78 resultados para Future scenarios

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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The purpose of the thesis is to generate scenarios of future purposes and of use of ships, suitable for STX Finland Cruise Oy to design and build, over a 50 year time span by applying the Delphi method and an open innovation approach in a future workshop. The scenarios were mapped out with help of two Delphi survey rounds and one future workshop. The number of participants in both surveys and the workshop was some twenty experts in each, representing various fields. On the basis of the first survey round, four different subject areas were selected for analysis: purposes for the use of ships; energy efficiency of cruises and ships; cost efficiency of sea transportation and vacation; and the views and expectations of the customers in the future. As a result of the future workshop, four different themes were established, which were studied further during the second Delphi round. The themes are future service and operation concepts; versatile uses of the space in ships; communication of environmental benefits of ships, future energy solutions and social interaction between passengers onboard. In addition to generating the scenarios, further aim of the thesis is to implement the Delphi method and workshop activity as foresight tools for STX Europe and to produce a chart of a future shipbuilding foresight community to can serve the open innovation processes in the maritime cluster as a whole.


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Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan täysin uusiutuvaa energiajärjestelmää Etelä-Karjalan maakunnan alueella, mikä onkin jo tällä hetkellä Suomen uusiutuvin maakunta. Diplomityössä tarkastellaan julkisen sektorin, liikenteen ja rakennusten energian kulutusta mutta teollisuuden energiankäyttö jätetään tarkastelun ulkopuolelle. Työssä tutustutaan tämän hetken Etelä-Karjalan energiajärjestelmään ja sen perusteella tehdään referenssi-skenaario. Tulevaisuuden skenaariot tehdään vuosille 2030 ja 2050. Tulevaisuuden skenaarioissa muutos keskittyy järjestelmän sähköistymiseen ja uusiutuvien tuotantomuotojen integroimiseen järjestelmään. Sähköistyminen kasvattaa sähkönkulutusta, joka pyritään kattamaan uusiutuvilla tuotantomuodoilla, lähinnä tuuli- ja aurinkovoimalla. Liikennesektori rajataan kumipyöräliikenteeseen ja sen muutos tulee olemaan haastavin ja aikaa vievin. Muutokseen pyritään liikennepolttoaineiden tuotannolla maakunnassa sekä sähköautoilulla. Uusiutuva energiajärjestelmä tarvitsee tuotannon ja kysynnän joustoa sekä älyä järjestelmältä. Työssä tarkastellaan myös järjestelmän kustannuksia sekä työllisyysvaikutuksia.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli luoda yleiskuva muuttuvasta televisioliiketoiminnasta ja tuoda esille niin muutokseen vaikuttavat tekijät kuin muutosta seuraavat kehityssuunnat. Tämän lisäksi pyrittiin hahmottamaan mahdollisia televisiotoimialan tulevaisuuden kuvia. Aiheen laajuuden takia tutkimus rajattiin koskemaan Suomen televisiotoimialaa. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin haastatteluiden, artikkelien ja tutkimusraporttien pohjalta tärkeimmät muutokseen vaikuttavat tekijät ja kehityssuunnat. Tämän lisäksi arvioitiin niin kuluttajien vaikutusta muutokseen kuin muutoksen vaikutusta arvoketjuun. Tulosten pohjalta rakennettiin kolme tulevaisuuden skenaariota ja lopuksi liiketoimintamalleja arvioitiinkussakin skenaariossa. Skenaarioiden teemat olivat 'yhteiskunta ohjaa kehitystä', 'jakeluyhtiöt hallitsevat toimialaa- ja -kuluttaja on kuningas'. Kolmas skenaario, joka herätti eniten keskustelua ja mielenkiintoa, nousiselvästi esiin kahdesta muusta.


