12 resultados para Genome-wide Search

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Personalized medicine will revolutionize our capabilities to combat disease. Working toward this goal, a fundamental task is the deciphering of geneticvariants that are predictive of complex diseases. Modern studies, in the formof genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have afforded researchers with the opportunity to reveal new genotype-phenotype relationships through the extensive scanning of genetic variants. These studies typically contain over half a million genetic features for thousands of individuals. Examining this with methods other than univariate statistics is a challenging task requiring advanced algorithms that are scalable to the genome-wide level. In the future, next-generation sequencing studies (NGS) will contain an even larger number of common and rare variants. Machine learning-based feature selection algorithms have been shown to have the ability to effectively create predictive models for various genotype-phenotype relationships. This work explores the problem of selecting genetic variant subsets that are the most predictive of complex disease phenotypes through various feature selection methodologies, including filter, wrapper and embedded algorithms. The examined machine learning algorithms were demonstrated to not only be effective at predicting the disease phenotypes, but also doing so efficiently through the use of computational shortcuts. While much of the work was able to be run on high-end desktops, some work was further extended so that it could be implemented on parallel computers helping to assure that they will also scale to the NGS data sets. Further, these studies analyzed the relationships between various feature selection methods and demonstrated the need for careful testing when selecting an algorithm. It was shown that there is no universally optimal algorithm for variant selection in GWAS, but rather methodologies need to be selected based on the desired outcome, such as the number of features to be included in the prediction model. It was also demonstrated that without proper model validation, for example using nested cross-validation, the models can result in overly-optimistic prediction accuracies and decreased generalization ability. It is through the implementation and application of machine learning methods that one can extract predictive genotype–phenotype relationships and biological insights from genetic data sets.


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T helper cell (Th) functions are crucial for proper immune defence against various intra- and extracellular pathogens. According to the specific immune responses, Th cells can be classified into subtypes, Th1 and Th2 cells being the most frequently characterized classes. Th1 and Th2 cells interact with other immune cells by regulating their functions with specific cytokine production. IFN, IL-2 and TNF- are the cytokines predominantly produced by Th1 cells whereas Th2 cells produce Th2-type cytokines, such as IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13. Upon TCR activation and in the presence of polarizing cytokines, Th cells differentiate into effector subtypes from a common precursor cell. IFN and IL-12 are the predominant Th1 polarizing cytokines whereas IL-4 directs Th2 polarization. The cytokines mediate their effects through specific receptor signalling. The differentiation process is complex, involving various signalling molecules and routes, as well as functions of the specific transcription factors. The functions of the Th1/Th2 cells are tightly regulated; however, knowledge on human Th cell differentiation is, as yet, fairly poor. The susceptibility for many immune-mediated disorders often originates from disturbed Th cell responses. Thus, research is needed for defining the molecular mechanisms involved in the differentiation and balanced functions of the Th cells. Importantly, the new information obtained will be crucial for a better understanding of the pathogenesis of immune-mediated disorders, such as asthma or autoimmune diseases. In the first subproject of this thesis, the role of genetic polymorphisms in the human STAT6, GATA3 and STAT4 genes were investigated for asthma or atopy susceptibility in Finnish asthma families by association analysis. These genes code for key transcription factors regulating Th cell differentiation. The study resulted in the identification of a GATA3 haplotype that associated with asthma and related traits (high serum IgE level). In the second subproject, an optimized method for human primary T cell transfection and enrichment was established. The method can be utilized for functional studies for the selected genes of interest. The method was also utilized in the third subproject, which aimed at the identification of novel genes involved in early human Th cell polarization (0-48h) using genome-wide oligonucleotide arrays. As a result, numerous genes and ESTs with known or unknown functions were identified in the study. Using an shRNA knockdown approach, a panel of novel IL-4/STAT6 regulated genes were identified in the functional studies of the genes. Moreover, one of the genes, NDFIP2, with a previously uncharacterized role in the human Th differentiation, was observed to promote IFN production of the differentiated Th1 cells. Taken together, the results obtained have revealed potential new relevant candidate genes serving as a basis for further studies characterizing the detailed networks involved in the human Th cell differentiation as well as in the genetic susceptibility of Th-mediated immune disorders.


