10 resultados para Glass Transition Temperature
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Työn tavoitteena oli kartoittaa yleisesti kartongin valmistukseen käytettävien massatyyppien muovattavuuspotentaali. Muovattuvuuteen eniten vaikuttava tekijänä pidettiinmassojen murtovenymää. Työssä tutkittiin kosteuden ja lämpötilan sekä vetonopeuden vaikutusta mekaanisten ja sellumassojen ominaisuuksiin laboratorio-olosuhteissa. Kirjallisuusosassa tarkastellaan paperin lasisiirtymälämpötilaa muovauksen kannalta oleellisena tekijä. Lisäksi käydään läpi tapoja, joilla murtovenymää voidaan kasvattaa. Kartongin keskikerroksen aallotuksessa ja valmistettaessa paperipohjaisia tuotteita syvävedolla, käytetään hyväksi paperin pehmenemistä lämpötilan ja kosteuden alaisena. Niiden olosuhteita tarkastellaan lyhyesti. Lisäksi luodaan katsaus lämpötilan, kosteuden ja nopeuden vaikutuksistapaperin mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin. Työn kokeellisessa osassa massojen mekaanisia ominaisuuksia testattiin erilaisissa kosteuspitoisuuksissasekä lämpötiloissa eri vetonopeuksilla. Kokeiden perusteella pyrittiin löytämään olosuhteet kullekin massalle, joissa niillä on paras murtovenymä. Lisäksi selvitettiin kuidun kihartamisen, sellumassojen jauhatuksen sekä arkin vapaan kuivumisen vaikutusta murtovenymään. Erilaiset massat saavuttavat parhaan murtovenymän erilaisissa kosteus- ja lämpötilaolosuhteissa. Sellumassoilla paras murtovenymä saadaan huoneenlämpötilassa ja paperin kosteuspitoisuuden ollessa välillä 11...12%. CTMP-massojen paras murtovenymä saadaan vedellä kyllästetyllä paperilla kohotetussa lämpötilassa. Lämpötila riippuu CTMP-massan valmistustavasta ja raaka-aineesta. Sellumassoilla on parempi kokonaisvenymä, kuin ligniinipitoisilla massoilla. Vetonopeuden vaikutus murtovenymään riippuu massasta sekä kosteudesta. Alhaisessa kosteudessa suurempi vetonopeus antaa aina pienemmän venymän. Kosteuden noustessa riippuu massasta, miten vetonopeus vaikuttaa murtovenymään. Plastinen osa tietystä venymästä on riippumaton massasta, jauhatusasteesta ja kuivatustavasta. Ainut vaikuttava muuttuja on kosteus. Kosteuden kasvu kasvattaa plastista venymää.
Työssä verrattiin koivu-, akaasia- ja eucalyptussellujen käyttökelpoisuutta hienopapereiden kuituraaka-aineena. Kirjallisuusosassa todettiin radan hallinnan paperikoneiden avoimissa vienneissä riippuvan käytetyn geometrian lisäksi lujuus- ja relaksaatio-ominaisuuksista. Kuituverkoston käyttäytymiseen jännityksen alaisena vaikuttavat kuitudimensiot, kosteus ja lämpötila sekä kuituverkostoon kohdistetun jännityksen nopeus ja määrä. Relaksaationopeus ja vetolujuus kasvavat kuivilla papereilla vetonopeuden lisääntyessä. Kosteuspitoisuuden kasvattaminen alentaa puukuiduissa olevien polymeerien lasisiirtymälämpötilaa, jonka seurauksena vetolujuus ja relaksaatiokireys laskevat voimakkaasti. Kosteuspitoisuuden kasvaessa murtovenymä kasvaa lähes lineaarisesti ja repäisylujuus sekä murtotyö saavuttavat maksiminsa tietyssä kosteuspitoisuudessa. Kokeellisessa osassa keskityttiin hienopaperimassojen lujuus- ja relaksaatiokäyttäytymisen selvittämiseen nopeassa vetokuormituksessa. Lisäksi määritettiin laatu-, massa- ja rakenneominaisuuksia valituille koepisteille. Muuttujina kokeissa olivat massojen kuiva-ainepitoisuudet ja jauhatusolosuhteet sekä havusellun osuus hienopaperimassoissa.CSF-tasoon 350 ml jauhetuista näytteistä parhaat lujuus ja relaksaatio-ominaisuudet olivat koivulla ja heikoimmat akaasialla. Erot koepisteiden välillä korostuivat pienellä havusellun määrällä, mutta kaventuivat huomattavasti havusellun määrää lisättäessä. Samaan vetolujuuteen jauhettaessa massojen erot poistuvat kokonaan. Kuivilla näytteillä löydettiin erinomainen korrelaatio myötölujuuden ja relaksaatiokireyden välille. Puristinkuivien näytteiden relaksaatiokireyksiä voidaan kokeiden valossa ennustaa parhaiten kuivien näytteiden vetolujuuksista. Myös elastisten venymien osuuksille ja kuituseinämien paksuuksille löydettiin selvä yhteys.Eucalyptus- ja akaasiamassojen erinomaisuus hienopapereiden raaka-aineena korostui niiden optisissa ominaisuuksissa, erityisesti korkeana valonsirontana. Verrattaessa samassa vetolujuudessa ja relaksaatiokireydessä valonsirontakertoimien arvoja havaittiin akaasian olevan paras koivun jäädessä heikoimmaksi. Lisäksi akaasian ja eucalyptuksen kapeat kuitujakaumat ovat edullisia painokoneessa värin tasaisen imeytymisen kannalta. Akaasian pienet ja taipuisat kuidut antavat paperille tasaisen pinnan ja siten painatuksessa tasaisen painoalustan.
