17 resultados para Bloodborne Viruses

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Selostus: Maatalous- ja puutarhakasveissa havaitut virukset ja niiden merkitys Suomessa


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Hand hygiene compliance of patients receiving hemodialysis treatment is a contemporary discussion topic among health care professionals in the Nephrology Clinic of Helsinki University City Hospital. The purpose of the Final Thesis is to review patient hand hygiene in terms of risks its lack entails and based on the evidence based findings to design an end product as a poster. The poster can be utilised in the Nephrology Clinic's nursing environment to educate and motivate patients to pay specifid attention to the importance of hand hygiene. The method used was a systematic literature review. The most important evidence based findings were extracted from the chosen thirteen scientific articles. All articles were searched from the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature electronic database. The gathered information was then used to build the content of a patient education tool that for this project was defined as a Poster. The findings in this study showed that transmission of bloodborne infections, like Hepatitis B or C virus can occur through a vascular access and that the consequences of this can be very fatal. Additionally, environmental surfaces such as furniture, door knobs and dialysis machine control knobs were all possible infection sources for the patient receiving hemodialysis treatment. Adherence to good hand hygiene behaviour lowered the risk for infections. The end product of this study is a poster that is targeted to patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment. Using a health promotion agenda in the Poster, it is hoped that patients will pay more attention to the importance of hand hygiene and that they will be more motivated to use aseptic methods such as alcohol based hand rubs in the hemodialysis setting.


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Background: Community-acquired pneumonia is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children worldwide. New, rapid methods are needed to improve the microbiologic diagnosis of pneumonia in clinical practice. The increasing incidence of parapneumonic empyema in children accentuates the importance of the identification of the causative agent and clinical predictors of empyema. Aims and methods: Two prospective studies were conducted to find feasible diagnostic methods for the detection of causative agents of pneumonia. The usefulness of pneumolysin-targeted real-time PCR in the diagnosis of pneumococcal disease was studied in children with pneumonia and empyema, and the clinical utility of induced sputum analysis in the microbiologic diagnosis of pneumonia was investigated in children with pneumonia. In addition, two retrospective clinical studies were performed to describe the frequency and clinical profile of influenza pneumonia in children and the frequency, clinical profile and clinical predictors of empyema in children. Results: Pneumolysin-PCR in pleural fluid significantly improved the microbiologic diagnosis of empyema by increasing the detection rate of pneumococcus almost tenfold to that of pleural fluid culture (75 % vs. 8 %). In whole blood samples, PCR detected pneumococcus in only one child with pneumonia and one child with pneumococcal empyema. Sputum induction provided good-quality sputum specimens with high microbiologic yield. Streptococcus pneumoniae (46 %) and rhinovirus (29 %) were the most common microbes detected. The quantification results of the paired sputum and nasopharyngeal aspirate specimens provided support that the majority of the bacteria (79 %) and viruses (55 %) found in sputum originated from the lower airways. Pneumonia was detected in 14 % of children with influenza infection. A history of prolonged duration of fever, tachypnea, and pain on abdominal palpation were found to be independently significant predictors of empyema. Conclusions: Pneumolysin-targeted real-time PCR is a useful and rapid method for the diagnosis of pneumococcal empyema in children. Induced sputum analysis with paired nasopharyngeal aspirate analysis can be of clinical value in the microbiologic diagnosis of pneumonia. Influenza pneumonia is an infrequent and generally benign disease in children with rare fatalities. Repeat chest radiograph and ultrasound imaging are recommended in children with pneumonia presenting with clinical predictors of empyema and in children with persistent fever and high CRP levels during hospitalization.


