13 resultados para Free energy
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Bioenergi ses som en viktig del av det nu- och framtida sortimentet av inhemsk energi. Svartlut, bark och skogsavfall täcker mer än en femtedel av den inhemska energianvändningen. Produktionsanläggningar kan fungera ofullständigt och en mängd gas-, partikelutsläpp och tjära produceras samtidigt och kan leda till beläggningsbildning och korrosion. Orsaken till dessa problem är ofta obalans i processen: vissa föreningar anrikas i processen och superjämviktstillstånd är bildas. I denna doktorsavhandling presenteras en ny beräkningsmetod, med vilken man kan beskriva superjämviktstillståndet, de viktigaste kemiska reaktionerna, processens värmeproduktion och tillståndsstorheter samtidigt. Beräkningsmetoden grundar sig på en unik frienergimetod med bivillkor som har utvecklats vid VTT. Den här så kallade CFE-metoden har tidigare utnyttjats i pappers-, metall- och kemiindustrin. Applikationer för bioenergi, vilka är demonstrerade i doktorsavhandlingen, är ett nytt användingsområde för metoden. Studien visade att beräkningsmetoden är väl lämpad för högtemperaturenergiprocesser. Superjämviktstillstånden kan uppstå i dessa processer och det kemiska systemet kan definieras med några bivillkor. Typiska tillämpningar är förbränning av biomassa och svartlut, förgasning av biomassa och uppkomsten av kväveoxider. Också olika sätt att definiera superjämviktstillstånd presenterades i doktorsavhandlingen: empiriska konstanter, empiriska hastighetsuttryck eller reaktionsmekanismer kan användas. Resultaten av doktorsavhandlingen kan utnyttjas i framtiden i processplaneringen och i undersökning av nya tekniska lösningar för förgasning, förbränningsteknik och biobränslen. Den presenterade metoden är ett bra alternativ till de traditionella mekanistiska och fenomenmodeller och kombinerar de bästa delarna av både. --------------------------------------------------------------- Bioenergia on tärkeä osa nykyistä ja tulevaa kotimaista energiapalettia. Mustalipeä, kuori ja metsätähteet kattavat yli viidenneksen kotimaisesta energian kulutuksesta. Tuotantolaitokset eivät kuitenkaan aina toimi täydellisesti ja niiden prosesseissa syntyy erilaisia kaasu- ja hiukkaspäästöjä, tervoja sekä prosessilaitteita kuluttavia saostumia ja ruostumista. Usein syy näihin ongelmiin on prosessissa esiintyvä epätasapainotila: tietyt yhdisteet rikastuvat prosessissa ja muodostavat supertasapainotiloja. Väitöstyössä kehitettiin uusi laskentamenetelmä, jolla voidaan kuvata nämä supertasapainotilat, tärkeimmät niihin liittyvät kemialliset reaktiot, prosessin lämmöntuotanto ja tilansuureet yhtä aikaa. Laskentamenetelmä perustuu VTT:llä kehitettyyn ainutlaatuiseen rajoitettuun vapaaenergiamenetelmään. Tätä niin kutsuttua CFE-menetelmää on aiemmin sovelluttu onnistuneesti muun muassa paperi-, metalli- ja kemianteollisuudessa. Väitöstyössä esitetyt bioenergiasovellukset ovat uusi sovellusalue menetelmälle. Työ osoitti laskentatavan soveltuvan hyvin korkealämpöisiin energiatekniikan prosesseihin, joissa kemiallista systeemiä rajoittavia tekijöitä oli rajallinen määrä ja siten super-tasapainotila saattoi muodostua prosessin aikana. Tyypillisiä sovelluskohteita ovat biomassan ja mustalipeän poltto, biomassan kaasutus ja typpioksidipäästöt. Työn aikana arvioitiin myös erilaisia tapoja määritellä super-tasapainojen muodostumista rajoittavat tekijät. Rajoitukset voitiin tehdä teollisiin mittauksiin pohjautuen, kokeellisia malleja hyödyntäen tai mekanistiseen reaktiokinetiikkaan perustuen. Tulevaisuudessa väitöstyön tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää prosessisuunnittelussa ja tutkittaessa uusia teknisiä ratkaisuja kaasutus- ja polttotekniikoissa sekä biopolttoaineiden tutkimuksessa. Kehitetty menetelmä tarjoaa hyvän vaihtoehdon perinteisille mekanistisille ja ilmiömalleille yhdistäen näiden parhaita puolia.
