61 resultados para Film theory
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Tutkimus sisltyy teokseen "Film theory goes to the movies"
This thesis studies the various forms and layers of representations of the past that can be found in the Disney comics of Don Rosa. To stay true to the legacy of renowned comic book artist Carl Barks, Rosa has stopped time in the duck universe to the 1950s: the decade when Barks created his most noted stories. There is a special feel of historicalness in Rosas duck stories, as his characters recall events that occurred in both Rosas own stories as well as Barks. Rosa has shed new light to the past of the characters by writing and illustrating the history of Scrooge McDuck, one of the most beloved Disney characters. Rosa is also adamant that the historical facts used in his stories are always correct and based on thorough research. The methodological tools used in the analysis of the comics come from the fields of comic book studies, film theory, and history culture. Film and comics are recognized by many scholars as very similar media, which share elements that make them comparable in many ways. This thesis utilizes studies on historical film, narrative and genre, which provide valuable insight and comparisons for analysis. The thesis consists of three main chapters, the first of which deconstructs the duck universe in the stories in order to understand how the historicalness in them is created,and which outside elements might affect them, including the genre of Disney comics, publishers, and the legacy of Barks. The next chapter focuses on The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck series, i.e. the stories which are located <i>in</i> the past. Such stories feature similar representations of history as for example Westerns. They also compress and alter history to meet the restrictions of the medium of comics. The last part focuses on the adventure stories which draw inspiration from for example mythology, and take the characters to strange and mystical, but yet historical worlds. Such treasure-hunting stories show similarity to the action-adventure genre in film and for example their stereotypical representations of foreign cultures. Finally, the chapter addresses the problematic of historical fiction and its capability to write history.
Tyss tutkittiin uutta teknologiaa pigmenttipllystykseen. Tm tekniikka on yleisesti tunnettua erill muilla teollisuudenaloilla. Kirjallisuustutkimuksessa on esitelty prosessia ja sen eri osatekijit sek muilla aloilla tunnettuja prosessimuuttujia. Pllystyspastojen ja pllystettvien pintojen teoriaa on selvitetty uuden tekniikan ja pigmenttipllystyksen valossa. Uuden tekniikan perusmekanismeja tutkittiin kokeellisessa osassa. Valuvan nestefilmin stabiilisuutta tutkittiin minimivirtauksen avulla. Stabiilisuustutkimuksen suorittamiseen kytettiin apuna Taguchi-matriisia DOE-ohjelmalla (Design of Experiments). Kokeiden perusteella minimivirtauksen kannalta pllystyspastalle edullisempi koostumus on kalsiumkarbonaatti- kuin kaoliinipasta. Sideaineella on pienempi osuus lateksia ja polyvinyylialkoholia parempi. Suurempi osuus pinta-aktiivista ainetta ja matala pastan kuiva-ainepitoisuus ovat suositeltuja. Tehokas ilmanpoisto pllystyspastasta on mys trke lopullisen tuloksen kannalta. Koekoneella ajetuissa pllystyskokeissa havaittiin valuvan filmin ominaisuuksien trkeys. Pienetkin kaasumrt pllystyspastassa hiritsivt lopullisen pllysteen laatua. Pllystyspastan ilmanpoisto on avainasemassa erityisesti kun pllystetn suurella nopeudella pieni pllystemri. Koeajoissa havaittiin kaikki kirjallisuudessa esitellyt rajoittavat tekijt. Kokeissa pllystettiin 400-1600 m/min nopeudella 5-20 g/m pllystemri. Olosuhteet stabiilille nestefilmille vaativat edelleen kehityst suurella nopeudella pllystettess. Pllysteen eroavaisuuksia verrattiin terpllystysmenetelmiin. Ter-pllystyksell saadaan sile mutta eptasaisesti peittv pinta kun taas uuden tekniikan pllyste mukailee pllystettvn alustan topografiaa. Tasapaksun pllysteen etuna on hyv peittvyys jo pienell pllystemrll.
Power electronic converter drives use, for the sake of high efficiency, pulse-width modulation that results in sequences of high-voltage high-frequency steep-edged pulses. Such a signal contains a set of high harmonics not required for control purposes. Harmonics cause reflections in the cable between the motor and the inverter leading to faster winding insulation ageing. Bearing failures and problems with electromagnetic compatibility may also result. Electrical du/dt filters provide an effective solution to problems caused by pulse-width modulation, thereby increasing the performance and service life of the electrical machines. It is shown that RLC filters effectively decrease the reflection phenomena in the cable. Improved (simple, but effective) solutions are found for both differential- and common-mode signals; these solutions use a galvanic connection between the RLC filter star point and the converter DC link. Foil chokes and film capacitors are among the most widely used components in high-power applications. In actual applications they can be placed in different parts of the cabinet. This fact complicates the arrangement of the cabinet and decreases the reliability of the system. In addition, the inductances of connection wires may prevent filtration at high frequencies. This thesis introduces a new hybrid LC filter that uses a natural capacitance between the turns of the foil choke based on integration of an auxiliary layer into it. The main idea of the hybrid LC filter results from the fact that both the foil choke and the film capacitors have the same roll structure. Moreover, the capacitance between the turns (intra capacitance) of the foil inductors is the reason for the deterioration of their properties at high frequencies. It is shown that the proposed filter has a natural cancellation of the intra capacitance. A hybrid LC filter may contain two or more foil layers isolated from each other and coiled on a core. The core material can be iron or even air as in the filter considered in this work. One of the foils, called the main foil, can be placed between the inverter and the motor cable. Other ones, called auxiliary foils, may be connected in star to create differential-mode noise paths, and then coupled to the DC link midpoint to guarantee a traveling path, especially for the common-mode currents. This way, there is a remarkable capacitance between the main foil and the auxiliary foil. Investigations showed that such a system can be described by a simple equivalent LC filter in a wide range of frequencies. Because of its simple hybrid construction, the proposed LC filter can be a cost-effective and competitive solution for modern power drives. In the thesis, the application field of the proposed filter is considered and determined. The basics of hybrid LC filter design are developed further. High-frequency behaviour of the proposed filter is analysed by simulations. Finally, the thesis presents experimental data proving that the hybrid LC filter can be used for du/dt of PWM pulses and reduction of common-mode currents.
