10 resultados para Auditor opinion
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää millainen on luotettava kirjanpito, ja kuinka tilintarkastaja ja verotarkastaja varmistavat kirjanpidon luotettavuuden. Tutkimusmetodologiana käytetään käsiteanalyyttista tutkimusotetta. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan, kuinka kirjanpito ja tilinpaatos muodostuvat lakien ja hyvän kirjanpitotavan säätelemänä. Tilinpäätöksen tulee antaa oikeat ja riittävät tiedot yrityksen toiminnan tuloksesta ja taloudellisesta asemasta. Luotettava kirjanpito on ajanmukaista ja täydellistä. Se pitää yrityksen liiketapahtumat erillään yrityksen sidosryhmien liiketapahtumista ja omaisuudesta, täyttää todennettavuuden vaatimukset ja on laadittu sekä varovaisuuden periaatetta että kaikkia muita kirjanpidon yleisiä periaatteita noudattaen. Tilintarkastaja ja verotarkastaja tarkastavat kirjanpidon luotettavuutta. Jokaisella osakeyhtiöllä on velvollisuus toimittaa tilintarkastus. Verotarkastusta ei pystytä toimittamaan kaikissa yhtiöissä jälkiverotusaikana, vaan verotarkastuksella on voimakas virheitä ennaltaehkäisevä vaikutus. Tilintarkastuskertomus on julkinen asiakirja. Yrityksen kaikki sidosryhmät voivat hyödyntää tilintarkastajan lausuntoja. Verotarkastus palvelee lähinnä verotusta. Tilintarkastajan tulee noudattaa työssään hyvää tilintarkastustapaa, verotarkastajan hyvää verotarkastustapaa.
In this thesis we study the field of opinion mining by giving a comprehensive review of the available research that has been done in this topic. Also using this available knowledge we present a case study of a multilevel opinion mining system for a student organization's sales management system. We describe the field of opinion mining by discussing its historical roots, its motivations and applications as well as the different scientific approaches that have been used to solve this challenging problem of mining opinions. To deal with this huge subfield of natural language processing, we first give an abstraction of the problem of opinion mining and describe the theoretical frameworks that are available for dealing with appraisal language. Then we discuss the relation between opinion mining and computational linguistics which is a crucial pre-processing step for the accuracy of the subsequent steps of opinion mining. The second part of our thesis deals with the semantics of opinions where we describe the different ways used to collect lists of opinion words as well as the methods and techniques available for extracting knowledge from opinions present in unstructured textual data. In the part about collecting lists of opinion words we describe manual, semi manual and automatic ways to do so and give a review of the available lists that are used as gold standards in opinion mining research. For the methods and techniques of opinion mining we divide the task into three levels that are the document, sentence and feature level. The techniques that are presented in the document and sentence level are divided into supervised and unsupervised approaches that are used to determine the subjectivity and polarity of texts and sentences at these levels of analysis. At the feature level we give a description of the techniques available for finding the opinion targets, the polarity of the opinions about these opinion targets and the opinion holders. Also at the feature level we discuss the various ways to summarize and visualize the results of this level of analysis. In the third part of our thesis we present a case study of a sales management system that uses free form text and that can benefit from an opinion mining system. Using the knowledge gathered in the review of this field we provide a theoretical multi level opinion mining system (MLOM) that can perform most of the tasks needed from an opinion mining system. Based on the previous research we give some hints that many of the laborious market research tasks that are done by the sales force, which uses this sales management system, can improve their insight about their partners and by that increase the quality of their sales services and their overall results.
Dedicated to: Jacobus Benzelius, Theodorus Ankarcrona, Matthias Grunerus, Olaus Thorin, Andreas Backman, Martinus Jonae Friberg, Carolus Gustavus Hallman, Andreas Sylvanus, Daniel P. Mansnerus, Daniel Lindqvist.
Dedicated to: Joanni Steuchio, Johanni Brauner, Stenoni Carolo Bielke, Maurits Wilhelm Nisbeth, Erico Klint, Gideoni Bille, Petro Bergdahl, Gudmundo Rothovio.
