7 resultados para Artificial satellites in surveying

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Whenever a spacecraft is launched it is essential that the algorithms in the on-board software systems and at ground control are efficient and reliable over extended periods of time. Geometric numerical integrators, and in particular variational integrators, have both these characteristics. In "Numerics of Spacecraft Dynamics" new numerical integrators are presented and analysed in depth. These algorithms have been designed specifically for the dynamics of spacecraft and artificial satellites in Earth orbits. Full analytical solutions to a class of integrable deformations of the two-body problem in classical mechanics are derived, and a systematic method to compute variational integrators to arbitrary order with a computer algebra system is introduced.


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Diplomityossa kartoitetaan Visualisointiympäristön rakentamiseen ja toteuttamiseen soveltuvia tekniikoita. Kartoituksen perusteella laadittiin lista tarvittavista komponenteista Visualisointiympäristön toteuttamiseksi Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston konetekniikan osastolle mekatroniikan ja virtuaalisuunnittelun laboratoriolle. Työssä tarkastellaan keinotodellisuuden ulottuvuuksia ja esitellään sen hyödyntämismahdollisuuksia eri aloilla nyt ja tulevaisuudessa. Keinotodellisuuteen liittyvät tekniikat eri toteuttamistapoineen esitellaan käyttäen esimerkkeinä tällä hetkellä markkinoilla olevia tuotteita. Lopuksi arvioitiin virtuaalitekniikan kehitystä ja sen merkitystä tulevaisuudessa. Tutkimus osoittaa, etta keinotodellisuudelle löytyy runsaasti sovelluksia eri aloilla, ja edullisen PC-tekniikan kehittyessä kustannukset laskevat jatkuvasti, jolloin vähitellen keinotodellisuus yleistyy.


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Diplomityössä perehdytään konttipaikannustekniikkaan, historiaan ja useisiin tekniikoihin joilla järjestelmiä voidaan toteuttaa. Huomiota on kiinnitetty erityisesti GPS paikannukseen ja satelliittien hyödyntämiseen merkintälaskussa. Lisäksi huomiota on kiinnitetty eri anturi tyyppeihin joita tullaan tarvitsemaan. Käytännön sovelluksena työssä on toteutettu konttipaikannus järjestelmä konttitrukkiin. Työssä on tarkasteltu eri teknisiä mahdollisuuksia ja niiden yhdistämistä niin, että saadaan toimiva sovellus.


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Ceramides comprise a class of sphingolipids that exist only in small amounts in cellular membranes, but which have been associated with important roles in cellular signaling processes. The influences that ceramides have on the physical properties of bilayer membranes reach from altered thermodynamical behavior to significant impacts on the molecular order and lateral distribution of membrane lipids. Along with the idea that the membrane physical state could influence the physiological state of a cell, the membrane properties of ceramides have gained increasing interest. Therefore, membrane phenomena related to ceramides have become a subject of intense study both in cellular as well as in artificial membranes. Artificial bilayers, the so called model membranes, are substantially simpler in terms of contents and spatio-temporal variation than actual cellular membranes, and can be used to give detailed information about the properties of individual lipid species in different environments. This thesis focuses on investigating how the different parts of the ceramide molecule, i.e., the N-linked acyl chain, the long-chain sphingoid base and the membrane-water interface region, govern the interactions and lateral distribution of these lipids in bilayer membranes. With the emphasis on ceramide/sphingomyelin(SM)-interactions, the relevance of the size of the SMhead group for the interaction was also studied. Ceramides with methylbranched N-linked acyl chains, varying length sphingoid bases, or methylated 2N (amide-nitrogen) and 3O (C3-hydroxyl) at the interface region, as well as SMs with decreased head group size, were synthesized and their bilayer properties studied by calorimetric and fluorescence spectroscopic techniques. In brief, the results showed that the packing of the ceramide acyl chains was more sensitive to methyl-branching in the mid part than in the distal end of the N-linked chain, and that disrupting the interfacial structure at the amide-nitrogen, as opposed to the C3-hydroxyl, had greater effect on the interlipid interactions of ceramides. Interestingly, it appeared that the bilayer properties of ceramides could be more sensitive to small alterations in the length of the long-chain base than what was previously reported for the N-linked acyl chain. Furthermore, the data indicated that the SM-head group does not strongly influence the interactions between SMs and ceramides. The results in this thesis illustrate the pivotal role of some essential parts of the ceramide molecules in determining their bilayer properties. The thesis provides increased understanding of the molecular aspects of ceramides that possibly affect their functions in biological membranes, and could relate to distinct effects on cell physiology.