48 resultados para Complementary Therapies, utilization

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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The strongest wish of the customer concerning chemical pulp features is consistent, uniform quality. Variation may be controlled and reduced by using statistical methods. However, studies addressing the application and benefits of statistical methods in forest product sector are scarce. Thus, the customer wish is the root cause of the motivation behind this dissertation. The research problem addressed by this dissertation is that companies in the chemical forest product sector require new knowledge for improving their utilization of statistical methods. To gain this new knowledge, the research problem is studied from five complementary viewpoints – challenges and success factors, organizational learning, problem solving, economic benefit, and statistical methods as management tools. The five research questions generated on the basis of these viewpoints are answered in four research papers, which are case studies based on empirical data collection. This research as a whole complements the literature dealing with the use of statistical methods in the forest products industry. Practical examples of the application of statistical process control, case-based reasoning, the cross-industry standard process for data mining, and performance measurement methods in the context of chemical forest products manufacturing are brought to the public knowledge of the scientific community. The benefit of the application of these methods is estimated or demonstrated. The purpose of this dissertation is to find pragmatic ideas for companies in the chemical forest product sector in order for them to improve their utilization of statistical methods. The main practical implications of this doctoral dissertation can be summarized in four points: 1. It is beneficial to reduce variation in chemical forest product manufacturing processes 2. Statistical tools can be used to reduce this variation 3. Problem-solving in chemical forest product manufacturing processes can be intensified through the use of statistical methods 4. There are certain success factors and challenges that need to be addressed when implementing statistical methods


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia telekommunikaatioalalla toimivan kohdeyrityksen ohjelmistojen toimitusprosessia° Tutkimus keskittyy mallintamaan toimitusprosessin, määrittelemään roolit ja vastuualueet, havaitsemaan ongelmakohdat ja ehdottamaan prosessille kehityskohteita. Näitä tavoitteita tarkastellaan teoreettisten prosessimallinnustekniikoiden ja tietojohtamisen SECI-prosessikehyksen läpi. Tärkein tiedonkeruun lähde oli haastatteluihin perustuva tutkimus, johon osallistuvat kaikki kohdeprosessiin kuuluvat yksiköt. Mallinnettu toimitusprosessi antoi kohdeyritykselle paremman käsityksen tarkasteltavasta prosessista ja siinä toimivien yksiköiden rooleistaja vastuualueista. Parannusehdotuksia olivat tiedonjaon kanavoinnin määritteleminen, luottamuksen ja sosiaalisten verkostojen parantaminen, ja tietojohtamisen laajamittainen implementointi.


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Tiedosta on tullut määräävä tekijä yrityksensuorituskyvylle. Yritykset hankkivat aktiivisesti uutta tietoa ulkoisesta ympäristöstään ja tallentavat sitä tietokantoihinsa. Uusi tieto on innovaatioiden ja uusien ideoiden peruselementti. Uudet ideat pitää myös kaupallistaa, jotta niiden avulla voidaan hankkia kilpailuetua. Absorptiivisen kapasiteetin malli yhdistää tiedon prosessointiin liittyvät kyvykkyydet, jotka vaikuttavat yrityksen kykyyn hyödyntää tietoa tehokkaasti. Ennen kuin tietoa voidaan käyttää uusien tuotteiden ja palveluiden luomiseen, täytyy sitä jakaa yrityksessä ja muuttaa se yrityksen toimintaa palvelevaksi. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa innovaatiot ovat vahvasti liitetty yrityksen kykyyn uudistua. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma tutkii sosiaalisten integraatiomekanismien vaikutusta potentiaalisen absorptiivisen kapasiteetin muuttamiseen toteutuneeksi absorptiiviseksi kapasiteetiksi. Yksilöiden ja osastojen välisen yhteistyön sekä luottamuksen vaikutus tiedon sisäistämiseen tutkittiin. Tutkielma pohjautuu monikansallisessa yrityksessä keväällä 2006 suoritettuun uudistumiskyky-tutkimukseen. Tutkielma keskittyy yrityksen kykyyn uudistua uuden tiedon ja innovaatioiden avulla. Tutkielma on kvantitatiivinen tapaustutkimus. Tutkielmassa tehtyjen havaintojen mukaan sosiaaliset integraatiomekanismit ovat tärkeitä uuden tiedon hyödyntämisessä. Tiedon eksplisiittyyden havaitaan vaikuttavan tiedon muuttamiseen yritykselle hyödylliseksi resurssiksi.