The strength properties of paper coating layer are very important in converting and printing operations. Too great or low strength of the coating can affect several problems in printing. One of the problems caused by the strength of coating is the cracking at the fold. After printing the paper is folded to final form and the pages are stapled together. In folding the paper coating can crack causing aesthetic damage over printed image or in the worst case the centre sheet can fall off in stapling. When folding the paper other side undergoes tensile stresses and the other side compressive stresses. If the difference between these stresses is too high, the coating can crack on the folding. To better predict and prevent cracking at the fold it is good to know the strength properties of coating layer. It has measured earlier the tensile strength of coating layer but not the compressive strength. In this study it was tried to find some way to measure the compressive strength of the coating layer and investigate how different coatings behave in compression. It was used the short span crush test, which is used to measure the in-plane compressive strength of paperboards, to measure the compressive strength of the coating layer. In this method the free span of the specimen is very small which prevent buckling. It was measured the compressive strength of free coating films as well as coated paper. It was also measured the tensile strength and the Bendtsen air permeance of the coating film. The results showed that the shape of pigment has a great effect to the strength of coating. Platy pigment gave much better strength than round or needle-like pigment. On the other hand calcined kaolin, which is also platy but the particles are aggregated, decreased the strength substantially. The difference in the strength can be explained with packing of the particles which is affecting to the porosity and thus to the strength. The platy kaolin packs up much better than others and creates less porous structure. The results also showed that the binder properties have a great effect to the compressive strength of coating layer. The amount of latex and the glass transition temperature, Tg, affect to the strength. As the amount of latex is increasing, the strength of coating is increasing also. Larger amount of latex is binding the pigment particles better together and decreasing the porosity. Compressive strength was increasing when the Tg was increasing because the hard latex gives a stiffer and less elastic film than soft latex.
Bioactive glasses are excellent candidates for implant materials, because they can form a chemical bond to bone or guide bone growth, depending on the glass composition. Some compositions have even shown soft tissue attachment and antimicrobial effects. So far, most clinical applications are based on monoliths, plates and particulates of different grain sizes. There is a growing interest in special products such as porous implants sintered from microspheres and fibers drawn from preforms or glass melts. The viscosity range at which these are formed coincides with the crystallization temperature range for most bioactive glasses, thus complicating the manufacturing process. In this work, the crystallization tendency and its kinetics for a series of glasses with their compositions within the range of bioactivity were investigated. The factors affecting crystallization and how it is related to composition were studied by means of thermal analysis and hot stage microscopy. The crystal compositions formed during isothermal and non-isothermal heat treatments were analyzed with SEM-EDXA and X-ray diffraction analysis. The temperatures at which sintering and fiber drawing can take place without interfering with crystallization were determined and glass compositions which are suitable for these purposes were established. The bioactivity of glass fibers and partly crystallized glass plates was studied by soaking them in simulated body fluid (SBF). The thickness of silica, calcium and phosphate rich reaction layers on the glass surface after soaking was used as an indication of the bioactivity. The results indicated that the crystallization tendencies of the experimental glasses are strongly dependent on composition. The main factor affecting the crystallization was found to be the alkali oxide content: the higher the alkali oxide content the lower the crystallization temperature. The primary crystalline phase formed at low temperatures in these glasses was sodium calcium silicate. The crystals were found to form through internal nucleation, leading to bulk crystallization. These glasses had high bioactivity in vitro. Even when partially crystalline, they formed typical reaction layers, indicating bioactivity. In fact, sodium calcium silicate crystals were shown to transform in vitro into hydroxyapatite during soaking. However, crystallization should be avoided because it was shown to retard dissolution, bioactivity reactions and complicate fiber drawing process. Glass compositions having low alkali oxide content showed formation of wollastonite crystals on the surface, at about 300°C above the glass transition temperature. The wide range between glass transition and crystallization allowed viscous flow sintering of these compositions. These glasses also withstood the thermal treatments required for fiber drawing processing. Precipitation of calcium and phosphate on fibers of these glasses in SBF suggested that they were osteoconductive. Glasses showing bioactivity crystallize easily, making their hot working challenging. Undesired crystallization can be avoided by choosing suitable compositions and heat treatment parameters, allowing desired product forms to be attained. Small changes in the oxide composition of the glass can have large effects and therefore a thorough understanding of glass crystallization behavior is a necessity for a successful outcome, when designing and manufacturing implants containing bioactive glasses.