Currently widely accepted consensus is that greenhouse gas emissions produced by the mankind have to be reduced in order to avoid further global warming. The European Union has set a variety of CO2 reduction and renewable generation targets for its member states. The current energy system in the Nordic countries is one of the most carbon free in the world, but the aim is to achieve a fully carbon neutral energy system. The objective of this thesis is to consider the role of nuclear power in the future energy system. Nuclear power is a low carbon energy technology because it produces virtually no air pollutants during operation. In this respect, nuclear power is suitable for a carbon free energy system. In this master's thesis, the basic characteristics of nuclear power are presented and compared to fossil fuelled and renewable generation. Nordic energy systems and different scenarios in 2050 are modelled. Using models and information about the basic characteristics of nuclear power, an opinion is formed about its role in the future energy system in Nordic countries. The model shows that it is possible to form a carbon free Nordic energy system. Nordic countries benefit from large hydropower capacity which helps to offset fluctuating nature of wind power. Biomass fuelled generation and nuclear power provide stable and predictable electricity throughout the year. Nuclear power offers better energy security and security of supply than fossil fuelled generation and it is competitive with other low carbon technologies.
Today industries and commerce in Ghana are facing enormous energy challenge. The pressure is on for industries to reduce energy consumption, lower carbon emissions and provide se-cured power supply. Industrial electric motor energy efficiency improvement is one of the most important tools to reduce global warming threat and reduce electricity bills. In order to develop a strategic industrial energy efficiency policy, it is therefore necessary to study the barriers that inhibit the implementation of cost – effective energy efficiency measures and the driving forces that promote the implementation. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the energy consumption pattern of electric motors, study factors that promote or inhibit energy efficiency improvements in EMDS and provide cost – effective solutions that improve energy efficiency to bridge the existing energy efficiency gap in the surveyed industries. The results from this thesis has revealed that, the existence of low energy efficiency in motor-driven systems in the surveyed industries were due to poor maintenance practices, absence of standards, power quality issues, lack of access to capital and limited awareness to the im-portance of energy efficiency improvements in EMDS. However, based on the results pre-sented in this thesis, a policy approach towards industrial SMEs should primarily include dis-counted or free energy audit in providing the industries with the necessary information on potential energy efficiency measures, practice best motor management programmes and estab-lish a minimum energy performance standard (MEPS) for motors imported into the country. The thesis has also shown that education and capacity development programmes, financial incentives and system optimization are effective means to promote energy efficiency in elec-tric motor – driven systems in industrial SMEs in Ghana
Diplomityössä tarkasteltiin lentoaseman terminaalirakennuksen energia- ja ainevirtoja sekä sisäilman ominaisuuksia. Esimerkkikohteena oli Helsinki-Vantaan lentoaseman keskiterminaalirakennus, jonka 1. ja 2. rakennusvaiheen ulkovaippa muodosti taserajan. Taseen ulkopuolisista tekijöistä tarkasteltiin jäähdytysenergian tuotantoa ja ulkoilman laatua. Työn yhtenä tavoitteena oli muodostaa rakennukselle energiatase. Taseen avulla saatiin tietoa energian jakautumisesta eri toimintoihin ja löydettiin tekijät, joita suunnittelussa tulee painottaa. Terminaalin lähiympäristössä tutkittiin ulkoilman laatua mittausten avulla. Mittaustietoja käytetään apuna tulevaisuuden ilmanottosuunnittelussa. Työssä tarkasteltiin energia- ja ainevirtoina lämpö-, jäähdytys- ja sähköenergian sekä veden ostoa, tuotantoa ja kulutusta sekä prosessointia. Terminaalin lämpötarpeesta hieman yli puolet katettiin kaukolämmöllä. Loput noin 45 % lämpöenergiasta saatiin ns. ilmaisenergioista. Näistä merkittävimmäksi havaittiin sähkölaitteiden luovuttama lämpömäärä. Lämpöhäviöiden kannalta merkittäviä energiavirtoja olivat ilmanvaihdon ja vuotoilmojen kautta siirtyvät energiavirrat, joiden osuuden todettiin olevan noin 80 % terminaalin kokonaislämpöhäviöistä. Vaipan lämmöneristyskyky ja kyky absorboida auringon säteilyä todettiin hyviksi. Tulevaisuudessa tärkeitä suunnittelunäkökohtia tulevat olemaan ilmanvaihdon ja vuotoilman kautta siirtyvien energiavirtojen hallinta sekä sähköenergian ominaiskulutuksen pienentäminen. Ulkoilma todettiin mittauksin hyvätasoiseksi. Lento- ja maaliikenteen päästöarvot olivat lähellä toisiaan ja selvästi ohjearvoja alemmalla tasolla. Päästöjen sijaintiin vaikuttivat liikennemääriä enemmän tuuliolosuhteet. Tulevaisuudessa tuloilma voidaan johtaa terminaaliin yhtä hyvin joko lento- tai maaliikenteen puolelta.