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The driving forces of technology and globalization continuously transform the business landscape in a way which undermines the existing strategies and innovations of organizations. The challenge for organizations is to establish such conditions where they are able to create new knowledge for innovative business ideas in interaction between other organizations and individuals. Innovation processes continuously need new external stimulations and seek new ideas, new information and knowledge locating more and more outside traditional organizational boundaries. In several studies, the early phases of the innovation process have been considered as the most critical ones. During these phases, the innovation process can emerge or conclude. External knowledge acquirement and utilization are noticed to be important at this stage of the innovation process giving information about the development of future markets and needs for new innovative businessideas. To make it possible, new methods and approaches to manage proactive knowledge creation and sharing activities are needed. In this study, knowledge creation and sharing in the early phases of the innovation process has been studied, and the understanding of knowledge management in the innovation process in an open and collaborative context advanced. Furthermore, the innovation management methods in this study are combined in a novel way to establish an open innovation process and tested in real-life cases. For these purposes two complementary and sequentially applied group work methods - the heuristic scenario method and the idea generation process - are examined by focusing the research on the support of the open knowledge creation and sharing process. The research objective of this thesis concerns two doctrines: the innovation management including the knowledge management, and the futures research concerning the scenario paradigm. This thesis also applies the group decision support system (GDSS) in the idea generation process to utilize the converged knowledge during the scenario process.


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Kansainvälisen kaupan kiristyessä yrityksien kyky täyttää asiakasketjunsa lailliset, sosiaaliset ja toiminnalliset asiakastarpeet tulee punnituksi. Globaalisuuden lisääntyessä asiakasketju voi sisältää toimintoja samanaikaisesti yli sadassa maassa. Jotta asiakasketjun tarpeet voidaan sisällyttää tuotteeseen tehokkaasti yhä useammat yritykset ovat siirtyneet käyttämään Quality Function Deployment nimistä projektijohto- ja laatutyökalua. Quality Function Deployment työkalu auttaa yritystä muuntamaan sisäisten ja ulkoisten asiakkaittensa tarpeet, tuotefunktioiksi ja tuotespesifikaatioiksi. Näin tehdessä voidaan uuden tuotteen kehitysaikaa ja hintaa alentaa merkittävästi suunnittelmalla tuote alunalkaen paremmin. QFD:tä on käytetty useissa yrityksissä Aasiassa, Pohjois-Amerikassa ja Euroopassa, sen kehittämisen jälkeen Japanissa 1960 luvulla. Tämä diplomityö antaa teoreettisen ja käytännön kuvauksen siitä miten QFD:tä kannatta käyttää ja mitä sen avulla voidaan saavuttaa vastaten kysymykseen "miten minä, ja yritykseni hyötyy jos käytän QFD:tä".