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Työssä esitetään matkapuhelinten viestintämuotoja. Työn alussa esitellään tekstiviesti (SMS) ja käydään läpi sen teknologiaa sekä tekstiviestipalveluita. SMS:n jälkeen esitellään kuvaviestit, EMS sekä MMS. MMS käydäänlaajemmin Läpi, koska laitevalmistajat ja operaattorit uskoivat pitkään, että siitä tulisi merkittävä tulonlähde SMS:n rinnalle. Varsinaisten viestintämuotojenjälkeen käydään läpi Visual Radio sekä puhelimiin tulevat televisio- ja videokatselutoiminnot. Teknologioiden esittelyn jälkeen selvitetään, miten matkapuhelimia voidaan käyttää yrityksissä. Matkapuhelinsovellukset ja niihin liittyvät teknologiat ovat uusia ja hyvin nopeasti kehittyviä. Sen vuoksi on selvitetty, millä tavalla palveluita käytetään ja millaisia mielipiteitä käyttäjillä on teknologioiden ja palveluiden tarpeellisuudesta. Lopuksi esitetään muutamia tulevaisuudenskenaarioita mihin suuntaan matkapuhelimet kehittyvät.


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Tämän diplomityön aiheena on lähtölogistiikan strateginen tarkastelu tutkimuksen kohdeyrityksenä olevassa terästehtaassa. Tavoitteena oli lähtölogistiikan tulevaisuusskenaarioiden laatiminen. Diplomityössä tarkastellaan mm. logistiikan epävarmuustekijöitä ja haasteita, erilaisten kuljetusmuotojen käyttöä sekä kohdeyrityksen materiaalivirtojen suuntautumista tulevaisuudessa. Työssä luodaan katsaus logistisen asiakaspalvelun elementteihin ja tutkitaan, mitä elementtejä asiakkaat pitävät tärkeinä. Lisäksi tarkastellaan, miten asiakkaiden vaatimukset kehittyvät tulevaisuudessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tapaustutkimuksena. Empiirinen aineisto kerättiin haastattelujen, sähköpostikyselyn sekä havainnoinnin avulla. Diplomityössä laadittujen skenaarioiden aiheiksi valikoituivat kuljettaminen, Venäjä sekä tuotteet, volyymi ja markkina-alueet. Positiivisen skenaarion mukaan kasvavat materiaalivirrat suuntautuvat Suomen lisäksi Ruotsiin, Keski-Eurooppaan sekä Itä-Eurooppaan, joka on noussut uudeksi markkina-alueeksi. Negatiivisessa skenaariossa kilpailu on kiristynyt ja Ovako Imatran asiakkaat ovat muuttaneet joukolla Aasiaan, jonne teräksen vieminen Suomesta ei olekannattavaa. Tutkimus osoitti, että trendi tilauserien pienentymisestä ja toimitussyklin tihentymisestä pätee myös Ovako Imatran asiakkaiden kohdalla. Erityisen tärkeiksi logistisen asiakaspalvelun elementeiksi nousivat toimitusvarmuus sekä joustavuus toimituksissa. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että asiakkaat haluaisivat saada informaatiota tuotteen toimitustilasta online-järjestelmän kautta.


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The markets of biomass for energy are developing rapidly and becoming more international. A remarkable increase in the use of biomass for energy needs parallel and positive development in several areas, and there will be plenty of challenges to overcome. The main objective of the study was to clarify the alternative future scenarios for the international biomass market until the year 2020, and based on the scenario process, to identify underlying steps needed towards the vital working and sustainable biomass market for energy purposes. Two scenario processes were conducted for this study. The first was carried out with a group of Finnish experts and thesecond involved an international group. A heuristic, semi-structured approach, including the use of preliminary questionnaires as well as manual and computerised group support systems (GSS), was applied in the scenario processes.The scenario processes reinforced the picture of the future of international biomass and bioenergy markets as a complex and multi-layer subject. The scenarios estimated that the biomass market will develop and grow rapidly as well as diversify in the future. The results of the scenario process also opened up new discussion and provided new information and collective views of experts for the purposes of policy makers. An overall view resulting from this scenario analysis are the enormous opportunities relating to the utilisation of biomass as a resource for global energy use in the coming decades. The scenario analysis shows the key issues in the field: global economic growth including the growing need for energy, environmental forces in the global evolution, possibilities of technological development to solve global problems, capabilities of the international community to find solutions for global issues and the complex interdependencies of all these driving forces. The results of the scenario processes provide a starting point for further research analysing the technological and commercial aspects related the scenarios and foreseeing the scales and directions of biomass streams.


