6 resultados para DIRECT SERVICE COSTS

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Tämän tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli luoda laskentamalli identiteetin- ja käyttöoikeuksien hallintajärjestelmien kustannus- ja tulosvaikutuksista. Mallin tarkoitus oli toimia järjestelmätoimittajien apuvälineenä, jolla mahdolliset asiakkaat voidaan paremmin vakuuttaa järjestelmän kustannushyödyistä myyntitilanteessa. Vastaavia kustannusvaikutuksia mittaavia malleja on rakennettu hyvin vähän, ja tässä tutkimuksessa rakennettu malli eroaa niistä sekä järjestelmätoimittajan työkustannusten että tietoturvariskien huomioimisen osalta. Laskentamallin toimivuuden todentamiseksi syntynyttä laskentamallia testattiin kahdessa yrityksessä, joiden käytössä on keskitetty identiteetinhallintajärjestelmä. Testaus suoritettiin syöttämällä yrityksen tiedot laskentamalliin ja vertaamalla mallin antamia tuloksia yrityksen havaitsemiin kustannusvaikutuksiin. Sekä kirjallisuuskatsauksen että laskentamallin testaamisen perusteella voidaan todeta, että identiteetinhallintaprosessin merkittävimmät kustannustekijät ovat identiteettien luomiseen ja muutoksiin kuluva työaika sekä näiden toimintojen aiheuttama työntekijän tehokkuuden laskeminen prosessin aikana. Tutkimuksen perusteella keskitettyjen identiteetinhallintajärjestelmien avulla on mahdollista saavuttaa merkittäviä kustannussäästöjä identiteetinhallintaprosessin toiminnoista, lisenssikustannuksista sekä IT-palvelukustannuksista. Kaikki kustannussäästöt eivät kuitenkaan ole konkreettisia, vaan liittyvät esimerkiksi työtehokkuuden nousemiseen järjestelmän ansiosta. Kustannusvaikutusten lisäksi identiteetinhallintajärjestelmät tarjoavat muita hyötyjä, joiden rahallisen arvon laskeminen on erittäin haastavaa. Laskentamallin käytön haasteina ovatkin konkreettisten ja epäsuorien kustannussäästöjen tunnistaminen ja arvottaminen sekä investoinnin kokonaishyötyjen arvioinnin vaikeus.


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In distributed energy production, permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG) are often connected to the grid via frequency converters, such as voltage source line converters. The price of the converter may constitute a large part of the costs of a generating set. Some of the permanent magnet synchronous generators with converters and traditional separately excited synchronous generators couldbe replaced by direct-on-line (DOL) non-controlled PMSGs. Small directly networkconnected generators are likely to have large markets in the area of distributed electric energy generation. Typical prime movers could be windmills, watermills and internal combustion engines. DOL PMSGs could also be applied in island networks, such as ships and oil platforms. Also various back-up power generating systems could be carried out with DOL PMSGs. The benefits would be a lower priceof the generating set and the robustness and easy use of the system. The performance of DOL PMSGs is analyzed. The electricity distribution companies have regulations that constrain the design of the generators being connected to the grid. The general guidelines and recommendations are applied in the analysis. By analyzing the results produced by the simulation model for the permanent magnet machine, the guidelines for efficient damper winding parameters for DOL PMSGs are presented. The simulation model is used to simulate grid connections and load transients. The damper winding parameters are calculated by the finite element method (FEM) and determined from experimental measurements. Three-dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA) is carried out. The results from the simulation model and 3D FEA are compared with practical measurements from two prototype axial flux permanent magnet generators provided with damper windings. The dimensioning of the damper winding parameters is case specific. The damper winding should be dimensioned based on the moment of inertia of the generating set. It is shown that the damper winding has optimal values to reach synchronous operation in the shortest period of time after transient operation. With optimal dimensioning, interferenceon the grid is minimized.


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The solvency rate of banks differs from the other corporations. The equity rate of a bank is lower than it is in corporations of other field of business. However, functional banking industry has huge impact on the whole society. The equity rate of a bank needs to be higher because that makes the banking industry more stable as the probability of the banks going under will decrease. If a bank goes belly up, the government will be compensating the deposits since it has granted the bank’s depositors a deposit insurance. This means that the payment comes from the tax payers in the last resort. Economic conversation has long concentrated on the costs of raising equity ratio. It has been a common belief that raising equity ratio also increases the banks’ funding costs in the same phase and these costs will be redistributed to the banks customers as higher service charges. Regardless of the common belief, the actual reaction of the funding costs to the higher equity ratio has been studied only a little in Europe and no study has been constructed in Finland. Before it can be calculated whether the higher stability of the banking industry that is caused by the raise in equity levels compensates the extra costs in funding costs, it must be calculated how much the actual increase in the funding costs is. Currently the banking industry is controlled by complex and heavy regulation. To maintain such a complex system inflicts major costs in itself. This research leans on the Modigliani and Miller theory, which shows that the finance structure of a firm is irrelevant to their funding costs. In addition, this research follows the calculations of Miller, Yang ja Marcheggianon (2012) and Vale (2011) where they calculate the funding costs after the doubling of specific banks’ equity ratios. The Finnish banks studied in this research are Nordea and Danske Bank because they are the two largest banks operating in Finland and they both also have the right company form to able the calculations. To calculate the costs of halving their leverages this study used the Capital Asset Pricing Model. The halving of the leverage of Danske Bank raised its funding costs for 16—257 basis points depending on the method of assessment. For Nordea the increase in funding costs was 11—186 basis points when its leverage was halved. On the behalf of the results found in this study it can be said that the doubling of an equity ratio does not increase the funding costs of a bank one by one. Actually the increase is quite modest. More solvent banks would increase the stability of the banking industry enormously while the increase in funding costs is low. If the costs of bank regulation exceeds the increase in funding costs after the higher equity ratio, it can be thought that this is the better way of stabilizing the banking industry rather than heavy regulation.


