43 resultados para Contrasting aerial environments
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
The focus of the present work was on 10- to 12-year-old elementary school students’ conceptual learning outcomes in science in two specific inquiry-learning environments, laboratory and simulation. The main aim was to examine if it would be more beneficial to combine than contrast simulation and laboratory activities in science teaching. It was argued that the status quo where laboratories and simulations are seen as alternative or competing methods in science teaching is hardly an optimal solution to promote students’ learning and understanding in various science domains. It was hypothesized that it would make more sense and be more productive to combine laboratories and simulations. Several explanations and examples were provided to back up the hypothesis. In order to test whether learning with the combination of laboratory and simulation activities can result in better conceptual understanding in science than learning with laboratory or simulation activities alone, two experiments were conducted in the domain of electricity. In these experiments students constructed and studied electrical circuits in three different learning environments: laboratory (real circuits), simulation (virtual circuits), and simulation-laboratory combination (real and virtual circuits were used simultaneously). In order to measure and compare how these environments affected students’ conceptual understanding of circuits, a subject knowledge assessment questionnaire was administered before and after the experimentation. The results of the experiments were presented in four empirical studies. Three of the studies focused on learning outcomes between the conditions and one on learning processes. Study I analyzed learning outcomes from experiment I. The aim of the study was to investigate if it would be more beneficial to combine simulation and laboratory activities than to use them separately in teaching the concepts of simple electricity. Matched-trios were created based on the pre-test results of 66 elementary school students and divided randomly into a laboratory (real circuits), simulation (virtual circuits) and simulation-laboratory combination (real and virtual circuits simultaneously) conditions. In each condition students had 90 minutes to construct and study various circuits. The results showed that studying electrical circuits in the simulation–laboratory combination environment improved students’ conceptual understanding more than studying circuits in simulation and laboratory environments alone. Although there were no statistical differences between simulation and laboratory environments, the learning effect was more pronounced in the simulation condition where the students made clear progress during the intervention, whereas in the laboratory condition students’ conceptual understanding remained at an elementary level after the intervention. Study II analyzed learning outcomes from experiment II. The aim of the study was to investigate if and how learning outcomes in simulation and simulation-laboratory combination environments are mediated by implicit (only procedural guidance) and explicit (more structure and guidance for the discovery process) instruction in the context of simple DC circuits. Matched-quartets were created based on the pre-test results of 50 elementary school students and divided randomly into a simulation implicit (SI), simulation explicit (SE), combination implicit (CI) and combination explicit (CE) conditions. The results showed that when the students were working with the simulation alone, they were able to gain significantly greater amount of subject knowledge when they received metacognitive support (explicit instruction; SE) for the discovery process than when they received only procedural guidance (implicit instruction: SI). However, this additional scaffolding was not enough to reach the level of the students in the combination environment (CI and CE). A surprising finding in Study II was that instructional support had a different effect in the combination environment than in the simulation environment. In the combination environment explicit instruction (CE) did not seem to elicit much additional gain for students’ understanding of electric circuits compared to implicit instruction (CI). Instead, explicit instruction slowed down the inquiry process substantially in the combination environment. Study III analyzed from video data learning processes of those 50 students that participated in experiment II (cf. Study II above). The focus was on three specific learning processes: cognitive conflicts, self-explanations, and analogical encodings. The aim of the study was to find out possible explanations for the success of the combination condition in Experiments I and II. The video data provided clear evidence about the benefits of studying with the real and virtual circuits simultaneously (the combination conditions). Mostly the representations complemented each other, that is, one representation helped students to interpret and understand the outcomes they received from the other representation. However, there were also instances in which analogical encoding took place, that is, situations in which the slightly discrepant results between the representations ‘forced’ students to focus on those features that could be generalised across the two representations. No statistical differences were found in the amount of experienced cognitive conflicts and self-explanations between simulation and combination conditions, though in self-explanations there was a nascent trend in favour of the combination. There was also a clear tendency suggesting that explicit guidance increased the amount of self-explanations. Overall, the amount of cognitive conflicts and self-explanations was very low. The aim of the Study IV was twofold: the main aim was to provide an aggregated overview of the learning outcomes of experiments I and II; the secondary aim was to explore the relationship between the learning environments and students’ prior domain knowledge (low and high) in the experiments. Aggregated results of experiments I & II showed that on average, 91% of the students in the combination environment scored above the average of the laboratory environment, and 76% of them scored also above the average of the simulation environment. Seventy percent of the students in the simulation environment scored above the average of the laboratory environment. The results further showed that overall students seemed to benefit from combining simulations and laboratories regardless of their level of prior knowledge, that is, students with either low or high prior knowledge who studied circuits in the combination environment outperformed their counterparts who studied in the laboratory or simulation environment alone. The effect seemed to be slightly bigger among the students with low prior knowledge. However, more detailed inspection of the results showed that there were considerable differences between the experiments regarding how students with low and high prior knowledge benefitted from the combination: in Experiment I, especially students with low prior knowledge benefitted from the combination as compared to those students that used only the simulation, whereas in Experiment II, only students with high prior knowledge seemed to benefit from the combination relative to the simulation group. Regarding the differences between simulation and laboratory groups, the benefits of using a simulation seemed to be slightly higher among students with high prior knowledge. The results of the four empirical studies support the hypothesis concerning the benefits of using simulation along with laboratory activities to promote students’ conceptual understanding of electricity. It can be concluded that when teaching students about electricity, the students can gain better understanding when they have an opportunity to use the simulation and the real circuits in parallel than if they have only the real circuits or only a computer simulation available, even when the use of the simulation is supported with the explicit instruction. The outcomes of the empirical studies can be considered as the first unambiguous evidence on the (additional) benefits of combining laboratory and simulation activities in science education as compared to learning with laboratories and simulations alone.