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Tämä tutkimus oli osa sähköistä liiketoimintaa ja langattomia sovelluksia tutkivaa projektia ja tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää ennustamisen rooli päätöksenteko- ja suunnitteluprosessissa ja määrittää parhaiten soveltuvat ja useimmin käytetyt teknologian ennustusmenetelmät. Ennustusmenetelmiä tarkasteltiin erityisesti uuden teknologian ja pitkän aikavälin ennustamisen näkökulmasta. Tutkimus perustui teknologista ennustamista, pitkän aikavälin suunnittelua ja innovaatioprosesseja käsittelevän kirjallisuuden analysointiin. Materiaalin perusteella kuvataan teknologian ennustamista informaation hankkimisvälineenä organisaatioiden suunnitteluprosessin apuna. Työssä arvioidaan myös seuraavat teknologisen ennustamisen menetelmät: trendianalyysi-, Delfoi-, cross-impact analyysi-, morfologinen analyysi- ja skenaario analyysimenetelmä. Työ tuo esille jokaisen ennustusmenetelmä ominaispiirteet, rajoitukset ja sovellusmahdollisuudet. Käyttäen esiteltyjä menetelmiä, saadaan kerättyä hyödyllistä informaatiota tulevaisuuden näkymistä, joita sitten voidaan käyttää hyväksi organisaatioiden suunnitteluprosesseissa.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli kartoittaa kotikeräyspaperin lajijakautumisesta ja eri jakeiden ikääntymiskäyttäytymisestä johtuvien siistausongelmien syyt sekä tutkia tulevaisuuden painotekniikan kehitystrendien asettamia vaatimuksia siistauslaitosten kannalta. Kirjallisuusosassa tarkasteltiin siistauksen sekä erilaisten painatustekniikoiden teoriaa. Lisäksi siinä tarkasteltiin erilaisia siistattavuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Kirjallisuusosassa luotiin katsaus viimeaikaisiin painatuksen kehityksiin Suomessa sekä kartoitettiin painatuksen lähitulevaisuutta. Myös tulevaisuuden näkymiä siistauslaitosten kannalta tarkasteltiin. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin suomalaisen kotikeräyspaperin siistattavuusominaisuuksia pian painamisen jälkeen sekä kolmen ja kuuden kuukauden vanhentamisen kuluttua. Esitutkimusten perusteella siistattaviksi valittiin useita coldset offset painettuja sanomalehtiä, sekä kaksi syväpainettua ja yksi heatset offset painettu aikakauslehti. Kyseisten painotuotteiden siistattavuus-ominaisuuksia tarkasteltiin laboratoriomittakaavaisissa pulpperoinneissa sekä osin flotatoinneissa. Erilaisten painotuotteiden siistattavuutta tarkasteltiin ISO-vaaleus-, k700nm-arvo-, ERIC-arvo-, CIE L*a*b*- ja lika- ja painoväripilkkumittausten avulla. Tutkittujen painotuotteiden kierrätysominaisuudet vaihtelivat niin tuoreena kuin vanhennettunakin helposti siistattavista jo tuoreena vaikeasti siistattavaan. Hyvän tuloksen koko vanhentamisen keston ajan antoivat suomalaiset aikakauslehdet sekä osa sanomalehdistä. Laboratoriotutkimuksissa havaittiin että painotalojen käyttämien painovärien, erityisesti värillisten painovärien, valinnalla on suuri vaikutus valmiin painotuotteen uusiokäyttöön. Tämän diplomityön antamien tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että kotimaisen keräyspaperin viimeaikaiseen siistattavuuden heikkenemiseen on vaikuttanut eniten coldset offset painotuotteiden suuresti lisääntynyt väripainatuksen määrä.


