21 resultados para Coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy is rapidly developing into a unique microscopic tool in biophysics, biology and the material sciences. The nonlinear nature of CARS spectroscopy complicates the analysis of the received spectra. There were developed mathematical methods for signal processing and for calculations spectra. Fourier self-deconvolution is a special high pass FFT filter which synthetically narrows the effective trace bandwidth features. As Fourier self-deconvolution can effectively reduce the noise, which may be at a higher spatial frequency than the peaks, without losing peak resolution. The idea of the work is to experiment the possibility of using wavelet decomposition in spectroscopic for background and noise removal, and Fourier transformation for linenarrowing.
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering is the powerful method of laser spectroscopy in which significant successes are achieved. However, the non-linear nature of CARS complicates the analysis of the received spectra. The objective of this Thesis is to develop a new phase retrieval algorithm for CARS. It utilizes the maximum entropy method and the new wavelet approach for spectroscopic background correction of a phase function. The method was developed to be easily automated and used on a large number of spectra of different substances.. The algorithm was successfully tested on experimental data.
A linear prediction procedure is one of the approved numerical methods of signal processing. In the field of optical spectroscopy it is used mainly for extrapolation known parts of an optical signal in order to obtain a longer one or deduce missing signal samples. The first is needed particularly when narrowing spectral lines for the purpose of spectral information extraction. In the present paper the coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) spectra were under investigation. The spectra were significantly distorted by the presence of nonlinear nonresonant background. In addition, line shapes were far from Gaussian/Lorentz profiles. To overcome these disadvantages the maximum entropy method (MEM) for phase spectrum retrieval was used. The obtained broad MEM spectra were further underwent the linear prediction analysis in order to be narrowed.
In this diploma work advantages of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectrometry (CARS) and various methods of the quantitative analysis of substance structure with its help are considered. The basic methods and concepts of the adaptive analysis are adduced. On the basis of these methods the algorithm of automatic measurement of a scattering strip size of a target component in CARS spectrum is developed. The algorithm uses known full spectrum of target substance and compares it with a CARS spectrum. The form of a differential spectrum is used as a feedback to control the accuracy of matching. To exclude the influence of a background in CARS spectra the differential spectrum is analysed by means of its second derivative. The algorithm is checked up on the simulated simple spectra and on the spectra of organic compounds received experimentally.
Polymorfian jatkuva seuranta saostuksessa on hyödyllistä suunnittelun ja kidetuotteen ominaisuuksien sekä kiteytystä seuraavan jatkoprosessoinnin kannalta. Tässä diplomityössä on tutkittu L-glutamiinihapon kahden (- ja ß) polymorfimuodon liukoisuuden riippuvuutta pH:sta ja lämpötilasta.Tulokseksi saatiin, että kummankin polymorfin liukoisuus kasvoi sekä pH:ta ettälämpötilaa kasvatettaessa. ¿¿muodon liukoisuus oli korkeampi kuin ß-muodon liukoisuus valituilla pH-arvoilla eri lämpötiloissa. Lisäksi seurattiin puolipanostoimisen saostuksen aikana 1-litraisella laboratoriokiteyttimellä muodostuvan kiteisen polymorfiseoksen koostumusta hyödyntäen in-line Raman-spektroskopiaa. Myös liuoksen pH-muutosta seurattiin sekä liuoksen koostumusta ATR FTIR-spektroskopian (Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer) avulla. Tutkittavina muuttujina olivat mm. sekoitusintensiteetti, sekoitintyyppi, reaktanttien (natriumglutamaatti ja rikkihappo) konsentraatiot sekä syötetyn rikkihapon syöttökohta kiteyttimessä. Työhön sisältyi 36 koetta ja osa kokeista toistettiin tulosten oikeellisuuden tarkistamiseksi. Inline-mittaustulosten verifioimiseksi kidenäytteet analysoitiin myös käyttämällä konfokaali Raman-mikroskooppia. Kidemorfologiaa tutkittiin SEM-kuvien (Scanning Eletronic Microscope) avulla. Työ osoitti, että Raman-spektroskopia on joustava ja luotettava menetelmä saostusprosessin jatkuvaan seurantaan L-glutamiinihapolla. Alhaiset lähtöainepitoisuudet tuottivat pääasiassa ¿¿muotoa, kun taas alhainen sekoitusteho edisti ß-muodon muodostumista. Syöttökohta vaikutti merkittävästi polymorfiaan. Kun rikkihapon syöttökohta oli epäideaalisesti sekoitetulla vyöhykkeellä, nousi ylikylläisyystaso korkeaksi ja päätuote oli tällöin ß-muotoa. 6-lapainen vinolapaturbiini (nousukulma 45o) ja 6-lapainen levyturbiini eivät merkittävästi poikenneet toisistaan muodostuvien polymorfien osalta.
