative (≤ 0.01%) and MRD high (>0.01%) groups with a significant difference in PFS and suggestively also in OS. Conclusions. When the factors prediciting a poor outcome of stem cell mobilization prevail, it is possible to identify those patients who need specific efforts to maximize the mobilization efficacy. Long-acting pegfilgrastim is a practical and effective alternative to short-acting filgrastim for mobilization therapy. There is no need to perform double ASCT on all eligible patients. MRD assessment with qASO-PCR is a sensitive method for evaluation of the depth of the CR response and can be used to predict long-term outcome after ACST.
Hypoksiaan liittyvät biologiset merkkiaineet leikkausta edeltävällä sädehoidolla tai kemosädehoidolla hoidetussa peräsuolisyövässä Peräsuolensyöpä on yleinen pahanlaatuinen kasvain. Leikkausta edeltävä sädehoito annetaan yleensä T3-T4-kasvaimille. Tutkimuksella pyrittiin selvittämään, voidaanko kasvaimen hapenpuutteeseen liittyvillä biologisilla merkkiaineilla arvioida peräsuolisyövän ennustetta leikkausta edeltävän sädehoidon tai kemosädehoidon jälkeen. Tällaisia merkkiaineita ovat hapenpuutteen vaikutuksesta aktivoituva HIF-1alfa hiilihappoanhydraasi IX (CA IX), sokerin kuljetukseen solussa osallistuva GLUT-1 sekä solun tukirankaproteiini ezrin. Tutkimukseen otettiin 178 potilasta, jotka olivat saaneet ennen leikkausta lyhyen (n=77) tai pitkän sädehoidon (n=10), pitkän sädehoidon ja solunsalpaajahoidon (n=37) tai ei mitään hoitoa (n=54). Lisäksi osalta leikkausta edeltävää sädehoitoa saaneelta potilaalta tutkittiin hoitoja edeltävät, diagnostiset näytteet (n=80). Tutkimuksessa käytettiin immunehistokemiallisia värjäysmenetelmiä. Kasvaimen regressiota (TRG) arvioitiin pitkän sädehoidon jälkeisistä näytteistä. Leikkausnäytteissä negatiivinen/heikko CA IX intensiteetti liittyi sekä pidempään tautispesifiseen (p=0.034) että tautivapaaseen elinaikaan (p=0.003) ja pitkän sädehoidon jälkeen HIF-1alfa-negatiivisuus pidempään tautispesifiseen (p=0.001) sekä negatiivinen/heikko GLUT-1 pidempään tautivapaaseen elinaikaan (p=0.066). Voimakas ezrin-ilmentymä diagnostisissa näytteissä liittyi lyhyempään tautivapaaseen ja tautispesifiseen (p=0.027 ja p=0.002) ennusteeseen. Monimuuttuja-analyysissä vahva CA IX intensiteetti leikkausnäytteissä ennusti itsenäisesti huonompaa tautivapaata ja tautispesifistä selviytymistä. Erinomainen TRG liittyi negatiiviseen/heikkoon CA IX- (p=0.057), ezrin- (p=0.012) ja GLUT-1 -ilmentymään (p=0.013) leikkausnäytteissä. Kun kaikki neljä merkkiainetta analysoitiin yhdessä monimuuttuja-analyysissä, CA IX intensiteetti leikkausnäytteissä ennusti itsenäisesti tautispesifistä elinaikaa. Voimakas CA IX-ilmentymä leikkausnäytteissä ja positiivinen HIF-1alfa- ja vahva GLUT-1-ilmentymä pitkän sädehoidon jälkeisissä leikkausnäytteissä sekä vahva ezrin-ilmentymä diagnostisissa näytteissä liittyivät epäsuotuisaan ennusteeseen. Monimuuttujaanalyysissä kohtalainen/voimakas CA IX intensiteetti leikkausnäytteissä ennusti itsenäisesti huonompaa tautivapaata ja tautispesifistä elinaikaa. CA IX on vahva biologinen merkkiaine peräsuolisyövässä.
The integrin family of transmembrane receptors are important for cell-matrix adhesion and signal transmission to the interior of the cell. Integrins are essential for many physiological processes and defective integrin function can consequently result in a multitude of diseases, including cancer. Integrin traffic is needed for completion of cytokinesis and cell division failure has been proposed to be an early event in the formation of chromosomally aberrant and transformed cells. Impaired integrin traffic and changes in integrin expression are known to promote invasion of malignant cells. However, the direct roles of impaired integrin traffic in tumorigenesis and increased integrin expression in oncogene driven invasion have not been examined. In this study we have investigated both of these aspects. We found that cells with reduced integrin endocytosis become binucleate and subsequently aneuploid. These aneuploid cells display characteristics of transformed cells; they are anchorage-independent, resistant to apoptosis and invasive in vitro. Importantly, subcutaneous injection of the aneuploid cells into athymic nude mice produced highly malignant tumors. Through gene expression profiling and analysis of integrin-triggered signaling pathways we have identified several molecules involved in the malignancy of these cells, including Src kinase and the transcription factor Twist2. Thus, even though chromosomal aberrations are associated with reduced cell fitness, we show that aneuploidy can facilitate tumor evolution and selection of transformed cells. Invasion and metastasis are the primary reason for deaths caused by cancer and the molecular pathways responsible for invasion are therefore attractive targets in cancer therapy. In addition to integrins, another major family of adhesion receptors are the proteoglycans syndecans. Integrins and syndecans are known to signal in a synergistic manner in controlling cell adhesion on 2D matrixes. Here we explored the role of syndecans as α2β1 integrin co-receptors in 3D collagen. We show that in breast cancer cells harbouring mutant K-Ras, increased levels of integrins, their co-receptors syndecans and matrix cleaving proteases are necessary for the invasive phenotype of these cells. Together, these findings increase our knowledge of the complicated changes that occur during tumorigenesis and the pathways that control the ability of cancer cells to invade and metastasize.