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Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tehdä selvitys EDI:in liittyvistä vaikutuksista, tarpeista ja eduista sekä valmistella Oracle Applications- toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän EDI Gateway- modulin ottamista tuotantokäyttöön. Tietoa tarvekartoitukseen saatiin keskustelujen avulla. Uusia kaupallisista lähtökohdista johdettuja, yritysten väliseen kaupankäyntiin ja internet-teknologian hyödyntämiseen kehitettyjä aloitteita käsiteltiin EDI-näkökulmasta tulevaisuutta varten. Ajankohtaisinta tietoa tätä diplomityötä varten löydettiin myös internetistä. Tämän jälkeen oli mahdollista toteuttaa sopivan laaja mutta rajattu EDI pilottiprojekti EDI-konseptin luomista varten. EDI:n vaikutuksiin ostossa keskityttiin tässä diplomityössä enemmän ja EDI:ä päätettiin soveltaa aluksi ostotilauksissa. EDI:n hyötyjä on vaikea mitata numeerisesti. Suurta määrää rahaa tai tuoteyksiköitä on käsiteltävä EDI-partnerin kanssa riittävän usein. EDI:n käyttöönottovaiheessa pääongelmat ovat sovelluksiin liittyviä tietotekniikkaongelmia. Selvityksistä ja EDI-projektista saatu tieto on mahdollista hyödyntää jatkokehityksessä. Lisätoimenpiteitä tarvitaan kokonaan toimivan järjestelmän luomiseksi.


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The Gulf of Finland is said to be one of the densest operated sea areas in the world. It is a shallow and economically vulnerable sea area with dense passenger and cargo traffic of which petroleum transports have a share of over 50 %. The winter conditions add to the risks of maritime traffic in the Gulf of Finland. It is widely believed that the growth of maritime transportation will continue also in the future. The Gulf of Finland is surrounded by three very different national economies with, different maritime transportation structures. Finland is a country of high GDP/per capita with a diversified economic structure. The number of ports is large and the maritime transportation consists of many types of cargoes: raw materials, industrial products, consumer goods, coal and petroleum products, and the Russian transit traffic of e.g. new cars and consumer goods. Russia is a large country with huge growth potential; in recent years, the expansion of petroleum exports has lead to a strong economic growth, which is also apparent in the growth of maritime transports. Russia has been expanding its port activities in the Gulf of Finland and it is officially aiming to transport its own imports and exports through the Russian ports in the future; now they are being transported to great extend through the Finnish, Estonian and other Baltic ports. Russia has five ports in the Gulf of Finland. Estonia has also experienced fast economic growth, but the growth has been slowing down already during the past couples of years. The size of its economy is small compared to Russia, which means the transported tonnes cannot be very massive. However, relatively large amounts of the Russian petroleum exports have been transported through the Estonian ports. The future of the Russian transit traffic in Estonia looks nevertheless uncertain and it remains to be seen how it will develop and if Estonia is able to find replacing cargoes if the Russian transit traffic will come to an end in the Estonian ports. Estonia’s own import and export consists of forestry products, metals or other raw materials and consumer goods. Estonia has many ports on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, but the port of Tallinn dominates the cargo volumes. In 2007, 263 M tonnes of cargoes were transported in the maritime traffic in the Gulf of Finland, of which the share of petroleum products was 56 %. 23 % of the cargoes were loaded or unloaded in the Finnish ports, 60 % in the Russian ports and 17 % in the Estonian ports. The largest ports were Primorsk (74.2 M tonnes) St. Petersburg (59.5 M tonnes), Tallinn (35.9 M tonnes), Sköldvik (19.8 M tonnes), Vysotsk (16.5 M tonnes) and Helsinki (13.4 M) tonnes. Approximately 53 600 ship calls were made in the ports of the Gulf of Finland. The densest traffic was found in the ports of St. Petersburg (14 651 ship calls), Helsinki (11 727 ship calls) and Tallinn (10 614 ship calls) in 2007. The transportation scenarios are usually based on the assumption that the amount of transports follows the development of the economy, although also other factors influence the development of transportation, e.g. government policy, environmental aspects, and social and behavioural trends. The relationship between the development of transportation and the economy is usually analyzed in terms of the development of GDP and trade. When the GDP grows to a certain level, especially the international transports increase because countries of high GDP produce, consume and thus transport more. An effective transportation system is also a precondition for the economic development. In