Tutkimuksessa haluttiin selvitt, mitk tekijt vaikuttavat ravintoon liittyvn suositusmerkin kyttn kuluttajan ostoptksen apuna. Tutkimuksen viitekehyksen pohjaksi valittiin suunnitellun toiminnan teoria, joka on osoittautunut selittmn hyvin useaa ravintoon- ja terveyteen liittyv kyttytymist. Tutkimustoteutettiin kyselytutkimuksella, jonka aineisto kerttiin Internetiss julkaistulla kyselylomakkeella. Tulokset osoittivat, ett kuluttajan aikomus kytt suositusmerkki oli mallin vahvin selittj. Lisksi merkin kytt selitti kuluttajan kokema sisinen kontrolli, johon ulkoinen kontrolli vahvasti vaikuttaa. Ostoptssitoutumisen havaittiin vaikuttavan aikomuksen ja todellisen merkin kytn vliseen yhteyteen. Yleisesti tulokset osoittivat, ett kuluttajilla on aikomusta kytt merkki, mutta todellinen kytt on huomattavasti vhisemp.
This research report presents an application of systems theory to evaluating intellectual capital (IC) as organization's ability for self-renewal. As renewal ability is a dynamic capability of an organization as a whole, rather than a static asset or an atomistic competence of separate individuals within the organization, it needs to be understood systemically. Consequently, renewal ability has to be measured with systemic methods that are based on a thorough conceptual analysis of systemic characteristics of organizations. The aim of this report is to demonstrate the theory and analysis methodology for grasping companies' systemic efficiency and renewal ability. The volume is divided into three parts. The first deals with the theory of organizations as self-renewing systems. In the second part, the principles of quantitative analysis of organizations are laid down. Finally, the detailed mathematics of the renewal indices are presented. We also assert that the indices produced by the analysis are an effective tool for the management and valuation of knowledge-intensive companies.
The purpose of this dissertation is to increase the understanding and knowledge of field sales management control systems (i.e. sales managers monitoring, directing, evaluating and rewarding activities) and their potential consequences on salespeople. This topic is important because research conducted in the past has indicated that the choice of control system type can on the other hand have desirable consequences, such as high levels of motivation and performance, and on the other hand leadto harmful unintended consequences, such as opportunistic or unethical behaviors. Despite the fact that marketing and sales management control systems have been under rigorous research for over two decades, it still is at a very early stage of development, and several inconsistencies can be found in the research results. This dissertation argues that these inconsistencies are mainly derived from misspecification of the level of analysis in the past research. These different levels of analysis (i.e. strategic, tactical, and operational levels) involve very different decision-making situations regarding the control and motivation of sales force, which should be taken into consideration when conceptualizing the control. Moreover, the study of salesperson consequences of a field sales management control system is actually a cross-level phenomenon, which means that at least two levels of analysis are simultaneously involved. The results of this dissertation confirm the need to re-conceptualize the field sales management control system concept. It provides empirical evidence for the assertion that control should be conceptualized with more details atthe tactical/operational level of analysis than at the strategic levelof analysis. Moreover, the results show that some controls are more efficiently communicated to field salespeople than others. It is proposed that this difference is due to different purposes of control; some controls aredesigned for influencing salespersons' behavior (aim at motivating) whereas some controls are designed to aid decision-making (aim at providing information). According to the empirical results of this dissertation, the both types of controls have an impact to the sales force, but this impactis not as strong as expected. The results obtained in this dissertation shed some light to the nature of field sales management control systems, and their consequences on salespeopl
Tyn tarkoituksena on selvitt uusien ulosottotelaratkaisujen kyttmahdollisuutta sek levitystelojen tarvetta on-line-monitelakalanterissa. Uusia ratkaisuja tutkitaan teoreettisesti. On-line-konseptissa ajonopeus on suuri. Tllin paperirata liikkuu sileill teloilla yleens ilmafilmialueella. Ilmafilmi paperiradan ja telan vliss mahdollistaa radan ja telan nopeuden riippumattomuuden toisistaan. Ilmafilmikerros toimii liukulaakerin tavoin radan ja telan vliss. Ilmafilmin muodostumiseen vaikuttavat useat muuttujat. Ilmafilmi, silen telan pitoa sek ilmanpainetta radan ja telan vliss mitattiin koeajossa Metso Paper Oy:n Jrvenpn WEB3000-tutkimuslaitoksessa. Saatujen teoreettisten tulosten perusteella uudet ulosottotelaratkaisut ovat mahdollisia. Ulosottotelaa voidaan pyritt tietyiss olosuhteissa paperirataa hitaammin tai ulosottotela voidaan korvata palkkityyppisell radankntlaitteella. Samoin levitystelojen poisto alimmista positioista on mahdollista.