5 resultados para Excite.

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Työn tavoitteena oli löytää tarkka menetelmä kampiakselin vaurioitumisriskin laskentaan vertailemalla eri laskentamenetelmiä. Lopuksi suoritettiin simulointi monikappalejärjestelmälle käyttäen elastisia malleja todellisista rakenteista. Simulointiohjelmana käytettiin AVL:n kehittämää Excite:ia.


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A rotating machine usually consists of a rotor and bearings that supports it. The nonidealities in these components may excite vibration of the rotating system. The uncontrolled vibrations may lead to excessive wearing of the components of the rotating machine or reduce the process quality. Vibrations may be harmful even when amplitudes are seemingly low, as is usually the case in superharmonic vibration that takes place below the first critical speed of the rotating machine. Superharmonic vibration is excited when the rotational velocity of the machine is a fraction of the natural frequency of the system. In such a situation, a part of the machine’s rotational energy is transformed into vibration energy. The amount of vibration energy should be minimised in the design of rotating machines. The superharmonic vibration phenomena can be studied by analysing the coupled rotor-bearing system employing a multibody simulation approach. This research is focused on the modelling of hydrodynamic journal bearings and rotorbearing systems supported by journal bearings. In particular, the non-idealities affecting the rotor-bearing system and their effect on the superharmonic vibration of the rotating system are analysed. A comparison of computationally efficient journal bearing models is carried out in order to validate one model for further development. The selected bearing model is improved in order to take the waviness of the shaft journal into account. The improved model is implemented and analyzed in a multibody simulation code. A rotor-bearing system that consists of a flexible tube roll, two journal bearings and a supporting structure is analysed employing the multibody simulation technique. The modelled non-idealities are the shell thickness variation in the tube roll and the waviness of the shaft journal in the bearing assembly. Both modelled non-idealities may cause subharmonic resonance in the system. In multibody simulation, the coupled effect of the non-idealities can be captured in the analysis. Additionally one non-ideality is presented that does not excite the vibrations itself but affects the response of the rotorbearing system, namely the waviness of the bearing bushing which is the non-rotating part of the bearing system. The modelled system is verified with measurements performed on a test rig. In the measurements the waviness of bearing bushing was not measured and therefore it’s affect on the response was not verified. In conclusion, the selected modelling approach is an appropriate method when analysing the response of the rotor-bearing system. When comparing the simulated results to the measured ones, the overall agreement between the results is concluded to be good.


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Diplomityö tehtiin Wärtsilä Finland Oy:n toimeksiannosta. Työ kohdistui yrityksen suunnittelemien keskinopeudella pyörivien nelitahti dieselmoottoreiden esisuunnittelun kehittämiseen. Esisuunnittelun osuus koko tuotesuunnittelussa on merkittävä, minkä vuoksi esisuunnitteluprosessin tehostaminen vaikuttaa koko tuotesuunnitteluprosessiin ja sen lopputuloksiin. Tällä hetkellä esisuunnitteluprosessi on jakautunut useaan eri vaiheeseen ja eri tiimeille, mikä aiheuttaa ongelmia esisuunnittelun läpiviemisessä. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia nykyaikaisen kaupallisen simulointiohjelmiston soveltuvuutta kohdeyrityksessä esisuunnitteluprosessin eri vaiheiden yhdistämiseen. Työssä selvitettiin esisuunnittelun alussa käytettäviä suunnitteluparametreja, ja niiden hyödyntämistä suunniteltaessa simulointimallia kaupalliseen ohjelmistoon. Vaatimuksena oli, että ohjelmiston on toimittava parametreilla, jotka jo nyt ovat yrityksessä käytössä. Lisäksi simulointimallin antamat tulokset oli oltava hyödynnettävissä yksiselitteisesti yrityksen myöhemmissä tuotesuunnitteluvaiheissa. Myös mallin luomiseen tarvittavien parametrien määrä tuli pitää mahdollisimman pienenä. Esisuunnittelumallin toteuttamisessa tutkittiin kaupallisen AVL Excite Designer - ohjelmiston soveltuvuutta. Ohjelmisto ei soveltunut täysin tuottamaan halutun muotoisia tuloksia annetuilla parametreilla. Ohjelmiston muokkaaminen vaatimuksia vastaavaksi osoittautui työmäärältään suureksi. Yhtenä ratkaisuna olisi kaupallisen ohjelmiston käyttämisen sijaan suunnitella kyseiseen ongelmaan paremmin soveltuva oma ohjelmisto, jolloin toimivuus ja pitkän tähtäimen käyttövarmuus paranisi.