Tässä työssä tarkastellaan teollisuuden ylijäämälämmön hyödyntämistä kaukolämpöverkoissa liiketoimintamallin näkökulmasta. Työn tilaaja on YIT Teollisuus Oy, joka haluaa osaltaan olla mukana ratkaisemassa ilmastonmuutoksesta ja hiilidioksidipäästöjen vähentämistarpeista aiheutuvia yhteiskunnan kehitystarpeita. Energiatehokkuuden parantaminen on yksi nopeimmista keinoista vähentää päästöjä. Teollisuuden energiatehokkuutta voidaan parantaa ottamalla talteen sähköntuotannossa ja tuotantoprosesseissa syntyvää ylijäämälämpöä. Aikaisempien tutkimusten perusteella tiedetään, että Suomessa syntyy vuosittain noin 4–6 TWh ylijäämälämpöä, joka voitaisiin hyödyntää jo olemassa olevien kaukolämpöverkkojen välityksellä rakennusten lämmittämiseen. Kuitenkin vuonna 2008 teollisuus myi ylijäämälämpöä kaukolämpöverkkoihin yhteensä vain 770 GWh, mikä vastaa noin 2,5 prosenttia kokonaiskaukolämmön tarpeesta. Tämän työn tuloksena syntyi liiketoimintamalli, joka esittelee ne palvelut, jotka YIT tuottaa asiakkailleen tilanteissa, joissa teollisuudessa syntyvää ylijäämälämpöä hyödynnetään kaukolämpöverkoissa. Jotta liiketoimintamalli toimisi käytännössä, on siitä oltava hyötyä kaikille osapuolille. Asiakkaan on siis voitava kattaa palvelusta ja sen rahoituksesta syntyvät kustannukset myydyn ylijäämälämmön tuotolla (teollisuuslaitos) tai säästyneistä energian hankintakustannuksista (kaukolämpöyhtiö). Eniten ylijäämälämmön käytöstä voivat hyötyä kaukolämpöyhtiöt, joiden tuotannosta korkeintaan pieni osa tulee yhteistuotannosta ja joilla uusiutuvien energialähteiden osuus on vähäinen. Lisäksi kaukolämpöverkon koon vuotuisena kulutuksena mitattuna on oltava riittävän suuri ja kaukolämmön hinnan suhteellisen korkea. Myös alueen ennustettu väestönkasvu ja uudet suunnitteilla olevat asuinalueet saattavat parantaa ylijäämälämmön hyödyntämisen houkuttelevuutta. YIT:n näkökulmasta ylijäämälämmön talteenottoprojektit ovat hyvä lisä sen nykyiseen palvelutarjontaan. Myös yhteiskunnallisella tasolla aihe on merkittävä. Vaikka nykytietämyksen mukaan energian käytön tehostaminen ja päästöttömän tuotannon lisääminen ovat molemmat yhtä merkittäviä keinoja ilmastotavoitteiden saavuttamisen kannalta, panostetaan Suomessa tällä hetkellä lähinnä tuotannon tukemiseen. Lähivuosien poliittiset ratkaisut vaikuttavatkin vahvasti siihen, kuinka paljon tulevaisuudessa ylijäämälämpöä hyödynnetään rakennusten lämmittämisessä.