Dynamic behavior of bothisothermal and non-isothermal single-column chromatographic reactors with an ion-exchange resin as the stationary phase was investigated. The reactor performance was interpreted by using results obtained when studying the effect of the resin properties on the equilibrium and kinetic phenomena occurring simultaneously in the reactor. Mathematical models were derived for each phenomenon and combined to simulate the chromatographic reactor. The phenomena studied includes phase equilibria in multicomponent liquid mixture¿ion-exchange resin systems, chemicalequilibrium in the presence of a resin catalyst, diffusion of liquids in gel-type and macroporous resins, and chemical reaction kinetics. Above all, attention was paid to the swelling behavior of the resins and how it affects the kinetic phenomena. Several poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) resins with different cross-link densities and internal porosities were used. Esterification of acetic acid with ethanol to produce ethyl acetate and water was used as a model reaction system. Choosing an ion-exchange resin with a low cross-link density is beneficial inthe case of the present reaction system: the amount of ethyl acetate as well the ethyl acetate to water mole ratio in the effluent stream increase with decreasing cross-link density. The enhanced performance of the reactor is mainly attributed to increasing reaction rate, which in turn originates from the phase equilibrium behavior of the system. Also mass transfer considerations favor the use ofresins with low cross-link density. The diffusion coefficients of liquids in the gel-type ion-exchange resins were found to fall rapidly when the extent of swelling became low. Glass transition of the polymer was not found to significantlyretard the diffusion in sulfonated PS¿DVB ion-exchange resins. It was also shown that non-isothermal operation of a chromatographic reactor could be used to significantly enhance the reactor performance. In the case of the exothermic modelreaction system and a near-adiabatic column, a positive thermal wave (higher temperature than in the initial state) was found to travel together with the reactive front. This further increased the conversion of the reactants. Diffusion-induced volume changes of the ion-exchange resins were studied in a flow-through cell. It was shown that describing the swelling and shrinking kinetics of the particles calls for a mass transfer model that explicitly includes the limited expansibility of the polymer network. A good description of the process was obtained by combining the generalized Maxwell-Stefan approach and an activity model that was derived from the thermodynamics of polymer solutions and gels. The swelling pressure in the resin phase was evaluated by using a non-Gaussian expression forthe polymer chain length distribution. Dimensional changes of the resin particles necessitate the use of non-standard mathematical tools for dynamic simulations. A transformed coordinate system, where the mass of the polymer was used as a spatial variable, was applied when simulating the chromatographic reactor columns as well as the swelling and shrinking kinetics of the resin particles. Shrinking of the particles in a column leads to formation of dead volume on top of the resin bed. In ordinary Eulerian coordinates, this results in a moving discontinuity that in turn causes numerical difficulties in the solution of the PDE system. The motion of the discontinuity was eliminated by spanning two calculation grids in the column that overlapped at the top of the resin bed. The reactive and non-reactive phase equilibrium data were correlated with a model derived from thethermodynamics of polymer solution and gels. The thermodynamic approach used inthis work is best suited at high degrees of swelling because the polymer matrixmay be in the glassy state when the extent of swelling is low.
