10 resultados para E-coli Protein Expression

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Calcium (Ca2+) is involved in the regulation of variety of cellular functions including hallmarks of cancer development such as cellular migration and cellular proliferation. Store-operated calcium entry (SOCE) is a central mechanism in cellular calcium signaling and in maintaining the cellular calcium balance. Stromal interaction molecule 1(STIM1) has been identified as an important constituent of SOCE. In this thesis , the STIM1 proteins are studied for their importance in cellular processes and their effects on the expression of S1P1, S1P2, S1P3, VEGFR-2, and TRPC-1 in follicular ML-1 thyroid cancer cells. The results show the importance of STIM1 proteins in SOCE in these cells. The SOCE is significantly reduced in the STIM1 knockdown cells. The results also show the importance of STIM1 proteins in the expression of S1P2 and VEGFR-2 in these cells, as knockdown of STIM1 was shown to upregulate the expression of S1P2 and VEGFR-2. The migration and proliferation is also considerably reduced in the cells in which STIM1 has been knocked down showing the significance of STIM1 in the migration and proliferation in these cells.


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Th2-solujen erilaistumista ohjaavat säätelyverkostot ja niiden tutkiminen proteomiikan avulla Astma ja allergiat ovat laajalle levinneitä ja vakavia sairauksia, joista kärsivät miljoonat ihmiset ympäri maailmaa. Koe-eläimillä tehdyt tutkimukset osoittavat, että interleukiini-4 (IL-4) on tärkeä allergisen astman ja allergioiden kehittymiselle ja kroonistumiselle. Se ohjaa T-auttajasolujen (Th-solujen) kehittymistä Th2-tyypin soluiksi, joilla on merkittävä rooli näiden tautien puhkeamisessa. Th2-solut tuottavat myös itse IL-4:ä, joka edesauttaa taudin seuraavien vaiheiden kehittymistä. Erityisesti STAT6-proteiini, joka aktivoituu IL-4-stimulaation seurauksena, on tarpeen Th2- vasteen syntymiselle ja kroonistumiselle antigeenin aiheuttamassa keuhkoputkien astmaattisessa tulehduksessa. Väitöskirjatyöni tarkoituksena oli käyttää kaksidimensionaaliseen elektroforeesiin (2- DE) perustuvaa proteomiikkaa ja massaspektrometriaa uusien Th2-solujen erilaistumista säätelevien proteiinien tunnistamiseksi. Erilaistumattomat Th-solut eristettiin vastasyntyneen napaverestä tai hiiren pernasta. Solut aktivoitiin Tsolureseptorin ja ns. ko-stimulatoristen reseptorien kautta ja erilaistettiin joko Th1- tai Th2-suuntaan vastaavasti erilaistavien IL-12- ja IL-4-sytokiinien avulla. Ensimmäisessä tutkimuksessa in vitro -erilaistettujen Th1- ja Th2-solujen proteomeja verrattiin keskenään proteiinien ilmenemisessä tai proteiinimodifikaatioissa olevien erojen tunnistamiseksi. Kaksi muuta päätutkimusta keskittyivät IL-4:n aiheuttamaan proteiinitason säätelyyn ensimmäisen vuorokauden aikana T-soluaktivaation jälkeen. Näistä ensimmäisessä IL-4:n aiheuttamia eroja tunnistettiin aktivoiduista ihmisen Thsoluista. IL-4:n todettiin säätelevän useita proteiineja kaspaasien välittämissä signalointiteissä sekä lisäävän T-solujen elävyyttä ja aktivoitumista. Toisessa tutkimuksessa STAT6-poistogeenisten hiirien lymfosyyttien proteomia verrattiin villityypin kontrollisoluihin T-soluaktivaation ja IL-4-stimulaation jälkeen. Näissä tutkimuksissa karakterisoitiin useita uusia IL-4:n ja STAT6:n kohdeproteiineja ja löydettiin uusia säätelyverkostoja. Tutkimustulokset ovat johtaneet uusiin Th2-erilaistumismekanismeja koskeviin hypoteeseihin.