this study, the following factors were taken into consideration when formulating the future scenarios: maritime transportation in the Gulf of Finland 2007, economic development, development of key industries, development of infrastructure and environmental aspects in relation to maritime transportation. The basic starting points for the three alternative scenarios were: • the slow growth scenario: economic recession • the average growth scenario: economy will recover quickly from current instability • the strong growth scenario: the most optimistic views on development will realize According to the slow growth scenario, the total tonnes for the maritime transportation in the Gulf of Finland would be 322.4 M tonnes in 2015, which would mean a growth of 23 % compared to 2007. In the average growth scenario, the total tonnes were estimated to be 431.6 M tonnes – a growth of 64 %, and in the strong growth scenario 507.2 M tonnes – a growth of 93%. These tonnes were further divided into petroleum products and other cargoes by country, into export, import and domestic traffic by country, and between the ports. For petroleum products, the share of crude oil and oil products was estimated and the number of tanker calls in 2015 was calculated for each scenario. However, the future development of maritime transportation in the GoF is dependent on so many societal and economic variables that it is not realistic to predict one exact point estimate value for the cargo tonnes for a certain scenario. Plenty of uncertainty is related both to the degree in which the scenario will come true as well as to the cause-effect relations between the different variables. For these reasons, probability distributions for each scenario were formulated by an expert group. As a result, a range for the total tonnes of each scenario was formulated and they are as follows: the slow growth scenario: 280.8 – 363 M tonnes (expectation value 322.4 M tonnes)

  • the average growth scenario: 404.1 – 465.1 M tonnes (expectation value 431.6 M tonnes)
  • the strong growth scenario: 445.4 – 575.4 M tonnes (expectation value 507.2 M tonnes) Three alternatives scenarios were evaluated to realize most likely with the following probability distribution:
  • the slow growth scenario: 35 %
  • the average growth scenario: 50 %
  • the strong growth scenario: 15 %. In other words, expert group evaluated the average growth scenario to be the most likely to realize, second likely was the slow growth scenario, and the strong growth scenario was evaluated to be the most unlikely to realize. In sum, it can be stated that the development of maritime transportation in the Gulf of Finland is dominated by the development of Russia, because Russia dominates the cargo volumes. Maritime transportation in Finland is expected to be more stable and, in any case, such a growth potential cannot be seen in Finland. The development of maritime transportation in Estonia is rather challenging to forecast at the moment but, on the other hand, the transported tonnes in the Estonian ports are relatively small. The shares of export and import of the maritime transportation are not expected to change radically in the reference period. Petroleum products will dominate the transports also in the future and the share of oil products will probably increase compared to the share of crude oil. In regard to the other cargoes, the transports of raw materials and bulk goods will probably be replaced to some extend by cargoes of high-value, which adds especially to the container transports. But in overall, substantial changes are not expected in the commodity groups transported by sea. The growth potential of the ports concentrates on the Russian ports, especially Primorsk and Ust-Luga, if investments will come true as planned. It is likely that the larger ports do better in the competition than the small ones due to the economies of scale and to the concentration of cargo flows. The average ship sizes will probably grow, but the growth potential is rather limited because of geographical conditions and of the maritime transportation structure in the Gulf of Finland. Climate change and other environmental aspects are becoming more central e.g. in transportation politics. These issues can affect the maritime transportation in the Gulf of Finland through, for instance, strict environmental requirements concerning the emissions from shipping, or the port investments. If environmental requirements raise costs, it can affect the demand of transportation. In the near future, the development of the maritime transportation in the Gulf of Finland is mainly dependent on the current economic instability. If it will lead to a longer lasting recession, the growth of the transported tonnes will slow down. But if the instability does not last long, it can be expected that the economic growth will continue and along with it also the growth of transported tonnes.