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Tyypin 1 diabeteksen perinnöllinen alttius Suomessa - HLA-alueen ulkopuolisten alttiuslokusten IDDM2 ja IDDM9 rooli taudin periytymisessä HLA-alue, joka sijaitsee kromosomissa 6p21.3, vastaa noin puolesta perinnöllisestä alttiudesta sairastua tyypin 1 diabetekseen. Myös HLA-alueen ulkopuolisten lokusten on todettu liittyvän sairausalttiuteen. Näistä kolmen lokuksen on varmistettu olevan todellisia alttiuslokuksia ja lisäksi useiden muiden, vielä varmistamattomien lokusten, on todettu liittyvän sairausalttiuteen. Tässä tutkimuksessa 12:n HLA-alueen ulkopuolisen alttiuslokuksen kytkentä tyypin 1 diabetekseen tutkittiin käyttäen 107:aa suomalaista multiplex-perhettä. Jatkotutkimuksessa analysoitiin IDDM9-alueen kytkentä ja assosiaatio sairauteen laajennetuissa perhemateriaaleissa sekä IDDM2-alueen mahdollinen interaktio HLA-alueen kanssa sairauden muodostumisessa. Lisäksi suoritettiin IDDM2-alueen suojaavien haplotyyppien alatyypitys tarkoituksena tutkia eri haplotyyppien käyttökelpoisuutta sairastumisriskin tarkempaa ennustamista varten. Ensimmäisessä kytkentätutkimuksessa ei löytynyt koko genomin tasolla merkitsevää tai viitteellistä kytkentää tutkituista HLA-alueen ulkopuolisista lokuksista. Voimakkain havaittu nimellisen merkitsevyyden tavoittava kytkentä nähtiin IDDM9-alueen markkerilla D3S3576 (MLS=1.05). Tutkimuksessa ei kyetty varmistamaan tai sulkemaan pois aiempia kytkentähavaintoja tutkituilla lokuksilla, mutta IDDM9-alueen jatkotutkimuksessa havaittu voimakas kytkentä (MLS=3.4) ja merkitsevä assosiaatio (TDT p=0.0002) viittaa vahvasti siihen, että 3q21-alueella sijaitsee todellinen tyypin 1 diabeteksen alttiusgeeni, jolloin alueen kattava assosiaatiotutkimus olisi perusteltu jatkotoimenpide. Sairauteen altistava IDDM2-alueen MspI-2221 genotyyppi CC oli nimellisesti yleisempi matalan tai kohtalaisen HLA-sairastumisriskin diabeetikoilla, verrattuna korkean HLA-riskin potilaisiin (p=0.05). Myös genotyyppijakauman vertailu osoitti merkitsevää eroa ryhmien välillä (p=0.01). VNTR-haplotyyppitutkimus osoitti, että IIIA/IIIA-homotsygootin sairaudelta suojaava vaikutus on merkitsevästi voimakkaampi kuin muiden luokka III:n genotyypeillä. Nämä tulokset viittaavat IDDM2-HLA -vuorovaikutukseen sekä siihen että IDDM2-alueen haplotyyppien välillä esiintyy etiologista heterogeniaa. Tämän johdosta IDDM2-alueen haplotyyppien tarkempi määrittäminen voisi tehostaa tyypin 1 diabeteksen riskiarviointia.