Erilaisia epäpuhtauksia kulkeutuu paperinvalmistusprosessiin ja monenlaisia saostumia muodostuu paperinvalmistuksen prosesseissa. Epäpuhtaudet voivat aiheuttaa prosessiongelmia sekä alentaa tuotteen laatua. Epäpuhtauksien alkuperän ja koostumuksen selvittäminen edellyttää usein erilaisten analyysimenetelmien käyttöä. Epäpuhtauksien luokittelu on useasti välttämätöntä ennen tarkempaa kemiallista analyysia. Paperinvalmistuksen epäpuhtauksien kvalitatiiviseen luokitteluun on yleisimmin käytetty mikroskopian, IR-spektroskopian ja analyyttisen pyrolyysin menetelmiä. Raman spektroskopia on harvinaisempi menetelmä paperiteollisuuden tutkimuksessa. Raman instrumenttien kehittyminen on ollut voimakasta viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana. Raman spektroskopia onkin osoittanut mandollisuutensa polymeerien, lääketeollisuuden ja polttoaineteollisuuden tutkimuksissa. Tässä työssä tutkittiin erään elintarvikepakkauskartongin epäpuhtauksia Raman spektroskoopilla. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää Raman analyysin käyttökelpoisuutta kartongin epäpuhtauksien online-luokittelussa. Tutkimukset suoritettiin Spectracoden RP-1 Raman instrumentilla. Tutkimukset osoittivat, että näytteen fluoresenssi ja näytteen hajoaminen asettavat rajoituksia epäpuhtauksien Raman analyysille. Epäpuhtauksien online-tunnistaminen toimii käytettäessä suuria lasertehoja ja säteilytysaikoja. Näytteiden laserherkkyys ja fluoresenssi rajoittavat kuitenkin suurien laiteparametrien käyttöä. Laiteparametrien pienentäminen johti mittauksien signaali-kohina suhteen alenemiseen, mikä puolestaan aiheutti online-tunnistuksen toimimattomuuden.
Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia Raman-spektrometrin soveltuvuutta muovipäällystettyjen kartonkien syvyyssuuntaisiin mittauksiin. Lisäksi pyrittiin selvittämään voidaanko kiteisyyttä nähdä Raman-laitteistolla. Työn kirjallisessa osassa on selvitetty Raman-laitteiston teknisiä ominaisuuksia. Kokeellinen osa suoritettiin Lappeenrannan teknillisessä yliopistossa Membraanitekniikan ja teknillisen polymeerikemian laboratoriossa. Työssä käytettiin Horiban Jobin Yvon¿in valmistamaa konfokaalista Raman-spektrometri-laitteistoa (LabRam). Syvyyssuuntaisissa mittauksissa käytettiin apuna motorisoitua x-, y- ja z-suuntaan liikkuvaa tasoa. Mittaukset suoritettiin pistemäisesti tietyllä askelvälillä fokusoimalla näytteen pinnasta sisällepäin. Syvyysprofilointimittaukset aloitettiinmäärittelemällä laitteiston syvyysresoluutio eri konfokaalireikäkoolla. Lisäksityössä tehtiin syvyysprofilointimittauksia sekä läpinäkyvillä monikerrosmuoveilla että muovipäällystetyillä kartongeilla. Työssä mitatut muovipäällysteet sisälsivät pääasiassa polyeteeniä. Tulokset osoittivat, että Raman laitteistolla voidaan havainnoida Raman-aktiiviset ryhmät näytteen eri kerroksista. Lisäksi polyeteenin kiteisyysaste voidaan havaita tietyillä aallonpituuksilla.