In this thesis, the sorption and elastic properties of the cation-exchange resins were studied to explain the liquid chromatographic separation of carbohydrates. Na+, Ca2+ and La3+ form strong poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) (SCE) as well as Na+ and Ca2+ form weak acrylic (WCE) cation-exchange resins at different cross-link densities were treated within this work. The focus was on the effects of water-alcohol mixtures, mostly aqueous ethanol, and that of the carbohydrates. The carbohydrates examined were rhamnose, xylose, glucose, fructose, arabinose, sucrose, xylitol and sorbitol. In addition to linear chromatographic conditions, non-linear conditions more typical for industrial applications were studied. Both experimental and modeling aspectswere covered. The aqueous alcohol sorption on the cation-exchangers were experimentally determined and theoretically calculated. The sorption model includes elastic parameters, which were obtained from sorption data combined with elasticity measurements. As hydrophilic materials cation-exchangers are water selective and shrink when an organic solvent is added. At a certain deswelling degree the elastic resins go through glass transition and become as glass-like material. Theincreasing cross-link level and the valence of the counterion decrease the sorption of solvent components in the water-rich solutions. The cross-linkage or thecounterions have less effect on the water selectivity than the resin type or the used alcohol. The amount of water sorbed is higher in the WCE resin and, moreover, the WCE resin is more water selective than the corresponding SCE resin. Theincreased aliphatic part of lower alcohols tend to increase the water selectivity, i.e. the resins are more water selective in 2-propanol than in ethanol solutions. Both the sorption behavior of carbohydrates and the sorption differences between carbohydrates are considerably affected by the eluent composition and theresin characteristics. The carbohydrate sorption was experimentally examined and modeled. In all cases, sorption and moreover the separation of carbohydrates are dominated by three phenomena: partition, ligand exchange and size exclusion. The sorption of hydrophilic carbohydrates increases when alcohol is added into the eluent or when carbohydrate is able to form coordination complexes with the counterions, especially with multivalent counterions. Decreasing polarity of the eluent enhances the complex stability. Size exclusion effect is more prominent when the resin becomes tighter or carbohydrate size increases. On the other hand,the elution volumes between different sized carbohydrates decreases with the decreasing polarity of the eluent. The chromatographic separation of carbohydrateswas modeled, using rhamnose and xylose as target molecules. The thermodynamic sorption model was successfully implemented in the rate-based column model. The experimental chromatographic data were fitted by using only one adjustable parameter. In addition to the fitted data also simulated data were generated and utilized in explaining the effect of the eluent composition and of the resin characteristics on the carbohydrate separation.
The paper industry is constantly looking for new ideas for improving paper products while competition and raw material prices are increasing. Many paper products are pigment coated. Coating layer is the top layer of paper, thus by modifying coating pigment also the paper itself can be altered and value added to the final product. In this thesis, synthesis of new plastic and hybrid pigments and their performance in paper and paperboard coating is reported. Two types of plastic pigments were studied: core-shell latexes and solid beads of maleimide copolymers. Core-shell latexes with partially crosslinked hydrophilic polymer core of poly(n-butyl acrylate-co-methacrylic acid) and a hard hydrophobic polystyrene shell were prepared to improve the optical properties of coated paper. In addition, the effect of different crosslinkers was analyzed and the best overall performance was achieved by the use of ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA). Furthermore, the possibility to modify core-shell latex was investigated by introducing a new polymerizable optical brightening agent, 1-[(4-vinylphenoxy)methyl]-4-(2-henylethylenyl)benzene which gave promising results. The prepared core-shell latex pigments performed smoothly also in pilot coating and printing trials. The results demonstrated that by optimizing polymer composition, the optical and surface properties of coated paper can be significantly enhanced. The optimal reaction conditions were established for thermal imidization of poly(styrene-co-maleimide) (SMI) and poly(octadecene-co-maleimide) (OMI) from respective maleic anhydride copolymer precursors and ammonia in a solvent free process. The obtained aqueous dispersions of nanoparticle copolymers exhibited glass transition temperatures (Tg) between 140-170ºC and particle sizes from 50-230 nm. Furthermore, the maleimide copolymers were evaluated in paperboard coating as additional pigments. The maleimide copolymer nanoparticles were partly imbedded into the porous coating structure and therefore the full potential of optical property enhancement for paperboard was not achieved by this method. The possibility to modify maleimide copolymers was also studied. Modifications were carried out via N-substitution by replacing part of the ammonia in the imidization reaction with amines, such as triacetonediamine (TAD), aspartic acid (ASP) and fluorinated amines (2,2,2- trifluoroethylamine, TFEA and 2,2,3,3,4,4,4-heptafluorobuthylamine, HFBA). The obtained functional nanoparticles varied in size between 50-217 nm and their Tg from 150-180ºC. During the coating process the produced plastic pigments exhibited good runnability. No significant improvements were achieved in light stability with TAD modified copolymers whereas nanoparticles modified with aspartic acid and those containing fluorinated groups showed the desired changes in surface properties of the coated paperboard. Finally, reports on preliminary studies with organic-inorganic hybrids are presented. The hybrids prepared by an in situ polymerization reaction consisted of 30 wt% poly(styrene- co-maleimide) (SMI) and high levels of 70 wt% inorganic components of kaolin and/or alumina trihydrate. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images and characterization by Fourier Transform Infrared Spcetroscopy (FTIR) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) revealed that the hybrids had conventional composite structure and inorganic components were covered with precipitated SMI nanoparticles attached to the surface via hydrogen bonding. In paper coating, the hybrids had a beneficial effect on increasing gloss levels.
