5 resultados para Catherine, of Alexandria, Saint.

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Avhandlingen undersöker Filon av Alexandrias (ca. 20 f.Kr. - 50 e.Kr.) ståndpunkt gällande reinkarnationsläran. Från 1600-talet och framåt var den rådande uppfattningen att den judiske bibeltolkaren godkände läran. Sedan 1800-talet har det dock rått delade meningar bland de forskare som har tagit ställning i frågan och två grupper med sinsemellan motsägande svar har bildats. Gemensamt för dessa två grupper är emellertid att deras åsikter inte är baserade på forskning speciellt i den här frågan. Yli-Karjanmaas avhandling fyller det tomrummet. Filons hänvisningar till de ofullkomliga själarnas öde efter döden är mycket sällsynta, vilket leder till att man nödgas ta i beaktande alla tillgängliga indirekta bevis, det vill säga Filons antropologiska, etiska och soteriologiska åsikter. Avhandlingen kommer fram till att dessa åsikter är sådana att de – trots enstaka textavsnitt som verkar medge en motsatt tolkning – gott och väl kan omfatta reinkarnationsläran. Filons dualistiska människosyn, hans fullkomligt immateriella förståelse av frälsningen samt det faktum att han stöder sig på Platons åsikter och tillämpar dennes texter om reinkarnation är alla tecken på detta. Yli-Karjanmaa granskar fyra textavsnitt som direkta bevis (Somn. 1.137–139, Cher. 114, QE 2.40 och fragment 7.3 i Harris samling), och konklusionen blir att Filon i dem alla talar om reinkarnation och att han gör så med godkännande. Sålunda överensstämmer resultaten av granskningen av både de indirekta och de direkta bevisen, och leder till slutsatsen att Filon omfattade reinkarnationsläran. Författaren tillämpar denna slutsats på ett betydligt större antal texter av Filon, i avsikt att reflektera över de sätt på vilka Filon skriver om reinkarnation. Förtäckta hänvisningar till läran visar sig utgöra en organisk del av ett omfattande nätverk av sammanlänkade termer, begrepp, föreställningar och bilder som Filon använder för att beskriva själens resa tillbaka till den okroppsliga, eviga tillvaron med Gud, genom sin egen strävan och Guds nåd.


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The main objective of the Thesis is the description of the electricity distribution networks in Saint-Petersburg area and Stockholm as well. Main similarity and differences in the construction and technicalperformance are presented in the study. Present and future development and investment into the electricity distribution network of OJSC Lenenergo are viewed. The Thesis presents the overview of the power industry reform in Russia. The current state of the electricity distribution sector is described. The study views the participation of the foreign investor "Fortum Power and Heat Oy" inthe development and management of the OJSC Lenenergo. Benchmark comparison of the prices and tangible assets of the main electricity distribution companies in Saint-Petersburg and Stockholm areas is done.


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The main objective of this study is to assess the potential of the information technology industry in the Saint Petersburg area to become one of the new key industries in the Russian economy. To achieve this objective, the study analyzes especially the international competitiveness of the industry and the conditions for clustering. Russia is currently heavily dependent on its natural resources, which are the main source of its recent economic growth. In order to achieve good long-term economic performance, Russia needs diversification in its well-performing industries in addition to the ones operating in the field of natural resources. The Russian government has acknowledged this and started special initiatives to promote such other industries as information technology and nanotechnology. An interesting industry that is basically less than 20 years old and fast growing in Russia, is information technology. Information technology activities and markets are mainly concentrated in Russia’s two biggest cities, Moscow and Saint Petersburg, and areas around them. The information technology industry in the Saint Petersburg area, although smaller than Moscow, is especially dynamic and is gaining increasing foreign company presence. However, the industry is not yet internationally competitive as it lacks substantial and sustainable competitive advantages. The industry is also merely a potential global information technology cluster, as it lacks the competitive edge and a wide supplier and manufacturing base and other related parts of the whole information technology value system. Alone, the industry will not become a key industry in Russia, but it will, on the other hand, have an important supporting role for the development of other industries. The information technology market in the Saint Petersburg area is already large and if more tightly integrated to Moscow, they will together form a huge and still growing market sufficient for most companies operating in Russia currently and in the future. Therefore, the potential of information technology inside Russia is immense.


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The main objective of this study is to assess the potential of the information technology industry in the Saint Petersburg area to become one of the new key industries in the Russian economy. To achieve this objective, the study analyzes especially the international competitiveness of the industry and the conditions for clustering. Russia is currently heavily dependent on its natural resources, which are the main source of its recent economic growth. In order to achieve good long-term economic performance, Russia needs diversification in its well-performing industries in addition to the ones operating in the field of natural resources. The Russian government has acknowledged this and started special initiatives to promote such other industries as information technology and nanotechnology. An interesting industry that is basically less than 20 years old and fast growing in Russia, is information technology. Information technology activities and markets are mainly concentrated in Russia’s two biggest cities, Moscow and Saint Petersburg, and areas around them. The information technology industry in the Saint Petersburg area, although smaller than Moscow, is especially dynamic and is gaining increasing foreign company presence. However, the industry is not yet internationally competitive as it lacks substantial and sustainable competitive advantages. The industry is also merely a potential global information technology cluster, as it lacks the competitive edge and a wide supplier and manufacturing base and other related parts of the whole information technology value system. Alone, the industry will not become a key industry in Russia, but it will, on the other hand, have an important supporting role for the development of other industries. The information technology market in the Saint Petersburg area is already large and if more tightly integrated to Moscow, they will together form a huge and still growing market sufficient for most companies operating in Russia currently and in the future. Therefore, the potential of information technology inside Russia is immense.