5 resultados para DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Diplomityön kohdeyrityksen liiketoiminta on kokenut viime aikoina merkittäviä muutoksia lisääntyneen volyymin, vaihtuneiden toimitilojen ja konsernin taloudellisesti haastavan tilanteen johdosta. Olosuhteiden muuttuessa ja taloudellisten vaikeuksien kasvaessa on tuotannonohjauksen kehittäminen jäänyt yksikössä takaa-alalle, mikä näkyy pitkittyneinä toimitusaikoina ja laskutusviiveenä, heikkona ohjattavuutena ja täten myös kannattavuuden huonontumisena. Työn tavoitteena onkin tutkia sähkömoottorihuoltotoiminnan nykytilaa ja löytää käytännönläheisiä ja nopeasti toteutettavissa olevia ratkaisuja tuotannonohjauksen kehittämiseksi. Työn teoreettisena viitekehyksenä käytettiin tuotannonohjauksen perusproblema-tiikkaa käsitteleviä teoksia, kuten myös tuotannonohjauksen kehityshankkeisiin liittyvää materiaalia. Tämän lisäksi työhön on pyritty saamaan lisänäkemystä suo-rittamalla benchmarking -vierailuja yhteistyöyrityksiin, jossa on hiljattain suoritettu vastaavan kaltaisia, onnistuneita tuotannonohjauksen kehityshankkeita. Työn empiirinen osuus jaoteltiin kahteen teemaan; nykytila-analyysiin ja toimenpide-ehdotuksiin. Nykytila-analyysi pyrittiin luomaan mahdollisimman kattavaksi sisällyttämällä siihen näkökulmia niin tuotannollisten lukujen kuin henkilöstön nä-kemysten perusteella. Analyysin pohjalta yritykselle laadittiin ehdotuksia käytän-nönläheisistä, nopeasti toteutettavissa olevista toimenpiteistä kuten myös ehdotuksia tuotannon jatkokehityksestä.


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Objective of the thesis is to develop project management procedure for chilled beam projects. In organization is recognized that project management techniques could help in large and complex projects. Information sharing have been challenging in projects, so improvement of information sharing is one key topic of the thesis. Academic researches and literature are used to find suitable project management theories and methods. Main theories are related to phases of the project and project management tools. Practical knowledge of project management is collected from two project business oriented companies. Project management tools are chosen and modified to fulfill needs of the beam projects. Result of the thesis is proposed project management procedure, which includes phases of the chilled beam projects and project milestones. Project management procedure helps to recognize the most critical phases of the project and tools help to manage information of the project. Procedure increases knowledge of the project management techniques and tools. It also forms coherent project management working method among the chilled beam project group.


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This thesis is dedicated to enhancement and development of Imatra`s logistics potential in order to increase its key parameters and improve the efficiency of the region. To find out the most promising logistics projects was proposed a tool “integral-matrix analysis” which enables to make the priority among the list of proposed projects. Description and functionality of the tool are explained in detail. As a result of analysis, the list of priority projects for the development of the region is presented. Project with the greatest potential is implemented in the thesis work. In conclusion, recommendations for the further development of economic potential of the region are given. The thesis is basically focused on literature review, overlook of secondary and primary data (including the results of the interviews, which were carried out among companies that represent the logistics market). Primary data was collected in interviews with the representatives of the companies, who regularly use logistics services. Total effects that make various Russian regions and companies on the Finnish logistics is summed up and discussed.


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This study discusses the importance of creating Open Innovation (OI) teams for optimizing costs of Research and Development (R&D), dividing risks and maximizing profits. The purpose of this study is to determine team characteristics beneficial for successful OI project, with the emphasis on the fact that such teams are formed of professionals belonging to different organizations, both private and state-owned, with different educational and professional backgrounds and personal qualities. This purpose is supported by three sub-objectives: to observe the phenomenon of OI and its implementation in emerging economies, particularly in Russia; to specify professional and personal competencies of OI team members essential for the successful collaboration; and to identify the role of the leader in OI teams. The theoretical part of this study consists of knowledge from academic literature related to OI, cross-functional and innovation teams and leadership in innovation. The practical part of the study is presented in the form of multiple case study, and the empirical research is based on six semistructured interviews collected in October 2014 from the CEOs, Innovation Managers and Technical Directors of innovation companies participating actively in OI projects. The findings of the study demonstrate that many of the necessary competencies are equal for innovation or cross-functional teams and OI teams, such as professionalism and communication skills. However, due to the specific nature of OI, additional personal characteristics were recognized as beneficial for OI teams, such as flexibility, empathy and success-orientation. The role of the leader is also considered as a critical success factor for OI teams, with the emphasis on flexibility and autonomy. The findings of the study contribute to understanding the connection between notions of team member, team climate and team leader, and its influence on OI project success. Thus, the main purpose of the study is providing support for existing knowledge on OI teams and developing new insights into this newly emerged topic.


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This study investigates the development of relationships in same global virtual team working on different projects. The purpose is to explore how do interpersonal relationships develop in terms of characteristics of virtuality and if there is any influence of project lifespan on the development of these relationships. Since relationships are dynamic in nature and are influenced by multiple levels of variables including individual, group and organizational level, therefore characteristics of virtuality have been considered from all these aspects so as to study their influence on development of relationships. In this study, relationships have been studied at two different levels. At first, dyadic relationships between two members of a GVT have been analyzed and thereafter, focus has been on the development of relationships among the team, based on these dyads. Characteristics having influence on development of relationships include trust, physical distance, time zone difference, cultural and language differences, level of formalization in the organization and means of communication used by team members. Level of formalization and means of communication are two characteristics which emerged after empirical study and are found to have direct influence on development of relationships. Remaining characteristics have been identified through literature review. In order to conduct the study, qualitative methodology has been applied. Empirical data has been collected based on a single case study while using semi-structured interviews as data gathering technique. Data analysis has been performed by applying thematic analysis along with the utilization of company documents such as work sheets, minutes of meetings and recordings of conferences. Findings of the study indicate that development of relationships, both at dyadic level and team level, is influenced by different events taking place among different members of GVT. These events have either positive or negative influence on the characteristics of virtuality, which leads to development of the relationships. It has been found that, trust, among all factors plays a greater role in development of these relations. Contrary to the belief that most conflicts arise among members of different cultures, they are equally likely to happen among the members from same culture in GVT environment. Study suggests that relationship development is not a smooth process but it fluctuates based on different events in teams. For further research, teams within large firms shall be studied along these lines. This study is an early attempt towards bringing different characteristics of virtuality together which previously, have been studied individually. It is therefore plausible to conduct similar studies so as to generalize the findings of this study which has provided a starting point.