Molecular oxygen (O2) is a key component in cellular respiration and aerobic life. Through the redox potential of O2, the amount of free energy available to organisms that utilize it is greatly increased. Yet, due to the nature of the O2 electron configuration, it is non-reactive to most organic molecules in the ground state. For O2 to react with most organic compounds it must be activated. By activating O2, oxygenases can catalyze reactions involving oxygen incorporation into organic compounds. The oxygen activation mechanisms employed by many oxygenases to have been studied, and they often include transition metals and selected organic compounds. Despite the diversity of mechanisms for O2 activation explored in this thesis, all of the monooxygenases studied in the experimental part activate O2 through a transient carbanion intermediate. One of these enzymes is the small cofactorless monooxygenase SnoaB. Cofactorless monooxygenases are unusual oxygenases that require neither transition metals nor cofactors to activate oxygen. Based on our biochemical characterization and the crystal structure of this enzyme, the mechanism most likely employed by SnoaB relies on a carbanion intermediate to activate oxygen, which is consistent with the proposed substrate-assisted mechanism for this family of enzymes. From the studies conducted on the two-component system AlnT and AlnH, both the functions of the NADH-dependent flavin reductase, AlnH, and the reduced flavin dependent monooxygenase, AlnT, were confirmed. The unusual regiochemistry proposed for AlnT was also confirmed on the basis of the structure of a reaction product. The mechanism of AlnT, as with other flavin-dependent monooxygenases, is likely to involve a caged radical pair consisting of a superoxide anion and a neutral flavin radical formed from an initial carbanion intermediate. In the studies concerning the engineering of the S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) dependent 4-O-methylase DnrK and the homologous atypical 10-hydroxylase RdmB, our data suggest that an initial decarboxylation of the substrate is catalyzed by both of these enzymes, which results in the generation of a carbanion intermediate. This intermediate is not essential for the 4-O-methylation reaction, but it is important for the 10-hydroxylation reaction, since it enables substrate-assisted activation of molecular oxygen involving a single electron transfer to O2 from a carbanion intermediate. The only role for SAM in the hydroxylation reaction is likely to be stabilization of the carbanion through the positive charge of the cofactor. Based on the DnrK variant crystal structure and the characterizations of several DnrK variants, the insertion of a single amino acid in DnrK (S297) is sufficient for gaining a hydroxylation function, which is likely caused by carbanion stabilization through active site solvent restriction. Despite large differences in the three-dimensional structures of the oxygenases and the potential for multiple oxygen activation mechanisms, all the enzymes in my studies rely on carbanion intermediates to activate oxygen from either flavins or their substrates. This thesis provides interesting examples of divergent evolution and the prevalence of carbanion intermediates within polyketide biosynthesis. This mechanism appears to be recurrent in aromatic polyketide biosynthesis and may reflect the acidic nature of these compounds, propensity towards hydrogen bonding and their ability to delocalize π-electrons.
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a non-radiative energy transfer from a fluorescent donor molecule to an appropriate acceptor molecule and a commonly used technique to develop homogeneous assays. If the emission spectrum of the donor overlaps with the excitation spectrum of the acceptor, FRET might occur. As a consequence, the emission of the donor is decreased and the emission of the acceptor (if fluorescent) increased. Furthermore, the distance between the donor and the acceptor needs to be short enough, commonly 10-100 Å. Typically, the close proximity between the donor and the acceptor is achieved via bioaffinity interactions e.g. antibody binding antigen. Large variety of donors and acceptors exist. The selection of the donor/acceptor pair should be done not only based on the requirements of FRET but also the performance expectancies and the objectives of the application should be considered. In this study, the exceptional fluorescence properties of the lanthanide chelates were employed to develop two novel homogeneous immunoassays: a non-competitive hapten (estradiol) assay based on a single binder and a dual-parametric total and free PSA assay. In addition, the quenching efficiencies and energy transfer properties of various donor/acceptor pairs were studied. The applied donors were either europium(III) or terbium(III) chelates; whereas several organic dyes (both fluorescent and quenchers) acted as acceptors. First, it was shown that if the interaction between the donor/acceptor complexes is of high quality (e.g. biotin-streptavidin) the fluorescence of the europium(III) chelate could be quenched rather efficiently. Furthermore, the quenching based homogeneous non-competitive assay for estradiol had significantly better sensitivity (~67 times) than a corresponding homogeneous competitive assay using the same assay components. Second, if the acceptors were chosen to emit at the emission minima of the terbium(III) chelate, several acceptor emissions could be measured simultaneously without significant cross-talk from other acceptors. Based on these results, the appropriate acceptors were chosen for the dual-parameter assay. The developed homogeneous dual-parameter assay was able to measure both total and free PSA simultaneously using a simple mix and measure protocol. Correlation of this assay to a heterogeneous single parameter assay was excellent (above 0.99 for both) when spiked human plasma samples were used. However, due to the interference of the sample material, the obtained concentrations were slightly lower with the homogeneous than the heterogeneous assay, especially for the free PSA. To conclude, in this work two novel immunoassay principles were developed, which both are adaptable to other analytes. However, the hapten assay requires a rather good antibody with low dissociation rate and high affinity; whereas the dual-parameter assay principle is applicable whenever two immunometric complexes can form simultaneously, provided that the requirements of FRET are fulfilled.
