11 resultados para Fractional advection-dispersion equation
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
The present thesis in focused on the minimization of experimental efforts for the prediction of pollutant propagation in rivers by mathematical modelling and knowledge re-use. Mathematical modelling is based on the well known advection-dispersion equation, while the knowledge re-use approach employs the methods of case based reasoning, graphical analysis and text mining. The thesis contribution to the pollutant transport research field consists of: (1) analytical and numerical models for pollutant transport prediction; (2) two novel techniques which enable the use of variable parameters along rivers in analytical models; (3) models for the estimation of pollutant transport characteristic parameters (velocity, dispersion coefficient and nutrient transformation rates) as functions of water flow, channel characteristics and/or seasonality; (4) the graphical analysis method to be used for the identification of pollution sources along rivers; (5) a case based reasoning tool for the identification of crucial information related to the pollutant transport modelling; (6) and the application of a software tool for the reuse of information during pollutants transport modelling research. These support tools are applicable in the water quality research field and in practice as well, as they can be involved in multiple activities. The models are capable of predicting pollutant propagation along rivers in case of both ordinary pollution and accidents. They can also be applied for other similar rivers in modelling of pollutant transport in rivers with low availability of experimental data concerning concentration. This is because models for parameter estimation developed in the present thesis enable the calculation of transport characteristic parameters as functions of river hydraulic parameters and/or seasonality. The similarity between rivers is assessed using case based reasoning tools, and additional necessary information can be identified by using the software for the information reuse. Such systems represent support for users and open up possibilities for new modelling methods, monitoring facilities and for better river water quality management tools. They are useful also for the estimation of environmental impact of possible technological changes and can be applied in the pre-design stage or/and in the practical use of processes as well.
The presented thesis is devoted to investigation of wave processes in hybrid ferrite / ferroelectric structures. Spin wave devices based on ferrite films have such disadvantages, as huge size of the magnetic systems, low tuning velocity, considerable power inputs for parameters control that limits possible device applications. The considered layered structures allow to overcome the disadvantages mentioned and to promote the development of novel class of tunable microwave devices. The proposed theoretical analysis is intended to construct a model of hybrid electromagnetic-spin waves. Based on the theoretical analysis the experimental investigations were carried out. The experimental resonance characteristics of ferrite / ferroelectric resonator were obtained and their tunability by means of magnetic and electric field was demonstrated.
Now when the technology is fast developing it is very important to investigate new hybrid structures. One way is to use ferrite ferroelectric layered structures. Theoretical and experimental investigation of such structures was made. These structures have advantages of both layers and it is possible to tune the behavior of this structure by external electric and magnetic field. But these structures have some disadvantages connected with presence of thick ferroelectric layer. One way to overcome this problem is to use slotline. So this is another new way to create hybrid ferrite ferroelectric structures, but it is needed to create new theory and find experimental proof that the behavior of these structures can be tuned with external magnetic and electric fields.
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli tarkastella numeerisen virtauslaskennan avulla virtaukseen liittyviä ilmiöitä ja kaasun dispersiota. Diplomityön sisältö on jaettu viiteen osaan; johdantoon, teoriaan, katsaukseen virtauksen mallinnukseen huokoisessa materiaalissa liittyviin tutkimusselvityksiin, numeeriseen mallinnukseen sekä tulosten esittämiseen ja johtopäätöksiin. Diplomityön alussa kiinnitettiin huomiota erilaisiin kokeellisiin, numeerisiin ja teoreettisiin mallinnusmenetelmiin, joilla voidaan mallintaa virtausta huokoisessa materiaalissa. Kirjallisuusosassa tehtiin katsaus aikaisemmin julkaistuihin puoliempiirisiin ja empiirisiin tutkimusselvityksiin, jotka liittyvät huokoisen materiaalin aiheuttamaan painehäviöön. Numeerisessa virtauslaskenta osassa rakennettiin ja esitettiin huokoista materiaalia kuvaavat numeeriset mallit käyttäen kaupallista FLUENT -ohjelmistoa. Työn lopussa arvioitiin teorian, numeerisen virtauslaskennan ja kokeellisten tutkimusselvitysten tuloksia. Kolmiulotteisen huokoisen materiaalinnumeerisessa mallinnuksesta saadut tulokset vaikuttivat lupaavilta. Näiden tulosten perusteella tehtiin suosituksia ajatellen tulevaa virtauksen mallinnusta huokoisessa materiaalissa. Osa tässä diplomityössä esitetyistä tuloksista tullaan esittämään 55. Kanadan Kemiantekniikan konferenssissa Torontossa 1619 Lokakuussa 2005. ASME :n kansainvälisessä tekniikan alan julkaisussa. Työ on hyväksytty esitettäväksi esitettäväksi laskennallisen virtausmekaniikan (CFD) aihealueessa 'Peruskäsitteet'. Lisäksi työn yksityiskohtaiset tulokset tullaan lähettämään myös CES:n julkaisuun.