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As a result of globalization, two thirds of the world’s business takes place nowadays in the service sector. In line, professional service firms are growing their share of the global service production. However, saturation of the professional service sector has forced professional service firms to search for more heuristic ways to conduct business in the international markets. By leveraging effectively the firm’s professionals, a professional service firm can lower its costs to clients and simultaneously generate additional value for the company and thus gain competitive advantage. Even though the academic field has shown growing interest towards services for decades, the fields of service productization and service internationalization are heavily understudied even today. Hence, the objective of this study was to contribute to the research on professional service internationalization and productization. The study concentrated on examining the impact that productization has on knowledge sharing and leveraging in professional service firms operating internationally. The research question focused on examining what implications productization has on knowledge transfer and leveraging during professional service internationalization by leaning on the existing research and on an empirical research. The empirical research was conducted as a single case study within a professional service firm operating in debt-related administrative service business. The case company is one of the leading operators in its field of business and therefore offered a fruitful environment to observe and analyze the topics in question. Additionally, the case company has a strong international presence and a large scale of operations in the selected markets, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Based on the previous literature and on the empirical research, this study found that for professional service firms to efficiently utilize individual, tacit knowledge, in its internationalization processes, it must be shared with the whole organization. By exploiting productization as a knowledge leveraging mechanism, a PSF can apply and transfer knowledge profoundly during its internationalization processes that would otherwise be difficult to tap into. Productization might not be sufficient alone, but by complementing it with a favorable organizational structure and culture, and by encouraging open communication, a PSF may take advantage of the whole potential that productization has to offer.


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Yritysten välisen yhteistyön toimittajavalinta perustuu asiakasarvon määrittämiseen ja vertailuun. Tämä tutkimus tehtiin yritys A:lle asiakasarvon ymmärtämiseksi, kehittämiseksi ja asiakaspääoman kasvattamiseksi. Teoreettisesti keskeisiä käsiteltäviä teemoja ovat asiakasarvon luonti, toimittaminen ja kasvattaminen. Tutkimus on toteutettu pääasiassa kvalitatiivisesti teemahaastattelun kautta, jossa haastateltiin viittä yritys A:n asiakasyritystä. Tutkimus suunniteltiin yhdessä työn tilanneen yrityksen kanssa suhteessa aiempiin tutkimuksiin ja tavoitteisiin. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa havaittiin selviä vahvuuksia liittyen yritys A:n asiakasyritysten asiakasarvon teemoihin. Vahvuudet liittyivät muun muassa suoriin kustannuksiin, erillisiin lisäpalveluihin ja asiakaspalveluun. Kehitettävät teemat liittyivät pääasiassa työn suorittamiseen ja markkinointiin. Tulokset ovat käsitelty niin numeerisesti kuin tärkeimpinä teemoina. Asiakasarvoon ja –pääomaan liittyvistä teemoista esitetään lopuksi ratkaisuehdotus työn tilanneelle yritykselle, jota voidaan hyödyntää jatkossa ko. johtamisessa. Asiakasarvosta tulisi tehdä niin yrityskohtaisesti kuin tieteen kannalta lisää tutkimusta, sillä siinä on onnistuessaan merkittävä liiketoiminnallinen potentiaali.


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The solvency rate of banks differs from the other corporations. The equity rate of a bank is lower than it is in corporations of other field of business. However, functional banking industry has huge impact on the whole society. The equity rate of a bank needs to be higher because that makes the banking industry more stable as the probability of the banks going under will decrease. If a bank goes belly up, the government will be compensating the deposits since it has granted the bank’s depositors a deposit insurance. This means that the payment comes from the tax payers in the last resort. Economic conversation has long concentrated on the costs of raising equity ratio. It has been a common belief that raising equity ratio also increases the banks’ funding costs in the same phase and these costs will be redistributed to the banks customers as higher service charges. Regardless of the common belief, the actual reaction of the funding costs to the higher equity ratio has been studied only a little in Europe and no study has been constructed in Finland. Before it can be calculated whether the higher stability of the banking industry that is caused by the raise in equity levels compensates the extra costs in funding costs, it must be calculated how much the actual increase in the funding costs is. Currently the banking industry is controlled by complex and heavy regulation. To maintain such a complex system inflicts major costs in itself. This research leans on the Modigliani and Miller theory, which shows that the finance structure of a firm is irrelevant to their funding costs. In addition, this research follows the calculations of Miller, Yang ja Marcheggianon (2012) and Vale (2011) where they calculate the funding costs after the doubling of specific banks’ equity ratios. The Finnish banks studied in this research are Nordea and Danske Bank because they are the two largest banks operating in Finland and they both also have the right company form to able the calculations. To calculate the costs of halving their leverages this study used the Capital Asset Pricing Model. The halving of the leverage of Danske Bank raised its funding costs for 16—257 basis points depending on the method of assessment. For Nordea the increase in funding costs was 11—186 basis points when its leverage was halved. On the behalf of the results found in this study it can be said that the doubling of an equity ratio does not increase the funding costs of a bank one by one. Actually the increase is quite modest. More solvent banks would increase the stability of the banking industry enormously while the increase in funding costs is low. If the costs of bank regulation exceeds the increase in funding costs after the higher equity ratio, it can be thought that this is the better way of stabilizing the banking industry rather than heavy regulation.