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Hedelmättömyyttä aiheuttavan siittiöiden puolihäntävian molekyyligenetiikka Suomalaisissa Yorkshire karjuissa yleistyi 1990-luvun lopulla autosomaalisesti ja resessiivisesti periytyvä hedelmättömyyttä aiheuttava siittiöiden puolihäntävika (ISTS, immotile short tail sperm). Sairaus aiheuttaa normaalia lyhyemmän ja täysin liikkumattoman siittiön hännän muodostuksen. Muita oireita sairailla karjuilla ei ole havaittu ja emakot ovat oireettomia. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa siittiöiden puolihäntävian aiheuttava geenivirhe ja kehittää DNA-testi markkeri- ja geeniavusteiseen valintaan. Koko genomin kartoituksessa vian aiheuttava alue paikannettiin sian kromosomiin 16. Paikannuksen perusteella kahden geenimerkin haplotyyppi kehitettiin käytettäväksi markkeri-avusteisessa valinnassa. Sairauteen kytkeytyneen alueen hienokartoitusta jatkettiin geenitestin kehittämiseksi kantajadiagnostiikkaan. Vertailevalla kartoituksella oireeseen kytkeytynyt alue paikannettiin 2 cM:n alueelle ihmisen kromosomiin viisi (5p13.2). Tällä alueella sijaitsevia geenejä vastaavista sian sekvensseistä löydetyn muuntelun perusteella voitiin tarkentaa sairauteen kytkeytyneitä haplotyyppejä. Haplotyyppien perusteella puolihäntäoireeseen kytkeytynyt alue rajattiin kahdeksan geenin alueelle ihmisen geenikartalla. Alueelle paikannetun kandidaattigeenin (KPL2) sekvensointi paljasti introniin liittyneen liikkuvan DNA-sekvenssin, Line-1 retroposonin. Tämä retroposoni muuttaa geenin silmikointia siten, että sitä edeltävä eksoni jätetään pois tai myös osa introni- ja inserttisekvenssiä liitetään geenin mRNA tuotteeseen. Molemmissa tapauksissa tuloksena on lyhentynyt KPL2 proteiini. Tähän retroposoni-inserttiin perustuva geenitesti on ollut sianjalostajien käytössä vuodesta 2006. KPL2 geenin ilmenemisen tarkastelu sialla ja hiirellä paljasti useita kudosspesifisiä silmikointimuotoja. KPL2 geenin pitkä muoto ilmenee pääasiassa vain kiveksessä, mikä selittää geenivirheen aiheuttamat erityisesti siittiön kehitykseen liittyvät oireet. KPL2 proteiinin ilmeneminen hiiren siittiön hännän kehityksen aikana ja mahdollinen yhteistoiminta IFT20 proteiinin kanssa viittaavat tehtävään proteiinien kuljetuksessa siittiön häntään. Mahdollisen kuljetustehtävän lisäksi KPL2 saattaa toimia myös siittiön hännän rakenneosana, koska se paikannettiin valmiin siittiön hännän keskiosaan. Lisäksi KPL2 proteiini saattaa myös toimia Golgin laitteessa sekä Sertolin solujen ja spermatidien liitoksissa, mutta nämä havainnot kuitenkin vaativat lisätutkimuksia. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että KPL2 geeni on tärkeä siittiön hännän kehitykselle ja sen rakennemuutos aiheuttaa siittiöiden puolihäntäoireen suomalaisilla Yorkshire karjuilla. KPL2 proteiinin ilmeneminen ja paikannus siittiön kehityksen aikana antaa viitteitä proteiinin toiminnasta. Koska KPL2 geenisekvenssi on erittäin konservoitunut, nämä tulokset tuovat uutta tietoa kaikkien nisäkkäiden siittiöiden kehitykseen ja urosten hedelmättömyyteen syihin.


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Endometriosis is a common hormone-dependent gynecological disease leading to severe menstrual and/or chronic pelvic pain with or without subfertility. The disease is defined by the presence of endometrium-like tissue outside the uterine cavity, primarily on the pelvic peritoneum, ovaries and infiltrating organs of the peritoneal cavity. The current tools for diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis need to be improved to ensure reliable diagnosis and effective treatment. In addition, endometriosis is associated with increased risk of ovarian cancer and, therefore, the differential diagnosis between the benign and malignant ovarian cysts is of importance. The long-term objective of the present study was to support the discovery of novel tools for diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis. This was approached by exploiting genome-wide expression analysis of endometriosis specimens. A novel expression profiling -based classification of endometriosis indicated specific subgroups of lesions partially consistent with the clinical appearance, but partially according to unknown factors. The peritoneum of women with endometriosis appeared to be altered in comparison to that of healthy control subjects, suggesting a novel aspect on the pathogenesis of the disease. The evaluation of action and metabolism of sex hormones in endometrium and endometriosis tissue indicated a novel role of androgens in regulation of the tissues. In addition, an enzyme involved in androgen and neurosteroid metabolism, hydroxysteroid (17beta) dehydrogenase 6, was found to be highly up-regulated in endometriosis tissue as compared to healthy endometrium. The enzyme may have a role in the pathogenesis of endometriosis or in the endometriosis associated pain generation. Finally, a new diagnostic biomarker, HE4, was discovered distinguishing patients with ovarian endometriotic cysts from those with malignant ovarian cancer. The information acquired in this study enables deeper understanding of endometriosis and facilitates the development of improved diagnostic tools and more specific treatments of the disease