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Aikuispotilaan kotisyntyisen keuhkokuumeen etiologinen diagnostiikka mikrobiologisilla pikamenetelmillä Tausta. Keuhkokuume on vakava sairaus, johon sairastuu Suomessa vuosittain n. 60 000 aikuista. Huolimatta siitä, että taudin hoito on kehittynyt, siihen liittyy yhä merkittävä, 6-15%:n kuolleisuus. Alahengitystieinfektion aiheuttajamikrobien tunnistaminen on myös edelleen haasteellista. Tavoitteet. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tutkia Turun yliopistollisessa keskussairaalassa hoidettujen aikuispotilaiden keuhkokuumeen etiologiaa sekä selvittää uusien mikrobiologisten pikamenetelmi¬en hyödyllisyyttä taudinaiheuttajan toteamisessa. Aineisto. Osatöiden I ja III aineisto koostui 384 Turun yliopistollisen keskussairaalaan infektio-osastolla hoidetusta keuhkokuumepotilaasta. Osatyössä I tutkittiin keuhkokuumeen aiheuttaja¬mikrobeja käyttämällä perinteisten menetelmien lisäksi antigeeniosoitukseen ja PCR-tekniikkaan perustuvia pikamenetelmiä. Osatyö II käsitti 231 potilaasta koostuvan alaryhmän, jossa tutkittiin potilaiden nielun limanäytteestä rinovirusten ja enterovirusten esiintyvyyttä. Osatyössä III potilailta tutkittiin plasman C-reaktiivisen proteiinin (CRP) pitoisuus ensimmäisten viiden sairaalahoitopäi¬vän aikana. Laajoja tilastotieteellisiä analyysejä käyttämällä selvitettiin CRP:n käyttökelpoisuutta sairauden vaikeusasteen arvioinnissa ja komplikaatioiden kehittymisen ennustamisessa. Osatyössä IV 68 keuhkokuumepotilaan sairaalaan tulovaiheessa otetuista näytteistä määritettiin neutrofiilien pintareseptorien ekspressio. Osatyössä V analysoitiin sisätautien vuodeosastoilla vuosina 1996-2000 keuhkokuumepotilaille tehtyjen keuhkohuuhtelunäytteiden laboratoriotutkimustulokset. Tulokset. Keuhkokuumeen aiheuttaja löytyi 209 potilaalta, aiheuttajamikrobeja löydettiin kaikkiaan 230. Näistä aiheuttajista 135 (58.7%) löydettiin antigeenin osoituksella tai PCR-menetelmillä. Suu¬rin osa, 95 (70.4%), todettiin pelkästään kyseisillä pikamenetelmillä. Respiratorinen virus todettiin antigeeniosoituksella 11.1% keuhkokuumepotilaalla. Eniten respiratorisia viruksia löytyi vakavaa keuhkokuumetta sairastavilta potilailta (20.3%). 231 keuhkokuumepotilaan alaryhmässä todettiin PCR-menetelmällä picornavirus 19 (8.2%) potilaalla. Respiratorinen virus löytyi tässä potilasryh¬mässä kaiken kaikkiaan 47 (20%) potilaalta. Näistä 17:llä (36%) löytyi samanaikaisesti bakteerin aiheuttama infektio. CRP-tasot olivat sairaalaan tulovaiheessa merkitsevästi korkeammat vakavaa keuhkokuumetta (PSI-luokat III-V) sairastavilla potilailla kuin lievää keuhkokuumetta (PSI-luokat I-II) sairastavilla potilailla (p <0.001). Yli 100 mg/l oleva CRP-taso neljän päivän kuluttua sairaa¬laan tulosta ennusti keuhkokuumeen komplikaatiota tai huonoa hoitovastetta. Neutrofiilien komple¬menttireseptorin ekspressio oli pneumokokin aiheuttamaa keuhkokuumetta sairastavilla merkitse¬västi korkeampi kuin influenssan aiheuttamaa keuhkokuumetta sairastavilla. BAL-näytteistä vain yhdessä 71:stä (1.3%) todettiin diagnostinen bakteerikasvu kvantitatiivisessa viljelyssä. Uusilla menetelmilläkin keuhkokuumeen aiheuttaja löytyi vain 9.8% BAL-näytteistä. Päätelmät. Uusilla antigeeniosoitus- ja PCR-menetelmillä keuhkokuumeen etiologia voidaan saada selvitettyä nopeasti. Lisäksi näitä menetelmiä käyttämällä taudin aiheuttajamikrobi löytyi huomattavasti suuremmalta osalta potilaista kuin pelkästään tavanomaisia menetelmiä käyttämällä. Pikamenetelmien hyödyllisyys vaihteli taudin vaikeusasteen mukaan. Respiratorinen virus löytyi huomattavan usein keuhkokuumetta sairastavilta potilailta, ja näiden potilaiden taudinkuva oli usein vaikea. Tulovaiheen korkeaa CRP-tasoa voidaan käyttää lisäkeinona arvioitaessa keuhkokuumeen vaikeutta. CRP on erityisen hyödyllinen arvioitaessa hoitovastetta ja riskiä komplikaatioiden ke¬hittymiseen. Neutrofiilien komplementtireseptorin ekspression tutkiminen näyttää lupaavalta pi¬kamenetelmältä erottamaan bakteerien ja virusten aiheuttamat taudit toisistaan. Antimikrobihoitoa saavilla potilailla BAL-tutkimuksen löydökset olivat vähäiset ja vaikuttivat hoitoon vain harvoin.