Työssä tutkittiin sulfonoitujen polystyreenidivinyylibentseenirunkoisten geeli-, meso- ja makrohuokoistenioninvaihtohartsien rakennetta käyttäen useita eri karakterisointimenetelmiä. Lisäksi työssä tutkittiin hartsien huokoskoon vaikutusta aminohappojen kromatografisessa erotuksessa. Työn pääpaino oli hartsien huokoskoon ja huokoisuuden määrittämisessä. Sen selvittämiseksi käytettiin hyväksi elektronimikroskopiaa, typpiadsorptiomittauksia, sekä käänteistä kokoekskluusiokromatografiaa. Parhaat tulokset saatiin käänteisellä kokoekskluusiokromatografialla, joka perustuu erikokoisten dekstraanipolymeerien käyttöön mallimolekyyleinä. Menetelmä sopii meso- ja makrohuokoisuuden tutkimiseen, mutta sen heikkoutena on erittäin pitkä mittausaika. Menetelmä antaa myös huokoskokojakauman, mutta yhden hartsin mittaaminen voi kestää viikon. Menetelmää muutettiin siten, että käytettiin määritettävää huokoskokoaluetta kuvaavien kahden dekstraanipolymeerin seosta. Kromatografiset ajo-olosuhteet optimoitiin sellaisiksi, että injektoidussa seoksessa olevien dekstraanien vastehuiput erottuivat toisistaan. Tällöin voitiin luotettavasti määrittää tutkittavan stationaarifaasin suhteellinen huokoisuus. Tätä työssä kehitettyä nopeaa käänteiseen kokoekskluusiokromatografiaan perustuvaa menetelmää kutsutaan kaksipistemenetelmäksi. Hartsien sulfonihapporyhmien määrää ja jakautumista tutkittiin määrittämällä hartsien kationinvaihtokapasiteetti sekä tutkimalla hartsin pintaa konfokaali-Raman-spektroskopian avulla. Sulfonihapporyhmien ioninvaihtokyvyn selvittämiseksi mitattiin K+-muotoon muutetusta hartsista S/K-suhde poikkileikkauspinnasta. Tulosten perusteella hartsit olivat tasaisesti sulfonoituneet ja 95 % rikkiatomeista oli toimivassa ioninvaihtoryhmässä. Aminohappojen erotuksessa malliaineina oli lysiini, seriini ja tryptofaani. Hartsi oli NH4+-muodossa ja petitilavuus oli 91 mL. Eluenttina käytettiin vettä, jonka pH oli 10. Paras tulos saatiin virtausnopeudella 0,1 mL/min, jolla kaikki kolme aminohappoa erottuivat toisistaan Finex Oy:n mesohuokoisella KEF78-hartsilla. Muilla tutkituilla hartseilla kaikki kolme aminohappoa eivät missään ajo-olosuhteissa erottuneet täysin.