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The term proteome is used to define the complete set of proteins expressed in cells or tissues of an organism at a certain timepoint. Respectively, proteomics is used to describe the methods, which are used to study such proteomes. These methods include chromatographic and electrophoretic techniques for protein or peptide fractionation, mass spectrometry for their identification, and use of computational methods to assist the complicated data analysis. A primary aim in this Ph.D. thesis was to set-up, optimize, and develop proteomics methods for analysing proteins extracted from T-helper (Th) lymphocytes. First, high-throughput LC-MS/MS and ICAT labeling methods were set-up and optimized for analysing the microsomal fraction proteins extracted from Th lymphocytes. Later, iTRAQ method was optimized to study cytokine regulated protein expression in the nuclei of Th lymphocytes. High-throughput LC-MS/MS analyses, like ICAT and iTRAQ, produce large quantities of data and robust software and data analysis pipelines are needed. Therefore, different software programs used for analysing such data were evaluated. Moreover, a pre-filtering algorithm was developed to classify good-quality and bad-quality spectra prior to the database searches. Th-lymphocytes can differentiate into Th1 or Th2 cells based on surrounding antigens, co-stimulatory molecules, and cytokines. Both subsets have individual cytokine secretion profiles and specific functions. Th1 cells participate in the cellular immunity against intracellular pathogens, while Th2 cells have important role in the humoral immunity against extracellular parasites. An abnormal response of Th1 and Th2 cells and imbalance between the subsets are charasteristic of several diseases. Th1 specific reactions and cytokines have been detected in autoimmune diseases, while Th2 specific response and cytokine profile is common in allergy and asthma. In this Ph. D. thesis mass spectrometry-based proteomics was used to study the effects of Th1 and Th2 promoting cytokines IL-12 and IL-4 on the proteome of Th lymphocytes. Characterization of microsomal fraction proteome extracted from IL-12 treated lymphobasts and IL-4 stimulated cord blood CD4+ cells resulted in finding of cytokine regulated proteins. Galectin-1 and CD7 were down-regulated in IL-12 treated cells, while IL-4 stimulation decreased the expression of STAT1, MXA, GIMAP1, and GIMAP4. Interestingly, the transcription of both GIMAP genes was up-regulated in Th1 polarized cells and down-regulated in Th2 promoting conditions.


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Drug transporting membrane proteins are expressed in various human tissues and blood-tissue barriers, regulating the transfer of drugs, toxins and endogenous compounds into or out of the cells. Various in vitro and animal experiments suggest that P-glycoprotein (P-gp) forms a functional barrier between maternal and fetal blood circulation in the placenta thereby protecting the fetus from exposure to xenobiotics during pregnancy. The multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 (MRP1) is a relatively less studied transporter protein in the human placenta. The aim of this study series was to study the role of placental transporters, apical P-gp and basal MRP1, using saquinavir as a probe drug, and to study transfer of quetiapine and the role of P-gp in its transfer in the dually perfused human placenta/cotyledon. Furthermore, two ABCB1 (encoding P-gp) polymorphisms (c.3435C>T, p.Ile1145Ile and c.2677G>T/A, p.Ala893Ser/Thr) were studied to determine their impact on P-gp protein expression level and on the transfer of the study drugs. Also, the influence of the P-gp protein expression level on the transfer of the study drugs was addressed. Because P-gp and MRP1 are ATP-dependent drug-efflux pumps, it was studied whether exogenous ATP is needed for the function of ATP-dependent transporter in the present experimental model. The present results indicated that the addition of exogenous ATP was not necessary for transporter function in the perfused human placental cotyledon. Saquinavir and quetiapine were both found to cross the human placenta; transplacental transfer (TPTAUC %) for saquinavir was <0.5% and for quetiapine 3.7%. Pharmacologic blocking of P-gp led to disruption of the blood-placental barrier (BPB) and increased the placental transfer of P-gp substrate, saquinavir, into the fetal circulation by 6- to 8-fold. In reversed perfusions P-gp, MRP1 and possibly OATP2B1 had a negligible role in the fetal-to-maternal transfer of saquinavir. The TPTAUC % of saquinavir was about 100-fold greater from the fetal side to the maternal side compared with the maternal-to-fetal transfer. P-gp activity is not likely to modify the placental transfer of quetiapine. Higher P-gp protein expression levels were associated with the variant allele 3435T, but no correlation was found between the TPTAUC % of saquinavir and placental P-gp protein expression. The present results indicate that P-gp activity drastically affects the fetal exposure to saquinavir, and suggest that pharmacological blockade of the P-gp activity during pregnancy may pose an increased risk for adverse fetal outcome. The blockade of P-gp activity could be used in purpose to obtain higher drug concentration to the fetal side, for example, in prevention (to decrease virus transfer to fetal side) or in treating sick fetus.