The number of autonomous wireless sensor and control nodes has been increasing rapidly during the last decade. Until recently, these wireless nodes have been powered with batteries, which have lead to a short life cycle and high maintenance need. Due to these battery-related problems, new energy sources have been studied to power wireless nodes. One solution is energy harvesting, i.e. extracting energy from the ambient environment. Energy harvesting can provide a long-lasting power source for sensor nodes, with no need for maintenance. In this thesis, various energy harvesting technologies are studied whilst focusing on the theory of each technology and the state-of-the-art solutions of published studies and commercial solutions. In addition to energy harvesting, energy storage and energy management solutions are also studied as a subsystem of a whole energy source solution. Wireless nodes are also used in heavy-duty vehicles. Therefore a reliable, long-lasting and maintenance-free power source is also needed in this kind of environment. A forestry harvester has been used as a case study to study the feasibility of energy harvesting in a forestry harvester’s sliding boom. The energy harvester should be able to produce few milliwatts to power the target system, an independent limit switch.
Resonance energy transfer (RET) is a non-radiative transfer of the excitation energy from the initially excited luminescent donor to an acceptor. The requirements for the resonance energy transfer are: i) the spectral overlap between the donor emission spectrum and the acceptor absorption spectrum, ii) the close proximity of the donor and the acceptor, and iii) the suitable relative orientations of the donor emission and the acceptor absorption transition dipoles. As a result of the RET process the donor luminescence intensity and the donor lifetime are decreased. If the acceptor is luminescent, a sensitized acceptor emission appears. The rate of RET depends strongly on the donor–acceptor distance (r) and is inversely proportional to r6. The distance dependence of RET is utilized in binding assays. The proximity requirement and the selective detection of the RET-modified emission signal allow homogeneous separation free assays. The term lanthanide-based RET is used when luminescent lanthanide compounds are used as donors. The long luminescence lifetimes, the large Stokes’ shifts and the intense, sharply-spiked emission spectra of the lanthanide donors offer advantages over the conventional organic donor molecules. Both the organic lanthanide chelates and the inorganic up-converting phosphor (UCP) particles have been used as donor labels in the RET based binding assays. In the present work lanthanide luminescence and lanthanide-based resonance energy transfer phenomena were studied. Luminescence lifetime measurements had an essential role in the research. Modular frequency-domain and time-domain luminometers were assembled and used successfully in the lifetime measurements. The frequency-domain luminometer operated in the low frequency domain ( 100 kHz) and utilized a novel dual-phase lock-in detection of the luminescence. One of the studied phenomena was the recently discovered non-overlapping fluorescence resonance energy transfer (nFRET). The studied properties were the distance and temperature dependences of nFRET. The distance dependence was found to deviate from the Förster theory and a clear temperature dependence was observed whereas conventional RET was completely independent of the temperature. Based on the experimental results two thermally activated mechanisms were proposed for the nFRET process. The work with the UCP particles involved the measurement of the luminescence properties of the UCP particles synthesized in our laboratory. The goal of the UCP particle research is to develop UCP donor labels for binding assays. In the present work the effect of the dopant concentrations and the core–shell structure on the total up-conversion luminescence intensity, the red–green emission ratio, and the luminescence lifetime was studied. Also the non-radiative nature of the energy transfer from the UCP particle donors to organic acceptors was demonstrated for the first time in aqueous environment and with a controlled donor–acceptor distance.