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The aim of the study was to ford out the availability of biomasses, which are available for energy production, in Poland. Biomasses which were examined were forest residues and surplus straw. Availability was examined by 16 Polish voivodeships, which are provinces in Poland. After fording out the amounts of biomasses for energy production was examined the need of biomass in the biggest CHP plants in Poland. It was expected that all the plants uses 15 % of biomass as the fuel. In the first parts of the report are explained the legislation which effects to biomass use in energy production in EU level and in Polish level. Also the combustion methods best for biomasses are explained by examples. After this, is studied the general situation of renewable energy use in Poland and the facts about the country. In the last parts it's explained the calculations and is shown the example cases. When it was found out the needs and supply of biomass it was examined by examples how it could be transported to the plants from the producers. Also was examined costs effected, if there were logistical terminals between the producer and the end user. The estimation was done by setting prices for the biomass, and fording out average costs for producing and transporting biomass. There are a lot of surplus biomasses in Poland which could be used for energy production, and this is a one way to reach the goals that EU has set of renewable energies. But because biomasses doesn't have such a good calorific value, it isn't worth able to transport it very long distances. In the research was set the prices for producer 9€/MWh and for end user 15€/MWh, the maximum transportation distance for forest residues was 52 km and for straw 56 km. These are example estimations and it has to be remembered that there are a lot of factors that makes inaccurate. The model is really sensitive and by changing one parameter the results change a lot.


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The role of transport in the economy is twofold. As a sector of economic activity it contributes to a share of national income. On the other hand, improvements in transport infrastructure create room for accelerated economic growth. As a means to support railways as a safe and environmentally friendly transportation mode, the EU legislation has required the opening of domestic railway freight for competition from beginning of year 2007. The importance of railways as a mode of transport has been great in Finland, as a larger share of freight has been carried on rails than in Europe on average. In this thesis it is claimed that the efficiency of goods transport can be enhanced by service specific investments. Furthermore, it is stressed that simulation can and should be used to evaluate the cost-efficiency of transport systems on operational level, as well as to assess transportation infrastructure investments. In all the studied cases notable efficiency improvements were found. For example in distribution, home delivery of groceries can be almost twice as cost efficient as the current practice of visiting the store. The majority of the cases concentrated on railway freight. In timber transportation, the item with the largest annual transport volume in domestic railway freight in Finland, the transportation cost could be reduced most substantially. Also in international timber procurement, the utilization of railway wagons could be improved by combining complementary flows. The efficiency improvements also have positive environmental effects; a large part of road transit could be moved to rails annually. If impacts of freight transport are included in cost-benefit analysis of railway investments, up to 50 % increase in the net benefits of the evaluated alternatives can be experienced, avoiding a possible inbuilt bias in the assessment framework, and thus increasing the efficiency of national investments in transportation infrastructure. Transportation systems are a typical example of complex real world systems that cannot be analysed realistically by analytical methods, whereas simulation allows inclusion of dynamics and the level of detail required. Regarding simulation as a viable tool for assessing the efficiency of transportation systems finds support also in the international survey conducted for railway freight operators; operators use operations research methods widely for planning purposes, while simulation is applied only by the larger operators.


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Peat is an organic substance with the maintenance of a mineral part, what shows it as interesting object for studying. Both organic and mineral parts of peat find application in various fields of activity of the people. Antibacterial properties of peat are known since an antiquity. Today people have expanded a spectrum of application of peat to use of by-products of its processing for reception of rather ecologically harmless fuel. The master theses are focused on peat, as on ambiguous raw materials for processing and fuel manufacture. The purpose of theses to show how much widely applied peat, technologies on its processing and its influence on environment at all stages of its working out.


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The subject being analyzed of this Master’s Thesis is a development of a service that is used to define a current location of a mobile device. The service utilized data that is obtained from own GPS receiver in some possible cases and as well data from mobile devices which can be afforded for the current environment for acquisition of more precise position of the device. The computation environment is based on context of a mobile device. The service is implemented as an application for communicator series Nokia N8XX. The Master’s Thesis presents theoretical concept of the method and its practical implementation, architecture of the application, requirements and describes a process of its functionality. Also users’ work with application is presented and recommendations for possible future improvements are made.