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The aim of this study was to investigate herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)- and measles virus (MV)-induced cell death. HSV-1 with deletion in genes encoding infected cell protein (ICP)4 and protein kinase Us3 (d120) induced apoptosis and cathepsin activation in epithelial (HEp-2) and monocytic (U937) cells. Inhibition of cathepsin activity decreased the amount of d120-induced apoptosis indicating that d120-induced apoptosis could be cathepsin-mediated. Also, HSV-1 infection increased caspase activation suggesting that d120-induced apoptosis is probably caspase-mediated. Cystatin treatment decreased the activity of cathepsins and the replication of HSV-1 indicating that cathepsins contribute to HSV-1 infection. Interestingly, d120 induced also necroptosis in monocytic cells. This is the first report on necroptosis in HSV-1- infected cells. MV induced apoptosis in uninfected bystander T lymphocytes, probably via interaction of MV-infected monocytes with uninfected lymphocytes. The expression of death receptor Fas was clearly increased on the surface of lymphocytes. The number of apoptotic cells and the activation of cathepsins and caspases were increased in MVinfected U937 cells suggesting that MV-induced apoptosis could be cathepsin- and caspase-mediated. Cystatin treatment inhibited cathepsin activities but not MV-induced apoptosis. Besides HSV-1-induced apoptosis, innate immune responses were studied in HSV-1-infection. HSV-1 viruses with either ICP4 and Us3, or Us3 deletion only, increased the expression of Toll-like receptor (TLR)3 and stimulated its downstream pathways leading to increased expression of type I interferon gene and to functional interferons. These findings suggest that besides controlling apoptosis, HSV-1 ICP4 and Us3 genes are involved in the control of TLR3 response in infected cell.


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Gene therapy aims to treat diseases by introducing genetic material to the diseased tissue. For cancer treatment it is important to destroy cancerous cells; this can be achieved by introducing a gene, which induces cell death or by allowing viral vectors to replicate, which also results in destruction of cancerous cells. For cardiac diseases the approach is more like the former, except the gene produces beneficial effects, like angiogenesis. Adenoviruses have many beneficial qualities, which make the virus an interesting gene therapy vector; it can be produced relatively easily, its manipulation is quite easy and it has naturally broad tropism. By removing or replacing certain genes in the adenoviral genome, it can be made non-replicative. In this study, adenoviral receptor expression patterns were characterized in both head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and the human heart. Adenovirus serotype 5 receptor expression in head and neck cancer cell lines was found to be highly variable between cell lines and overall at lower levels, while Ad35 receptor expression was more uniform and at higher levels in all analyzed cell lines. It was also shown that a hybrid virus Ad5/35 is able to infect cells refractory to Ad5, which correlates with receptor expression in these cells. Furthermore, this difference in infection properties extends to cell killing efficiency in case of conditionally replicative viruses. Expression levels of adenoviral receptors CAR, CD46, CD86 and αv-integrins were found to be high both in normal and dilated cardiomyopathy heart tissue. The receptor levels also correlate with transduction efficiency after intracardiac injection. Ad5 showed superior transduction ability compared with Ad5/35, but evoked also a more profound immune reaction when administered this way. Adenoviral gene therapy vectors are the most used delivery vehicles in clinical trials to date. These vectors have proven to be well tolerated and positive results have been obtained when combined with traditional treatments, although poor transduction efficiency has often been reported due to low-level expression of viral receptors on target cells. In spite of this, the results are encouraging and merit for further research.