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Biology is turning into an information science. The science of systems biology seeks to understand the genetic networks that govern organism development and functions. In this study the chicken was used as a model organism in the study of B cell regulatory factors. These studies open new avenues for plasma cell research by connecting the down regulation of the B cell gene expression program directly to the initiation of plasma cell differentiation. The unique advantages of the DT40 avian B cell model system, specifically its high homologous recombination rate, were utilized to study gene regulation in Pax5 knock out cell lines and to gain new insights into the B cell to plasma cell transitions that underlie the secretion of antibodies as part of the adaptive immune response. The Pax5 transcription factor is central to the commitment, development and maintenance of the B cell phenotype. Mice lacking the Pax5 gene have an arrest in development at the pro-B lymphocyte stage while DT40 cells have been derived from cells at a more mature stage of development. The DT40 Pax5-/- cells exhibited gene expression similarities with primary chicken plasma cells. The expression of the plasma cell transcription factors Blimp-1 and XBP-1 were significantly upregulated while the expression of the germinal centre factor BCL6 was diminished in Pax5-/- cells, and this alteration was normalized by Pax5 re-introduction. The Pax5-deficient cells further manifested substantially elevated secretion of IgM into the supernatant, another characteristic of plasma cells. These results for the first time indicated that the downregulation of the Pax5 gene in B cells promotes plasma cell differentiation. Cross-species meta-analysis of chicken and mouse Pax5 gene knockout studies uncovers genes and pathways whose regulatory relationship to Pax5 has remained unchanged for over 300 million years. Restriction of the hematopoietic stem cell fate to produce T, B and NK cell lineages is dependent on the Ikaros and its molecular partners, the closely related Helios and Aiolos. Ikaros family members are zinc finger proteins which act as transcriptional repressors while helping to activate lymphoid genes. Helios in mice is expressed from the hematopoietic stem cell level onwards, although later in development its expression seems to predominate in the T cell lineage. This study establishes the emergence and sequence of the chicken Ikaros family members. Helios expression in the bursa of Fabricius, germinal centres and B cell lines suggested a role for Helios in the avian B-cell lineage, too. Phylogenetic studies of the Ikaros family connect the expansion of the Ikaros family, and thus possibly the emergence of the adaptive immune system, with the second round of genome duplications originally proposed by Ohno. Paralogs that have arisen as a result of genome-wide duplications are sometimes termed ohnologs – Ikaros family proteins appear to fit that definition. This study highlighted the opportunities afforded by the genome sequencing efforts and somatic cell reverse genetics approaches using the DT40 cell line. The DT40 cell line and the avian model system promise to remain a fruitful model for mechanistic insight in the post-genomic era as well.


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Our understanding of the pathogenesis of organ‐specific autoinflammation has been restricted by limited access to the target organs. Peripheral blood, however, as a preferred transportation route for immune cells, provides a window to assess the entire immune system throughout the body. Transcriptional profiling with RNA stabilizing blood collection tubes reflects in vivo expression profiles at the time the blood is drawn, allowing detection of the disease activity in different samples or within the same sample over time. The main objective of this Ph.D. study was to apply gene‐expression microarrays in the characterization of peripheral blood transcriptional profiles in patients with autoimmune diseases. To achieve this goal a custom cDNA microarray targeted for gene‐expression profiling of human immune system was designed and produced. Sample collection and preparation was then optimized to allow gene‐expression profiling from whole‐blood samples. To overcome challenges resulting from minute amounts of sample material, RNA amplification was successfully applied to study pregnancy related immunosuppression in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Furthermore, similar sample preparation was applied to characterize longitudinal genome‐wide expression profiles in children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) associated autoantibodies and eventually clinical T1D. Blood transcriptome analyses, using both the ImmunoChip cDNA microarray with targeted probe selection and genome‐wide Affymetrix U133 Plus 2.0 oligonucleotide array, enabled monitoring of autoimmune activity. Novel disease related genes and general autoimmune signatures were identified. Notably, down‐regulation of the HLA class Ib molecules in peripheral blood was associated with disease activity in both MS and T1D. Taken together, these studies demonstrate the potential of peripheral blood transcriptional profiling in biomedical research and diagnostics. Imbalances in peripheral blood transcriptional activity may reveal dynamic changes that are relevant for the disease but might be completely missed in conventional cross‐sectional studies.