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    During the last few years, the discussion on the marginal social costs of transportation has been active. Applying the externalities as a tool to control transport would fulfil the polluter pays principle and simultaneously create a fair control method between the transport modes. This report presents the results of two calculation algorithms developed to estimate the marginal social costs based on the externalities of air pollution. The first algorithm calculates the future scenarios of sea transport traffic externalities until 2015 in the Gulf of Finland. The second algorithm calculates the externalities of Russian passenger car transit traffic via Finland by taking into account both sea and road transport. The algorithm estimates the ship-originated emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx), particulates (PM) and the externalities for each year from 2007 to 2015. The total NOx emissions in the Gulf of Finland from the six ship types were almost 75.7 kilotons (Table 5.2) in 2007. The ship types are: passenger (including cruisers and ROPAX vessels), tanker, general cargo, Ro-Ro, container and bulk vessels. Due to the increase of traffic, the estimation for NOx emissions for 2015 is 112 kilotons. The NOx emission estimation for the whole Baltic Sea shipping is 370 kilotons in 2006 (Stipa & al, 2007). The total marginal social costs due to ship-originated CO2, NOx, SOx and PM emissions in the GOF were calculated to almost 175 million Euros in 2007. The costs will increase to nearly 214 million Euros in 2015 due to the traffic growth. The major part of the externalities is due to CO2 emissions. If we neglect the CO2 emissions by extracting the CO2 externalities from the results, we get the total externalities of 57 million Euros in 2007. After eight years (2015), the externalities would be 28 % lower, 41 million Euros (Table 8.1). This is the result of the sulphur emissions reducing regulation of marine fuels. The majority of the new car transit goes through Finland to Russia due to the lack of port capacity in Russia. The amount of cars was 339 620 vehicles (Statistics of Finnish Customs 2008) in 2005. The externalities are calculated for the transportation of passenger vehicles as follows: by ship to a Finnish port and, after that, by trucks to the Russian border checkpoint. The externalities are between 2 – 3 million Euros (year 2000 cost level) for each route. The ports included in the calculations are Hamina, Hanko, Kotka and Turku. With the Euro-3 standard trucks, the port of Hanko would be the best choice to transport the vehicles. This is because of lower emissions by new trucks and the saved transport distance of a ship. If the trucks are more polluting Euro 1 level trucks, the port of Kotka would be the best choice. This indicates that the truck emissions have a considerable effect on the externalities and that the transportation of light cargo, such as passenger cars by ship, produces considerably high emission externalities. The emission externalities approach offers a new insight for valuing the multiple traffic modes. However, the calculation of the marginal social costs based on the air emission externalities should not be regarded as a ready-made calculation system. The system is clearly in the need of some improvement but it can already be considered as a potential tool for political decision making.