This study compares different rotor structures of permanent magnet motors with fractional slot windings. The surface mounted magnet and the embedded magnet rotor structures are studied. This thesis analyses the characteristics of a concentrated two-layer winding, each coil of which is wound around one tooth and which has a number of slots per pole and per phase less than one (q < 1). Compared to the integer slot winding, the fractional winding (q < 1) has shorter end windings and this, thereby, makes space as well as manufacturing cost saving possible. Several possible ways of winding a fractional slot machine with slots per pole and per phase lessthan one are examined. The winding factor and the winding harmonic components are calculated. The benefits attainable from a machine with concentrated windingsare considered. Rotor structures with surface magnets, radially embedded magnets and embedded magnets in V-position are discussed. The finite element method isused to solve the main values of the motors. The waveform of the induced electro motive force, the no-load and rated load torque ripple as well as the dynamic behavior of the current driven and voltage driven motor are solved. The results obtained from different finite element analyses are given. A simple analytic method to calculate fractional slot machines is introduced and the values are compared to the values obtained with the finite element analysis. Several different fractional slot machines are first designed by using the simple analytical methodand then computed by using the finite element method. All the motors are of thesame 225-frame size, and have an approximately same amount of magnet material, a same rated torque demand and a 400 - 420 rpm speed. An analysis of the computation results gives new information on the character of fractional slot machines.A fractional slot prototype machine with number 0.4 for the slots per pole and per phase, 45 kW output power and 420 rpm speed is constructed to verify the calculations. The measurement and the finite element method results are found to beequal.
This work is devoted to investigation of wave processes in new hybrid ferrite/ferroelectric structures. Spin wave devices based on ferrite films have disadvanteges. And their applications are limited. Investigated structures allow to overcome disadvantages. This investigation helps to create new class of devices. Electromagnetic analysis of hybrid spin-electromagnetic waves in ferrite/ferroelectric structures were done. As a result dispersion relation was found. Numerical solution of this dispersion relation gave us follow results. These structures can be effectively tuned by external electric and magnetic field. Methods to increase tuning range were suggested. It was found that such structures have one basic disadvantage which is connected with presence of thick ferroelectric layer. To solve this problem is to use thin ferroelectric films. But this decreases tuning range. It was confirmed by experiment that this structures can be effectively tuned by electric and magnetic fields. Resonance characteristics of ferrite/ferroelectric resonator were succesfully tuned by magnetic and electric field.
Bakgrunden och inspirationen till föreliggande studie är tidigare forskning i tillämpningar på randidentifiering i metallindustrin. Effektiv randidentifiering möjliggör mindre säkerhetsmarginaler och längre serviceintervall för apparaturen i industriella högtemperaturprocesser, utan ökad risk för materielhaverier. I idealfallet vore en metod för randidentifiering baserad på uppföljning av någon indirekt variabel som kan mätas rutinmässigt eller till en ringa kostnad. En dylik variabel för smältugnar är temperaturen i olika positioner i väggen. Denna kan utnyttjas som insignal till en randidentifieringsmetod för att övervaka ugnens väggtjocklek. Vi ger en bakgrund och motivering till valet av den geometriskt endimensionella dynamiska modellen för randidentifiering, som diskuteras i arbetets senare del, framom en flerdimensionell geometrisk beskrivning. I de aktuella industriella tillämpningarna är dynamiken samt fördelarna med en enkel modellstruktur viktigare än exakt geometrisk beskrivning. Lösningsmetoder för den s.k. sidledes värmeledningsekvationen har många saker gemensamt med randidentifiering. Därför studerar vi egenskaper hos lösningarna till denna ekvation, inverkan av mätfel och något som brukar kallas förorening av mätbrus, regularisering och allmännare följder av icke-välställdheten hos sidledes värmeledningsekvationen. Vi studerar en uppsättning av tre olika metoder för randidentifiering, av vilka de två första är utvecklade från en strikt matematisk och den tredje från en mera tillämpad utgångspunkt. Metoderna har olika egenskaper med specifika fördelar och nackdelar. De rent matematiskt baserade metoderna karakteriseras av god noggrannhet och låg numerisk kostnad, dock till priset av låg flexibilitet i formuleringen av den modellbeskrivande partiella differentialekvationen. Den tredje, mera tillämpade, metoden kännetecknas av en sämre noggrannhet förorsakad av en högre grad av icke-välställdhet hos den mera flexibla modellen. För denna gjordes även en ansats till feluppskattning, som senare kunde observeras överensstämma med praktiska beräkningar med metoden. Studien kan anses vara en god startpunkt och matematisk bas för utveckling av industriella tillämpningar av randidentifiering, speciellt mot hantering av olinjära och diskontinuerliga materialegenskaper och plötsliga förändringar orsakade av “nedfallande” väggmaterial. Med de behandlade metoderna förefaller det möjligt att uppnå en robust, snabb och tillräckligt noggrann metod av begränsad komplexitet för randidentifiering.