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The incidence of malignant melanoma of the skin has been steadily rising worldwide during the past decades. Most early detected primary tumors can be removed surgically and the prognosis is good. However, at the same time there still is no permanent cure for metastatic melanoma and its prognosis is poor, although lately new effective drugs have emerged. In this thesis, four different approaches of experimental therapy for metastatic melanoma were studied. Endogenous cis-Urocanic acid (UCA) is found in every individual’s skin, where exposure to UV light from the sun generates it from its inactive trans conformation. Cis- UCA was found to destroy malignant melanoma cells in culture under an acidified pH and sufficient concentration through caspase-3 mediated apoptosis. Furthermore, cis-UCA is able to considerably diminish the growth rate in human melanoma tumors on living SCID mice. Using replication-competent Semliki Forest viruses, human melanoma tumors grown in SCID mice were dramatically shrunken as the fulminant production of viruses in melanoma cells leads them to apoptosis within 72 hours. Small oligopeptides attaching to melanoma cells were identified using in vivo phage display. The melanoma-specific peptides found were further tested in vitro on adenoviruses. Ultimately, the adenoviral retargeting using the peptides was tested in vivo. One peptide homed to human transferring receptor upregulated on melanoma cells. In order to kill the malignant melanoma cells with the retargeted adenoviruses, the viruses should carry genetic material producing apoptotic proteins in the cancer tissue. TIMP-3 has been identified as a good candidate for such a protein, as it inhibits malignant cell adhesion as well as promotes apoptosis through a caspase-8 pathway. It is further shown here that adenovirally delivered TIMP-3 is even more potent, as it could kill non-adherent cancer cells, lacking the fully functional death receptor signalling pathway. Adenovirally delivered TIMP-2 also showed marked antitumor effects in human malignant melanoma xenografts on SCID mice both in ex vivo and systemic delivery.


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Diplomityö tehtiin Suomen Sokeri Oy:n vesilaitokselle Vihreän Kemian laboratoriossa. Prosessia tarkasteltiin saostuksen osalta ja tavoitteena oli sen kehittäminen esihapetusmenetelmän tai saostuskemikaalin vaihdon avulla. Tarkastelu tehtiin orgaanisen, kiintoaineksen ja metallien poiston, desinfiointitehon sekä ympäristöystävällisyyden osalta. Potentiaalisia esihapetusmenetelmiä (kaliumpermanganaatti, vetyperoksidi, valokemiallinen, H2O2/UV, valokatalyyttinen, TiO2/UV, H2O2/ultraääni sekä esihapetus peretikkahapolla) tarkasteltiin eri pitoisuuksilla ja tehoilla laboratoriomittakaavassa jar-testin avulla. Saostustehoa testattiin alumiinikloridilla ja ferrisulfaatilla. Raakaveden laadun muutoksia eri vaiheissa seurattiin laboratorioanalyysein. Hapetusmenetelmien desinfiointiteho, vaikutukset syanobakteereihin ja -toksiineihin sekä reaktioissa syntyvät sivutuotteet kartoitettiin teorian perusteella. Työn tuloksien perusteella kaliumpermanganatti, vetyperoksidi erityisesti kehittyneenä hapetustekniikkana sekä valokatalyyttinen menetelmä tehostivat vedenkäsittelyä, mutta koska TiO2/UV- tai ultraäänihapetukselle ei ole vielä olemassa kaupallista sovellusta laitosmittakaavassa niin suositeltavat menetelmät ovat KMnO4- ja H2O2(/UV)-hapetukset jatkotutkimussuositukset huomioiden. Peretikkahappo ei tämän tutkimuksen perusteella vaikuttanut suositeltavalta hapetusmenetelmältä, mutta sen sijaan teorian perusteella potentiaaliselta desinfektioaineelta myös talousvedenpuhdistukseen. Opinnäytetyötä eri hapetusmenetelmien osalta talousvedelle ei ole aiemmin tehty eikä peretikkahappohapetuksesta ole laajalti aiempaa tutkimustietoa. Kokeellisen osuuden tulokset antavat uutta tietoa menetelmien soveltuvuudesta vastaaville laitoksille.


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The conventional activated sludge processes (CAS) for the treatment of municipal wastewater are going to be outdated gradually due to more stringent environmental protection laws and regulations. The Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) are the most promising modern technology widely accepted in the world of wastewater treatment due to their highly pronounced features such as high quality effluent, less foot print and working under high MLSS concentration. This research project was carried out to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of MBR technology compare to the CAS process based on the scientific facts and results. The pilot scale MBR pilot plant was run for more than 150 days and the analysis results were evaluated. The prime focus of the project was to evaluate the correlation of permeate flux under different operating MLSS concentrations. The permeate flux was found almost constant regardless of variations in MLSS concentrations. The removal of micropollutant such as heavy metals, PCPPs, PFCs, steroidal hormones was also studied. The micropollutant removal performance of MBR process was found relatively effective than CAS process. Furthermore, the compatibility of submerged membranes within the bioreactor had truly reduced the process footprint.