In accordance with the Moore's law, the increasing number of on-chip integrated transistors has enabled modern computing platforms with not only higher processing power but also more affordable prices. As a result, these platforms, including portable devices, work stations and data centres, are becoming an inevitable part of the human society. However, with the demand for portability and raising cost of power, energy efficiency has emerged to be a major concern for modern computing platforms. As the complexity of on-chip systems increases, Network-on-Chip (NoC) has been proved as an efficient communication architecture which can further improve system performances and scalability while reducing the design cost. Therefore, in this thesis, we study and propose energy optimization approaches based on NoC architecture, with special focuses on the following aspects. As the architectural trend of future computing platforms, 3D systems have many bene ts including higher integration density, smaller footprint, heterogeneous integration, etc. Moreover, 3D technology can signi cantly improve the network communication and effectively avoid long wirings, and therefore, provide higher system performance and energy efficiency. With the dynamic nature of on-chip communication in large scale NoC based systems, run-time system optimization is of crucial importance in order to achieve higher system reliability and essentially energy efficiency. In this thesis, we propose an agent based system design approach where agents are on-chip components which monitor and control system parameters such as supply voltage, operating frequency, etc. With this approach, we have analysed the implementation alternatives for dynamic voltage and frequency scaling and power gating techniques at different granularity, which reduce both dynamic and leakage energy consumption. Topologies, being one of the key factors for NoCs, are also explored for energy saving purpose. A Honeycomb NoC architecture is proposed in this thesis with turn-model based deadlock-free routing algorithms. Our analysis and simulation based evaluation show that Honeycomb NoCs outperform their Mesh based counterparts in terms of network cost, system performance as well as energy efficiency.
The AQUAREL project studied the availability and optional utilization methods for fish processing side streams and other aquatic biomaterial in the Republic of Karelia. Additionally processing aquatic biomaterial with manure and sewage sludge was studied. Based on the results, the most feasible option today is to process fish side streams to fish oil and dewatered oil-free residue and to use them for fish or animal feed production. However, it is necessary to highlight, that changes in e.g. economic environment, energy prices and demand may require re-evaluating the results and conclusions made in the project. Producing fish oil from fish processing side streams is an easy and relatively simple production process generating a valuable end product. The functionality of the process was confirmed in a pilot conducted in the project. The oil and solids are separated from the heated fish waste based on gravity. The fish oil separating on top of the separator unit is removed. Fish oil can as such be utilized for heating purposes, fish meal or animal feed production, but it can also be further processed to biodiesel. However, due to currently moderate energy prices in Russia, biodiesel production is not economically profitable. Even if the fish oil production process is not complicated, the operative management of small-scale fish oil production unit requires dedicated resources and separate facilities especially to meet hygiene requirements. Managing the side streams is not a core business for fish farmers. Efficient and economically profitable fish oil production requires a centralized production unit with bigger processing capacity. One fish processing unit needs to be designed to manage side streams collected from several fish farms. The optimum location for the processing unit is in the middle of the fish farms. Based on the transportation cost analysis in the Republic of Karelia, it is not economically efficient to transport bio-wastes for more than 100 km since the transportation costs start increasing substantially. Another issue to be considered is that collection of side streams, including the dead fish, from the fish farms should be organized on a daily basis in order to eliminate the need for storing the side streams at the farms. Based on AQUAREL project studies there are different public funding sources available for supporting and enabling profitable and environmentally sustainable utilization, research or development of fish processing side streams and other aquatic biomaterial. Different funding programmes can be utilized by companies, research organizations, authorities and non-governmental organizations.
This thesis reviews the role of nuclear and conventional power plants in the future energy system. The review is done by utilizing freely accesible publications in addition to generating load duration and ramping curves for Nordic energy system. As the aim of the future energy system is to reduce GHG-emissions and avoid further global warming, the need for flexible power generation increases with the increased share of intermittent renewables. The goal of this thesis is to offer extensive understanding of possibilities and restrictions that nuclear power and conventional power plants have regarding flexible and sustainable generation. As a conclusion, nuclear power is the only technology that is able to provide large scale GHG-free power output variations with good ramping values. Most of the currently operating plants are able to take part in load following as the requirement to do so is already required to be included in the plant design. Load duration and ramping curves produced prove that nuclear power is able to cover most of the annual generation variation and ramping needs in the Nordic energy system. From the conventional power generation methods, only biomass combustion can be considered GHG-free because biomass is considered carbon neutral. CFB combusted biomass has good load follow capabilities in good ramping and turndown ratios. All the other conventional power generation technologies generate GHG-emissions and therefore the use of these technologies should be reduced.