At the present work the bifurcational behaviour of the solutions of Rayleigh equation and corresponding spatially distributed system is being analysed. The conditions of oscillatory and monotonic loss of stability are obtained. In the case of oscillatory loss of stability, the analysis of linear spectral problem is being performed. For nonlinear problem, recurrent formulas for the general term of the asymptotic approximation of the self-oscillations are found, the stability of the periodic mode is analysed. Lyapunov-Schmidt method is being used for asymptotic approximation. The correlation between periodic solutions of ODE and PDE is being investigated. The influence of the diffusion on the frequency of self-oscillations is being analysed. Several numerical experiments are being performed in order to support theoretical findings.
Finansanalytiker har en stor betydelse för finansmarknaderna, speciellt igenom att förmedla information genom resultatprognoser. Typiskt är att analytiker i viss grad är oeniga i sina resultatprognoser, och det är just denna oenighet analytiker emellan som denna avhandling studerar. Då ett företag rapporterar förluster tenderar oenigheten gällande ett företags framtid att öka. På ett intuitivt plan är det lätt att tolka detta som ökad osäkerhet. Det är även detta man finner då man studerar analytikerrapporter - analytiker ser ut att bli mer osäkra då företag börjar gå med förlust, och det är precis då som även oenigheten mellan analytikerna ökar. De matematisk-teoretiska modeller som beskriver analytikers beslutsprocesser har däremot en motsatt konsekvens - en ökad oenighet analytiker emellan kan endast uppkomma ifall analytikerna blir säkrare på ett individuellt plan, där den drivande kraften är asymmetrisk information. Denna avhandling löser motsägelsen mellan ökad säkerhet/osäkerhet som drivkraft bakom spridningen i analytikerprognoser. Genom att beakta mängden publik information som blir tillgänglig via resultatrapporter är det inte möjligt för modellerna för analytikers beslutsprocesser att ge upphov till de nivåer av prognosspridning som kan observeras i data. Slutsatsen blir därmed att de underliggande teoretiska modellerna för prognosspridning är delvis bristande och att spridning i prognoser istället mer troligt följer av en ökad osäkerhet bland analytikerna, i enlighet med vad analytiker de facto nämner i sina rapporter. Resultaten är viktiga eftersom en förståelse av osäkerhet runt t.ex. resultatrapportering bidrar till en allmän förståelse för resultatrapporteringsmiljön som i sin tur är av ytterst stor betydelse för prisbildning på finansmarknader. Vidare används typiskt ökad prognosspridning som en indikation på ökad informationsasymmetri i redovisningsforskning, ett fenomen som denna avhandling därmed ifrågasätter.
Fluid particle breakup and coalescence are important phenomena in a number of industrial flow systems. This study deals with a gas-liquid bubbly flow in one wastewater cleaning application. Three-dimensional geometric model of a dispersion water system was created in ANSYS CFD meshing software. Then, numerical study of the system was carried out by means of unsteady simulations performed in ANSYS FLUENT CFD software. Single-phase water flow case was setup to calculate the entire flow field using the RNG k-epsilon turbulence model based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations. Bubbly flow case was based on a computational fluid dynamics - population balance model (CFD-PBM) coupled approach. Bubble breakup and coalescence were considered to determine the evolution of the bubble size distribution. Obtained results are considered as steps toward optimization of the cleaning process and will be analyzed in order to make the process more efficient.
Permanent magnet synchronous machines with fractional-slot non-overlapping windings (FSPMSM), also known as tooth-coil winding permanent magnet synchronous machines (TCW PMSM), have been under intensive research during the latest decade. There are many optimization routines explained and implemented in the literature in order to improve the characteristics of this machine type. This paper introduces a new technique for torque ripple minimization in TCW PMSM. The source of torque harmonics is also described. The low order torque harmonics can be harmful for a variety of applications, such as direct drive wind generators, direct drive light vehicle electrical motors, and for some high precision servo applications. The reduction of the torque ripple harmonics with the lowest orders (6th and 12th) is realized by machine geometry optimization technique using finite element analysis (FEA). The presented optimization technique includes the stator geometry adjustment in TCW PMSMs with rotor surface permanent magnets and with rotor embedded permanent magnets. Influence of the permanent magnet skewing on the torque ripple reduction and cogging torque elimination was also investigated. It was implemented separately and together with the stator optimization technique. As a result, the reduction of some torque ripple harmonics was attained.