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Currently, numerous high-throughput technologies are available for the study of human carcinomas. In literature, many variations of these techniques have been described. The common denominator for these methodologies is the high amount of data obtained in a single experiment, in a short time period, and at a fairly low cost. However, these methods have also been described with several problems and limitations. The purpose of this study was to test the applicability of two selected high-throughput methods, cDNA and tissue microarrays (TMA), in cancer research. Two common human malignancies, breast and colorectal cancer, were used as examples. This thesis aims to present some practical considerations that need to be addressed when applying these techniques. cDNA microarrays were applied to screen aberrant gene expression in breast and colon cancers. Immunohistochemistry was used to validate the results and to evaluate the association of selected novel tumour markers with the outcome of the patients. The type of histological material used in immunohistochemistry was evaluated especially considering the applicability of whole tissue sections and different types of TMAs. Special attention was put on the methodological details in the cDNA microarray and TMA experiments. In conclusion, many potential tumour markers were identified in the cDNA microarray analyses. Immunohistochemistry could be applied to validate the observed gene expression changes of selected markers and to associate their expression change with patient outcome. In the current experiments, both TMAs and whole tissue sections could be used for this purpose. This study showed for the first time that securin and p120 catenin protein expression predict breast cancer outcome and the immunopositivity of carbonic anhydrase IX associates with the outcome of rectal cancer. The predictive value of these proteins was statistically evident also in multivariate analyses with up to a 13.1- fold risk for cancer specific death in a specific subgroup of patients.


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The drug discovery process is facing new challenges in the evaluation process of the lead compounds as the number of new compounds synthesized is increasing. The potentiality of test compounds is most frequently assayed through the binding of the test compound to the target molecule or receptor, or measuring functional secondary effects caused by the test compound in the target model cells, tissues or organism. Modern homogeneous high-throughput-screening (HTS) assays for purified estrogen receptors (ER) utilize various luminescence based detection methods. Fluorescence polarization (FP) is a standard method for ER ligand binding assay. It was used to demonstrate the performance of two-photon excitation of fluorescence (TPFE) vs. the conventional one-photon excitation method. As result, the TPFE method showed improved dynamics and was found to be comparable with the conventional method. It also held potential for efficient miniaturization. Other luminescence based ER assays utilize energy transfer from a long-lifetime luminescent label e.g. lanthanide chelates (Eu, Tb) to a prompt luminescent label, the signal being read in a time-resolved mode. As an alternative to this method, a new single-label (Eu) time-resolved detection method was developed, based on the quenching of the label by a soluble quencher molecule when displaced from the receptor to the solution phase by an unlabeled competing ligand. The new method was paralleled with the standard FP method. It was shown to yield comparable results with the FP method and found to hold a significantly higher signal-tobackground ratio than FP. Cell-based functional assays for determining the extent of cell surface adhesion molecule (CAM) expression combined with microscopy analysis of the target molecules would provide improved information content, compared to an expression level assay alone. In this work, immune response was simulated by exposing endothelial cells to cytokine stimulation and the resulting increase in the level of adhesion molecule expression was analyzed on fixed cells by means of immunocytochemistry utilizing specific long-lifetime luminophore labeled antibodies against chosen adhesion molecules. Results showed that the method was capable of use in amulti-parametric assay for protein expression levels of several CAMs simultaneously, combined with analysis of the cellular localization of the chosen adhesion molecules through time-resolved luminescence microscopy inspection.


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Tissue-based biomarkers are studied to receive information about the pathologic processes and cancer outcome, and to enable development of patient-tailored treatments. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential prognostic and/or predictive value of selected biomarkers in colorectal cancer (CRC). Group IIA secretory phospholipase A2 (IIA PLA2) expression was assessed in 114 samples presenting different phases of human colorectal carcinogenesis. Securin, Ki-67, CD44 variant 6 (CD44v6), aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1) and β-catenin were studied in a material including 227 rectal carcinoma patients treated with short-course preoperative radiotherapy (RT), long-course preoperative (chemo)RT (CRT) or surgery only. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene copy number (GCN), its heterogeneity in CRC tissue, and association with response to EGFR-targeted antibodies cetuximab and panitumumab were analyzed in a cohort of 76 metastatic CRC. IIA PLA2 expression was decreased in invasive carcinomas compared to adenomas, but did not relate to patient survival. High securin expression after long-course (C)RT and high ALDH1 expression in node-negative rectal cancer were independent adverse prognostic factors, ALDH1 specifically in patients treated with adjuvant chemotherapy. The lack of membranous CD44v6 in the rectal cancer invasive front associated with infiltrative growth pattern and the risk of disease recurrence. Heterogeneous EGFR GCN increase predicted benefit from EGFR-targeted antibodies, also in the chemorefractory patient population. In summary, high securin and ALDH1 protein expression independently relate to poor outcome in subgroups of rectal cancer patients, potentially because of resistance to conventional chemotherapeutics. Heterogeneous increase in EGFR GCN was validated to be a promising predictive factor in the treatment of metastatic CRC.