Tiivistelmä: Leijailmakuvausmenetelmän käyttömahdollisuudet soiden kartoituksessa - esimerkkejä Viron soilta
Tiivistelmä: Viron soiden pinnanmuodot värillisten leijailmakuvien valossa
University of Helsinki, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Department of Forest Resource Management
The past few decades have seen a considerable increase in the number of parallel and distributed systems. With the development of more complex applications, the need for more powerful systems has emerged and various parallel and distributed environments have been designed and implemented. Each of the environments, including hardware and software, has unique strengths and weaknesses. There is no single parallel environment that can be identified as the best environment for all applications with respect to hardware and software properties. The main goal of this thesis is to provide a novel way of performing data-parallel computation in parallel and distributed environments by utilizing the best characteristics of difference aspects of parallel computing. For the purpose of this thesis, three aspects of parallel computing were identified and studied. First, three parallel environments (shared memory, distributed memory, and a network of workstations) are evaluated to quantify theirsuitability for different parallel applications. Due to the parallel and distributed nature of the environments, networks connecting the processors in these environments were investigated with respect to their performance characteristics. Second, scheduling algorithms are studied in order to make them more efficient and effective. A concept of application-specific information scheduling is introduced. The application- specific information is data about the workload extractedfrom an application, which is provided to a scheduling algorithm. Three scheduling algorithms are enhanced to utilize the application-specific information to further refine their scheduling properties. A more accurate description of the workload is especially important in cases where the workunits are heterogeneous and the parallel environment is heterogeneous and/or non-dedicated. The results obtained show that the additional information regarding the workload has a positive impact on the performance of applications. Third, a programming paradigm for networks of symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) workstations is introduced. The MPIT programming paradigm incorporates the Message Passing Interface (MPI) with threads to provide a methodology to write parallel applications that efficiently utilize the available resources and minimize the overhead. The MPIT allows for communication and computation to overlap by deploying a dedicated thread for communication. Furthermore, the programming paradigm implements an application-specific scheduling algorithm. The scheduling algorithm is executed by the communication thread. Thus, the scheduling does not affect the execution of the parallel application. Performance results achieved from the MPIT show that considerable improvements over conventional MPI applications are achieved.
The solid-rotor induction motor provides a mechanically and thermally reliable solution for demanding environments where other rotor solutions are prohibited or questionable. Solid rotors, which are manufactured of single pieces of ferromagnetic material, are commonly used in motors in which the rotationspeeds exceed substantially the conventional speeds of laminated rotors with squirrel-cage. During the operation of a solid-rotor electrical machine, the rotor core forms a conductor for both the magnetic flux and the electrical current. This causes an increase in the rotor resistance and rotor leakage inductance, which essentially decreases the power factor and the efficiency of the machine. The electromagnetic problems related to the solid-rotor induction motor are mostly associated with the low performance of the rotor. Therefore, the main emphasis in this thesis is put on the solid steel rotor designs. The rotor designs studied in thisthesis are based on the fact that the rotor construction should be extremely robust and reliable to withstand the high mechanical stresses caused by the rotational velocity of the rotor. In addition, the demanding operation environment sets requirements for the applied materials because of the high temperatures and oxidizing acids, which may be present in the cooling fluid. Therefore, the solid rotors analyzed in this thesis are made of a single piece of ferromagnetic material without any additional parts, such as copper end-rings or a squirrel-cage. A pure solid rotor construction is rigid and able to keep its balance over a large speed range. It also may tolerate other environmental stresses such as corroding substances or abrasive particles. In this thesis, the main target is to improve the performance of an induction motor equipped with a solid steel rotor by traditional methods: by axial slitting of the rotor, by selecting a proper rotor core material and by coating the rotor with a high-resistive stainless ferromagnetic material. In the solid steel rotor calculation, the rotor end-effects have a significant effect on the rotor characteristics. Thus, the emphasis is also put on the comparison of different rotor endfactors. In addition, a corrective slip-dependent end-factor is proposed. The rotor designs covered in this thesis are the smooth solid rotor, the axially slitted solid rotor and the slitted rotor having a uniform ferromagnetic coating cylinder. The thesis aims at design rules for multi-megawatt machines. Typically, mega-watt-size solidrotor machines find their applications mainly in the field of electric-motor-gas-compression systems, in steam-turbine applications, and in various types of largepower pump applications, where high operational speeds are required. In this thesis, a 120 kW, 10 000 rpm solid-rotor induction motor is usedas a small-scale model for such megawatt-range solid-rotor machines. The performance of the 120 kW solid-rotor induction motors is determined by experimental measurements and finite element calculations.
Suorituskyky- ja kuormitustestien tekeminen sovelluksille on erittäin tärkeä osa tuotantoprosessia nykypäivänä. Myös Web-sovelluksia testataan yhä enemmän. Tarve suorituskyky- ja kuormitustestien tekemiselle on selvä. Testattavan ympäristön tämänhetkinen, mutta myös tulevaisuuden toimivuus taataan oikein tehdyillä testeillä ja niitä seuraavilla korjaustoimenpiteillä. Suurten käyttäjämäärien testaaminen manuaalisesti on kuitenkin hyvin vaikeaa. Sirpaleisen ympäristön, kuten palveluihin perustuvien Web-sovellusympäristöjen testaaminen on haaste. Tämän työn aiheena on arvioida työkaluja ja menetelmiä, joilla raskaita teollisia Web-sovelluksia voidaan testata. Tavoitteena on löytää testausmenetelmiä, joilla voidaan luotettavasti simuloida suuria käyttäjämääriä. Tavoitteena on myös arvioida erilaisten yhteyksien ja protokollien vaikutusta Web-sovelluksen suorituskykyyn.