The aim of this study was to investigate the diagnosis delay and its impact on the stage of disease. The study also evaluated a nuclear DNA content, immunohistochemical expression of Ki-67 and bcl-2, and the correlation of these biological features with the clinicopathological features and patient outcome. 200 Libyan women, diagnosed during 2008–2009 were interviewed about the period from the first symptoms to the final histological diagnosis of breast cancer. Also retrospective preclinical and clinical data were collected from medical records on a form (questionnaire) in association with the interview. Tumor material of the patients was collected and nuclear DNA content analysed using DNA image cytometry. The expression of Ki-67 and bcl-2 were assessed using immunohistochemistry (IHC). The studies described in this thesis show that the median of diagnosis time for women with breast cancer was 7.5 months and 56% of patients were diagnosed within a period longer than 6 months. Inappropriate reassurance that the lump was benign was an important reason for prolongation of the diagnosis time. Diagnosis delay was also associated with initial breast symptom(s) that did not include a lump, old age, illiteracy, and history of benign fibrocystic disease. The patients who showed diagnosis delay had bigger tumour size (p<0.0001), positive lymph nodes (p<0.0001), and high incidence of late clinical stages (p<0.0001). Biologically, 82.7% of tumors were aneuploid and 17.3% were diploid. The median SPF of tumors was 11% while the median positivity of Ki-67 was 27.5%. High Ki-67 expression was found in 76% of patients, and high SPF values in 56% of patients. Positive bcl-2 expression was found in 62.4% of tumors. 72.2% of the bcl-2 positive samples were ER-positive. Patients who had tumor with DNA aneuploidy, high proliferative activity and negative bcl-2 expression were associated with a high grade of malignancy and short survival. The SPF value is useful cell proliferation marker in assessing prognosis, and the decision cut point of 11% for SPF in the Libyan material was clearly significant (p<0.0001). Bcl-2 is a powerful prognosticator and an independent predictor of breast cancer outcome in the Libyan material (p<0.0001). Libyan breast cancer was investigated in these studies from two different aspects: health services and biology. The results show that diagnosis delay is a very serious problem in Libya and is associated with complex interactions between many factors leading to advanced stages, and potentially to high mortality. Cytometric DNA variables, proliferative markers (Ki-67 and SPF), and oncoprotein bcl-2 negativity reflect the aggressive behavior of Libyan breast cancer and could be used with traditional factors to predict the outcome of individual patients, and to select appropriate therapy.
Breast cancer is a highly heterogenous malignancy, which despite of the similar histological type shows different clinical behaviour and response to therapy. Prognostic factors are used to estimate the risk for recurrence and the likelihood of treatment effectiveness. Because breast cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer death in women worldwide, identification of new prognostic markers are needed to develop more specific and targeted therapies. Cancer is caused by uncontrolled cell proliferation. The cell cycle is controlled by specific proteins, which are known as cyclins. They function at important checkpoints by activating cyclin-dependent kinase enzymes. Overexpression of different cyclins has been linked to several cancer types and altered expression of cyclins A, B1, D1 and E has been associated with poor survival. Little is known about the combined expression of cyclins in relation to the tumour grade, breast cancer subtype and other known prognostic factors. In this study cyclins A, B1 and E were shown to correlate with histological grade, Ki-67 and HER2 expression. Overexpression of cyclin D1 correlated with receptor status and non-basal breast cancer suggesting that cyclin D1 might be a marker of good prognosis. Proteolysis in the surrounding tumour stroma is increased during cancer development. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are proteolytic enzymes that are capable of degrading extracellular matrix proteins. Increased expression and activation of several MMPs have been found in many cancers and MMPs appear to be important regulators of invasion and metastasis. In this study MMP-1 expression was analysed in breast cancer epithelial cells and in cancer associated stromal cells. MMP-1 expression by breast cancer epithelial cells was found to carry an independent prognostic value as did Ki-67 and bcl-2. The results suggest that in addition to stromal cells MMP-1 expression in tumour cells control breast cancer progression. Decorin is a small proteoglycan and an important component of the extracellular matrix. Decorin has been shown to inhibit growth of tumour cells and reduced decorin expression is associated with a poor prognosis in several cancer types. There has been some suspicion wheather different cancer cells express decorin. In this study decorin expression was shown to localize only in the cells of the original stroma, while breast cancer epithelial cells were negative for decorin expression. However, transduction of decorin in decorin-negative human breast cancer cells markedly modulated the growth pattern of these cells. This study provides evidence that targeted decorin transduction to breast cancer cells could be used as a novel adjuvant therapy in breast malignancies.