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The mechanical properties of aluminium alloys are strongly influenced by the alloying elements and their concentration. In the case of aluminium alloy EN AW-6060 the main alloying elements are magnesium and silicon. The first goal of this thesis was to determine stability, repeatability and sensitivity as figures of merit of the in-situ melt identification technique. In this study the emissions from the laser welding process were monitored with a spectrometer. With the information produced by the spectrometer, quantitative analysis was conducted to determine the figures of merit. The quantitative analysis concentrated on magnesium and aluminium emissions and their relation. The results showed that the stability of absolute intensities was low, but the normalized magnesium emissions were quite stable. The repeatability of monitoring magnesium emissions was high (about 90 %). Sensitivity of the in-situ melt identification technique was also high. As small as 0.5 % change in magnesium content was detected by the spectrometer. The second goal of this study was to determine the loss of mass during deep penetration laser welding. The amount of magnesium in the material was measured before and after laser welding to determine the loss of magnesium. This study was conducted for aluminium alloy with nominal magnesium content of 0-10 % and for standard material EN AW-6060 that was welded with filler wire AlMg5. It was found that while the magnesium concentration in the material changed, the loss of magnesium remained fairly even. Also by feeding filler wire, the behaviour was similar. Thirdly, the reason why silicon had not been detected in the emission spectrum needed to be explained. Literature research showed that the amount of energy required for silicon to excite is considerably higher compared to magnesium. The energy input in the used welding process is insufficient to excite the silicon atoms.


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Point-of-care (POC) –diagnostics is a field with rapidly growing market share. As these applications become more widely used, there is an increasing pressure to improve their performance to match the one of a central laboratory tests. Lanthanide luminescence has been widely utilized in diagnostics because of the numerous advantages gained by the utilization of time-resolved or anti-Stokes detection. So far the use of lanthanide labels in POC has been scarce due to limitations set by the instrumentation required for their detection and the shortcomings, e.g. low brightness, of these labels. Along with the advances in the research of lanthanide luminescence, and in the field of semiconductors, these materials are becoming a feasible alternative for the signal generation also in the future POC assays. The aim of this thesis was to explore ways of utilizing time-resolved detection or anti-Stokes detection in POC applications. The long-lived fluorescence for the time-resolved measurement can be produced with lanthanide chelates. The ultraviolet (UV) excitation required by these chelates is cumbersome to produce with POC compatible fluorescence readers. In this thesis the use of a novel light-harvesting ligand was studied. This molecule can be used to excite Eu(III)-ions at wavelengths extending up to visible part of the spectrum. An enhancement solution based on this ligand showed a good performance in a proof-of-concept -bioaffinity assay and produced a bright signal upon 365 nm excitation thanks to the high molar absorptivity of the chelate. These features are crucial when developing miniaturized readers for the time-resolved detection of fluorescence. Upconverting phosphors (UCPs) were studied as an internal light source in glucose-sensing dry chemistry test strips and ways of utilizing their various emission wavelengths and near-infrared excitation were explored. The use of nanosized NaYF :Yb3+,Tm3+-particles enabled the replacement of an external UV-light source with a NIR-laser and gave an additional degree of freedom in the optical setup of the detector instrument. The new method enabled a blood glucose measurement with results comparable to a current standard method of measuring reflectance. Microsized visible emitting UCPs were used in a similar manner, but with a broad absorbing indicator compound filtering the excitation and emission wavelengths of the UCP. This approach resulted in a novel way of benefitting from the non-linear relationship between the excitation power and emission intensity of the UCPs, and enabled the amplification of the signal response from the indicator dye.