Tutkimuksessa selvitetään tilintarkastajien kokemuksia ja havaintoja kansainvälisen tilintarkastusstandardi ISA 570 vaikutuksista tilintarkastusraportointiin ja taustatekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat tilintarkastajan toiminnan jatkuvuudesta lausumiseen. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdytään tilintarkastuksen ja toiminnan jatkuvuuden aiempaan kirjallisuuteen ja tutkimukseen. Toiminnan jatkuvuutta tarkastellaan tilintarkastajan näkökulmasta huomioiden aihealueen lait ja säädökset sekä siihen liittyvät tilintarkastuksen teoriat kuten päämies- agentti- teoria. Empiirisessä osiossa tutkitaan haastattelututkimuksella mitkä kaikki tekijät vaikuttavat tilintarkastajan lausuntoon tai lausumattomuuteen toiminnan jatkuvuudesta. Aineisto kerättiin haastattelututkimuksella keväällä 2013. Tutkimuksessa nousi esiin, että taloudellisten aikojen heikentyminen ja yleisen huomion keskittyminen tilintarkastusvastuisiin ovat vaikuttaneet tilintarkastajan toiminnan jatkuvuutta koskevaan lausuntoon enemmän kuin aikaisemmat oikeudelliset tapaukset tai itse standardin ISA 570 lanseeraus vuonna 2009. Tutkimustulokset vahvistivat, että toiminnan jatkuvuuden antaminen on aina useiden tekijöiden summa, johon vaikuttaa muun muassa oikeudellisen uhan suuruus, asiakkuuden merkittävyys, tilintarkastajan etiikka ja lausunnon seuraukset. Tutkimuksessa tuli ilmi, että yleinen huomio toiminnan jatkuvuutta koskeviin asioihin on lisääntynyt eri sidosryhmien kuten rahoittajien toimesta.
Auditor independence is a cornerstone of the auditing profession and the basic principle that underpins the reputation of the auditing profession in the public eye. Indeed, it is the attribute most demanded from auditors by the public. Therefore, the sustainability of the auditing profession depends on how auditors can protect this principle. This dissertation consists of four interrelated essays concerned with auditor independence. Specifically, it examines situations that can threaten and impair auditor independence. In addition, this dissertation also examines several variables that may enhance and protect auditor independence. The first essay aims to examine the impact of social pressures occurring within audit firms on auditors’ judgment in the setting of a society with “high power distance” and “low individualism” cultural dimensions. The social pressures consisted of obedience pressure exerted by an auditor’s superior and conformity pressure exerted by an auditor’s colleague. Moreover, two moderating variables—a multi-dimensional professional commitment and locus of control—were included as moderator variables in the relationship between the social pressures faced by auditors and their judgment. The findings show that obedience and conformity pressures influence auditor judgment. Auditors who face the social pressures will make a judgment that may be even diametrically opposite to the independence principle. The findings also indicate that a multi-dimensional professional commitment and locus of control may potentially influence auditor judgment in a situation with social pressures. The second essay aims to investigate the association of advocacy and familiarity threats caused by auditor fee dependence and auditor tenure on auditor independence based on Finnish data, law, and auditing environment. This essay was motivated by the Green Paper on Audit Policy, published by the European Commission in 2010 that questions whether the maximum fee collected from a client should be regulated and whether consecutive assignments should be limited, among others. Contrary to popular belief, this essay does not find evidence that audit fees and long auditor tenure will jeopardise auditor independence. Therefore, the findings do not support policies to regulate auditor fees or limit auditor tenure in Finland. The third essay aims to examine the effect of client intimidation on auditor independence in an audit-client conflict situation. Intimidation threat is one of five independence threats that are explicitly referenced in the IFAC’s independence framework. Client intimidation was manifested in the client threatening to replace the auditor if the auditor did not adopt the client’s position. In addition, this essay examines the role of auditor’s perceived pressure and multi-dimensions of professional commitment as moderator variables. The findings suggest that auditors who experience client intimidation in an audit conflict situation are more likely to have their independence impaired than those who are in a similar situation but without client intimidation. Moreover, auditors who experience client intimidation perceive higher pressure than those who do not experience intimidation. Finally, auditors’ affective and continuance professional commitment dimensions moderate the relationship between auditors’ perceived pressures and auditor independence. The aim of the fourth essay is twofold. First, it aims to develop a scale for measuring auditors’ reputation awareness. Second, it aims to examine the correlation between the levels of auditor reputation awareness and auditor independence. A seven-item scale was developed as the reputation awareness scale. The findings indicate that the scale consists of one dimension. It also has a level of satisfactory reliability and a high level of validity. The findings show that there is a positive correlation between the level of auditors’ reputation awareness and auditor independence.