The objective of industrial crystallization is to obtain a crystalline product which has the desired crystal size distribution, mean crystal size, crystal shape, purity, polymorphic and pseudopolymorphic form. Effective control of the product quality requires an understanding of the thermodynamics of the crystallizing system and the effects of operation parameters on the crystalline product properties. Therefore, obtaining reliable in-line information about crystal properties and supersaturation, which is the driving force of crystallization, would be very advantageous. Advanced techniques, such asRaman spectroscopy, attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR FTIR) spectroscopy, and in-line imaging techniques, offer great potential for obtaining reliable information during crystallization, and thus giving a better understanding of the fundamental mechanisms (nucleation and crystal growth) involved. In the present work, the relative stability of anhydrate and dihydrate carbamazepine in mixed solvents containing water and ethanol were investigated. The kinetics of the solvent mediated phase transformation of the anhydrate to hydrate in the mixed solvents was studied using an in-line Raman immersion probe. The effects of the operation parameters in terms of solvent composition, temperature and the use of certain additives on the phase transformation kineticswere explored. Comparison of the off-line measured solute concentration and the solid-phase composition measured by in-line Raman spectroscopy allowedthe identification of the fundamental processes during the phase transformation. The effects of thermodynamic and kinetic factors on the anhydrate/hydrate phase of carbamazepine crystals during cooling crystallization were also investigated. The effect of certain additives on the batch cooling crystallization of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP) wasinvestigated. The crystal growth rate of a certain crystal face was determined from images taken with an in-line video microscope. An in-line image processing method was developed to characterize the size and shape of thecrystals. An ATR FTIR and a laser reflection particle size analyzer were used to study the effects of cooling modes and seeding parameters onthe final crystal size distribution of an organic compound C15. Based on the obtained results, an operation condition was proposed which gives improved product property in terms of increased mean crystal size and narrowersize distribution.
Porous silicon (PSi) is a promising material to be utilized in drug delivery formulations. The release rate of the drug compound can be controlled by changing the pore properties and surface chemistry of PSi. The loading of a poorly soluble drug into mesoporous silicon particles enhances its dissolution in the body. The drug loading is based on adsorption. The attainable maximum loaded amount depends on the properties of the drug compound and the PSi material, and on the process conditions. The loading solvent also essentially affects the adsorption process. The loading of indomethacin into PSi particles with varying surface modification was studied. Solvent mixtures were applied in the loading, and the loaded samples were analyzed with thermal analysis methods. The best degree of loading was obtained using a mixture of dichloromethane and methanol. The drug loads varied from 7.7 w-% to 26.8 w-%. A disturbing factor in the loading experiments was the tendency of indomethacin to form solvates with the solvents applied. In addition, the physical form and stability of indomethacin loaded in PSi and silica particles were studied using Raman spectroscopy. In the case of silica, the presence of crystalline drug as well as the polymorph form can be detected, but the method proved to be not applicable for PSi particles.
The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the wide applicability of the novel photoluminescent labels called upconverting phosphors (UCPs) in proximity-based bioanalytical assays. The exceptional features of the lanthanide-doped inorganic UCP compounds stem from their capability for photon upconversion resulting in anti-Stokes photoluminescence at visible wavelengths under near-infrared (NIR) excitation. Major limitations related to conventional photoluminescent labels are avoided, rendering the UCPs a competitive next-generation label technology. First, the background luminescence is minimized due to total elimination of autofluorescence. Consequently, improvements in detectability are expected. Second, at the long wavelengths (>600 nm) used for exciting and detecting the UCPs, the transmittance of sample matrixes is significantly greater in comparison with shorter wavelengths. Colored samples are no longer an obstacle to the luminescence measurement, and more flexibility is allowed even in homogeneous assay concepts, where the sample matrix remains present during the entire analysis procedure, including label detection. To transform a UCP particle into a biocompatible label suitable for bioanalytical assays, it must be colloidal in an aqueous environment and covered with biomolecules capable of recognizing the analyte molecule. At the beginning of this study, only UCP bulk material was available, and it was necessary to process the material to submicrometer-sized particles prior to use. Later, the ground UCPs, with irregular shape, wide size-distribution and heterogeneous luminescence properties, were substituted by a smaller-sized spherical UCP material. The surface functionalization of the UCPs was realized by producing a thin hydrophilic coating. Polymer adsorption on the UCP surface is a simple way to introduce functional groups for bioconjugation purposes, but possible stability issues encouraged us to optimize an optional silica-encapsulation method which produces a coating that is not detached in storage or assay conditions. An extremely thin monolayer around the UCPs was pursued due to their intended use as short-distance energy donors, and much attention was paid to controlling the thickness of the coating. The performance of the UCP technology was evaluated in three different homogeneous resonance energy transfer-based bioanalytical assays: a competitive ligand binding assay, a hybridization assay for nucleic acid detection and an enzyme activity assay. To complete the list, a competitive immunoassay has been published previously. Our systematic investigation showed that a nonradiative energy transfer mechanism is indeed involved, when a UCP and an acceptor fluorophore are brought into close proximity in aqueous suspension. This process is the basis for the above-mentioned homogeneous assays, in which the distance between the fluorescent species depends on a specific biomolecular binding event. According to the studies, the submicrometer-sized UCP labels allow versatile proximity-based bioanalysis with low detection limits (a low-nanomolar concentration for biotin, 0.01 U for benzonase enzyme, 0.35 nM for target DNA sequence).