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Chronic inflammation is the underlying cause of many common disabling conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), multiple sclerosis, coeliac disease, type I diabetes and coronary artery disease. NOX2 complex derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) are known to regulate joint inflammation in rats and mice, and additionally recent genetic evidence associates phagocyte ROS and the development RA in humans. Ncf1mutated mice have lost the functionality of their NOX2 complex and thus have no phagocyte ROS production. These mice suffer from exacerbated arthritis. The immune suppressive effect of the NOX2 complex derived ROS is mediated by monocytes/macrophages that downregulate the activation of autoreactive T cells. The aim of this thesis was to study how ROS modulate immune responses in different arthritis models and in tumor development. Additionally, genome wide gene expression profiling was carried out to assess the global effects of NOX2 complex derived ROS. Firstly, these results confirmed the potent anti-inflammatory nature of phagocyte ROS in arthritis models that were driven by the adaptive immune system. Secondly, arthritis models with predominantly innate immunity induced pathophysiology were moderately enhanced by phagocyte, more specifically, neutrophil derived ROS. Thirdly, the ROS induced immune suppression mediated by the adaptive immune system allowed development of bigger implanted tumors, while phagocyte ROS production did not affect the development of spontaneously growing tumors. Lastly, genome wide gene expression analysis revealed that both humans and mice with abrogated phagocyte NOX2 complex ROS production had an enhanced type I interferon signature in blood, reflecting their hyperinflammatory immune status.


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Human embryonic stem cells are pluripotent cells capable of renewing themselves and differentiating to specialized cell types. Because of their unique regenerative potential, pluripotent cells offer new opportunities for disease modeling, development of regenerative therapies, and treating diseases. Before pluripotent cells can be used in any therapeutic applications, there are numerous challenges to overcome. For instance, the key regulators of pluripotency need to be clarified. In addition, long term culture of pluripotent cells is associated with the accumulation of karyotypic abnormalities, which is a concern regarding the safe use of the cells for therapeutic purposes. The goal of the work presented in this thesis was to identify new factors involved in the maintenance of pluripotency, and to further characterize molecular mechanisms of selected candidate genes. Furthermore, we aimed to set up a new method for analyzing genomic integrity of pluripotent cells. The experimental design applied in this study involved a wide range of molecular biology, genome-wide, and computational techniques to study the pluripotency of stem cells and the functions of the target genes. In collaboration with instrument and reagent company Perkin Elmer, KaryoliteTM BoBsTM was implemented for detecting karyotypic changes of pluripotent cells. Novel genes were identified that are highly and specifically expressed in hES cells. Of these genes, L1TD1 and POLR3G were chosen for further investigation. The results revealed that both of these factors are vital for the maintenance of pluripotency and self-renewal of the hESCs. KaryoliteTM BoBsTM was validated as a novel method to detect karyotypic abnormalities in pluripotent stem cells. The results presented in this thesis offer significant new information on the regulatory networks associated with pluripotency. The results will facilitate in understanding developmental and cancer biology, as well as creating stem cell based applications. KaryoliteTM BoBsTM provides rapid, high-throughput, and cost-efficient tool for screening of human pluripotent cell cultures.


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Activated T helper (Th) cells have ability to differentiate into functionally distinct Th1, Th2 and Th17 subsets through a series of overlapping networks that include signaling and transcriptional control and the epigenetic mechanisms to direct immune responses. However, inappropriate execution in the differentiation process and abnormal function of these Th cells can lead to the development of several immune mediated diseases. Therefore, the thesis aimed at identifying genes and gene regulatory mechanisms responsible for Th17 differentiation and to study epigenetic changes associated with early stage of Th1/Th2 cell differentiation. Genome wide transcriptional profiling during early stages of human Th17 cell differentiation demonstrated differential regulation of several novel and currently known genes associated with Th17 differentiation. Selected candidate genes were further validated at protein level and their specificity for Th17 as compared to other T helper subsets was analyzed. Moreover, combination of RNA interference-mediated downregulation of gene expression, genome-wide transcriptome profiling and chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by massive parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq), combined with computational data integration lead to the identification of direct and indirect target genes of STAT3, which is a pivotal upstream transcription factor for Th17 cell polarization. Results indicated that STAT3 directly regulates the expression of several genes that are known to play a role in activation, differentiation, proliferation, and survival of Th17 cells. These results provide a basis for constructing a network regulating gene expression during early human Th17 differentiation. Th1 and Th2 lineage specific enhancers were identified from genome-wide maps of histone modifications generated from the cells differentiating towards Th1 and Th2 lineages at 72h. Further analysis of lineage-specific enhancers revealed known and novel transcription factors that potentially control lineage-specific gene expression. Finally, we found an overlap of a subset of enhancers with SNPs associated with autoimmune diseases through GWASs suggesting a potential role for enhancer elements in the disease development. In conclusion, the results obtained have extended our knowledge of Th differentiation and provided new mechanistic insights into dysregulation of Th cell differentiation in human immune mediated diseases.