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    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli laskea voimalaitoskannattavuudet vuosilta 2007–2009 kohdeyrityksen biovoimalaitokselle sekä kombivoimalaitokselle. Lisäksi laskettiin kohdeyrityksen uuden hyötyvoimalaitoksen käyttöönottovuoden 2009 kannattavuus sekä odotetun käyttöasteen kannattavuus. Tavoitteena oli muodostaa tuotantolaitoskohtaiset tuotekannattavuudet vuodelta 2009 Kotkan Energia Oy:ssä sekä muodostaa kirjatut jakoperusteet kannattavuuksien laskentaa varten ja analysoida saatuja kannattavuuksia. Tutkimusmetodologiana on käytetty soveltavaa tutkimusotetta. Kannattavuusanalyysin kehittäminen vaatii yrityksen kustannusten, tuottojen ja toiminnan sekä toimialan luonteen ymmärtämistä. Haasteena tutkimuksessa oli sähkön, lämmön ja höyryn valmistuksen periaatteiden omaksuminen, joka on kustannusten ja tuottojen oikean kohdistamisen perusta. Tutkimuksen tuloksena todettiin, että kombivoimalaitos on tuotantolaitoksista kannattamattomin. Kohdeyrityksen kannattavuutta voitaisiin parantaa investoimalla kombivoimalaitoksen tilalle halvempaa polttoainetta käyttävä tuotantolaitos. Tuotteista kannattavimmaksi todettiin kaukolämpö. Tutkimuksen tuloksina saatuja kannattavuuksia voidaan hyödyntää Kotkan Energian päätöksenteossa ja niitä hyödyntämällä pystytään kohdeyritykselle laskemaan nopeasti tarpeellisia tulevaisuudenskenaarioita. Kannattavuuslaskelmien tuloksien analyysin jatkoksi pohdittiin Kotkan Energialle jatkotutkimusehdotelmia.


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    The most outstanding conceptual challenge of modern crisis management is the principle of consent. It is not a problem only at the operational level - it challenges the entire decision-making structures of crisis management operations. In post-cold war times and especially in the 21st century, there has been a transition from peacekeeping with limited size and scope towards large and complex peace operations. This shift has presented peace operations with a dilemma. How to balance between maintaining consent for peace operations, whilst being able to use military force to coerce those attempting to wreck peace processes? To address such a dilemma, this research aims to promote understanding, on what can be achieved by military crisis management operations (peace support operations) in the next decade. The research concentrates on the focal research question: Should military components induce consent or rely on the compliance of conflicting parties in crisis management operations of the next decade (2020 – 2030)? The focus is on military – political strategic level considerations, and especially on the time before political decisions to commit to a crisis management operation. This study does not focus on which actor or organisation should intervene. The framework of this thesis derives from the so called ‘peacebuilding space’, the scope of peace operations and spoiler theory. Feasibility of both peace enforcement and peacekeeping in countering future risk conditions are analysed in this framework. This future-orientated qualitative research uses the Delphi-method with a panel of national and international experts. Citation analysis supports identification of relevant reference material, which consists of contemporary literature, the Delphi-questionnaires and interviews. The research process followed three main stages. In the first stage, plausible future scenarios and risk conditions were identified with the Delphi-panel. In the second stage, operating environments for peace support operations were described and consequent hypotheses formulated. In the third stage, these hypotheses were tested on the Delphi-panel. The Delphi-panel is sufficiently wide and diverse to produce plausible yet different insights. The research design utilised specifically military crisis management and peace operations theories. This produced various and relevant normative considerations. Therefore, one may argue that this research; which is based on accepted contemporary theory, hypotheses derived thereof and utilising an expert panel, contributes to the realm of peace support operations. This research finds that some degree of peace enforcement will be feasible and necessary in at least the following risk conditions: failed governance; potential spillover of ethnic, religious, ideological conflict; vulnerability of strategic chokepoints and infrastructures in ungoverned spaces; as well as in territorial and extra-territorial border disputes. In addition, some form of peace enforcement is probably necessary in risk conditions pertaining to: extremism of marginalised groups; potential disputes over previously uninhabited and resource-rich territories; and interstate rivalry. Furthermore, this research finds that peacekeeping measures will be feasible and necessary in at least risk conditions pertaining to: potential spillover of ethnic, religious, ideological conflict; uncontrolled migration; consequences from environmental catastrophes or changes; territorial and extra-territorial border disputes; and potential disputes over previously uninhabited and resource-rich territories. These findings are all subject to both generic and case specific preconditions that must exist for a peace support operation. Some deductions could be derived from the research findings. Although some risk conditions may appear illogical, understanding the underlying logic of a conflict is fundamental to understanding transition in crisis management. Practitioners of crisis management should possess cognizance of such transition. They must understand how transition should occur from threat to safety, from conflict to stability – and so forth. Understanding transition is imperative for managing the dynamic evolution of preconditions, which begins at the outset of a peace support operation. Furthermore, it is pertinent that spoilers are defined from a peace process point of view. If spoilers are defined otherwise, it changes the nature of an operation towards war, where the logic is breaking the will of an enemy - and surrender. In peace support operations, the logic is different: actions towards spoilers are intended to cause transition towards consent - not defeat. Notwithstanding future developments, history continues to provide strategic education. However, the distinction is that the risk conditions occur in novel futures. Hence, lessons learned from the past should be fitted to the case at hand. This research shows compelling evidence that swaying between intervention optimism and pessimism is not substantiated. Both peace enforcement and peacekeeping are sine qua non for successful military crisis management in the next decade.


