5 resultados para Diabetic retinopathy.

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Diabetes is a rapidly increasing worldwide problem which is characterised by defective metabolism of glucose that causes long-term dysfunction and failure of various organs. The most common complication of diabetes is diabetic retinopathy (DR), which is one of the primary causes of blindness and visual impairment in adults. The rapid increase of diabetes pushes the limits of the current DR screening capabilities for which the digital imaging of the eye fundus (retinal imaging), and automatic or semi-automatic image analysis algorithms provide a potential solution. In this work, the use of colour in the detection of diabetic retinopathy is statistically studied using a supervised algorithm based on one-class classification and Gaussian mixture model estimation. The presented algorithm distinguishes a certain diabetic lesion type from all other possible objects in eye fundus images by only estimating the probability density function of that certain lesion type. For the training and ground truth estimation, the algorithm combines manual annotations of several experts for which the best practices were experimentally selected. By assessing the algorithm’s performance while conducting experiments with the colour space selection, both illuminance and colour correction, and background class information, the use of colour in the detection of diabetic retinopathy was quantitatively evaluated. Another contribution of this work is the benchmarking framework for eye fundus image analysis algorithms needed for the development of the automatic DR detection algorithms. The benchmarking framework provides guidelines on how to construct a benchmarking database that comprises true patient images, ground truth, and an evaluation protocol. The evaluation is based on the standard receiver operating characteristics analysis and it follows the medical practice in the decision making providing protocols for image- and pixel-based evaluations. During the work, two public medical image databases with ground truth were published: DIARETDB0 and DIARETDB1. The framework, DR databases and the final algorithm, are made public in the web to set the baseline results for automatic detection of diabetic retinopathy. Although deviating from the general context of the thesis, a simple and effective optic disc localisation method is presented. The optic disc localisation is discussed, since normal eye fundus structures are fundamental in the characterisation of DR.


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The topic of this thesis is studying how lesions in retina caused by diabetic retinopathy can be detected from color fundus images by using machine vision methods. Methods for equalizing uneven illumination in fundus images, detecting regions of poor image quality due toinadequate illumination, and recognizing abnormal lesions were developed duringthe work. The developed methods exploit mainly the color information and simpleshape features to detect lesions. In addition, a graphical tool for collecting lesion data was developed. The tool was used by an ophthalmologist who marked lesions in the images to help method development and evaluation. The tool is a general purpose one, and thus it is possible to reuse the tool in similar projects.The developed methods were tested with a separate test set of 128 color fundus images. From test results it was calculated how accurately methods classify abnormal funduses as abnormal (sensitivity) and healthy funduses as normal (specificity). The sensitivity values were 92% for hemorrhages, 73% for red small dots (microaneurysms and small hemorrhages), and 77% for exudates (hard and soft exudates). The specificity values were 75% for hemorrhages, 70% for red small dots, and 50% for exudates. Thus, the developed methods detected hemorrhages accurately and microaneurysms and exudates moderately.


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Tässä tutkimuksessa toteutettiin uusi versio aikaisemmin tuotetusta työkalusta merkintöjen tekemiseksi pääasiassa silmänpohjakuviin. Tarkoituksena oli toteuttaa kuvankäsittelyyn perustuvia aputoimintoja kuvien valaistuksenkorjaamiseksi, sekä korostaa lääkärille mahdollisia diabeettiseen retinopatiaan kuuluvia löydöksiä. Kuvien annotoinnin helpottamiseksi toteutettiin kaksi menetelmää valaistuksenkorjaamiseksi: yksiulotteinen käyrämenetelmä sekä värikanavien ominaisuuksia hyödyntävä menetelmä. Kuvien annotoinin helpottamiseksi toteutettiin kuvan vihreän kanavan jakaumaan perustuva aputoiminto, joka pyrkii korostamaan mahdollisia diabeettiseen retinopatiaan kuuluvia löydöksiä.


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Diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma are the leading causes of blindness worldwide. Automatic methods for diagnosis exist, but their performance is limited by the quality of the data. Spectral retinal images provide a significantly better representation of the colour information than common grayscale or red-green-blue retinal imaging, having the potential to improve the performance of automatic diagnosis methods. This work studies the image processing techniques required for composing spectral retinal images with accurate reflection spectra, including wavelength channel image registration, spectral and spatial calibration, illumination correction, and the estimation of depth information from image disparities. The composition of a spectral retinal image database of patients with diabetic retinopathy is described. The database includes gold standards for a number of pathologies and retinal structures, marked by two expert ophthalmologists. The diagnostic applications of the reflectance spectra are studied using supervised classifiers for lesion detection. In addition, inversion of a model of light transport is used to estimate histological parameters from the reflectance spectra. Experimental results suggest that the methods for composing, calibrating and postprocessing spectral images presented in this work can be used to improve the quality of the spectral data. The experiments on the direct and indirect use of the data show the diagnostic potential of spectral retinal data over standard retinal images. The use of spectral data could improve automatic and semi-automated diagnostics for the screening of retinal diseases, for the quantitative detection of retinal changes for follow-up, clinically relevant end-points for clinical studies and development of new therapeutic modalities.


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The central role of extracellular matrix (ECM) macromolecules in diseases such as cancer and atherosclerotic vascular diseases including diabetic macroangiopathy is indisputable. Decorin and hyaluronan (HA) represent vital ECM macromolecules in the microenvironment of cells and are centrally involved in human cancer and cardiovascular biology. In cancer, decorin is considered to play a tumor suppressive role. However, there is some discrepancy whether malignant cells express it. Regarding HA, its contribution to the development of atherosclerotic vascular diseases has been well established. Nevertheless, the precise role of HA in arterial narrowing associated with diabetes is not known. The present study focused on two vital ECM macromolecules, namely decorin and HA. First, decorin expression was studied in human tumorigenesis. Furthermore, the effect of adenovirus-mediated decorin transduction on selected cancer cell lines was investigated. The results invariably showed that cancer cells completely lacked decorin expression. The study also demonstrated that transducing cancer cells with decorin adenoviral vector markedly inhibited their malignant behavior. In line with this, a strong induction of decorin expression in normal human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), but not in abnormal hESCs was observed during their differentiation. Secondly, the significance of HA in the development of diabetic macroangiopathy in response to hyperglycemia was evaluated. Results showed that the synthesis of HA by vascular smooth muscle cells was significantly increased in response to high glucose concentration. This increase was associated with the diminished ability of the cells to contract collagen-rich matrix suggesting that HA participates in the disturbed vascular remodeling of diabetic patients. The results of this study support endeavours to develop novel ECM macromolecule -based therapies targeting cancer and cardiovascular diseases.