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Heat shock factors (HSFs) are an evolutionarily well conserved family of transcription factors that coordinate stress-induced gene expression and direct versatile physiological processes in eukaryote organisms. The essentiality of HSFs for cellular homeostasis has been well demonstrated, mainly through HSF1-induced transcription of heat shock protein (HSP) genes. HSFs are important regulators of many fundamental processes such as gametogenesis, metabolic control and aging, and are involved in pathological conditions including cancer progression and neurodegenerative diseases. In each of the HSF-mediated processes, however, the detailed mechanisms of HSF family members and their complete set of target genes have remained unknown. Recently, rapid advances in chromatin studies have enabled genome-wide characterization of protein binding sites in a high resolution and in an unbiased manner. In this PhD thesis, these novel methods that base on chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) are utilized and the genome-wide target loci for HSF1 and HSF2 are identified in cellular stress responses and in developmental processes. The thesis and its original publications characterize the individual and shared target genes of HSF1 and HSF2, describe HSF1 as a potent transactivator, and discover HSF2 as an epigenetic regulator that coordinates gene expression throughout the cell cycle progression. In male gametogenesis, novel physiological functions for HSF1 and HSF2 are revealed and HSFs are demonstrated to control the expression of X- and Y-chromosomal multicopy genes in a silenced chromatin environment. In stressed human cells, HSF1 and HSF2 are shown to coordinate the expression of a wide variety of genes including genes for chaperone machinery, ubiquitin, regulators of cell cycle progression and signaling. These results highlight the importance of cell type and cell cycle phase in transcriptional responses, reveal the myriad of processes that are adjusted in a stressed cell and describe novel mechanisms that maintain transcriptional memory in mitotic cell division.


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The human immune system is constantly interacting with the surrounding stimuli and microorganisms. However, when directed against self or harmless antigens, these vital defense mechanisms can cause great damage. In addition, the understanding the underlying mechanism of several human diseases caused by aberrant immune cell functions, for instance type 1 diabetes and allergies, remains far from being complete. In this Ph.D. study these questions were addressed using genome-wide transcriptomic analyses. Asthma and allergies are characterized by a hyperactive response of the T helper 2 (Th2) immune cells. In this study, the target genes of the STAT6 transcription factor in naïve human T cells were identified with RNAi for the first time. STAT6 was shown to act as a central activator of the genes expression upon IL-4 signaling, with both direct and indirect effects on Th2 cell transcriptome. The core transcription factor network induced by IL-4 was identified from a kinetic analysis of the transcriptome. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease influenced by both the genetic susceptibility of an individual and the disease-triggering environmental factors. To improve understanding of the autoimmune processes driving pathogenesis in the prediabetic phase in humans, a unique series of prospective whole-blood RNA samples collected from HLA-susceptible children in the Finnish Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention (DIPP) study was studied. Changes in different timewindows of the pathogenesis process were identified, and especially the type 1 interferon response was activated early and throughout the preclinical T1D. The hygiene hypothesis states that allergic diseases, and lately also autoimmune diseases, could be prevented by infections and other microbial contacts acquired in early childhood, or even prenatally. To study the effects of the standard of hygiene on the development of neonatal immune system, cord blood samples from children born in Finland (high standard of living), Estonia (rapid economic growth) and Russian Karelia (low standard of living) were compared. Children born in Russian Karelia deviated from Finnish and Estonian children in many aspects of the neonatal immune system, which was developmentally more mature in Karelia, resembling that of older infants. The results of this thesis offer significant new information on the regulatory networks associated with immune-mediated diseases in human. The results will facilitate understanding and further research on the role of the identified target genes and mechanisms driving the allergic inflammation and type 1 diabetes, hopefully leading to a new era of drug development.