Tämän työn tavoitteena oli kehittää esikäsittelymenetelmä, jolla voidaan reaaliaikaisesti vähentää hydrolysaatin ligniinipitoisuutta ja näin vähentää fluoresenssia hemiselluloosan analysoimisessa. Työn kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään hemiselluloosien rakennetta sekä niiden erottamista puusta, sekä käydään läpi hemiselluloosien käyttömahdollisuuksia ja niiden reaaliaikaiseen analysointiin soveltuvia tekniikoita. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin ultrasuodatusta sekä adsorptiohartsikäsittelyä hydrolysaatin esikäsittelynä ennen Raman-analyysiä. Esikäsittelyn tavoitteena oli vähentää Raman-analyysia häiritsevää ligniinistä johtuvaa fluoresenssia. Suodatukset tehtiin Amicon-suodatuslaitteistolla käyttäen viittä eri suodatuskalvoa. Hartsikäsittelyissä käytettiin Amberliten XAD16 ja XAD7HP adsorbtiohartseja. Hartsisuhteina käytettiin 1/80, 1/40, 1/19 ja 1/13. Käytetyt ultrauodatuskalvot osoittautuivat suodatusnäytteistä tehtyjen HPLC-analyysien perusteella cut-off-luvultaan liian pieniksi, sillä hemiselluloosien ja ligniinin erotus ei onnistunut, vaan molemmat väkevöityivät konsentraattiin. Hartsikäsittelyillä saatiin ligniiniä poistettua aiheuttamatta hemiselluloosahäviöitä. Parhaimmillaan ligniinin poistumista kuvaava UV-absorbanssi pieneni hartsilla XAD16 37 % ja hartsilla XAD7 25 %. Vaikka ligniinipitoisuus aleni, näytteet fluoresoivat edelleen voimakkaasti Raman-mittauksessa. Tulosten perusteella näyttäisi siltä, että hartsikäsittelyä optimoimalla analyysiä häiritsevää fluoresenssia olisi edelleen mahdollista vähentää.
Lanthanides represent the chemical elements from lanthanum to lutetium. They intrinsically exhibit some very exciting photophysical properties, which can be further enhanced by incorporating the lanthanide ion into organic or inorganic sensitizing structures. A very popular approach is to conjugate the lanthanide ion to an organic chromophore structure forming lanthanide chelates. Another approach, which has quickly gained interest, is to incorporate the lanthanide ions into nanoparticle structures, thus attaining improved specific activity and binding capacity. The lanthanide-based reporters usually express strong luminescence emission, multiple narrow emission lines covering a wide wavelength range, and exceptionally long excited state lifetimes enabling timeresolved detection. Because of these properties, the lanthanide-based reporters have found widespread applications in various fields of life. This study focuses on the field of bioanalytical applications. The aim of the study was to demonstrate the utility of different lanthanide-based reporters in homogeneous Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based bioaffinity assays. Several different model assays were constructed. One was a competitive bioaffinity assay that utilized energy transfer from lanthanide chelate donors to fluorescent protein acceptors. In addition to the conventional FRET phenomenon, a recently discovered non-overlapping FRET (nFRET) phenomenon was demonstrated for the first time for fluorescent proteins. The lack of spectral overlap in the nFRET mechanism provides sensitivity and versatility to energy transfer-based assays. The distance and temperature dependence of these phenomena were further studied in a DNA-hybridization assay. The distance dependence of nFRET deviated from that of FRET, and unlike FRET, nFRET demonstrated clear temperature dependence. Based on these results, a possible excitation mechanism operating in nFRET was proposed. In the study, two enzyme activity assays for caspase-3 were also constructed. One of these was a fluorescence quenching-based enzyme activity assay that utilized novel inorganic particulate reporters called upconverting phosphors (UCPs) as donors. The use of UCPs enabled the construction of a simple, rather inexpensive, and easily automated assay format that had a high throughput rate. The other enzyme activity assay took advantage of another novel reporter class, the lanthanidebinding peptides (LBPs). In this assay, energy was transferred from a LBP to a green fluorescent protein (GFP). Using the LBPs it was possible to avoid the rather laborious, often poorly repeatable, and