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    This study is part of the Minimizing risks of maritime oil transport by holistic safety strategies (MIMIC) project. The purpose of this study is to provide a current state analysis of oil transportation volumes in the Baltic Sea and to create scenarios for oil transportation in the Gulf of Finland for the years 2020 and 2030. Future scenarios and information about oil transportation will be utilized in the modelling of oil transportation risks, which will be carried out as part of the MIMIC project. Approximately 290 million tons of oil and oil products were transported in the Baltic Sea in 2009, of which 55% (160 million tons) via the Gulf of Finland. Oil transportation volumes in the Gulf of Finland have increased from 40 million to almost 160 million tonnes over the last ten years. In Russia and Estonia, oil transportation mainly consists of export transports of the Russian oil industry. In Finnish ports in the Gulf of Finland, the majority of oil traffic is concentrated to the port of Sköldvik, while the remainder mainly consists of different oil products for domestic use. Transit transports to/from Russia make up small volumes of oil transportation. The largest oil ports in the Gulf of Finland are Primorsk, Tallinn, St. Petersburg and Sköldvik. The basis for the scenarios for the years 2020 and 2030 is formed by national energy strategies, the EU`s climate and energy strategies as well other energy and transportation forecasts for the years 2020 and 2030. Three alternative scenarios were produced for both 2020 and 2030. The oil volumes are based on the expert estimates of nine specialists. The specialists gave three volumes for each scenario: the expected oil transport volumes, and the minimum and maximum volumes. Variations in the volumes between the scenarios are not large, but each scenario tends to have rather a large difference between the figures for minimum and maximum volumes. This variation between the minimum and maximum volumes ranges around 30 to 40 million tonnes depending on the scenario. On the basis of this study, no a dramatic increase in oil transportation volumes in the Gulf of Finland is to be expected. Most of the scenarios only forecasted a moderate growth in maritime oil transportation compared to the current levels. The effects of the European energy policy favouring renewable energy sources can be seen in the 2030 scenarios, in which the transported oil volumes are smaller than in the 2020 scenarios. In the Slow development 2020 scenario, oil transport volumes for 2020 are expected to be 170.6 Mt (million tonnes), in the Average development 2020 187.1 Mt and in the Strong development 2020 201.5 Mt. The corresponding oil volumes for the 2030 scenarios were 165 Mt for the Stagnating development 2030 scenario, 177.5 Mt for the Towards a greener society 2030 scenario and 169.5 Mt in the Decarbonising society 2030 scenario.


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    The growing importance of global sustainability issues has been causing many changes to the financial services industry. Facts such as climate change, social development and the financial crisis in 2008 have been making banks reconsider the manner that they consider environmental, social and economic factors in their decision-making process. At the same time, information technology (IT) has been transforming the financial service industry and its fast development has casted doubts on the way it should be managed within an organization. This current changing environment brings a number of uncertainties to the future that cannot be addressed using traditional forecasting techniques. This research investigates how IT can bring value to sustainability in the financial service industry in 2020. Through the use of a scenario planning technique, we analyzed how trends in the current environment (considering the relation between sustainability, financial institutions an IT) can lead to four different future scenarios. Then, we discussed how IT can improve a bank’s sustainability performance, considering the limitations of each scenario.