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Programmed cell death is an important physiological cellular process that maintains homeostasis and protects multicellular organisms from diseases. Apoptosis is the principal mode of cell death, which eliminates unwanted cells and an enormous effort has been made to understand the molecular mechanisms of the signaling pathway and its regulatory systems. Irregular apoptosis often has life-threatening consequences to humans, including cancer, autoimmune diseases and degenerative diseases. In cancer for example, cell death is an attractive target to eradicate uncontrollably proliferating cells that have disregard pro-apoptotic signaling. Targeted therapeutic approaches are not as effective as once expected, since now we know that the cell death pathways are not sole entities in cells, but are highly associated with various cellular processes. Proteins that regulate apoptosis can also control non-apoptotic signaling pathways. For example, c-FLIP is a protein that can either inhibit or promote caspase-8 activation, which is required to induce apoptosis. Not only has c-FLIP opposing effects on initiating apoptosis, but it also regulates various pro-survival signaling pathways in the cell. It is well known that protein expression level is a determinant of how c-FLIP can regulate different signaling pathways, but other regulatory mechanisms potentially affecting the role of c-FLIP are less well understood. This work addresses novel insights into the mechanisms of c-FLIP post-translational modifications and their functional consequences. We have identified that phosphorylation is an important inception for subcellular localization of c-FLIP, thereby dictating which apoptotic and non-apoptotic signaling pathways c-FLIP could regulate to promote cell survival. Furthermore, we have constructed mathematical models to unite independent studies to establish more systematic c-FLIP signaling pathways to understand the dynamics of extrinsically-induced apoptosis.


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Sexual dimorphism is commonly understood as differences in external features, such as morphological features or coloration. However, it can more broadly encompass behavior and physiology and at the core of these differences is the genetic mechanism – mRNA and protein expression. How, and which, molecular mechanisms influence sexually dimorphic features is not well understood thus far. DNA, RNA and proteins are the template required to create the phenotype of an individual, and they are connected to each other via processes of transcription and translation. As the genome of males and females are almost identical with the exception of the few genes on the sex chromosome or the sex-determining alleles (in the case of organisms without sex chromosomes), it is likely that many of the downstream processes resulting in sexual dimorphism are produced by changes in gene regulation and result from a regulatory cascade and not from a vastly different gene composition. Thus, in this thesis a systems biology approach is used to understand sexual dimorphism at all molecular levels and how different genomic features, e.g. sex chromosome evolution, can affect the interplay of these molecules. The threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, is used as the model to investigate molecular mechanisms of sexual dimorphism. It has well-characterized ecology and behavior, especially in the breeding season when sexual dimorphism is high. Moreover, threespine stickleback has a recently evolved Y chromosome in the early stages of sex chromosome evolution, characterized by a lack of recombination leading to degeneration (i.e. gene loss). The aim of my thesis is to investigate how the genotype links to the molecular phenotype and relates to differences in molecular expression between males and females. Based on previous research on sex differences in mRNA expression, I investigated sex-biased protein expression in adult fish outside the breeding season to see if differences persisted after translation. As sex-biased expression also prevailed in the proteome and previous transcription expression seemed to be related to the sex chromosomes, I investigated the genome level with a particular focus on the sex-chromosomes. I characterized the status of Y chromosome degeneration in the threespine stickleback and its effects on gene function. Furthermore, since the degeneration process leaves genes in a single copy in males, I examined whether the resulting dosage difference of messenger RNA for hemizygous genes is compensated as it is in other organisms. In addition, threespine sticklebacks have wellcharacterized behavioral differences related to the male’s social status during the breeding season. To understand the connection between the genotype and behavior, I examined gene expression patterns related to breeding behavior using dominant and subordinate males as well as female


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Studying testis is complex, because the tissue has a very heterogeneous cell composition and its structure changes dynamically during development. In reproductive field, the cell composition is traditionally studied by morphometric methods such as immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence. These techniques provide accurate quantitative information about cell composition, cell-cell association and localization of the cells of interest. However, the sample preparation, processing, staining and data analysis are laborious and may take several working days. Flow cytometry protocols coupled with DNA stains have played an important role in providing quantitative information of testicular cells populations ex vivo and in vitro studies. Nevertheless, the addition of specific cells markers such as intracellular antibodies would allow the more specific identification of cells of crucial interest during spermatogenesis. For this study, adult rat Sprague-Dawley rats were used for optimization of the flow cytometry protocol. Specific steps within the protocol were optimized to obtain a singlecell suspension representative of the cell composition of the starting material. Fixation and permeabilization procedure were optimized to be compatible with DNA stains and fluorescent intracellular antibodies. Optimization was achieved by quantitative analysis of specific parameters such as recovery of meiotic cells, amount of debris and comparison of the proportions of the various cell populations with already published data. As a result, a new and fast flow cytometry method coupled with DNA stain and intracellular antigen detection was developed. This new technique is suitable for analysis of population behavior and specific cells during postnatal testis development and spermatogenesis in rodents. This rapid protocol recapitulated the known vimentin and γH2AX protein expression patterns during rodent testis ontogenesis. Moreover, the assay was applicable for phenotype characterization of SCRbKO and E2F1KO mouse models.