randomly positioned chemical labeling. In most of the constructed assays, time-resolved detection was used to eliminate the interfering background signal caused by autofluorescence. The improved signal-to-background ratios resulted in increased assay sensitivity, often unobtainable in homogeneous assay formats using conventional organic fluorophores. The anti-Stokes luminescence of the UCPs, however, enabled the elimination of autofluorescence even without time-gating, thus simplifying the instrument setup. Together, the studied reporters and assay formats pave the way for increasingly sensitive, simple, and easily automated bioanalytical applications.
Conventional diagnostics tests and technologies typically allow only a single analysis and result per test. The aim of this study was to propose robust and multiplex array-inwell test platforms based on oligonucleotide and protein arrays combining the advantages of simple instrumentation and upconverting phosphor (UCP) reporter technology. The UCPs are luminescent lanthanide-doped crystals that have a unique capability to convert infrared radiation into visible light. No autofluorescence is produced from the sample under infrared excitation enabling the development of highly sensitive assays. In this study, an oligonucleotide array-in-well hybridization assay was developed for the detection and genotyping of human adenoviruses. The study provided a verification of the advantages and potential of the UCP-based reporter technology in multiplex assays as well as anti-Stokes photoluminescence detection with a new anti- Stokes photoluminescence imager. The developed assay was technically improved and used to detect and genotype adenovirus types from clinical specimens. Based on the results of the epidemiological study, an outbreak of adenovirus type B03 was observed in the autumn of 2010. A quantitative array-in-well immunoassay was developed for three target analytes (prostate specific antigen, thyroid stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone). In this study, quantitative results were obtained for each analyte and the analytical sensitivities in buffer were in clinically relevant range. Another protein-based array-inwell assay was developed for multiplex serodiagnostics. The developed assay was able to detect parvovirus B19 IgG and adenovirus IgG antibodies simultaneously from serum samples according to reference assays. The study demonstrated that the UCPtechnology is a robust detection method for diverse multiplex imaging-based array-inwell assays.
In this thesis, the contact resistance of graphene devices was investigated because high contact resistance is detrimental to the performance of graphene field-effect transistors (GFET). Method for increasing so-called edge-contact area was applied in device fabrication process, as few nanometers thick Ni layer was used as a catalytic etchant during the annealing process. Finally, Ni was also used as a metal for contact. GFETs were fabricated using electron beam lithography using graphene fabricated by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Critical part of the fabrication process was to preserve the high quality of the graphene channel while etching the graphene at contact areas with Ni during the annealing. This was achieved by optimizing the combination of temperature and gas flows. The structural properties of graphene were studied using scanning electron microscopy, scanning confocal μ-Raman spectroscopy and optical microscopy. Evaluation of electric transport properties including contact resistance was carried out by transmission line method and four-probe method. The lowest contact resistance found was about at 350 Ωμm. In addition, different methods to transfer CVD graphene synthesized on copper were studied. Typical method using PMMA as a supporting layer leaves some residues after its removal, thus effecting on the performance of a graphene devices. In a metal assisted transfer method, metal is used as an interfacial layer between PMMA and graphene. This allows more effective removal of PMMA. However, Raman spectra of graphene transferred by metal assisted method showed somewhat lower quality than the PMMA assisted method