Työn tarkoituksena oli suunnitella kunnonvalvontajärjestelmä kahdelle lasivillan tuotantolinjalle. Suunnitteluprosessin lisäksi työssä on esitelty erilaisia kunnonvalvontamenetelmiä. Työn alussa on kerrottu erilaisista kunnonvalvontamenetelmistä, joilla voidaan seurata erilaisten laitteiden ja koneiden toimintakuntoa.Erityisesti työssä on tarkasteltu teollisuudessa yleistyviä kunnonvalvonnan värähtelymittauksia. Työssä suunniteltu kunnonvalvontajärjestelmä perustuu viiteen eri menetelmään, jotka ovat värähtelymittaus, lämpötilanmittaus lämpökameralla, lämpötilanmittaus kannettavalla mittarilla, kuuntelu elektronisella stetoskoopilla ja pyörivien osien kunnontarkkailu stroboskoopilla. Kunnonvalvontajärjestelmän suunnittelu on tehty useassa eri vaiheessa. Ensin työssä on kartoitettu tuotannon kannalta tärkeimmät laitteet ja niiden mahdolliset vikaantumistavat. Seuraavaksi on valittu sopivat kunnonvalvontamenetelmät ja tehty mittaussuunnitelma, jossa on esitetty eri laitteille suoritettavat mittaukset ja mittausten aikavälit.Lopuksi työssä on esitelty muutama esimerkkitapaus kunnonvalvontamenetelmien käytöstä sekä kerrottu mahdollisista tulevaisuuden kehitysmahdollisuuksista.
In this work emission, optical, electrical and magnetic properties of the d- and f- elements doped zinc selenide crystals were investigated within a wide temperature range. Doping was performed in various technological processes: during the growth by chemical vapor transport method; by thermal diffusion from the Bi or Zn melt. Concentration of the doping impurity in the crystals was controlled by amount of the dopant in the source material or by its concentration in the doping media. Special interest in the work was paid to the influence of the different concentrations of Cr and Yb impurities on ZnSe crystals’ properties, correlations between observed effects and similarities with the Ni, Mn and Gd dopants are analysed. Possibility of formation of the excitons bound to the doping d-ions was shown. In contrast to this, it was observed that f-elements do not bound excitons, but prevent formation of excitons bound to some uncontrolled impurities. A mechanism of Cr doping impurity interaction with background impurities and zinc selenide structural defects was proposed based on experimental data. An assumption about resonant energy transfer between double charged chromium ions and complexes based on crystals’ vacancy defects was made. A correlation between emission and magnetic properties of the d- ions doped samples was established. Based on this correlation a mechanism explaining the concentration quench of the emission was proposed. It was found that f-ions bind electrically active shallow and deep donor and acceptor states of background impurity to electrically neutral complexes. This may be observed as “purification” of ZnSe crystals by doping with the rare-earth elements, resulting i tendency of the properties of f-ion doped crystals to the properties of intrinsic crystals, but with smaller concentration of uncontrolled native and impurity defects. A possible interpretation of this effect was proposed. It was shown that selenium substituting impurities decrease efficiency of the Yb doping. Based on this experimental results an attempt to determine ytterbium ion surroundings in the crystal lattice was made. It was shown that co-doping of zinc selenide crystals with the d- and f- ions leads to the combination of the impurities influence on the material’s properties. On the basis of obtained data an interaction mechanism of the d- and f-elements co-dopants was proposed. Guided by the model of the ytterbium ion incorporation in the selenide sublattice of the ZnSe crystals, an assumption about stabilization of single charged chromium ions in the zinc sublattice crystal nodes, by means of formation of the local charge compensating clusters, was made.