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Living organisms manage their resources in well evolutionary-preserved manner to grow and reproduce. Plants are no exceptions, beginning from their seed stage they have to perceive environmental conditions to avoid germination at wrong time or rough soil. Under favourable conditions, plants invest photosynthetic end products in cell and organ growth to provide best possible conditions for generation of offspring. Under natural conditions, however, plants are exposed to a multitude of environmental stress factors, including high light and insufficient light, drought and flooding, various bacteria and viruses, herbivores, and other plants that compete for nutrients and light. To survive under environmental challenges, plants have evolved signaling mechanisms that recognise environmental changes and perform fine-tuned actions that maintain cellular homeostasis. Controlled phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of proteins plays an important role in maintaining balanced flow of information within cells. In this study, I examined the role of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) on plant growth and acclimation under optimal and stressful conditions. To this aim, I studied gene expression profiles, proteomes and protein interactions, and their impacts on plant health and survival, taking advantage of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and the mutant approach. Special emphasis was made on two highly similar PP2A-B regulatory subunits, B’γ and B’ζ. Promoters of B’γ and B’ζ were found to be similarly active in the developing tissues of the plant. In mature leaves, however, the promoter of B’γ was active in patches in leaf periphery, while the activity of B’ζ promoter was evident in leaf edges. The partially overlapping expression patterns, together with computational models of B’γ and B’ζ within trimeric PP2A holoenzymes suggested that B’γ and B’ζ may competitively bind into similar PP2A trimmers and thus influence each other’s actions. Arabidopsis thaliana pp2a-b’γ and pp2a-b’γζ double mutants showed dwarfish phenotypes, indicating that B’γ and B’ζ are needed for appropriate growth regulation under favorable conditions. However, while pp2a-b’γ displayed constitutive immune responses and appearance of premature yellowings on leaves, the pp2a-b’γζ double mutant supressed these yellowings. More detailed analysis of defense responses revealed that B’γ and B’ζ mediate counteracting effects on salicylic acid dependent defense signalling. Associated with this, B’γ and B’ζ were both found to interact in vivo with CALCIUM DEPENDENT PROTEIN KINASE 1 (CPK1), a crucial element of salicylic acid signalling pathway against pathogens in plants. In addition, B’γ was shown to modulate cellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) metabolism by controlling the abundance of ALTERNATIVE OXIDASE 1A and 1D in mitochondria. PP2A B’γ and B’ζ subunits turned out to play crucial roles in the optimization of plant choices during their development. Taken together, PP2A allows fluent responses to environmental changes, maintenance of plant homeostasis, and grant survivability with minimised cost of redirection of resources from growth to defence.


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Antiviral nucleosides are compounds that are used against viruses, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV). To act as therapeutic agent, the antiviral nucleoside needs to be phosphorylated to nucleotide in the body in three consecutive phosphorylation steps by cellular or viral enzymes. The first phosphorylation to the nucleoside monophosphate is often inefficient and leads to poor antiviral activity. The antiviral efficacy can be improved by applying a prodrug strategy and delivering the antiviral nucleoside directly as its monophosphate. In prodrug strategies of antiviral nucleotides, the negative charges on the phosphate moiety are temporarily masked with protecting groups. Once inside the cell, the protecting groups are removed by enzymatic or chemical processes. Many prodrug strategies apply biodegradable protecting groups, the removal of which is triggered by esterase enzymes. Several studies have, however, demonstrated that the removal rate of the second and subsequent esterase labile protecting groups significantly slows down after the first protecting group is removed due to the negative charge on the phosphodiester intermediate, which disturbs the catalytic site of the enzyme. In this thesis, esterase labile protecting group strategies where the issue of retardation could be avoided were studied. Prodrug candidates of antiviral nucleotides were synthesized and kinetic studies on the chemical and enzymatic stability were carried out. In the synthesized compounds, the second protecting group is cleaved from the monophosphate some other mechanism than esterase triggered activation or the structure of prodrug requires only one protecting group. In addition, esterase labile protecting group which is additionally thermally removable was studied. This protecting group was cleaved from oligomeric phosphodiesters both enzymatically and thermally and seems most attractive of the studied phosphate protecting groups. However, the rate of the thermal removal still is too slow to allow efficient protection of longer oligonucleotides and needs optimization. Key words: antiviral, nucleotide, prodrug, protecting group, biodegradable