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The usage of the non-wood pulps in furnishes for various paper grades is the real alternative for substitution of wood fibres in the papermaking. This is especially important now, when the prices for wood are increasing and forest resources are depleting in many regions of our planet. However, there are several problems associated with utilization of such pulps. In terms of the papermaking process one of the main problems is the poor dewatering of the non-wood pulps. This problem can be partially solved by means of retention aids. In the literature part were described technological features of the non-wood pulps as the raw materials for paper production. Moreover, overviews of the retention chemicals and methods for retention measurement were done; special attention was paid to the mechanisms of retention and drainage. Finally, factors affecting on the drainage and retention of non-wood pulps were considered holistically. Particular emphasis was put on the possibility of enzyme treatment for drainage improvement. It was stated that retention aids can significantly improve dewatering of non-wood pulps. In the experimental part the goal was to investigate influence of various microparticle retention aids on the drainage, retention and formation of furnish containing wheat straw pulp, obtained by novel pulping process (Formico™Fib). The parallel test were performed with reference furnish containing only wood pulps. It was found that Bentonite-CPAM retention aid can significantly improve drainage and retention; however formation seems be suffer from such additives. It was stated that performance of the Silica-Starch retention aid significantly depends on the starch dosing sequence and wet-end conditions; this system have shown better formation than other tested retention aids. Silica-CPAM retention aid have provided comparable results in retention and drainage with Bentonite-CPAM, while Silica-starch did not improve dewatering and yielded in lowest filler retention among other aids. Ultimately, optimal dosages for the tested retention chemicals have been suggested.


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The correct utilization of non-wood raw material allows reducing tree cutting and reduces emissions of carbon dioxide from burning of non-wood plants on farmers fields. Also it allows increasing economical situation in regions that non-wood plants are grown and where they are converted into pulp and paper. Also it gives positive effect on population pressure of work by addition of working place. In the literature survey included an overview of the historical meaning of non-wood pulp on developing paper production and structure of non-wood pulps. Moreover, anatomical and chemical composition of straw, reed and bamboo were studied more detailed. Also, an overview of the utilization of non-wood pulp in papermaking was made. Especially tissue, tree-free and release papers were reviewed. In the experimental part the goal was to investigate suitability of non-wood pulp like wheat straw pulp and bamboo pulp for different fiber products. Finally release and tree-free paper products were selected for experimental studies. It was discovered that wheat straw, especially screened wheat straw, showed good results for release paper. Also utilization of wheat straw and bamboo pulp in tree-free paper showed good results and suitability of these non-wood pulps for tree-free paper production. Also it was noticed that addition of wheat straw pulp gave positive effect on initial wet strength for release and tree-free paper.


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The ability of the supplier firm to generate and utilise customer-specific knowledge has attracted increasing attention in the academic literature during the last decade. It has been argued the customer knowledge should treated as a strategic asset the same as any other intangible assets. Yet, at the same time it has been shown that the management of customer-specific knowledge is challenging in practice, and that many firms are better at acquiring customer knowledge than at making use of it. This study examines customer knowledge processing in the context of key account management in large industrial firms. This focus was chosen because key accounts are demanding and complex. It is not unusual for a single key account relationship to constitute a complex web of relationships between the supplier and the key account – thus easily leading to the dispersion of customer-specific knowledge in the supplier firm. Although the importance of customer-specific knowledge generation has been widely acknowledged in the literature, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the processes through which firms generate, disseminate and use such knowledge internally for enhancing the relationships with their major, strategically important key account customers. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part comprises a theoretical overview and draws together the main findings of the study, whereas the second part consists of five complementary empirical research papers based on survey data gathered from large industrial firms in Finland. The findings suggest that the management of customer knowledge generated about and form key accounts is a three-dimensional process consisting of acquisition, dissemination and utilization. It could be concluded from the results that customer-specific knowledge is a strategic asset because the supplier’s customer knowledge processing activities have a positive effect on supplier’s key account performance. Moreover, in examining the determinants of each phase separately the study identifies a number of intra-organisational factors that facilitate the process in supplier firms. The main contribution of the thesis lies in linking the concept of customer knowledge processing to the previous literature on key account management. Moreover, given than this literature is mainly conceptual or case-based, a further contribution is to examine its consequences and determinants based on quantitative empirical data.