2 resultados para Dark objects method

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Supernova (SN) is an explosion of a star at the end of its lifetime. SNe are classified to two types, namely type I and II through the optical spectra. They have been categorised based on their explosion mechanism, to core collapse supernovae (CCSNe) and thermonuclear supernovae. The CCSNe group which includes types IIP, IIn, IIL, IIb, Ib, and Ic are produced when a massive star with initial mass more than 8 M⊙ explodes due to a collapse of its iron core. On the other hand, thermonuclear SNe originate from white dwarfs (WDs) made of carbon and oxygen, in a binary system. Infrared astronomy covers observations of astronomical objects in infrared radiation. The infrared sky is not completely dark and it is variable. Observations of SNe in the infrared give different information than optical observations. Data reduction is required to correct raw data from for example unusable pixels and sky background. In this project, the NOTCam package in the IRAF was used for the data reduction. For measuring magnitudes of SNe, the aperture photometry method with the Gaia program was used. In this Master’s thesis, near-infrared (NIR) observations of three supernovae of type IIn (namely LSQ13zm, SN 2009ip and SN2011jb), one type IIb (SN2012ey), in addition to one type Ic (SN2012ej) and type IIP (SN 2013gd) are studied with emphasis on luminosity and colour evolution. All observations were done with the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT). Here, we used the classification by Mattila & Meikle (2001) [76], where the SNe are differentiated by the infrared light curves into two groups, namely ’ordinary’ and ’slowly declining’. The light curves and colour evolution of these supernovae were obtained in J, H and Ks bands. In this study, our data, combined with other observations, provide evidence to categorize LSQ13zm, SN 2012ej and SN 2012ey as being part of the ordinary type. We found interesting NIR behaviour of SN 2011jb, which lead it to be classified as a slowly declining type.


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Entrepreneurship attracts people with high job satisfaction and financial independence. Unfortunately, being deceived by this image, people do not pay attention to side effects of entrepreneurship. This ignorance usually turns into devastating results for entrepreneur’s health and venture performance. Therefore, it is required to seek ways to avoid these situations. The interest of the study lies in understanding of stress influence on international entrepreneurs by considering stress as a negative side effect of international entrepreneurship. To cover the concept of entrepreneurial stress completely, the study was divided into three section presented by following research questions: 1. What are the antecedents of entrepreneurial stress? 2. What are the consequences of entrepreneurial stress? 3. What coping strategies are applied to address entrepreneurial stress? Systematic literature review has been chosen as scientific approach to answer above questions due to the reason that it enables to minimise inconsistencies of both concepts of international entrepreneurship and stress. This method has afforded an opportunity to distinguish such stress causes as role conflict, overload, and ambiguity. Additionally, the study has covered the notion of stress moderators. The author argues that entrepreneurial traits, venture environment, and social support can have influence on degree of stress perception. Further, it has been proven that unaddressed stress could lead to reduction of entrepreneur’s psychological and physiological health. It should be taken into consideration that degree of both job satisfaction and performance would depend on the level of perceived stress. The last part of study emphasises the coping strategies. The author argues that it is important for an international entrepreneur to comprehend his or her and others’ emotions in order to overcome negative consequences of stress. In addition, the author suggests that an international entrepreneur needs to practise job sharing to reduce the amount of work to be completed. Moreover, it is believed that job sharing can help to overcome work-family conflict that prevails among entrepreneurs. The author anticipates that results of study can be beneficial for entrepreneurs who aim to achieve great results.